990 resultados para Fish Skin


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In fish processing plants, there is huge amount of skin that is left as the waste. When this skin is taken and processed into fish collagen, it will save large amount of money that is used for extraction of collagen from other animal s.Fish collagen can be used as an alternative to replace mammalian collagen, especially collagen extracted from bovine, when we consider the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) and the foot - and-mouth disease (FMD) issues. BSE and TSE are progressive neurological disorders affecting cattles caused by proteinacious infectious particles called prions.The study aims in producing collagen that has been extracted from fish skin to replace other animal collagen so as to overcome the problem of other animal collagen issues. Also the study utilized the abandoned fish waste produced by fish processing industry since bone, skin, fin and scales of fish can be a useful source of collagen.


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Faculty of Marine Sciences,Cochin University of Science and Technology


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The colors of 51 species of Hawaiian reef fish have been measured using a spectrometer and therefore can be described in objective terms that are not influenced by the human visual experience. In common with other known reef fish populations, the colors of Hawaiian reef fish occupy spectral positions from 300-800nm; yellow or orange with blue, yellow with black, and black with white are the most frequently combined colors; and there is no link between possession of ultraviolet (UV) reflectance and UV visual sensitivity or the potential for UV visual sensitivity. In contrast to other reef systems, blue, yellow, and orange appear more frequently in Hawaiian reef fish. Based on spectral quality of reflections from fish skin, trends in fish colors can be seen that are indicative of both visually driven selective pressures and chemical or physical constraints on the design of colors. UV-reflecting colors can function as semiprivate communication signals. White or yellow with black form highly contrasting patterns that transmit well through clear water. Labroid fishes display uniquely complex colors but lack the ability to see the UV component that is common in their pigments. Step-shaped spectral curves are usually long-wavelength colors such as yellow or red, and colors with a peak-shaped spectral curves are green, blue, violet, and UV.


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Toxic (Gobiodon spp.) and non-toxic (Paragobiodon xanthosomus) gobies became infected with external parasites (gnathiid isopods) at equal rates in a laboratory experiment. Parasites were evenly distributed over the body of P. xanthosomus but were mostly confined to the fins of Gobiodon spp., where toxin glands are less abundant. Skin toxins were not associated with the rate of infection but their distribution did appear to influence the site of parasite attachment. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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[EN] Red porgy, Pagrus pagrus, is one of the marine fish species for the aquaculture diversification in the Mediterranean and Mid Atlantic coasts. Relevance of its nutrition has been demonstrated not only from growth and body composition, but also because it?s important role in fish skin colour and carotenoids deposition (Kalinowski et al., 2005; Pavlidis et al., 2006). Present study evaluate the influence of two different crab meals by products, marine and freshwater origin, as protein and pigment sources in experimental diets for red porgy and its effects on fish growth and feed utilization parameters, fish skin colour and fish composition. Both crab meals used in present study are suitability as partial replacers of fish meal in diets for the red porgy. Dietary inclusion levels of 10% and 20% of the dietary protein from these meals have no detrimental effects on growth and feed utilization parameters respect to a fish meal based diet, with high improvements in fish skin redness and skin colour saturation by increased inclusion levels. Digestibility and retention efficiency parameters are being analyzing at the moment.


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Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) commonly involves extranodal sites, usually as a manifestation of disseminated disease. In rare cases, MCLs may arise as a primary tumor in the skin. Blastoid mantle cell lymphoma (BV-MCL) is a rare variant and has a more aggressive clinical course. The phenotype of BV-MCL is characterized as CD20(+), CD5(+), cyclin D1(+), CD23(-), and CD10(-). Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization shows a characteristic t(11; 14) fusion pattern. We report a case of a BV-MCL arising in skin as primary cutaneous MCL with the characteristic immunophenotype and translocation.


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To understand how bees, birds, and fish may use colour vision for food selection and mate choice, we reconstructed views of biologically important objects taking into account the receptor spectral sensitivities. Reflectance spectra a of flowers, bird plumage, and fish skin were used to calculate receptor quantum catches. The quantum catches were then coded by red, green, and blue of a computer monitor; and powers, birds, and fish were visualized in animal colours. Calculations were performed for different illumination conditions. To simulate colour constancy, we used a von Kries algorithm, i.e., the receptor quantum catches were scaled so that the colour of illumination remained invariant. We show that on land this algorithm compensates reasonably well for changes of object appearance caused by natural changes of illumination, while in water failures of von Kries colour constancy are prominent. (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.


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The objective of this paper was to determine nitrate and nitrite anions in toasted fish skin tea, which the population of southern Rio Grande do Sul believes to have pharmacological properties for trating asthma. Two methods were compared, an official and one described by Guozhen et al., that has the advantage of not needing reduction of nitrate to nitrite on a Cd column. The samples were the skin of the fish species Balistes capriscus (peixe porco) and Menticirrhus littoralis (papa-terra), both crude and toasted, as traditionally used. The method of Guozhen et al. was used due to its performance (detection limit 0.005 µmol/L NO3- and 0.02 µmol/L - NO2- and mean recuperation of 100 and 97% respectively for each anion) and results similar to those of the official methods under conditions used by the population, the estimated daily intake, of the teas is equivalent to 0.03 to 0.05 mg of nitrate and 0.007 to 0.014 mg of nitrite. These values are in accord with safety recommendations and don't represent a health risk.


