997 resultados para Industrial SMEs


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This paper presents the design and results of the implementation of a model for the evaluation and improvement of maintenance management in industrial SMEs. A thorough review of the state of the art on maintenance management was conducted to determine the model variables; to characterize industrial SMEs, a questionnaire was developed with Likert variables collected in the previous step. Once validated the questionnaire, we applied the same to a group of seventy-five (75) SMEs in the industrial sector, located in Bolivar State, Venezuela. To identify the most relevant variables maintenance management, we used exploratory factor analysis technique applied to the data collected. The score obtained for all the companies evaluated (57% compliance), highlights the weakness of maintenance management in industrial SMEs, particularly in the areas of planning and continuous improvement; most SMEs are evaluated in corrective maintenance stage, and its performance standard only response to the occurrence of faults.


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El punt de partida de la tesi és cercar si hi ha una relació entre èxit de mercat i aplicació del disseny a les PIMEs catalanes. El mètode de recerca ha estat el d'estudi de enquestes.%&/Una vegada realitzat l'anàlisi s'ha provat la relació entre èxit de mercat i ús del disseny industrial a les PIMEs industrials catalanes.


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A large percentage of the industrial SMEs has an organizational structure for product development too far from the adequate practices and models, elaborated by renowned authors with expertise in the theme of product development. On the other hand, the authors state that SMEs obtain considerable advantages by adopting a model of product development process (PDP) management. Healt is one of the most innovative sectors in the world, and countries like Brazil and Colombia are transitioning from a system that cares for contagious infecttions diseases where the drug product is the main form of treatment - to a system that cares for chronic degenerative conditions - where the equipment, including hospital furniture, has more relevance to the treatment. This change is offering better opportunities of specialized markets to hospital furniture SMEs that adopt an adquate PDF model. The present study proposes a first outline of a model of PDP management for industrial metal-mechanical SMEs that develop and manufacture hospital furniture, from a review of models proposed for great mechanical area.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten pk-yritykset suunnittelevat investointinsa. Teoreettisessa osassa käsitellään investointien luokittelutapoja, investointilaskelmia, suunnitteluprosessia sekä pkt-yritysten investoinneille tyypillisiä piirteitä. Empiirinen osa muodostuu kahden case-yrityksen haastatteluista. Investointien suunnitteluprosessi on jaettu neljään vaiheeseen, jotka ovat investointialoitteen tekeminen, informaation kerääminen, vaihtoehtojen kartoittaminen ja päätöksenteko. Teoreettisen kirjallisuuden puolella korostunut investointilaskelmien merkitys ei empiirisen tutkimuksen mukaan ollut yhtä tärkeässä asemassa. Päätöksenteko tapahtuu johtotasolla. Käytännössä suunnitteluprosessi vaihtelee yritys- ja jopa investointikohtaisesti. Tämä mahdollistaa investointien joustavan käsittelyn, mutta yksittäisten investointien kannattavuuteen ei kiinnitetä kylliksi huomiota.


