979 resultados para G3760 1990 .M4


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produced by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council GIS Lab.


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Shows soundings in Boston Harbor between Winthrop and Hingham.


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A tese testa hipótese de redução da demanda do agregado monetário M4 real, causada pelas medidas adotadas no início do governo Coilor. Atese estima redução desta demanda, através de uma comparação com M4 real ocorrido e o previsto, caso não tivesse havido Plano Collor I.


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O trabalho trata de refazer modelos macroeconômicos usuais, como por exemplo o IS-LM, com a introdução de um agregado amplo de liqüidez, o M4. Faz-se uma cuidadosa análise da identidade de Walras, estendendo-se Simonsen (1983). Como resultado, vê-se que a introdução do mercado de M4 nos modelos exige que seja abandonada ou a curva IS (equilíbrio no mercado de bens e serviços),ou a LM (equilíbrio no mercado monetário). A seguir estuda-se a demanda de M4, sua estimativa no Brasil e um modelo LM4-LM. A utilidade da análise precedente é óbvia: podem-se estudar os impactos de aumentos de M4 diretamente, sem que se recorra ao efeito riqueza (Pigou).


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Brazilian scientific production on pharmaceutical care was identified based on articles indexed on the Medline, Embase, Lilacs, Web of Science and International Pharmaceutical Abstracts databases. Sixty-three articles published in both national and international journals were retrieved. With regard to authors, 72.3% were from the Southeast and South Regions, and 60.8% were affiliated to public universities. In relation to the type of studies, 85.7% were descriptive, and the most frequently researched fields were community pharmacies, hospitals and primary health care units. Articles were original in 65.1% of cases, updates in 20.6%, and reviews in 7.9%. An increase in publications commenced in 2006. In 31.7% of cases, authors had adopted a bibliographical study design, 28.6% qualitative study, 23.8% intervention, and 15.9% observational study design. The most researched subjects were elderly with chronic diseases. The importance of stimulating the conducting of experimental and qualitative studies, as well as amplifying authorship affiliated with the service area, foreign authors and with research in a wide variety of practice settings were highlighted. Despite the limited quantity of articles, an increase in their number as well as in their scope and quality is expected, so as to create further knowledge that contributes to the recognition of pharmacists' actions by patient healthcare teams.


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Background: Few cohort studies have been conducted in low and middle-income countries to investigate non-communicable diseases among school-aged children. This article aims to describe the methodology of two birth cohorts, started in 1994 in Ribeirao Preto (RP), a more developed city, and in 1997/98 in Sao Luis (SL), a less developed town. Methods: Prevalences of some non-communicable diseases during the first follow-up of these cohorts were estimated and compared. Data on singleton live births were obtained at birth (2858 in RP and 2443 in SL). The follow-up at school age was conducted in RP in 2004/05, when the children were 9-11 years old and in SL in 2005/06, when the children were 7-9 years old. Follow-up rates were 68.7% in RP (790 included) and 72.7% in SL (673 participants). The groups of low (<2500 g) and high (>= 4250 g) birthweight were oversampled and estimates were corrected by weighting. Results: In the more developed city there was a higher percentage of non-nutritive sucking habits (69.1% vs 47.9%), lifetime bottle use (89.6% vs 68.3%), higher prevalence of primary headache in the last 15 days (27.9% vs 13.0%), higher positive skin tests for allergens (44.3% vs 25.3%) and higher prevalence of overweight (18.2% vs 3.6%), obesity (9.5% vs 1.8%) and hypertension (10.9% vs 4.6%). In the less developed city there was a larger percentage of children with below average cognitive function (28.9% vs 12.2%), mental health problems (47.4% vs 38.4%), depression (21.6% vs 6.0%) and underweight (5.8% vs 3.6%). There was no difference in the prevalence of bruxism, recurrent abdominal pain, asthma and bronchial hyperresponsiveness between cities. Conclusions: Some non-communicable diseases were highly prevalent, especially in the more developed city. Some high rates suggest that the burden of non-communicable diseases will be high in the future, especially mental health problems.


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A new species of land planarian from Colombia, Gigantea maupoi sp. nov., is described herein. The penis papilla of the new species is provided with numerous accessory genital organs, or mgo. These mgo are of a unique morphology, consisting of a very strong barrel-shaped circular muscle coat and an underlying longitudinal one, both derived from the subepithelial musculature of the penis papilla. The central mass of each mgo contains secretions and 8-15 canalicula that open to the male atrium on the central region of the organ. Differences in structures constituting the mgo and details of the muscular systems and of the reproductive organs among the 11 Gigantea species from literature and from type material of G. bistriata (Hyman, 1962), G. chiriquii (Hyman, 1962), and G. sandersoni (Prudhoe, 1949) reexamined here show that the genus is heterogeneous.


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This review describes the Australian decline in all-cause mortality, 1788-1990, and compares this with declines in Europe and North America. The period until the 1870s shows characteristic 'crisis mortality', attributable to epidemics of infectious disease. A decline in overall mortality is evident from 1880. A precipitous fall occurs in infant mortality from 1900, similar to that in European countries. Infant mortality continues downward during this century (except during the 1930s), with periods of accelerated decline during the 1940s (antibiotics) and early 1970s. Maternal mortality remains high until a precipitous fall in 1937 coinciding with the arrival of sulphonamide. Excess mortality due to the 1919 influenza epidemic is evident. Artefactual falls in mortality occur in 1930, and for men during the war of 1939-1945. Stagnation in overall mortality decline during the 1930s and 1945-1970 is evident for adult males, and during 1960-1970 for adult females. A decline in mortality is registered in both sexes from 1970, particularly in middle and older age groups, with narrowing of the sex differential. The mortality decline in Australia is broadly similar to those of the United Kingdom and several European countries, although an Australian advantage during last century and the first part of this century may have been due to less industrialisation, lower population density and better nutrition. Australia shows no war-related interruptions in the mortality decline. Australian mortality patterns from 1970 are also similar to those observed in North America and European countries (including the United Kingdom, but excluding Eastern Europe).


