The concept of metacontingency was taught to undergraduate students of Psychology by using a "game" simulation proposed originally by Vichi, Andery and Glenn (2009). Twenty-five students, distributed into three groups were exposed to six experimental sessions in which they had to make bets and divide the amounts gained. The three groups competed against each other for photocopies quotas. Two contingencies shifted over the sessions. Under Contingency B, the group would win points only if in the previous round each member had received the same amount of points and under Contingency A, winning was contingent on an unequal distribution of the points. We observed that proportional divisions predominated independent of the contingency in course. The manipulation of cultural consequences (winning or losing points) produced consistent modifications in two response categories: 1) choices of the value bet in each round, and 2) divisions of the points among group members. Controlling relations between cultural consequences and the behavior of dividing were statistically significant in one of the groups, whereas in the other two groups controlling relations were observed only in Contingency B. A review of the reinforcement criteria used in the original experiment is suggested.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
De acordo com o modo causal de seleção por consequências proposto por Skinner, o comportamento humano é o produto de processos seletivos em três níveis: filogênese, ontogênese e cultura. Investigações empíricas que se ocupem do terceiro nível apenas começam a ser realizadas na análise do comportamento. No campo teórico, Glenn introduziu o conceito de Metacontingência para enfocar relações funcionais entre contingências de reforçamento entrelaçadas e um produto agregado que seleciona o próprio entrelaçamento. Um trabalho pioneiro na reprodução em laboratório de uma metacontingência foi produzido por Vichi, a partir da adaptação de um método usado em estudos experimentais na sociologia. O estudo de Vichi sugere que o entrelaçamento dos comportamentos das pessoas de um pequeno grupo pôde ser modificado por produtos agregados que estes entrelaçamentos produziam, caracterizando uma Metacontingência. O presente trabalho consistiu de uma replicação do estudo de Vichi, com o objetivo de verificar se contingências comportamentais entrelaçadas podem de fato ser selecionadas e mantidas por um produto agregado contingente aos comportamentos dos membros de um pequeno grupo em uma microcultura de laboratório. Participaram da pesquisa oito alunos universitários, divididos em dois grupos de quatro, que realizaram uma tarefa em grupo. A tarefa consistiu em resolver um problema, escolhendo uma linha de uma matriz de 8 colunas por 8 fileiras, com sinais positivos e negativos. Os participantes escolhiam as linhas e o experimentador escolhia as colunas. Um sinal positivo na interseção das duas escolhas resultava em ganho para o grupo; um sinal negativo, em perda. A escolha da coluna pelo experimentador não foi aleatória, mas contingente ao modo de distribuição (igualitária ou desigual) dos ganhos pelo grupo na tentativa imediatamente anterior. Na condição experimental A, o acerto era contingente a distribuições igualitárias, já na condição experimental B, o acerto era contingente a distribuições desiguais. Os resultados mostram que o grupo 1 acertou 43% das jogadas (dividiu os recursos de acordo com a condição experimental que estava em vigor) e o grupo 2 acertou 19% das jogadas. Os resultados indicam que o fato do procedimento utilizar consequências (acertos ou erros) contingentes, porém não contíguas ao entrelaçamento do grupo, dificultou a seleção de tal entrelaçamento. Entretanto, contingências de reforçamento entrelaçadas foram selecionadas por seus produtos agregados sob controle de variáveis não controladas no experimento. Caracteriza-se este fenômeno enquanto um análogo experimental de uma metacontingência. Discute-se o procedimento utilizado, possíveis aprimoramentos deste e a complexidade da tarefa experimental, além, também, de discutir alguns padrões de regras supersticiosas que emergiram durante o experimento.
Metacontingency has been described as the functional relation between interlocking behavioral contingencies, plus their direct and immediate effect, called aggregated product, and a selecting event dependent of such effect, called cultural consequence. The metacontingencies analysis enables the discussion of human behavior complexity in social systems. In the present study, we aimed to review and discuss: (a) the importance of basic behavioral processes analysis for the comprehension of social human phenomena; (b) the necessity of constructing and improving metacontingencies experimental models; (c) the current state of metacontingencies experimental investigations in humans; (d) the use of animal models as a way to control the effects of verbal behavior, among other variables, over cultural selection; (e) a concrete and illustrative proposal of an animal model of metacontingencies.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
Double degree
The authors thank the federal agency CAPES and the Foundation for Research Support of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil (FAPESP) for providing a PhD scholarship, and the University of Minho, in Portugal, for the international collaboration.
