125 resultados para Layouts
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industrial
Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes have been grown using Ni as catalyst by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition system (PECVD) in various pre-patterned substrates. Ni was thermally evaporated on silicon substrates with anodized alumina mask prepared in different methods including 2 step anodization of porous alumina template and interference lithography assisted array of pores. The templates helped to define Ni nanodots inside the pores which in turn catalyzed the growth of carbon nanotubes inside the PECVD system at temperature of 700-750C using mixture of ammonia and acetylene gases. The resulting well-aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes were further investigated using SEM, TEM and Raman spectroscopy. The size, shape and structure of the grown carbon nanotubes were also discussed.
This paper investigates urban canopy layers (UCL) ventilation under neutral atmospheric condition with the same building area density (λp=0.25) and frontal area density (λf=0.25) but various urban sizes, building height variations, overall urban forms and wind directions. Turbulent airflows are first predicted by CFD simulations with standard k-ε model evaluated by wind tunnel data. Then air change rates per hour (ACH) and canopy purging flow rate (PFR) are numerically analyzed to quantify the rate of air exchange and the net ventilation capacity induced by mean flows and turbulence. With a parallel approaching wind (θ=0o), the velocity ratio first decreases in the adjustment region, followed by the fully-developed region where the flow reaches a balance. Although the flow quantities macroscopically keep constant, however ACH decreases and overall UCL ventilation becomes worse if urban size rises from 390m to 5km. Theoretically if urban size is infinite, ACH may reach a minimum value depending on local roof ventilation, and it rises from 1.7 to 7.5 if the standard deviation of building height variations increases (0% to 83.3%). Overall UCL ventilation capacity (PFR) with a square overall urban form (Lx=Ly=390m) is better as θ=0o than oblique winds (θ=15o, 30o, 45o), and it exceeds that of a staggered urban form under all wind directions (θ=0o to 45o), but is less than that of a rectangular urban form (Lx=570m, Ly=270m) under most wind directions (θ=30o to 90o). Further investigations are still required to quantify the net ventilation efficiency induced by mean flows and turbulence.
Cool materials are characterized by having a high solar reflectance r – which is able to reduce heat gains during daytime - and a high thermal emissivity ε that enables them to dissipate the heat absorbed throughout the day during night. Despite the concept of cool roofs - i.e. the application of cool materials to roof surfaces - is well known in US since 1990s, many studies focused on their performance in both residential and commercial sectors under various climatic conditions for US countries, while only a few case studies are analyzed in EU countries. The present work aims at analyzing the thermal benefits due to their application to existing office buildings located in EU countries. Indeed, due to their weight in the existing buildings stock, as well as the very low rate of new buildings construction, the retrofit of office buildings is a topic of great concern worldwide. After an in-depth characterization of the existing buildings stock in the EU, the book gives an insight into roof energy balance due to different technological solutions, showing in which cases and to what extent cool roofs are preferable. A detailed description of the physical properties of cool materials and their availability on the market provides a solid background for the parametric analysis carried out by means of detailed numerical models that aims at evaluating cool roofs performance for various climates and office buildings configurations. With the help of dynamic simulations, the thermal behavior of representative office buildings of the existing EU buildings stock is assessed in terms of thermal comfort and energy needs for air conditioning. The results, which consider several variations of building features that may affect the resulting energy balance, show how cool roofs are an effective strategy for reducing overheating occurrences and thus improving thermal comfort in any climate. On the other hand, potential heating penalties due to a reduction in the incoming heat fluxes through the roof are taken into account, as well as the aging process of cool materials. Finally, an economic analysis of the best performing models shows the boundaries for their economic convenience.
Nonparametric simple-contrast estimates for one-way layouts based on Hodges-Lehmann estimators for two samples and confidence intervals for all contrasts involving only two treatments are found in the literature.Tests for such contrasts are performed from the distribution of the maximum of the rank sum between two treatments. For random block designs, simple contrast estimates based on Hodges-Lehmann estimators for one sample are presented. However, discussions concerning the significance levels of more complex contrast tests in nonparametric statistics are not well outlined.This work aims at presenting a methodology to obtain p-values for any contrast types based on the construction of the permutations required by each design model using a C-language program for each design type. For small samples, all possible treatment configurations are performed in order to obtain the desired p-value. For large samples, a fixed number of random configurations are used. The program prompts the input of contrast coefficients, but does not assume the existence or orthogonality among them.In orthogonal contrasts, the decomposition of the value of the suitable statistic for each case is performed and it is observed that the same procedure used in the parametric analysis of variance can be applied in the nonparametric case, that is, each of the orthogonal contrasts has a chi(2) distribution with one degree of freedom. Also, the similarities between the p-values obtained for nonparametric contrasts and those obtained through approximations suggested in the literature are discussed.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
"In cooperation with University of California Agricultural Extension Service."
