233 resultados para IFT


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Bidirectional (anterograde and retrograde) motor-based intraflagellar transport (IFT) governs cargo transport and delivery processes that are essential for primary cilia growth and maintenance and for hedgehog signaling functions. The IFT dynein-2 motor complex that regulates ciliary retrograde protein transport contains a heavy chain dynein ATPase/motor subunit, DYNC2H1, along with other less well functionally defined subunits. Deficiency of IFT proteins, including DYNC2H1, underlies a spectrum of skeletal ciliopathies. Here, by using exome sequencing and a targeted next-generation sequencing panel, we identified a total of 11 mutations in WDR34 in 9 families with the clinical diagnosis of Jeune syndrome (asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy). WDR34 encodes a WD40 repeat-containing protein orthologous to Chlamydomonas FAP133, a dynein intermediate chain associated with the retrograde intraflagellar transport motor. Three-dimensional protein modeling suggests that the identified mutations all affect residues critical for WDR34 protein-protein interactions. We find that WDR34 concentrates around the centrioles and basal bodies in mammalian cells, also showing axonemal staining. WDR34 coimmunoprecipitates with the dynein-1 light chain DYNLL1 in vitro, and mining of proteomics data suggests that WDR34 could represent a previously unrecognized link between the cytoplasmic dynein-1 and IFT dynein-2 motors. Together, these data show that WDR34 is critical for ciliary functions essential to normal development and survival, most probably as a previously unrecognized component of the mammalian dynein-IFT machinery.


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Intraflagellar transport (IFT) depends on two evolutionarily conserved modules, subcomplexes A (IFT-A) and B (IFT-B), to drive ciliary assembly and maintenance. All six IFT-A components and their motor protein, DYNC2H1, have been linked to human skeletal ciliopathies, including asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (ATD; also known as Jeune syndrome), Sensenbrenner syndrome, and Mainzer-Saldino syndrome (MZSDS). Conversely, the 14 subunits in the IFT-B module, with the exception of IFT80, have unknown roles in human disease. To identify additional IFT-B components defective in ciliopathies, we independently performed different mutation analyses: candidate-based sequencing of all IFT-B-encoding genes in 1,467 individuals with a nephronophthisis-related ciliopathy or whole-exome resequencing in 63 individuals with ATD. We thereby detected biallelic mutations in the IFT-B-encoding gene IFT172 in 12 families. All affected individuals displayed abnormalities of the thorax and/or long bones, as well as renal, hepatic, or retinal involvement, consistent with the diagnosis of ATD or MZSDS. Additionally, cerebellar aplasia or hypoplasia characteristic of Joubert syndrome was present in 2 out of 12 families. Fibroblasts from affected individuals showed disturbed ciliary composition, suggesting alteration of ciliary transport and signaling. Knockdown of ift172 in zebrafish recapitulated the human phenotype and demonstrated a genetic interaction between ift172 and ift80. In summary, we have identified defects in IFT172 as a cause of complex ATD and MZSDS. Our findings link the group of skeletal ciliopathies to an additional IFT-B component, IFT172, similar to what has been shown for IFT-A.


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on elf many invited authors to provide a creative-critical response to a work in Performing mobilises. exhibition


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It has been over 50 years since the topic of branding first appeared in the marketing literature. Research relating to destination branding has however emerged only since the late 1990s, with the first journal article published in 1998 (see Pritchard & Morgan, 1998) and the first book published in 2002 (see Morgan, Pritchard, & Pride, 2002). While a growing number of academic tourism conferences have focused on ‘destination marketing’ as a theme during the past decade (for a list of proceedings see Pike, 2004), Gnoth (1998) claimed the special track he convened at the 1997 American Marketing Science conference, represented the first meeting of practitioners and academics on the topic of destination branding. The initiative of Macau's Instituto De Formacao Turistica (IFT), in conjunction with Perdue University, to convene the first conference on destination branding, was thus new territory and a test of academic interest in the topic. Ultimately the decision was justified with around 100 delegates from 22 countries, including destination branding pioneers Pritchard & Morgan, travelling to the inaugural meeting...


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Study Design. A multi-center assessor-blinded randomized clinical trial was conducted. Objectives. To investigate the relative effectiveness of interferential therapy and manipulative therapy for patients with acute low back pain when used as sole treatments and in combination. Summary of Background Data. Both manipulative therapy and interferential therapy are commonly used treatments for low back pain. Evidence for the effectiveness of manipulative therapy is available only for the short term. There is no evidence for interferential therapy and no study has investigated the effectiveness of interferential therapy combined with manipulative therapy. Methods. Consenting subjects (n=240) were randomly assigned to receive a copy of the Back Book and either manipulative therapy (MT; n=80), interferential therapy (IFT; n=80) or combined manipulative therapy and interferential therapy (CT; n=80). Follow-up outcome questionnaires were posted at discharge, 6 and 12 months. Results. The groups were balanced at baseline for low back pain and demographic characteristics. All interventions were found to significantly reduce functional disability and pain and increase quality of life at discharge and to maintain these improvements at 6 and 12 months. No significant differences were found between groups for reported LBP recurrence, work absenteeism, medication consumption, exercise participation and healthcare use at 12 months. Conclusions. For acute low back pain, interferential therapy whether used in isolation or in combination with manipulative therapy was as effective as manipulative therapy alone (in addition to the Back Book).