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This review describes the changes in composition of mortality by major attributed cause during the Australian mortality decline this century. The principal categories employed were: infectious diseases, nonrheumatic cardiovascular disease, external causes, cancer,'other' causes and ill-defined conditions. The data were age-adjusted. Besides registration problems (which also affect all-cause mortality) artefacts due to changes in diagnostic designation and coding-are evident. The most obvious trends over the period are the decline in infectious disease mortality (half the decline 1907-1990 occurs before 1949), and the epidemic of circulatory disease mortality which appears to commence around 1930, peaks during the 1950s and 1960s, and declines from 1970 to 1990 (to a rate half that at the peak). Mortality for cancer remains static for females after 1907, but increases steadily for males, reaching a plateau in the mid-1980s (owing to trends in lung cancer); trends in cancers of individual sites are diverse. External cause mortality declines after 1970. The decline in total mortality to 1930 is associated with decline in infection and 'other' causes, Stagnation of mortality decline in 1930-1940 and 1946-1970 for males is a consequence of contemporaneous movements in opposite directions of infection mortality (decrease) and circulatory disease and cancer mortality (increase). In females, declines in infections and 'other' causes of death exceed the increase in circulatory disease mortality until 1960, then stability in all major causes of death to 1970. The overall mortality decline since 1970 is a consequence of a reduction in circulatory disease,'other' cause, external cause and infection mortality, despite the increase in cancer mortality (for males).


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Background and Purpose-Few reliable estimates of the long-term functional outcome after stroke are available. This population-based study aimed to describe disability, dependency, and related independent prognostic factors at 5 years after,a first-ever stroke in patients in Perth, Western Australia. Methods-All individuals with a suspected acute stroke who were resident in a geographically defined region (population, 138 708) of Perth, Western Australia, were registered prospectively and assessed according to standardized diagnostic criteria over a period of 18 months in 1989 to 1990. Patients were followed up prospectively at 4 and 12 months and 5 years after the index event. Results-There were 370 cases of first-ever stroke, and 277 patients survived to 30 days. Of these early survivors, 152 (55%) were alive at 5 years, and among those who were neither institutionalized (n=146) nor disabled (n=129) at the time of their stroke, 21 (14%) were institutionalized in a nursing home, and 47 (36%) were disabled. The most important predictors of death or disability at 5 years were increasing age, baseline disability defined by a Barthel Index score of <20/20 (odds ratio [OR], 6.3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.7 to 14), moderate hemiparesis (OR, 2.7. 95% CI, 1.1 to 6.2), severe hemiparesis (OR, 4.5; 95% CI, 1.1 to 19), and recurrent stroke (OR, 9.4; 95% CI, 3.0 to 30). A low level of activity before the stroke was a significant predictor of institutionalization, and subsequent recurrent stroke was a consistent, independent predictor of institutionalization, disability, and death or institutionalization, increasing the odds of each of these 3 adverse outcomes by 5- to 15-fold. Conclusions-Among 30-day survivors of first-ever stroke, about half survive 5 years; of survivors, one third remain disabled, and I in 7 are in permanent institutional care. The major modifiable predictors of poor long-term outcome are a low level of activity before the stroke and subsequent recurrent stroke. Efforts to increase physical activity among the elderly and to prevent recurrent stroke in survivors of a first stroke are likely to reduce the long-term burden of cerebrovascular disease.


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Objective: To compare the cancer knowledge and skills of interns in 2001 who graduated from graduate medical program (GMP) courses with those from non-GMP courses, and to compare the cancer knowledge and skills of interns in 2001 with those who completed a similar survey in 1990. Design: Questionnaire survey of recently graduated interns in a random sample of Australian and New Zealand hospitals. The questionnaire was designed to allow direct comparison with the 1990 survey, and was guided by the Australian Cancer Society's Ideal Oncology Curriculum for Medical Schools. Results: 443 interns completed the survey (response rate, 62%; 42 were excluded, leaving 401 surveys for analysis: 118 from GMP courses and 283 from non-GMP courses). Interns from GMP courses felt more competent than those from non-GMP courses at discussing death (P= 0.02), breaking bad news (P= 0.04) and advising on smoking cessation (P= 0.02), but less competent at preparing a patient for a hazardous procedure (P= 0.02). Mote GMP interns would refer a breast cancer patient to a multidisciplinary clinic (83% versus 70%; P= 0.03). Knowledge about cancer risks and prognosis was significantly less in GMP interns, but GMP interns rated their clinical skills, such as taking a Pap smear, higher than non-GMP interns. The GMP and non-GMP groups did not differ in their exposure to cancer patients, but compared with 1990 interns recent graduates had less exposure to patients with cancer. Conclusions: GMP curricula appear to have successfully introduced new course material and new methods of teaching, but have not always succeeded in producing doctors with better knowledge about cancer. Recent graduates have less exposure to cancer patients than those who trained 10 years ago.