993 resultados para INSPIRATORY OFF-SWITCH
Moraes DJ, Zoccal DB, Machado BH. Sympathoexcitation during chemoreflex active expiration is mediated by L-glutamate in the RVLM/Botzinger complex of rats. J Neurophysiol 108: 610-623, 2012. First published April 25, 2012; doi:10.1152/jn.00057.2012.-The involvement of glutamatergic neurotransmission in the rostral ventrolateral medulla/Botzinger/pre-Botzinger complexes (RVLM/BotC/pre-BotC) on the respiratory modulation of sympathoexcitatory response to peripheral chemoreflex activation (chemoreflex) was evaluated in the working heart-brain stem preparation of juvenile rats. We identified different types of baro- and chemosensitive presympathetic and respiratory neurons intermingled within the RVLM/BotC/pre-BotC. Bilateral microinjections of kynurenic acid (KYN) into the rostral aspect of RVLM (RVLM/BotC) produced an additional increase in frequency of the phrenic nerve (PN: 0.38 +/- 0.02 vs. 1 +/- 0.08 Hz; P < 0.05; n = 18) and hypoglossal (HN) inspiratory response (41 +/- 2 vs. 82 +/- 2%; P < 0.05; n = 8), but decreased postinspiratory (35 +/- 3 vs. 12 +/- 2%; P < 0.05) and late-expiratory (24 +/- 4 vs. 2 +/- 1%; P < 0.05; n = 5) abdominal (AbN) responses to chemoreflex. Likewise, expiratory vagal (cVN; 67 +/- 6 vs. 40 +/- 2%; P < 0.05; n = 5) and expiratory component of sympathoexcitatory (77 +/- 8 vs. 26 +/- 5%; P < 0.05; n = 18) responses to chemoreflex were reduced after KYN microinjections into RVLM/BotC. KYN microinjected into the caudal aspect of the RVLM (RVLM/pre-BotC; n = 16) abolished inspiratory responses [PN (n = 16) and HN (n = 6)], and no changes in magnitude of sympathoexcitatory (n = 16) and expiratory (AbN and cVN; n = 10) responses to chemoreflex, producing similar and phase-locked vagal, abdominal, and sympathetic responses. We conclude that in relation to chemoreflex activation 1) ionotropic glutamate receptors in RVLM/BotC and RVLM/pre-BtC are pivotal to expiratory and inspiratory responses, respectively; and 2) activation of ionotropic glutamate receptors in RVLM/BotC is essential to the coupling of active expiration and sympathoexcitatory response.
Abstract Opioid drugs, such as morphine, are among the most effective analgesics available. However, their utility for the treatment of chronic pain is limited by side effects including tolerance and dependence. Morphine acts primarily through the mu-opioid receptor (MOP-R) , which is also a target of endogenous opioids. However, unlike endogenous ligands, morphine fails to promote substantial receptor endocytosis both in vitro, and in vivo. Receptor endocytosis serves at least two important functions in signal transduction. First, desensitization and endocytosis act as an "off" switch by uncoupling receptors from G protein. Second, endocytosis functions as an "on" switch, resensitizing receptors by recycling them to the plasma membrane. Thus, both the off and on function of the MOP-R are altered in response to morphine compared to endogenous ligands. To examine whether the low degree of endocytosis induced by morphine contributes to tolerance and dependence, we generated a knockin mouse that expresses a mutant MOP-R that undergoes morphine-induced endocytosis. Morphine remains an excellent antinociceptive agent in these mice. Importantly, these mice display substantially reduced antinociceptive tolerance and physical dependence. These data suggest that opioid drugs with a pharmacological profile similar to morphine but the ability to promote endocytosis could provide analgesia while having a reduced liability for promoting tolerance and dependence
Who, ultimately, has power? Is it the senior executive with his finger on the off switch, is it the users themselves who make the decision to participate and contribute financially, or is it those who report on the actions of the company with the ability to reach large numbers of existing and potential players? In both the gambling and gaming industries, power is up for grabs. This work undertakes to consider how norms are formed in online gaming communities; that is, how the developers and players negotiate amongst themselves both how the game will operate. Also considered is how to resolve disputes that arise, and what power and limitations each side has when they need to make an impact – from developers switching off the server, to players quitting en-mass or causing disruption within the environment (using the recent example of Eve Online). Outside of the direct sphere of the game however a third party lurks – commentators. These may take the form of well established review sites, community forums or, in the case of the gambling industry, dispute resolution services but their power stake is clear – by publicising and interpreting the acts of both developers and players, they are in a position to influence whether current players stick with a company, whether new players join a company and how the company is perceived in the wider community.