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The majority of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) of spinal manipulative therapy have not adequately de?ned the terms ‘mobilization’ and ‘manipulation’, nor distinguished between these terms in reporting the trial interventions. The purpose of this study was to describe the spinal manipulative therapy techniques utilized within a RCT of manipulative therapy (MT; n=80), interferential therapy (IFT; n=80), and a combination of both (CT; n=80) for people with acute low back pain (LBP). Spinal manipulative therapy was de?ned as any ‘mobilization’ (low velocity manual force without a thrust) or ‘manipulation’ (high velocity
thrust) techniques of the spine described by Maitland and Cyriax.
The 16 physiotherapists, all members of the Society of Orthopaedic Medicine, utilized three spinal manipulative therapy patterns in the RCT: Maitland Mobilization (40.4%, n=59), Maitland Mobilization/Cyriax Manipulation (40.4%, n=59) and Cyriax Manipulation (19.1%, n=28). There was a signi?cant difference between the MT and CT groups in their usage of spinal manipulative therapy techniques (w2=9.178; df=2;P=0.01); subjects randomized to the CT group received three times more Cyriax Manipulation (29.2%, n=21/72) than those randomized to the MT group (9.5%, n=7/74; df=1; P=0.003).
The use of mobilization techniques within the trial was comparable with their usage by the general population of physiotherapists in Britain and Ireland for LBP management. However, the usage of manipulation techniques was considerably higher than reported in physiotherapy surveys and may re?ect the postgraduate training of trial therapists.


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The use of power ultrasound treatment in dry red kidney beans as a means to reduce the rehydration step during canning production while maintaining high nutritional value. IFT Annual Meeting. Chicago, 13-16/7/2013. (Poster


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La divison cellulaire asymétrique est un processus essentiel qui permet aux cellules souches de s’auto-renouveller et de produire une cellule fille destinée à la différenciation. La lignée germinale de C. elegans, totipotente et immortelle, est une lignée de cellules souches qui contient des organites ribonucléoprotéiques appelés granules P. Au cours du développement ces derniers sont toujours localisés spécifiquement dans les cellules précurseurs de la lignée germinals, suggérant qu’ils sont des déterminants de la lignée germinale. De façon intéressante, des granules ribonucléoprotéiques, comme les P bodies impliqués dans le contrôle post-transcriptionnel, ont été observés chez tous les organismes. Néanmoins, la fonction précise des granules P de C. elegans est inconnue. Récemment, notre laboratoire a montré que NHL-2, un homologue de Mei-P26 de Drosophile, colocalise avec les granules P dans des embryons précoces et joue un rôle dans la division cellulaire asymétrique et dans la polarité cellulaire. Tous les granules P contiennent NHL- 2, ce qui nous a mené à poser l’hypothèse que NHL-2 régule la biogenèse et la fonction des granules P. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse par imagerie et quantification de l'intensité de PGL-1, un composant essentiel des granules P, dans des embryons fixés. Nos résultats montrent que dans des embryons mutants pour nhl-2 il y a une réduction du nombre de granules P, de l'intensité de fluorescence moyenne (IFM) et de l'intensité de fluorescence total (IFT) de PGL-1. Une analyse plus poussée a montré qu'il existe deux populations distinctes d’embryons mutants pour nhl-2 : l’une présente une intensité de PGL-1 comparable à celle d’une population sauvage alors que le second groupe présente une forte réduction des quantités de PGL-1 et est comparable à des mutants pour pgl-1. Cette variabilité est aussi observée dans le phénotype de stérilité de nhl-2 mutant à des températures élevées. Globalement, nos résultats suggèrent que la perte de fonction de NHL-2 perturbe la prolifération des cellules germinales ainsi que la formation et/ou la stabilité des granules P au cours des étapes précoces du développement des précurseurs de la lignée germinals. D’autre part, ils suggèrent que la fonction de NHL-2 pourrait être partiellement redondants avec les autres régulateurs de la stabilité des granules P. Mots-clés : Granules P, NHL-2, Cellules germinals.


