939 resultados para FUNCTIONAL EXPRESSION


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Two native copper-containing amine oxidases (EC have been isolated from Rhodococcus opacus and reveal phenotypic plasticity and catalytic activity with respect to structurally diverse natural and synthetic amines. Altering the amine growth substrate has enabled tailored and targeted oxidase upreg-ulation, which with subsequent treatment by precipitation, ion exchange and gel filtration, achieved a 90–150 fold purification. MALDI-TOF mass spectrometric and genomic analysis has indicated multiple gene activation with complex biodegradation pathways and regulatory mechanisms. Additional post-purification characterisation has drawn on the use of carbonyl reagent and chelating agent inhibitors. Michaelis–Menten kinetics for common aliphatic and aromatic amine substrates and several structural analogues demonstrated a broad specificity and high affinity with Michaelis constants (K M) ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 mM for C 1 –C 5 aliphatic mono-amines and <0.2 mM for a range of aromatic amines. Potential exploitation of the enzymatic versatility of the two isolated oxidases in biosensing and bioprocessing is discussed.


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The work presented here has focused on the role of cation-chloride cotransporters (CCCs) in (1) the regulation of intracellular chloride concentration within postsynaptic neurons and (2) on the consequent effects on the actions of the neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) mediated by GABAA receptors (GABAARs) during development and in pathophysiological conditions such as epilepsy. In addition, (3) we found that a member of the CCC family, the K-Cl cotransporter isoform 2 (KCC2), has a structural role in the development of dendritic spines during the differentiation of pyramidal neurons. Despite the large number of publications dedicated to regulation of intracellular Cl-, our understanding of the underlying mechanisms is not complete. Experiments on GABA actions under resting steady-state have shown that the effect of GABA shifts from depolarizing to hyperpolarizing during maturation of cortical neurons. However, it remains unclear, whether conclusions from these steady-state measurements can be extrapolated to the highly dynamic situation within an intact and active neuronal network. Indeed, GABAergic signaling in active neuronal networks results in a continuous Cl- load, which must be constantly removed by efficient Cl- extrusion mechanisms. Therefore, it seems plausible to suggest that key parameters are the efficacy and subcellular distribution of Cl- transporters rather than the polarity of steady-state GABA actions. A further related question is: what are the mechanisms of Cl- regulation and homeostasis during pathophysiological conditions such as epilepsy in adults and neonates? Here I present results that were obtained by means of a newly developed method of measurements of the efficacy of a K-Cl cotransport. In Study I, the developmental profile of KCC2 functionality during development was analyzed both in dissociated neuronal cultures and in acute hippocampal slices. A novel method of photolysis of caged GABA in combination with Cl- loading to the somata was used in this study to assess the extrusion efficacy of KCC2. We demonstrated that these two preparations exhibit a different temporal profile of functional KCC2 upregulation. In Study II, we reported an observation of highly distorted dendritic spines in neurons cultured from KCC2-/- embryos. During their development in the culture dish, KCC2-lacking neurons failed to develop mature, mushroom-shaped dendritic spines but instead maintained an immature phenotype of long, branching and extremely motile protrusions. It was shown that the role of KCC2 in spine maturation is not based on its transport activity, but is mediated by interactions with cytoskeletal proteins. Another important player in Cl- regulation, NKCC1 and its role in the induction and maintenance of native Cl- gradients between the axon initial segment (AIS) and soma was the subject of Study III. There we demonstrated that this transporter mediates accumulation of Cl- in the axon initial segment of neocortical and hippocampal principal neurons. The results suggest that the reversal potential of the GABAA response triggered by distinct populations of interneurons show large subcellular variations. Finally, a novel mechanism of fast post-translational upregulation of the membrane-inserted, functionally active KCC2 pool during in-vivo neonatal seizures and epileptiform-like activity in vitro was identified and characterized in Study IV. The seizure-induced KCC2 upregulation may act as an intrinsic antiepileptogenic mechanism.


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Anabaena PCC 7120 xisA gene product mediates the site-specific excision of 11,278 bp nifD element in heterocysts formed under nitrogen starvation conditions. Although XisA protein possesses both site-specific recombinase and endonuclease activities, till date neither xisA transcript nor XisA protein has been detected. Gene encoding XisA protein was isolated from plasmid pMX25 and overexpressed in Escherichia coli BL21 DE3 yielding 7.7 mg enzyme per L of growth culture in soluble fraction. His-tagged XisA was purified using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography with 95% recovery. The purified XisA showed a single band on SDS-PAGE with molecular mass of 52 kDa. Identity of XisA was confirmed by MALDI-TOF analysis and functionality of enzyme was confirmed using restriction digestion. A PCR based method was developed to monitor excision by XisA, which displayed near 100% activity in E. coli within 1 h at 37 degrees C on LB under static condition. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Background and Purpose: The aim of the study was to determine whether KCNQ channels are functionally expressed in bladder smooth muscle cells (SMC) and to investigate their physiological significance in bladder contractility. 

