998 resultados para Final Dissertation
Dissertação de Mestrado em Gestão e Políticas Públicas
Aquest Treball Final de Grau aporta els resultats d’un estudi sobre els efectes i condicionats que suposa pel rendiment acadèmic dels alumnes de cicle superior de primària el divorci o la separació dels seus progenitors. Ens trobem davant l’augment del nombre de trencaments familiars, que ha esdevingut un fenomen clarament observable en la societat, es tracta d’un fenomen complex, en el qual entren en joc nombroses variables. I el trencament també suposa conseqüències socials, en primer lloc, pels fills/es. En una primera part ens endinsem en les aportacions i teories que han defensat diversos experts al llarg del temps sobre aquest fet. En una segona part es presenten les conclusions i els acords extrets de diverses entrevistes amb mestres d’una escola local en relació a la possible vinculació entre trencament familiar i rendiment acadèmic. I, per últim, s’acaben comparat les visions dels autors teòrics amb les aportacions i visions dels educadors professionals; per arribar a les principals conclusions que, no es pot generalitzar els efectes negatius de la ruptura, cal veure també les possibilitats positives del moment i, per últim, destacar que la manera amb la qual la família s'afronta a la ruptura té una importància crucial a l'hora de determinar l'impacte d'aquesta la ruptura en els fills.
La presente tesi di ricerca si propone di studiare la danza della sarabanda come capolavoro di musica, retorica e poesia in tre delle Sechs Partiten für klavier di J. S. Bach (BWV 825-830). Lo studio svolto è fondamentalmente di tipo retorico: permette di individuare e interpretare la struttura oratorialepoetica del discorso letterario-musicale nelle tre danze scelte e di imarcarne i suoi aspetti più salienti di ritmica e ornatus. L’approccio permette di osservare, con uno sguardo di comparazione, la presenza di un percorso retorico comune alle tre sarabande, che evolve con gradualità, differenziandole nettamente: ciò riesce a valorizzare a pieno la danza nella sua forza ed efficacia espressiva, che la rende di fatto il movimento di massima commozione di ogni Partita.
Considering current technological progresses, they prove to be useful tools to be increasingly exploited in order to meet the population's needs. Generally, in Brazil, the Mobile Emergency Services (SAMU) tend to be limited to the management of incidents, which undermines the efficiency of these bodies. In this context, this final dissertation aims to present the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the SAMU in the cities of Feira de Santana BA and Rio Claro SP, integrating occurrences data related to trauma by cold weapon injuries, injury by gun, and assaults, in the period 2012-2013, as well as census data. The study was developed in stages that included obtaining data related to trauma events linked to urban violence, and statistical Census data (2010), provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Regarding the GIS, the free software Quantum GIS (QGIS) was adopted for processing and spatializing data, assuming the districts as units of study, in the urban area of the cities analyzed. The resulting research products were presented in thematic maps format, which conducted to a comparative analysis of the occurrences related to traumas. The achieved results were satisfactory, and a database in GIS was developed, integrating occurrences data by Cold Weapon Injuries (FAB), Injury by Gun (FAF) and Assaults with census data, allowing the proper use and update of the system. Making a comparative analysis between the two cities, it was possible to establish that Rio Claro presents more occurrences when it comes to FAF, FAB and Aggression recorded at SAMU per 100,000 inhabitants than Feira de Santana. Thus, although Rio Claro's population is about three times smaller than Feira de Santana's, it can be said that Rio Claro is a more violent city, considering the factors analyzed. It is possible to infer that the use of GIS applied to the SAMU in medium-sized cities is feasible, and it has the advantage...
La proliferación en todo el mundo de las soluciones basadas en la nube hace que las empresas estén valorando mover su infraestructura o parte de ella a la nube, para así reducir los altos costes de inversión necesarios para mantener una infraestructura privada. Uno de los servicios que puede ser centralizado en la nube, mediante recursos compartidos entre varios clientes, son las soluciones de contingencia, como los servicios de protección de datos o los centros de recuperación ante desastres. Mediante este proyecto se pretende llevar a cabo el despliegue de una plataforma de servicios gestionados para ofrecer soluciones centralizadas, a clientes que lo requieran, de copias de seguridad y disaster recovery. Para la realización del proyecto se realizó un estudio de las tecnologías actuales para llevar a cabo la continuidad de negocio, los distintos tipos de backups, así como los tipos de replicación existente, local y remota. Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo un estudio de mercado para barajar las distintas posibilidades existentes para el despliegue de la infraestructura, siempre teniendo en cuenta el cliente objetivo. Finalmente, se realizó la fase de desarrollo, donde se detallan los componentes principales que componen la solución final, la localización de la infraestructura, un caso de uso, así como las principales ventajas de la solución. Se ha de destacar que se trata de un proyecto real, que se llevó a cabo en una empresa externa a la facultad, Omega Peripherals, donde una vez finalizado mi prácticum, se propuso dicho proyecto para desarrollarlo como continuación de mi labor en la empresa y formar parte de mi Trabajo Final de Grado (TFG). ---ABSTRACT---The worldwide proliferation of cloud-based solutions means that companies are evaluating their infrastructure or move part of it to the cloud, to reduce the high investment costs required to maintain a private infrastructure. One of the services that can be centralized in the cloud, through shared resources between multiple clients, are the solutions of contingency services as data protection or disaster recovery centers. This project aims to carry out the deployment of a managed services platform centralized solutions, to customers who need it, backup and disaster recovery services. The project consists of three phases. First, It was performed a study of the current business continuity technologies, the different types of backups, as well as replication types, local and remote. Second, it was performed a market study to shuffle the different possibilities for the deployment of infrastructure, keeping in mind the target customer. Finally, we found the development phase, where it details the main components that make up the final solution, the location of infrastructure, a use case, as well as the main advantages of the solution. It should be emphasized that this is a real project, which was carried out in an outside company to the university, called Omega Peripherals, where once I completed my practicum, it was proposed this project to develop it as a continuation of my job and develop it as my final dissertation.