"Rev. 8, 1999."
Although the primary objective on designing a structure is to support the external loads, the achievement of an optimal layout that reduces all costs associated with the structure is an aspect of increasing interest. The problem of finding the optimal layout for bridgelike structures subjected to a uniform load is considered. The problem is formulated following a theory on economy of frame structures, using the stress volume as the objective function and including the selection of appropriate values for statically indeterminate reactions. It is solved in a function space of finite dimension instead of using a general variational approach, obtaining near-optimal solutions. The results obtained with this profitable strategy are very close to the best layouts known to date, with differences of less than 2% for the stress volume, but with a simpler layout that can be recognized in some real bridges. This strategy could be a guide to preliminary design of bridges subject to a wide class of costs.
A indústria automóvel é um dos setores mais exigentes do mercado global, por este motivo empresas como a Continental Mabor S.A, líderes de mercado, necessitam estar na linha da frente no que toca a programas de melhoria contínua e de uma gestão orientada para um crescimento rentável e sustentado. Nesta perspetiva, este estudo de dissertação tem como objetivo encontrar uma solução para a gestão de stock e FiFo (First in First out) de pneus em verde na supracitada empresa, situada em Lousado, Vila Nova de Famalicão. Este projeto de dissertação iniciou-se com uma análise e diagnóstico do processo produtivo do pneu, entre a Construção e a Vulcanização. Nesta análise, foi possível identificar vários problemas, sendo o mais crítico associado à logística interna de transporte do pneu “em curso”, de fabrico entre as fases do mesmo, Construção e Vulcanização. Devido a condicionantes estruturais e de organização, a logística interna de transporte entre estes dois sectores enfrenta estrangulamentos nos fluxos, a falta de espaço para acomodar o material em curso, problemas organizacionais de controlo e monitorização do processo produtivo, dificuldades de regulação do fluxo e localização dos carros de transporte dos pneus em verde. Face aos problemas detetados ao longo do estudo, foram analisadas várias soluções para a resolução ou minimização dos mesmos. Entre as soluções propostas salientam-se: o alargamento do sistema de transporte por tapetes rolantes GTC (Green Tire Conveying) a todos os módulos de construção. Esta solução diminui o fluxo de carros para a área da construção, descongestionando a zona próxima do sistema de carregamento automático GTAL (Green Tire Automatic Loading) na vulcanização. A implementação dum sistema Wi-Fi RFID, que permite identificar e localizar artigos em curso utilizando etiquetas inteligentes numa rede wireless, conseguindo melhorar a programação de produção e o respetivo sequenciamento. Sabendo também que a Continental se encontra numa fase de expansão, designada Projeto Route 17/20, as soluções propostas tomaram em consideração essa nova realidade futura. Assim, foram estudados e propostos novos layouts para esse atual processo. Nestes novos layouts, procurou-se uma reorganização dos processos de fabrico, bem como um redimensionamento dos espaços de parqueamento de carros de pneus verdes adequado aos volumes produtivos. De igual forma, adequou-se os espaços físicos à possível implementação de um sistema de FiFo de pneus em verde na planta fabril, quando concluída a expansão. Este trabalho de dissertação apresenta como vantagens diretas da sua implementação: gerar a menor perturbação no atual método de trabalho seguido na empresa; previsivelmente aumentar a eficiência do processo produtivo; potenciar o crescimento tecnológico programado pela empresa; e oferecer uma boa relação custo/benefício no investimento necessário. Como apreciação final, pode-se concluir que este estudo foi finalizado com sucesso, visto que as soluções propostas foram apreciadas positivamente pela Administração da Continental Mabor S.A. e estão correntemente a ser avaliadas pelo grupo.
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.