Rashba spin splitting is a two-dimensional (2D) relativistic effect closely related to spintronics. However, so far there is no pristine 2D material to exhibit enough Rashba splitting for the fabrication of ultrathin spintronic devices, such as spin field effect transistors (SFET). On the basis of first-principles calculations, we predict that the stable 2D LaOBiS2 with only 1 nm of thickness can produce remarkable Rashba spin splitting with a magnitude of 100 meV. Because the medium La2O2 layer produces a strong polar field and acts as a blocking barrier, two counter-helical Rashba spin polarizations are localized at different BiS 2 layers. The Rashba parameter can be effectively tuned by the intrinsic strain, while the bandgap and the helical direction of spin states sensitively depends on the external electric field. We propose an advanced Datta-Das SFET model that consists of dual gates and 2D LaOBiS2 channels by selecting different Rashba states to achieve the on-off switch via electric fields. © 2013 American Chemical Society.
La fixation de l’azote diatomique est un processus très important à la vie, vu sa nécessité dans la biosynthèse de plusieurs molécules de base; acides aminés, acides nucléiques, etc. La réduction de l’azote en ammoniaque est catalysée par la nitrogénase, une enzyme consommatrice de beaucoup d’énergie étant donné qu’elle nécessite 20 à 30 moles d’ATP pour la réduction d’une mole d’azote. De ce fait une régulation rigoureuse est exigée afin de minimiser le gaspillage d’énergie. Plusieurs systèmes de contrôle sont connus, aussi bien au niveau post-traductionnel que traductionnel. Chez la bactérie photosynthétique pourpre non-sulfureuse R. capsulatus, la régulation de l’activité de la nitrogénase nécessite une panoplie de protéines dont la protéine membranaire AmtB, qui est impliquée dans le transport et la perception d’ammonium, et les protéines PII qui jouent plusieurs rôles clés dans la régulation de l’assimilation d’azote. Suite à l’ajout de l’ammonium dans le milieu, une inhibition réversible de l’activité de la nitrogénase est déclenchée via un mécanisme d’ADP-ribosylation de la nitrogénase. La séquestration de GlnK (une protéine PII) par l’AmtB permet à DraT, une ADP-ribosyltransférase, d’ajouter un groupement ADP-ribose sur la protéine-Fe de la nitrogénase l’empêchant ainsi de former un complexe avec la protéine-MoFe. Donc, le transfert d’électrons est bloqué, engendrant ainsi l’inhibition de l’activité de la nitrogénase qui dure aussi long que la concentration d’azote fixé reste élevé, phénomène appelé le « Switch-off/Switch-on » de la nitrogénase. Dans ce mémoire, pour mieux comprendre ce phénomène de régulation, des mutations ponctuelles au niveau de certains résidus conservés de la protéine AmtB, dont D338, G367, H193 et W237, étaient générées par mutagénèse dirigée, afin d’examiner d’avantage leur rôle dans le transport d’ammonium, la formation du complexe AmtB-GlnK, ainsi que dans le « Switch-off » et l’ADP-ribosylation. Les résultats permettent de conclure l’importance et la nécessité de certains résidus telle que le G367 dans la régulation de la nitrogénase et le transport d’ammonium, contrairement au résidu D338 qui ne semble pas être impliqué directement dans la régulation de l’activité de la nitrogénase. Ces résultats suggèrent d’autres hypothèses sur les rôles des acides aminés spécifiques d’AmtB dans ses fonctions comme transporteur et senseur d’ammonium.