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Hankinta on yrityksen ulkoisten resurssien hallintaa. Organisaation ulkopuolelta hankitut resurssit muodostavat tavallisesti valtaosan kokonaiskustannuksista, joten hankintojen johtamisella on suuri merkitys yrityksen kannattavuudelle. Hankintatoimella voidaan vaikuttaa kannattavuuteen, kun se toimii yrityksen strategisella tasolla. Tämän työn tavoitteena oli kehittää malli strategisen hankintatoimen rakentamiseen teolliseen pk-yritykseen. Käsiteltäviä osa-alueita olivat hankintojen kategoriointi, hankintaorganisaation rakentaminen sekä strategisten hankintaprosessien määrittäminen ja kuvaaminen. Kuhunkin osa-alueeseen kerättiin teoreettisia ratkaisumalleja, joista kostettiin sovellettava ratkaisu. Teorian pohjalta määritettyä kategorioinnin koostamismallia sekä kategoriapohjaisen hankintaorganisaation rakennustyökalua käytettiin kohdeyrityksen strategisen hankintatoimen rakentamiseen. Prosessiosuudessa määritettiin tehtävien ja vastuiden pohjalta strategiset hankintaprosessit, joista koostettiin tavoiteprosessikuvaukset. Niiden avulla kohdeyritys tai muu mallia soveltava organisaatio voi jalkauttaa toiminnan. Prosesseissa esitetään konkreettisia työkaluja tavoiteasetannan ja mittaroinnin viemiseksi yhtenäisenä strategiatasolta operatiiviseen toimintaan. Lopputuloksena syntyi yhtenäinen, kolmivaiheinen malli strategisen hankintatoimen rakentamiseen.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kansainvälistymisteorioiden toimivuus laadittaessa kohdeyrityksen hankkimalle juustolaiteliiketoiminnalle kansainvälistymisstrategian linjaukset. Taustamateriaalina tutkittiin laajalti kohdeyrityksen näkökulmasta valittujen kansainvälistymisteorioiden esille tuomia kansainvälistymisen haasteita, edellytyksiä sekä toteuttamismuotoja. Lisäksi tutkittiin kohdeyrityksen juustolaiteliiketoiminnan historian aikana toteutuneet kansainvälistymisvaiheet ja verrattiin niitä vastaaviin kansainvälistymisteorioihin. Juustolaiteliiketoiminnan kansainvälistymistä varten haastateltiin juustoalan asiantuntijoita, juustoliiketoiminnan entisiä avainhenkilöitä sekä kohdeyrityksen johtoa ja hallituksen jäseniä. Juustomarkkinoiden laajuus ja houkuttelevuus sekä alan tärkeimmät kilpailijat analysoitiin tehdyn markkinaselvityksen avulla. Kerätyn tutkimusmateriaalin perusteella laadittiin kohdeyrityksen juustolaiteliiketoiminnalle kansainvälistymisstrategian linjaukset. Johtopäätöksenä todetaan aikaisemmin tehtyjen tunnettujen kansainvälistymisteorioiden yhdistelemisen käyttökelpoisuus tapauskohtaisesti sovellettuna useimpien teollisuudenalan pk-yritysten kansainvälistymissuunnitelmien laadinnassa. Jatkotutkimuksia ehdotetaan tehtäväksi globalisaation ja digitalisoitumisen avatessa uusia kansainvälistymismahdollisuuksia.


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Today industries and commerce in Ghana are facing enormous energy challenge. The pressure is on for industries to reduce energy consumption, lower carbon emissions and provide se-cured power supply. Industrial electric motor energy efficiency improvement is one of the most important tools to reduce global warming threat and reduce electricity bills. In order to develop a strategic industrial energy efficiency policy, it is therefore necessary to study the barriers that inhibit the implementation of cost – effective energy efficiency measures and the driving forces that promote the implementation. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the energy consumption pattern of electric motors, study factors that promote or inhibit energy efficiency improvements in EMDS and provide cost – effective solutions that improve energy efficiency to bridge the existing energy efficiency gap in the surveyed industries. The results from this thesis has revealed that, the existence of low energy efficiency in motor-driven systems in the surveyed industries were due to poor maintenance practices, absence of standards, power quality issues, lack of access to capital and limited awareness to the im-portance of energy efficiency improvements in EMDS. However, based on the results pre-sented in this thesis, a policy approach towards industrial SMEs should primarily include dis-counted or free energy audit in providing the industries with the necessary information on potential energy efficiency measures, practice best motor management programmes and estab-lish a minimum energy performance standard (MEPS) for motors imported into the country. The thesis has also shown that education and capacity development programmes, financial incentives and system optimization are effective means to promote energy efficiency in elec-tric motor – driven systems in industrial SMEs in Ghana


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This paper presents the design and results of applying a model for logistics management in industrial SMEs. To identify the variables in the model, we conducted a thorough review of the state of the art logistics management; to characterize SMEs, developed a Likert questionnaire with the variables collected in the previous step. Once validated the questionnaire, was applied the same to a group of seventy-five (75) SMEs in the industrial sector, located in Bolivar State, Venezuela. To determine statistically the most relevant variables of management was used exploratory factor analysis technique applied to the data collected. The qualification obtained for all companies evaluated (47% compliance), highlights the weakness of logistics management in industrial SME.