Experimental Approach: KCNQ channels were examined at the genetic, protein, cellular and tissue level in guinea pig bladder smooth muscle using RT-PCR, immunofluorescence, patch-clamp electrophysiology, calcium imaging, detrusor strip myography, and a panel of KCNQ activators and inhibitors. 

Key Results: KCNQ subtypes 1-5 are expressed in bladder detrusor smooth muscle. Detrusor strips typically displayed TTX-insensitive myogenic spontaneous contractions that were increased in amplitude by the KCNQ channel inhibitors XE991, linopirdine or chromanol 293B. Contractility was inhibited by the KCNQ channel activators flupirtine or meclofenamic acid (MFA). The frequency of Ca2+-oscillations in SMC contained within bladder tissue sheets was increased by XE991. Outward currents in dispersed bladder SMC, recorded under conditions where BK and KATP currents were minimal, were significantly reduced by XE991, linopirdine, or chromanol, and enhanced by flupirtine or MFA. XE991 depolarized the cell membrane and could evoke transient depolarizations in quiescent cells. Flupirtine (20M) hyperpolarized the cell membrane with a simultaneous cessation of any spontaneous electrical activity. 

Conclusions and Implications: These novel findings reveal the role of KCNQ currents in the regulation of the resting membrane potential of detrusor SMC and their important physiological function in the control of spontaneous contractility in the guinea pig bladder.


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Retinal endothelial cell dysfunction is believed to play a key role in the etiology and pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. Numerous studies have shown that TRPV4 channels are critically involved in maintaining normal endothelial cell function. In the current paper, we demonstrate that TRPV4 is functionally expressed in the endothelium of the retinal microcirculation and that both channel expression and activity is downregulated by hyperglycaemia. Quantitative PCR and immunostaining demonstrated molecular expression of TRPV4 in cultured bovine retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs). Functional TRPV4 activity was assessed in cultured RMECs from endothelial Ca2+-responses recorded using fura-2 microfluorimetry and electrophysiological recordings of membrane currents. The TRPV4 agonist 4α-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4-αPDD) increased [Ca2+]i in RMECs and this response was largely abolished using siRNA targeted against TRPV4. These Ca2+-signals were completely inhibited by removal of extracellular Ca2+, confirming their dependence on influx of extracellular Ca2+. The 4-αPDD Ca2+-response recorded in the presence of cyclopiazonic acid (CPA), which depletes the intracellular stores preventing any signal amplification through store release, was used as a measure of Ca2+-influx across the cell membrane. This response was blocked by HC067047, a TRPV4 antagonist. Under voltage clamp conditions, the TRPV4 agonist GSK1016790A stimulated a membrane current, which was again inhibited by HC067047. Following incubation with 25mM D-glucose TRPV4 expression was reduced in comparison with RMECs cultured under control conditions, as were 4αPDD-induced Ca2+-responses in the presence of CPA and ion currents evoked by GSK1016790A. Molecular expression of TRPV4 in the retinal vascular endothelium of 3 months' streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats was also reduced in comparison with that in age-matched controls. We conclude that hyperglycaemia and diabetes reduce the molecular and functional expression of TRPV4 channels in retinal microvascular endothelial cells. These changes may contribute to diabetes induced endothelial dysfunction and retinopathy.


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Introduction: Accumulating evidence supports a role for odontoblasts in initiating tooth pain, however direct ionic mechanisms underlying dentine nociceptive function remain unclear. The transient receptor potential (TRP) ion channels are directly related to cellular mechanisms of nociception and thermo-sensitive function but their expression by human odontoblasts remains to be determined. Objectives: To investigate the expression and functionality of the thermo-sensitive TRP channels TRPV1, TRPV4, TRPM8 and TRPA1 in human odontoblasts. Methods: Human odontoblasts were derived from dental pulp of immature permanent third molars by explant method. Cell lysates of odontoblasts were subject to SDS- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and proteins were blotted onto nitrocellulose membranes. Blots were probed with primary antibodies to TRPA1, TRPM8, TRPV4 and TRPV1. Detection of bound primary antibodies was achieved using appropriate anti-species antibody conjugates and chemiluminescent substrates. Functionality of the channels was determined with Ca2+ microfluorimetry, where cells grown in cover slips and incubated with Fura 2AM prior to stimulation with capsaicin (TRPV1 agonist), 4 alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4áPDD) (TRPV4 agonist), icilin (TRPA1 agonist) and menthol (TRPM8 agonist). Emitted fluorescence was measured and the fluorescence ratio (R) was calculated as F340/F380 to determine the level of [Ca2+]i. Results: Western blotting confirmed the molecular localisation of thermo-sensitive TRP channels in human odontoblasts. Functionality assays revealed increase in [Ca2+]i in response to capsacin, icillin, methanol and 4áPDD indicating functional expression of TRPV1, TRPA1, TRPM8 and TRPV4 respectively. Conclusions: Functional expression of thermo-sensitive TRP channels in human odontoblasts may indicate a crucial role for odontoblasts in thermally induced dental pain. (Supported by a Research Grant from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh)


