993 resultados para Job Application


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Rekrytoinnin tavoitteena on täyttää avoin tehtävä kustannustehokkaasti mahdollisimman pätevällä ja organisaatioon sopivalla henkilöllä. Ovathan henkilövoimavarat yksi yrityksen tärkeimmistä resursseista. Viimeisten vuosikymmenien aikana tapa, jolla rekrytoimme ihmisiä, on muuttunut voimakkaasti. Nykypäivänä harva yritys julkaisee työpaikkailmoituksia sanomalehdissä ja vastaanottaa työhakemuksia sähköpostitse tai kirjeitse. Rekrytointi on siirtynyt internettiin. Puhutaan sähköisestä rekrytoinnista. Tässä tutkimuksessa käsitellään sähköisen rekrytointijärjestelmän hyötyjä kuntaorganisaatioissa. Tarkastelun kohteena on KL-Kuntarekry osakeyhtiön hallinnoima sähköinen rekrytointijärjestelmä, Kuntarekry.fi -palvelu. Tutkimus toteutettiin kirjallisuuskatsauksen ja haastatteluiden muodossa. Kuntarekryn yli 200 käyttäjäorganisaatiosta tutkimukseen osallistui 6 kunta-alan organisaatiota. Työn tulokset mukailivat hyvin aikaisempien tutkimusten kanssa. Kuntarekryn avulla saavutetut hyödyt organisaatioissa olivat kustannussäästöt, rekrytoinnin nopeutuminen ja tehostuminen, pääsy laajemmille työnhakijamarkkinoille sekä hakemusten määrän kasvaminen. Lisäksi työssä havaittiin, että rekrytoinnin tehokkuuden mittaamisessa on kehitettävää.


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How to ensure that your application stands out from the crowd - advice on creating your CV, making your application, preparing for interview and getting the job!!


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Introducción: Los conductores de transporte público, están expuesto a factores de riesgo ergonómicos y de condiciones de trabajo que pueden estar asociados a la aparición de síntomas osteomusculares, afectando su estado de salud. Objetivo: evaluar los factores de riesgo ergonómico y las condiciones de trabajo asociadas a sintomatología osteomuscular en conductores de una cooperativa del sector de transporte público. Metodología: estudio de corte transversal realizado a 158 conductores. La evaluación de las condiciones de trabajo se realizó por medio de la “Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Trabajo” y para la identificación de los síntomas y factores de riesgo ergonómicos, se usó el “Cuestionario Ergopar”. Resultados: La prevalencia de los síntomas osteomusculares fue mayor en espalda lumbar (41.1%), seguida del síntoma en cuello, hombros y/o espalda dorsal (36.7%). los factores asociados significativamente con la prevalencia de síntomas osteomusculares en cuello/hombros y/o espalda dorsal fueron: edad (p= 0.04) y el movimiento que realiza el cuello y la cabeza (p= 0.039); en espalda lumbar: intensidad del esfuerzo físico (p=0.011) y la frecuencia con la que la iluminación les permitía trabajar en una postura adecuada (p=0.025); en manos y muñecas: puesto de trabajo (p= 0.019), acción que realizan con las manos (p= 0.019), peso que manipulan (p=0.028), la frecuencia de huecos, aberturas, escaleras, plataformas y desniveles (p=0.021). Conclusiones: La morbilidad osteomuscular presentó una asociación mayor con las condiciones no ergonómicas (postura, manipulación de carga, movimientos repetitivos) y condiciones de trabajo (infraestructura de vías, velocidad del trabajo, plazos y metas para realizar el trabajo).


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Population ageing is a problem that countries will have to cope with within a few years. How would changes in the social security system affect individual behaviour? We develop a multi-sectoral life-cycle model with both retirement and occupational choices to evaluate what are the macroeconomic impacts of social security reforms. We calibrate the model to match 2011 Brazilian economy and perform a counterfactual exercise of the long-run impacts of a recently adopted reform. In 2013, the Brazilian government approximated the two segregated social security schemes, imposing a ceiling on public pensions. In the benchmark equilibrium, our modelling economy is able to reproduce the early retirement claiming, the agents' stationary distribution among sectors, as well as the social security deficit and the public job application decision. In the counterfactual exercise, we find a significant reduction of 55\% in the social security deficit, an increase of 1.94\% in capital-to-output ratio, with both output and capital growing, a delay in retirement claims of public workers and a modification in the structure of agents applying to the public sector job.


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Table of Contents: Three New Species in AlaskaConserving Wildlife State by StateFocus on…Incident CommandMushing to Your New Job


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Past research has shown that the gender typicality of applicants’ faces affects leadership selection irrespective of a candidate’s gender: A masculine facial appearance is congruent with masculine-typed leadership roles, thus masculine-looking applicants are hired more certainly than feminine-looking ones. In the present study, we extended this line of research by investigating hiring decisions for both masculine- and feminine-typed professional roles. Furthermore, we used eye tracking to examine the visual exploration of applicants’ portraits. Our results indicate that masculine-looking applicants were favored for the masculine-typed role (leader) and feminine-looking applicants for the feminine-typed role (team member). Eye movement patterns showed that information about gender category and facial appearance was integrated during first fixations of the portraits. Hiring decisions, however, were not based on this initial analysis, but occurred at a second stage, when the portrait was viewed in the context of considering the applicant for a specific job.