Parte de la investigación biomédica actual se encuentra centrada en el análisis de datos heterogéneos. Estos datos pueden tener distinto origen, estructura, y semántica. Gran cantidad de datos de interés para los investigadores se encuentran en bases de datos públicas, que recogen información de distintas fuentes y la ponen a disposición de la comunidad de forma gratuita. Para homogeneizar estas fuentes de datos públicas con otras de origen privado, existen diversas herramientas y técnicas que permiten automatizar los procesos de homogeneización de datos heterogéneos. El Grupo de Informática Biomédica (GIB) [1] de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid colabora en el proyecto europeo P-medicine [2], cuya finalidad reside en el desarrollo de una infraestructura que facilite la evolución de los procedimientos médicos actuales hacia la medicina personalizada. Una de las tareas enmarcadas en el proyecto P-medicine que tiene asignado el grupo consiste en elaborar herramientas que ayuden a usuarios en el proceso de integración de datos contenidos en fuentes de información heterogéneas. Algunas de estas fuentes de información son bases de datos públicas de ámbito biomédico contenidas en la plataforma NCBI [3] (National Center for Biotechnology Information). Una de las herramientas que el grupo desarrolla para integrar fuentes de datos es Ontology Annotator. En una de sus fases, la labor del usuario consiste en recuperar información de una base de datos pública y seleccionar de forma manual los resultados relevantes. Para automatizar el proceso de búsqueda y selección de resultados relevantes, por un lado existe un gran interés en conseguir generar consultas que guíen hacia resultados lo más precisos y exactos como sea posible, por otro lado, existe un gran interés en extraer información relevante de elevadas cantidades de documentos, lo cual requiere de sistemas que analicen y ponderen los datos que caracterizan a los mismos. En el campo informático de la inteligencia artificial, dentro de la rama de la recuperación de la información, existen diversos estudios acerca de la expansión de consultas a partir de retroalimentación relevante que podrían ser de gran utilidad para dar solución a la cuestión. Estos estudios se centran en técnicas para reformular o expandir la consulta inicial utilizando como realimentación los resultados que en una primera instancia fueron relevantes para el usuario, de forma que el nuevo conjunto de resultados tenga mayor proximidad con los que el usuario realmente desea. El objetivo de este trabajo de fin de grado consiste en el estudio, implementación y experimentación de métodos que automaticen el proceso de extracción de información trascendente de documentos, utilizándola para expandir o reformular consultas. De esta forma se pretende mejorar la precisión y el ranking de los resultados asociados. Dichos métodos serán integrados en la herramienta Ontology Annotator y enfocados a la fuente de datos de PubMed [4].---ABSTRACT---Part of the current biomedical research is focused on the analysis of heterogeneous data. These data may have different origin, structure and semantics. A big quantity of interesting data is contained in public databases which gather information from different sources and make it open and free to be used by the community. In order to homogenize thise sources of public data with others which origin is private, there are some tools and techniques that allow automating the processes of integration heterogeneous data. The biomedical informatics group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid cooperates with the European project P-medicine which main purpose is to create an infrastructure and models to facilitate the transition from current medical practice to personalized medicine. One of the tasks of the project that the group is in charge of consists on the development of tools that will help users in the process of integrating data from diverse sources. Some of the sources are biomedical public data bases from the NCBI platform (National Center for Biotechnology Information). One of the tools in which the group is currently working on for the integration of data sources is called the Ontology Annotator. In this tool there is a phase in which the user has to retrieve information from a public data base and select the relevant data contained in it manually. For automating the process of searching and selecting data on the one hand, there is an interest in automatically generating queries that guide towards the more precise results as possible. On the other hand, there is an interest on retrieve relevant information from large quantities of documents. The solution requires systems that analyze and weigh the data allowing the localization of the relevant items. In the computer science field of the artificial intelligence, in the branch of information retrieval there are diverse studies about the query expansion from relevance feedback that could be used to solve the problem. The main purpose of this studies is to obtain a set of results that is the closer as possible to the information that the user really wants to retrieve. In order to reach this purpose different techniques are used to reformulate or expand the initial query using a feedback the results that where relevant for the user, with this method, the new set of results will have more proximity with the ones that the user really desires. The goal of this final dissertation project consists on the study, implementation and experimentation of methods that automate the process of extraction of relevant information from documents using this information to expand queries. This way, the precision and the ranking of the results associated will be improved. These methods will be integrated in the Ontology Annotator tool and will focus on the PubMed data source.