Earth has been a traditional building material to construct houses in Africa. One of the most common techniques is the use of sun dried or kiln fired adobe bricks with mud mortar. Fired bricks are the main cause for deforestation in countries like Malawi. Although this technique is low-cost, the bricks vary largely in shape, strength and durability. This leads to weak houses which suffer considerable damage during floods and seismic events. One solution is the use of dry-stack masonry with stabilized interlocking compressed earth blocks (ICEB). This technology has the potential of substituting the current bricks by a more sustainable kind of block. This study was made in the context of the HiLoTec project, which focuses on houses in rural areas of developing countries. For this study, Malawi was chosen for a case study. This paper presents the experimental results of tests made with dry-stack ICEBs. Soil samples from Malawi were taken and studied. Since the experimental campaign could not be carried out in Malawi, a homogenization process of Portuguese soil was made to produce ICEBs at the University of Minho, Portugal. Then, the compression and tensile strength of the materials was determined via small cylinder samples. Subsequently, the compression and flexural strength of units were determined. Finally, tests to determine the compressive strength of both prisms and masonry wallets and to determine the initial shear strength of the dry interfaces were carried out. This work provides valuable data for low-cost eco-efficient housing
Despite the increasing popularity of enterprise architecture management (EAM) in practice, many EAM initiatives either do not fully meet the expected targets or fail. Several frameworks have been suggested as guidelines to EA implementation, but companies seldom follow prescriptive frameworks. Instead, they follow very diverse implementation approaches that depend on their organizational contingencies and the way of adopting and evolving EAM over time. This research strives for a broader understanding of EAM by exploring context-dependent EAM adoption approaches as well as identifying the main EA principles that affect EA effectiveness. Based on two studies, this dissertation aims to address two main questions: (1) EAM design: Which approaches do companies follow when adopting EAM? (2) EA principles and their impact: What impact does EA principles have on EA effectiveness/quality? By utilizing both qualitative and quantitative research methods, this research contributes to exploring different EAM designs in different organizational contingencies as well as using EA principles as an effective means to achieve principle-based EAM design. My research can help companies identify a suitable EAM design that fits their organizational settings and shape their EA through a set of principles.
Centromedullary nailing is a well-established method of treatment for diaphyseal long bone fractures. The indications have been broadened greatly since the introduction in 1974 of interlocking centromedullary nailing. The purpose of this paper is to review our first results with locked intramedullary nailing of the tibia. We report our experience with the first 19 cases of interlocking tibia nails (15 fractures, 1 delayed union, 2 pseudarthrosis, 1 osteotomy). On the extension table, the insertion of the nail and the placement of the interlocking screws did not cause any problem. In 3 cases, a proximal screw had to be removed within two weeks because of spontaneous displacement. Complications have been noticed in three patients (15.8%) (pulmonary embolism on day 1, and compartment syndrome two days later in one case, sciatic nerve neuroapraxia in the other two). The other patients have been mobilized 24 to 48 hours after surgery. 94% of the fractures were consolidated 4 months post-operatively, with no major deformation. Interlocking tibia nailing seems to be an attractive method in the treatment of certain fractures of the tibia. Early mobilisation and weight-bearing are provided. The indications, the technical aspects as well as the dangers of the method must be carefully respected in order to avoid complications and poor results.
Spanish banking historiography asserts that the largest banks performed in the twentieth century as though they constituted a monopoly. One of their main coordination schemes would have been a network of interlocking bank directors that would include most of the financial firms. Evidence available for the 1920s and 1960s seems to confirm the veracity of this hypothesis. In this paper, more systematic evidence is presented to cover the whole twentieth century with the aim of checking whether these networks persisted over the entire period or they were by-products of temporary situations. Our results show that no general network remained for more than a decade. Therefore, it should be ruled out that interlocking directorates worked as a coordination device of an alleged banking cartel.
The blade on the knife is printed "Balboa". The knife and fork fit into eachother. There is some rust on the blade and marks on the handle. The knife and fork each measure 18cm. When they are joined they measure 19cm.
Drawing on psychological contract literature, the present study examines the emerging contingent employment relationships, which involve the contracted workers, the employment agency and the client organization on whose premises these employees work. This sample includes eighty-eight white-collar employees working for four Portuguese agencies. The results suggest that the perceived fulfilment of client?s obligations relates positively to the perceived fulfilment of agency?s obligations and that these constructs are independent of one another. Furthermore, as expected, we have found that the perception of job insecurity relates negatively to the fulfilment of agency?s obligations. No relationship was found between employability and the perceived fulfilment of client?s obligations. The results have implications for practitioners and future research.