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In this paper, we aim to prove, firstly, that the argument of the excess of complexity is not a whim. We will focous our attention on a particular and widespread case within the Tool Box, word processors, and on the most widely sold products inside this category respectively, the one a few years ago, the other at the present moment: WordStar y WordPerfect. The aspect of their complexity we are interested in is their user interface, because in the first place it is the aspect that most influences the human job.


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Despite several daunting obstacles, the low expectations and the high level of apprehension that accompanied the start of the Cyprus Presidency, Thomas Linders and Steven Blockmans find in a new CEPS Commentary that the small, remote and politically divided island nevertheless succeeded in scoring a number of positive results, thanks in part to the country’s pragmatic approach to the job and the perpetual motion of the EU legislature. As a corrective instrument to big state politics in the EU, however, the role of the Presidency remains limited. This underscores the changed nature of the rotating Presidency of the the Council of the EU since the Lisbon Treaty entered into force. Despite several daunting obstacles, the low expectations and the high level of apprehension that accompanied the start of the Cyprus Presidency, this CEPS Commentary by Thomas Linders and Steven Blockmans expresses surprise that the small, remote and politically divided island succeeded in scoring a number of positive results at all, thanks in part to the country’s pragmatic approach to the job


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When examining youth unemployment in the broader context of its contribution to total unemployment in Europe, Daniel Gros finds in this new Commentary that the problem reveals a completely different picture from the one usually presented. Extreme figures on youth unemployment in the periphery hide the fact that the number of actually unemployed is rather small given that most youth in countries like Spain or Greece are not even looking for a job.


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This project is aimed at making comparison between current existing Internet- of-Things (IoT) platforms, SensibleThings (ST) and Global Sensors Networks (GSN). Project can be served as a further work of platforms’ investigation. Comparing and learning from each other aim to contribute to the improvement of future platforms development. Detailed comparison is mainly with the respect of platform feature, communication and data present-frequency performance under stress, and platform node scalability performance on one limited device. Study is conducted through developing applications on each platform, and making measuring performance under the same condition in household network environment. So far, all these respects have had results and been concluded. Qualitatively comparing, GSN performs better in the facets of node’s swift development and deployment, data management, node subscription and connection retry mechanism. Whereas, ST is superior in respects of network package encryption, platform reliability, session initializing latency, and degree of developing freedom. In quantitative comparison, nodes on GSN has better data push pressure resistence while ST nodes works with lower session latency. In terms of data present-frequency, ST node can reach higher updating frequency than GSN node. In the aspect of node sclability on one limited device, ST nodes take the advantage in averagely lower latency than GSN node when nodes number is less than 15 on limited device. But due to sharing mechanism of GSN, on one limited device, it's nodes shows more scalable if platform nodes have similar job.


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This poster briefly describes what you should do with regards to workers compensation if you should get injured on a job.


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The present dissertation focuses on burnout and work engagement among teachers, with especial focus on the Job-Demands Resources Model: Chapter 1 focuses on teacher burnout. It aims to investigate the role of efficacy beliefs using negatively worded inefficacy items instead of positive ones and to establish whether depersonalization and cynism can be considered two different dimensions of the teacher burnout syndrome. Chapter 2 investigates the factorial validity of the instruments used to measure work engagement (i.e. Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES-17 and UWES-9). Moreover, because the current study is partly longitudinal in nature, also the stability across time of engagement can be investigated. Finally, based on cluster-analyses, two groups that differ in levels of engagement are compared as far as their job- and personal resources (i.e. possibilities for personal development, work-life balance, and self-efficacy), positive organizational attitudes and behaviours (i.e., job satisfaction and organizational citizenship behaviour) and perceived health are concerned. Chapter 3 tests the JD-R model in a longitudinal way, by integrating also the role of personal resources (i.e. self-efficacy). This chapter seeks answers to questions on what are the most important job demands, job and personal resources contributing to discriminate burned-out teachers from non-burned-out teachers, as well as engaged teachers from non-engaged teachers. Chapter 4 uses a diary study to extend knowledge about the dynamic nature of the JD-R model by considering between- and within-person variations with regard to both motivational and health impairment processes.


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Generally employment has been studied in terms of changes in the types of goods and services that the economy is purchasing. Far less attention has been given to the occupational aggregates that go into producing these goods and services. The few studies that did investigate this area found that the mix of tabour inputs appear to have been changing over time in a systematic pattern. The increasing prevalence of white-collar, information workers gave rise to the assertion that many societies had entered a post-industrial information age. Deals first of aff with some issues of measurement in the context of the Australian labour force, then looks at trends in various occupational groups using a non-standard four-sector classification of the labour force. Finally suggests an application in relation to the link between education and training and its ability to reduce structural unemployment.


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The objective of this paper is to estimate the impact of residential job accessibility on female employment probability in the metropolitan areas of Barcelona and Madrid. Following a “spatial mismatch” framework, we estimate a female employment probability equation where variables controlling for personal characteristics, residential segregation and employment potential on public transport network are included. Data used come from Microcensus 2001 of INE (National Institute of Statistics). The research focuses on the treatment of endogeneity problems and the measurement of accessibility variables. Our results show that low job accessibility in public transport negatively affects employment probability. The intensity of this effect tends to decrease with individual’s educational attainment. A higher degree of residential segregation also reduces job probability in a significant way..