300 resultados para Glauco Arbix
O Caf?? com Debate recebeu o Professor do Departamento de Sociologia da USP, Glauco Arbix, para conversar sobre o observat??rio da competitividade e inova????o, no dia 19 de abril de 2007, na ENAP. O professor destacou que a inova????o n??o precisa estar ligada, necessariamente, com o ineditismo. Em muitos casos, uma combina????o de projetos ou tecnologias existentes pode constituir uma inova????o e gerar dinamismo em uma cadeia. Arbix apresentou o projeto do Observat??rio da Competitividade e Inova????o que est?? sendo desenvolvido em parceria entre ABDI, IEA e IPEA, cujo objetivo ?? criar m??tricas e sistemas para acompanhamento das inova????es. Consulte a apresenta????o feita pelo Professor
Os slides apresentam informa????es sobre as mudan??as pol??ticas na China, sobre a distribui????o de seu PIB, sua produ????o industrial, as particularidades de suas institui????es e seu sistema de inova????es. Encontram-se tamb??m dados a respeito das trocas comerciais entre a Am??rica Latina e aquele pa??s
This work is focused on understanding the most important issues originated from the current Brazilian productive restructuring and its impacts on the formation of a new unionism style, especially the pattern followed by the Workers Union's Congress (CUT). From the processes that have been developing in the automotive factories of the ABC region, as well as inside the unions, we can say that: (i) the participation of the unions in the elaboration and modificaton of the productive processes and the labor organization has been increasing; (ii) this trend has been spreading very quickly inside the workers union movement linked to the CUT, strenghtening the inflexion taken by this Congress since the beginning of the nineties; (iii) the negotiations and its outcomes are drawing away from an approach that seeks to establish a mechanical correspondance between production flexibilization measures and the implementation of certain industrial relations.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
This study examined how public relations can work through the implementation of tools for public communication, to seek to ensure a citizen of their rights: access to culture. We chose as case study Oficina Cultural Glauco Pintio de Moraes, located in Bauru (SP), an instrument of policy implementation for the Sao Paulo area, to discuss how the actions are carried out to the community as a whole. We analyzed data pertaining to the activities offered by the workshop and suggested actions for communication and relationship with its public workshop to happen more efficiently
Este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar el conjunto de textos reunidos bajo el nombre Jornal Dobrabil producidos por el escritor brasileño Glauco Mattoso en el marco de una modernidad en crisis. Para ello se analizan los diferentes procedimientos puestos en juego y los modos en que dicho conjunto de textos se relacionan de una manera diferente con la tradición modernista.