La asignatura Trabajo Fin de Grado (TFG) es una asignatura totalmente novedosa para las ramas de las ciencias jurídicas. En la Facultad de Derecho de la UCM, en concreto en el Grado en Derecho, su implantación se ha realizado muy recientemente, contando con apenas dos años de experiencia. El presente trabajo tiene por objeto analizar las formas y criterios de evaluación del TFG adoptadas en la Facultad de Derecho, y el desarrollo de las mismas que han realizado los distintos departamentos, realizando una valoración de la experiencia adquirida durante estos primeros años de implantación.
El trabajo que se presenta se centra en dos aspectos que son fundamentales en el diseño y desarrollo de los TFG: Por una parte, los objetivos y competencias a validar en el TFG y, por otra, las modalidades que puede revestir dicho trabajo. Se trata de individualizar estos elementos en el marco regulador correspondiente y analizar cómo se desarrollan en el diseño de los TFG del Grado en Derecho en la UCM, y más concretamente los que son tutorizados en el Departamento de Derecho Constitucional. Finalmente se trata de individualizar los posibles problemas y aportar algunas reflexiones sobre su tratamiento académico.
Mestrado em Ciências Empresariais
This PhD work arises from the necessity to give a contribution to the energy saving field, regarding automotive applications. The aim was to produce a multidisciplinary work to show how much important is to consider different aspects of an electric car realization: from innovative materials to cutting-edge battery thermal management systems (BTMSs), also dealing with the life cycle assessment (LCA) of the battery packs (BPs). Regarding the materials, it has been chosen to focus on carbon fiber composites as their use allows realizing light products with great mechanical properties. Processes and methods to produce carbon fiber goods have been analysed with a special attention on the university solar car Emilia 4. The work proceeds dealing with the common BTMSs on the market (air-cooled, cooling plates, heat pipes) and then it deepens some of the most innovative systems such as the PCM-based BTMSs after a previous experimental campaign to characterize the PCMs. After that, a complex experimental campaign regarding the PCM-based BTMSs has been carried on, considering both uninsulated and insulated systems. About the first category the tested systems have been pure PCM-based and copper-foam-loaded-PCM-based BTMSs; the insulated tested systems have been pure PCM-based and copper-foam-loaded-PCM-based BTMSs and both of these systems equipped with a liquid cooling circuit. The choice of lighter building materials and the optimization of the BTMS are strategies which helps in reducing the energy consumption, considering both the energy required by the car to move and the BP state of health (SOH). Focusing on this last factor, a clear explanation regarding the importance of taking care about the SOH is given by the analysis of a BP production energy consumption. This is why a final dissertation about the life cycle assessment (LCA) of a BP unit has been presented in this thesis.
The goal of this final dissertation is to propose a partial translation of the Young Adult novel I Wish You All the Best by nonbinary author Mason Deaver, which was published in the United States by PUSH in 2019 and is currently still unpublished in Italy. The book follows the story of eighteen-year-old Ben De Backer. After coming out as nonbinary to their parents, they are kicked out of their home; thanks to the help of their older sister, they will manage to get back on their feet and start a new life, although their trauma will continue to pose a great obstacle to their growth and happiness. I Wish You All the Best is one of the first novels with a nonbinary protagonist in the Young Adult category and is particularly interesting from a linguistic standpoint. The first chapter serves as introduction to the author, Mason Deaver, their life and their relationship with gender identity and writing; and also as an introduction to the book itself and how its main characters and themes are developed in relation to the plot. The second chapter looks at the Young Adult genre as a whole; it explores its origins and development through the years and seeks to find a definition for this type of literature which has often been misrepresented both in the eyes of literary critics and the general public. Additionally, the chapter will describe some of the main characteristics of YA literature and analyze them in relation to I Wish You All the Best. The third chapter aims to examine the role of language, and how it can be inclusive to people outside of the gender binary. It will also touch upon the sociocultural contexts in which the speakers of different languages operate. The fourth and final chapter will present the translation of several passages taken from the novel I Wish You All the Best and offer an analysis of the most interesting and difficult aspects of this translation process.
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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Jornalismo.
El Treball Final de Grau, com a punt final de l¿itinerari acadèmic dels Graus definitsformalment com a generalistes, pot esdevenir, amb les innovacions i concrecions que es presenten, una oportunitat per a un estudiant d¿estar més capacitat per a poder inserir-se en un competitiu mercat laboral, així com l¿inici de la gestió de la seva reputació en línia, incloent la presència en repositoris i xarxes socials. Mitjançant la selecció i anàlisi de les competències, es presenta el disseny i les primeres experiències del TFG en el Grau d¿Informació i Documentació de la UOC.