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La saprolégniose est une maladie fongique causée par le champignon aquatique Saprolegnia sp. qui affecte les poissons sauvages et ceux provenant des piscicultures. L’apparition de touffes cotonneuses semblables à de la ouate de couleur blanche à grise est souvent la première indication de l’infection. Ce saprophyte ubiquitaire se nourrit habituellement des œufs de poissons morts, mais peut se propager rapidement aux œufs sains causant la mort de ces derniers. La saprolégniose est souvent une infection secondaire, mais des souches virulentes peuvent facilement se développer sur les salmonidés ayant subi un stress ou une mauvaise manipulation. De grandes pertes économiques associées à la saprolégniose sont rapportées chaque année à travers le monde surtout dans l’industrie de la pisciculture. Jusqu’en 2002, le contrôle de la saprolégniose pouvait se faire par l’utilisation du vert de malachite, un colorant organique ayant une grande activité antifongique. Malheureusement, cette molécule a été bannie à cause de ses propriétés cancérigènes. Aucun composé aussi efficace n’est actuellement disponible pour traiter les infections de la saprolégniose. Des molécules ou extraits naturels ayant un potentiel antifongique ont donc été testés à l’aide de deux techniques (par graines de chanvre et par cylindre d’agar). Les molécules d’un extrait de propolis (cire de ruches d’abeilles) démontrant de l’activité anti-Saprolegnia ont été identifiées. De plus, une bactérie, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pouvant être retrouvée dans le même environnement que Saprolegnia sp. a démontré un effet antagoniste au champignon. Une molécule de signalisation intercellulaire produite par P. aeruginosa, 4-hydroxy-2-heptylquinoline (HHQ), a été identifiée comme responsable de l’effet antagoniste contre Saprolegnia sp.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of the addition of surfactants sodium stearoyl lactate (SSL) and sucrose ester (SE) on the functional properties of films produced with polysaccharides mixtures (methylcellulose/glucomannan/pectin in 1/4/1 ratio, respectively) and gelatin. The films were produced by the casting method and characterized for their water vapor permeability (WVP), mechanical (tensile strength and elongation to break point), morphological and optical properties. Films with low WVP were obtained with surfactants. Addition of SE to the films with polysaccharide/gelatin ratio of 90/10 showed improved mechanical properties. Films presented smooth surfaces with micro voids and lumpiness, depending on the surfactant tested. Surfactants increased the opacity of the films by a factor of 1-3%. All film properties were dependent on the surfactant affinity for the biopolymer matrix. SE presented more affinity for biopolymer matrix containing high polysaccharide proportion, and SSL presented more affinity for polymer matrix containing high gelatin proportion. The addition of surfactants decreased the water vapor permeability of the films, increasing their hydrophobic character.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pesquisou-se a ocorrência de Escherichia coli (EPEC, EIEC, O157) em água e peixe (pele, trato digestivo e músculo) de pesque-pagues da microbacia do Córrego Rico, Jaboticabal (SP). Foram isoladas 115 cepas de E. coli, entre as quais 49 (43%) foram sorogrupadas como EPEC. Os sorogrupos mais frequentes foram O125, O126 e O158. Dentre as amostras testadas, 60 (52%) apresentaram resistência simultânea a dois antimicrobianos. A análise de correspondência foi realizada com o intuito de verificar as possíveis correspondências envolvendo o local de isolamento, sorogrupos e multirresistência e, com isso, pôde-se observar que o músculo apresentou menor correspondência com os demais fatores analisados. Porém, o isolamento de sorogrupos EPEC neste estudo representa risco à saúde dos consumidores.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Monogeneans (flatworms) are among the most host-specific of parasites in general and may be the most host-specific of all fish parasites. Specificity, in terms of a restricted spatial distribution within an environment, is not unique to parasites and is displayed by some fungi, insects, birds, symbionts and pelagic larvae of free-living marine invertebrates. The nature of cues, how habitats are recognised and how interactions between partners are mediated and maintained is of interest across these diverse associations. We review some experiments that demonstrate important factors that contribute to host-specificity at the level of infective stages (larvae of oviparous monogeneans; juveniles of viviparous gyrodactylids) and adult parasites. Recent research on immune responses by fish to monogenean infections is considered. We emphasise the critical importance of host epidermis to the Monogenea. Monogeneans live on host epidermis, they live in its products (e.g. mucus), monopisthocotyleans feed on it, some of its products are attractants and it may be an inhospitable surface because of its immunological activity. We focus attention on fish but reference is made to amphibian hosts. We develop the concept for a potential role in host-speciality by the anterior adhesive areas, either the specialised tegument and/or anterior secretions produced by monogeneans for temporary but firm attachment during locomotion on host epithelial surfaces. Initial contact between the anterior adhesive areas of infective stages and host epidermis may serve two important purposes. (1) Appropriate sense organs or receptors on the parasite interact with a specific chemical or chemicals or with surface structures on host epidermis. (2) A specific but instant recognition or reaction occurs between component(s) of host mucus and the adhesive(s) secreted by monogeneans. The chemical composition of fish skin is known to be species-specific and our preliminary analysis of the chemistry of some monogenean adhesives indicates they are novel proteins that display some differences between parasite families and species. (C) 2000 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.