L’azote est l’élément le plus abondant dans l’atmosphère terrestre avec un pourcentage atteignant 78 %. Composant essentiel pour la biosynthèse des matériels organiques cellulaires, il est inutilisable sous sa forme diatomique (N2) très stable par la plupart des organismes. Seules les bactéries dites diazotrophiques comme Rhodobacter capsulatus sont capables de fixer l’azote moléculaire N2 par le biais de la synthèse d’une enzyme, la nitrogénase. Cette dernière catalyse la réduction du N2 en ammonium (NH4) qui peut alors être assimilé par d’autres organismes. La synthèse et l’activité de la nitrogénase consomment beaucoup d’énergie ce qui implique une régulation rigoureuse et son inhibition tant qu’une quantité suffisante d’ammonium est disponible. Parmi les protéines impliquées dans cette régulation, la protéine d’intérêt AmtB est un transporteur membranaire responsable de la perception et le transport de l’ammonium. Chez R. capsulatus, il a été démontré que suite à l’addition de l’ammonium, l’AmtB inhibe de façon réversible (switch off/switch on) l’activité de la nitrogénase en séquestrant la protéine PII GlnK accompagnée de l’ajout d’un groupement ADP ribose sur la sous unités Fe de l’enzyme par DraT. De plus, la formation de ce complexe à lui seul ne serait pas suffisant pour cette inactivation, ce qui suggère la séquestration d’une troisième protéine, DraG, afin d’inhiber son action qui consiste à enlever l’ADP ribose de la nitrogénase et donc sa réactivation. Afin de mieux comprendre le fonctionnement de l’AmtB dans la régulation et le transport de l’ammonium à un niveau moléculaire et par la même occasion la fixation de l’azote, le premier volet de ce mémoire a été d’introduire une mutation ponctuelle par mutagénèse dirigée au niveau du résidu conservé W237 de l’AmtB. La production d’hydrogène est un autre aspect longtemps étudié chez R. capsulatus. Cette bactérie est capable de produire de l’hydrogène à partir de composés organiques par photofermentation suite à l’intervention exclusive de la nitrogénase. Plusieurs études ont été entreprises afin d’améliorer la production d’hydrogène. Certaines d’entre elles se sont intéressées à déterminer les conditions optimales qui confèrent une production maximale de gaz tandis que d’autres s’intéressent au fonctionnement de la bactérie elle même. Ainsi, le fait que la bioproduction de H2 par fermentation soit catalysée par la nitrogénase cela implique la régulation de l’activité de cette dernière par différents mécanismes dont le switch off par ADP ribosylation de l’enzyme. De ce fait, un mutant de R. capsulatus dépourvu d’AmtB (DG9) a été étudié dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse en termes d’activité de la nitrogénase, de sa modification par ADP ribosylation avec la détection des deux protéines GlnK et DraG qui interviennent dans cette régulation pour connaitre l’influence de différents acides aminés sur la régulation de la nitrogénase et pour l‘utilisation future de cette souche dans la production d’H2 car R. capsulatus produit de l’hydrogène par photofermentation grâce à cette enzyme. Les résultats obtenus ont révélé une activité de la nitrogénase continue et ininterrompue lorsque l’AmtB est absent avec une activité maximale quand la proline est utilisée comme source d’azote durant la culture bactérienne ce qui implique donc que l’abolition de l’activité de cette protéine entraine une production continue d’H2 chez R. capsulatus lorsque la proline est utilisée comme source d’azote lors de la culture bactérienne. Par ailleurs, avec des Western blots on a pu déterminer l’absence de régulation par ADP ribosylation ainsi que les expressions respectives de GlnK et DraG inchangées entre R. capsulatus sauvage et muté. En conclusion, la nitrogénase n’est pas modifiée et inhibée lorsque l’amtB est muté ce qui fait de la souche R. capsulatus DG9 un candidat idéal pour la production de biohydrogène en particulier lorsque du glucose et de la proline sont respectivement utilisés comme source de carbone et d'azote pour la croissance.