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Ingestion of probiotics can be recommended as a preventative approach to maintaining intestinal microflora balance and thereby enhance 'well-being'. Undoubtedly, probiotic bacteria will vary in their efficacy. The literature indicates positive results in over 50 human trials with prevention/treatment of infections the most frequently reported. In theory increased levels of probiotics may induce a 'barrier' influence against common pathogens. Mechanisms of effect are likely to include the excretion of acids (lactate, acetate), competition for nutrients and gut receptor sites, immuno-modulation and the formation of specific antimicrobial agents. An alternative, or additional, approach is the prebiotic concept. This takes the view that probiotics are present indigenous to the gut and that a rational approach towards increasing their numbers would be to consume food ingredients (carbohydrates) that have a selective metabolism in the lower gut. A prebiotic is 'a nondigestible food ingredient that beneficially affects the host by selectively stimulating the growth and/or activity of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon that can improve the host health.' In particular, the ingestion of fructo-oligosaccharides, galacto-oligosaccharides, and lactulose has shown to stimulate bifidobacteria in the lower gut.


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The crystal structure of the title compound, a promising ligand for chelatoterapies in the treatment of Alzheimer`s disease, has been determined by single crystal X-ray diffractometry. The compound crystallized in the monoclinic space group C2/c with Z = 4. The dimeric 8-quinolinol molecule is sited on a crystallographic twofold axis passing through the CH(2) carbon atom that links the symmetry related molecular halves, giving rise to a two-bladed propeller-like conformation. The (1)H and (13)C NMR as well as the IFT-IR and Raman spectra of the compound were also recorded and are briefly discussed. Some comparisons with spectra of related species are made. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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During the storage of oil, sludge is formed in the bottoms of tanks, due to decantation, since the sludge is composed of a large quantity of oil (heavy petroleum fractions), water and solids. The oil sludge is a complex viscous mixture which is considered as a hazardous waste. It is then necessary to develop methods and technologies that optimize the cleaning process, oil extraction and applications in industry. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the composition of the oil sludge, to obtain and characterize microemulsion systems (MES), and to study their applications in the treatment of sludge. In this context, the Soxhlet extraction of crude oil sludge and aged sludge was carried out, and allowing to quantify the oil (43.9 % and 84.7 % - 13 ºAPI), water (38.7 % and 9.15 %) and solid (17.3 % and 6.15 %) contents, respectively. The residues were characterized using the techniques of X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Xray diffraction (XRD) and transmission Infrared (FT-IR). The XRF technique determined the presence of iron and sulfur in higher proportions, confirming by XRD the presence of the following minerals: Pyrite (FeS2), Pyrrhotite (FeS) and Magnetite (Fe3O4). The FT-IR showed the presence of heavy oil fractions. In parallel, twelve MES were prepared, combining the following constituents: two nonionic surfactants (Unitol L90 and Renex 110 - S), three cosurfactants (butanol, sec-butanol and isoamyl alcohol - C), three aqueous phase (tap water - ADT, acidic solution 6 % HCl, and saline solution - 3.5 % NaCl - AP) and an oil phase (kerosene - OP). From the obtained systems, a common point was chosen belonging to the microemulsion region (25 % [C+S] 5 % OP and AP 70 %), which was characterized at room temperature (25°C) by viscosity (Haake Rheometer Mars), particle diameter (Zeta Plus) and thermal stability. Mixtures with this composition were applied to oil sludge solubilization under agitation at a ratio of 1:4, by varying time and temperature. The efficiencies of solubilization were obtained excluding the solids, which ranged between 73.5 % and 95 %. Thus, two particular systems were selected for use in storage tanks, with efficiencies of oil sludge solubilization over 90 %, which proved the effectiveness of the MES. The factorial design delimited within the domain showed how the MES constituents affect the solubilization of aged oil sludge, as predictive models. The MES A was chosen as the best system, which solubilized a high amount of aged crude oil sludge (~ 151.7 g / L per MES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The covariant quark model of the pion based on the effective nonlocal quark-hadron Lagrangian involving nonlocality induced by instanton fluctuations of the QCD vacuum is reviewed. Explicit gauge invariant formalism allows us to construct the conserved vector and axial currents and to demonstrate their consistency with the Ward-Takahashi identities and low-energy theorems. The spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry results in the dynamic quark mass and the vertex of the quark-pion interaction, both momentum-dependent. The parameters of the instanton vacuum, the average size of the instantons, and the effective quark mass are expressed in terms of the vacuum expectation values of the lowest dimension quark-gluon operators and low-energy pion observables. The transition pion form factor for the processes gamma*gamma --> pi (0) and gamma*gamma* --> pi (0) is analyzed in detail. The kinematic dependence of the transition form factor at high momentum transfers allows one to determine the relationship between the light-cone amplitude of the quark distribution in the pion and the quark-pion vertex function. Its dynamic dependence implies that the transition form factor gamma*gamma --> pi (0) at high momentum transfers is acutely sensitive to the size of the nonlocality of nonperturbative fluctuations in the QCD vacuum. In the leading twist, the distribution amplitude and the distribution function of the valence quarks in the pion are calculated at a low normalization point of the order of the inverse average instanton size rho (-1)(c). The QCD results are evolved to higher momentum transfers and are in reasonable agreement with available experimental data on the pion structure.