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El punto de partida para que una empresa mejore su competitividad es la evaluación de su gestión; para ello, es necesario contar con instrumentos que de manera objetiva, evalúen la gestión y proporcionen una guía para la mejora continua de los procesos. Este trabajo de investigación presenta el diseño y aplicación de un instrumento para evaluar la gestión de recursos humanos en las pymes industriales. Es un instrumento adaptado a la cultura, mercado, características y especificidades propias de las pymes del sector industrial del Estado Bolívar, Venezuela. Los items de evaluación fueron divididos en cuatro bloques de acuerdo al ciclo Planificar, Hacer, Verificar, Actuar y su validación estadística fue realizada mediante la técnica de análisis multivariante. Una vez validada, se aplicó la herramienta a trescientos setenta y cinco individuos del área de Recursos Humanos en ciento veinticinco Pymes industriales. Los resultados indican que los aspectos de tipo funcional son los que conducen la gestión en lugar de las razones estratégicas de la empresa, y en general, no existe plan de carrera ni sistema de evaluación de desempeño. La caracterización aportada por este estudio permite a las empresas evaluadas conocer cuales son los factores a mejorar en su gestión.The starting point for a company to improve its competitiveness is the evaluation of their management; for this it is necessary to have instruments that objectively evaluate and provide management guidance for continuous process improvement. This research paper presents the design and implementation of a tool to assess the human resource management in industrial SMEs. It is an instrument adapted to the culture, market characteristics and needs of SMEs in the Bolivar State, Venezuela. The evaluation items were divided into four blocks according to the Plan, Do, Check, Act cycle and its statistical validation was performed using the technique of multivariate analysis. Once validated, the tool was applied to hundred seventy five individuals of Human Resources belonging to hundred twenty five industrial SMEs. The results indicate that aspects of functional type are the leading management rather than strategic reasons, and in general, there is no career plan and system performance evaluation. The characterization provided by this study evaluated allows companies to know what factors to improve their management.


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Nas Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs) industriais em que o seu produto é essencialmente metal mecânico e o desenvolvimento de produtos é estratégico, surgem questões sobre quais são as metodologias mais adequadas para as diferentes fases de projeto de produto e como implantá-las em um modelo de Processo de Desenvolvimento de Produto (PDP) adequado às necessidades dessas empresas, de modo a aumentar a probabilidade de sucesso do produto. O presente trabalho propõe um modelo de referência do PDP aplicado a PMEs industriais do setor metal mecânico que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares. O modelo é baseado em propostas de PDP da grande área mecânica, especificidades do produto, a saber, móveis hospitalares e dispositivos médicos e em fatores da realidade das PMEs. O trabalho divide-se nas seguintes fases principais: revisão bibliográfica sobre propostas de modelos de gestão do PDP da grande área mecânica e do setor específico de móveis e dispositivos médicos, revisão de normas e regulamentações que tenham influência no PDP, realização de estudos de casos múltiplos de PMEs industriais metal mecânicas que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares, no Brasil e na Colômbia e, por último, síntese de uma proposta final do modelo de referência de PDP, específico para as PMEs industriais do setor metal mecânico que desenvolvem móveis hospitalares, aplicado à realidade do Brasil e da Colômbia.


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This paper reports a research that evaluated the product development methodologies used in Brazilian small and medium-sized metal-mechanic enterprises (SMEs), in a specific region of Sao Paulo. The tool used for collecting the data was a questionnaire, which was developed and applied through interviews conducted by the researchers in 32 companies. The main focus of this paper can be condensed in the synthesis-question ""Is only the company responsible for the development?"" which was analyzed thoroughly. The results obtained from this analysis were evaluated directly (through the respective percentages of answers) and statistically (through the search of an index which demonstrates if two questions are related). The results point to a degree of maturity in SMEs, which allows product development to be conducted in cooperation networks. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças, sob a orientação do Mestre Paulino Manuel Leite da Silva


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There is a major concern in economic literature about innovation, which is the interaction between internal and external factors.. In this paper those activities are hypothesized as being determined by some territorial characteristics like labour skills, technological infrastructure, educational facilities, agglomeration economies and industrial structure. This assumption allows understanding why those innovative activities are not spread across space and are located into specific areas. We use a detailed survey containing microdata for 497 SMEs located in Catalonia.


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This discussion paper is a contribution of the Brazilian Government to the 2006 Annual Conference of the OECD High-level Conference on "Better Financing for Entrepreneurship and SMEs" to be held in Brasilia, Brazil on 27-30 March 2006. It has been prepared by The Center for Studies in Private Equity and Venture Capital of EAESP-Fundação Getúlio Vargas under the auspices of ABDI – Agência Brasileira para o Desenvolvimento Industrial – an agency of the Ministry of Industrial Development and Foreign Trade, in cooperation with ABVCAP – The Brazilian Association of Private Equity and Venture Capital