A key step in the activation of heterodimeric integrin adhesion receptors is the transmission of an agonist-induced cellular signal from the short α- and/or β-cytoplasmic tails to the extracellular domains of the receptor. The structural details of how the cytoplasmic tails mediate such an inside-out signaling process remain unclear. We report herein the NMR structures of a membrane-anchored cytoplasmic tail of the αIIb-subunit and of a mutant αIIb-cytoplasmic tail that renders platelet integrin αIIbβ3 constitutively active. The structure of the wild-type αIIb-cytoplasmic tail reveals a “closed” conformation where the highly conserved N-terminal membrane-proximal region forms an α-helix followed by a turn, and the acidic C-terminal loop interacts with the N-terminal helix. The structure of the active mutant is significantly different, having an “open” conformation where the interactions between the N-terminal helix and C-terminal region are abolished. Consistent with these structural differences, the two peptides differ in function: the wild-type peptide suppressed αIIbβ3 activation, whereas the mutant peptide did not. These results provide an atomic explanation for extensive biochemical/mutational data and support a conformation-based “on/off switch” model for integrin activation.
We have studied enhancer function in transient and stable expression assays in mammalian cells by using systems that distinguish expressing from nonexpressing cells. When expression is studied in this way, enhancers are found to increase the probability of a construct being active but not the level of expression per template. In stably integrated constructs, large differences in expression level are observed but these are not related to the presence of an enhancer. Together with earlier studies, these results suggest that enhancers act to affect a binary (on/off) switch in transcriptional activity. Although this idea challenges the widely accepted model of enhancer activity, it is consistent with much, if not all, experimental evidence on this subject. We hypothesize that enhancers act to increase the probability of forming a stably active template. When randomly integrated into the genome, enhancers may affect a metastable state of repression/activity, permitting expression in regions that would not permit activity of an isolated promoter.
Ice cores provide a record of changes in dust flux to Antarctica, which is thought to reflect changes in atmospheric circulation and environmental conditions in dust source areas (Forster et al., 2007; Diekmann et al. 2000, doi:10.1016/S0031-0182(00)00138-3; Winckler et al., 2008, doi:10.1126/science.1150595; Reader et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999JD900033; Mahowald et al., 1999, doi:10.1029/1999JD900084; Petit et al., 1999, doi:10.1038/20859; 1990, doi:10.1038/343056a0 Delmonte et al., 2009, doi:10.1029/2008GL033382; Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763). Isotopic tracers suggest that South America is the dominant source of the dust (Grousset et al., 1992, doi:10.1016/0012-821X(92)90177-W; Basile et al., 1997, doi:10.1016/S0012-821X(96)00255-5; Gaiero et al., 2007, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.11.003), but it is unclear what led to the variable deposition of dust at concentrations 20-50 times higher than present in glacial-aged ice (Petit et al., 1990, doi:10.1038/343056a0; Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763). Here we characterize the age and composition of Patagonian glacial outwash sediments, to assess the relationship between the Antarctic dust record from Dome C (refs Lambert et al., 2008, doi:10.1038/nature06763; Wolff et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature04614) and Patagonian glacial fluctuations (Sugden et al., 2005; McCulloch et al., 2005, doi:10.1111/j.0435-3676.2005.00260.x; Kaplan et al., 2008, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2007.09.013) for the past 80,000 years. We show that dust peaks in Antarctica coincide with periods in Patagonia when rivers of glacial meltwater deposited sediment directly onto easily mobilized outwash plains. No dust peaks were noted when the glaciers instead terminated directly into pro-glacial lakes. We thus propose that the variable sediment supply resulting from Patagonian glacial fluctuations may have acted as an on/off switch for Antarctic dust deposition. At the last glacial termination, Patagonian glaciers quickly retreated into lakes, which may help explain why the deglacial decline in Antarctic dust concentrations preceded the main phase of warming, sea-level rise and reduction in Southern Hemisphere sea-ice extent (Wolff et al., 2006, doi:10.1038/nature04614).
Several logic gates and switches can be accessed from two different combinations of a single set of fluorophore, receptor and spacer components.
We report development of a polymer gel with a catalytic activity that can be switched on and off when the solvent composition is changed. The gel consists of two species of monomers. The major component, N-isopropylacrylamide, makes the gel swell and shrink in response to a change in composition of ethanol/water mixtures. The minor component, vinylimidazole, which is capable of catalysis, is copolymerized into the gel network. The reaction rate for catalytic hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl caprylate was small when the gel was swollen. In contrast, when the gel was shrunken, the reaction rate increased 5 times. The activity changes discontinuously as a function of solvent composition, thus the catalysis can be switched on and off by an infinitesimal change in solvent composition. The kinetics of catalysis by the gel in the shrunken state is well described by the Michaelis–Menten formula, indicating that the absorption of the substrate by the hydrophobic environment created by the N-isopropylacrylamide polymer in the shrunken gel is responsible for enhancement of catalytic activity. In the swollen state, the rate vs. active site concentration is linear, indicating that the substrate absorption is not a primary factor determining the kinetics. Catalytic activity of the gel is studied for substrates with various alkyl chain lengths; of those studied the switching effect is most pronounced for p-nitrophenyl caprylate.
This paper presents a high voltage pulsed power system based on low voltage switch-capacitor units connected to a current source for several applications such as plasma systems. A buck-boost converter topology is used to utilize the current source and a series of low voltage switch-capacitor units is connected to the current source in order to provide high voltage with high voltage stress (dv/dt) as demanded by loads. This pulsed power converter is flexible in terms of energy control, in that the stored energy in the current source can be adjusted by changing the current magnitude to significantly improve the efficiency of various systems with different requirements. Output voltage magnitude and stress (dv/dt) can be controlled by a proper selection of components and control algorithm to turn on and off switching devices.
This paper presents a high voltage pulsed power system based on low voltage switch-capacitor units connected to a current source for several applications such as plasma systems. A modified positive buck-boost converter topology is used to utilize the current source concept and a series of low voltage switch-capacitor units is connected to the current source in order to provide high voltage with high voltage stress (dv/dt) as demanded by loads. This pulsed power converter is flexible in terms of energy control, in that the stored energy in the current source can be adjusted by changing the current magnitude to significantly improve the efficiency of various systems with different requirements. Output voltage magnitude and stress (dv/dt) can be controlled by a proper selection of components and control algorithm to turn on and off switching devices.
Based on electro-optic switch effect in crystal, a novel laser ranging method is proposed. CW-laser emitted by laser transmitter propagates forward to the measured target, after being reflected by the target, and then goes back to the transmitter. Close to the transmitter, a special mono-block LiNbO3 crystal is added into the round-trip light beams. High-voltage pulses with the sharp enough changes in rising edges are loaded on the crystal. Based on electro-optic effect, double refraction and internal double reflection effect in crystal, the crystal cuts off the round-trip light beams, and reflects a light pulse cut out by the crystal to a detector aside from the original beam path. The pulse width T is the period that laser propagates forward and back between the crystal and the target. The feasibility of the new idea is proved by our experiments and a brand-new way for the laser ranging is provided. (c) 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
A high voltage integrated circuit (HVIC) switch designed as a building block for power converters operating up to 13.56 MHz from off-line voltages is presented. A CMOS-compatible, 500 V power device process is used to integrate control circuitry with a high-speed MOS gate driver and high voltage lateral power MOSFET. Fabrication of the HVIC switches has proceeded in two stages. The first batch of devices showed switching times of less than 5 ns for the power switch and good high frequency performance of a level-shifter for driving half bridge converters. In the second phase, a switch that monolithically integrates all the elements required to form a complete high-frequency converter has been designed.