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Background: Periodontal ligament (PDL) cells are exposed to physical forces in vivo in response to mastication, parafunction, speech and orthodontic tooth movement. Although it has been shown that PDL cells perceive and respond directly to mechanical stimulation, the nature of the ion channels that mediate this mechanotransduction remain to be fully elucidated. The transient receptor potential (TRP) superfamily of ion channels is believed to play a critical role in sensory physiology, where they act as transducers for thermal, chemical and mechanical stimuli. Recent studies have shown that members of the vanilloid (TRPV) and ankyrin (TRPA) subfamilies encode mechanosensitive TRPs. The vanilloid family member TRPV4 is one such non selective calcium permeable cationic channel which has been shown to be activated by chemical ligands, hypotonicity, and mechanical stimuli. Objectives: The objective of the current study was to investigate functional expression of TRPV4 in cultured human PDL cells. Methods: Human PDL cells were grown in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle Medium with L-glutamine supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), 100UI/ml penicillin and 100μg/ml streptomycin. Cells in passage 4-6 were used in all experiments. TRPV4 functional expression was determined using ratiometric calcium imaging. Cultured cells were loaded with intracellular Ca2+ probe fura-2 and cells were then stimulated with the TRPV4 agonists, 4alpha-phorbol 12,13-didecanoate (4alpha-PDD), GSK1016790A or hypotonic solution. The TRPV4 antagonist RN 1734 was used to block the corresponding agonist responses. Results: PDL fibroblasts responded to application of TRPV4 agonists and hypotonic stimuli by an increase in intracellular calcium which was attenuated in the presence of the TRPV4 antagonist. Conclusions: We have shown for the first time the functional expression of the mechanosensitive TRPV4 channel in human PDL cells. The molecular identity and mechanisms of activation of mechanosensitive TRP channels in PDL cells merit further investigation.


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Background: The large-scale production of G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) for functional and structural studies remains a challenge. Recent successes have been made in the expression of a range of GPCRs using Pichia pastoris as an expression host. P. pastoris has a number of advantages over other expression systems including ability to post-translationally modify expressed proteins, relative low cost for production and ability to grow to very high cell densities. Several previous studies have described the expression of GPCRs in P. pastoris using shaker flasks, which allow culturing of small volumes (500 ml) with moderate cell densities (OD600 similar to 15). The use of bioreactors, which allow straightforward culturing of large volumes, together with optimal control of growth parameters including pH and dissolved oxygen to maximise cell densities and expression of the target receptors, are an attractive alternative. The aim of this study was to compare the levels of expression of the human Adenosine 2A receptor (A(2A)R) in P. pastoris under control of a methanol-inducible promoter in both flask and bioreactor cultures. Results: Bioreactor cultures yielded an approximately five times increase in cell density (OD600 similar to 75) compared to flask cultures prior to induction and a doubling in functional expression level per mg of membrane protein, representing a significant optimisation. Furthermore, analysis of a C-terminally truncated A2AR, terminating at residue V334 yielded the highest levels (200 pmol/mg) so far reported for expression of this receptor in P. pastoris. This truncated form of the receptor was also revealed to be resistant to C-terminal degradation in contrast to the WT A(2A)R, and therefore more suitable for further functional and structural studies. Conclusion: Large-scale expression of the A(2A)R in P. pastoris bioreactor cultures results in significant increases in functional expression compared to traditional flask cultures.


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Odorant receptors and other chemoreceptors are usually poorly expressed in the plasma membrane of heterologous cells. A key point of regulation in G protein-mediated signaling is the interconversion between the active GTP-bound and inactive GDP-bound states of the G alpha subunit, which regulatory proteins, such as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), can control. GEFs stimulate formation of the GTP-bound state of G alpha and therefore are considered to work as positive regulators of G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Ric-8B, a GEF that is specifically expressed in olfactory sensory neurons, promotes functional expression of odorant receptors in HEK293T cells because it amplifies the initially low receptor signaling through G alpha olf. This same strategy could be used to functionally express other types of chemoreceptors.


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Platelets are known to contain platelet factor 4 and beta-thromboglobulin, alpha-chemokines containing the CXC motif, but recent studies extended the range to the beta-family characterized by the CC motif, including RANTES and Gro-alpha. There is also evidence for expression of chemokine receptors CCR4 and CXCR4 in platelets. This study shows that platelets have functional CCR1, CCR3, CCR4, and CXCR4 chemokine receptors. Polymerase chain reaction detected chemokine receptor messenger RNA in platelet RNA. CCR1, CCR3, and especially CCR4 gave strong signals; CXCR1 and CXCR4 were weakly positive. Flow cytometry with specific antibodies showed the presence of a clear signal for CXCR4 and weak signals for CCR1 and CCR3, whereas CXCR1, CXCR2, CXCR3, and CCR5 were all negative. Immunoprecipitation and Western blotting with polyclonal antibodies to cytoplasmic peptides clearly showed the presence of CCR1 and CCR4 in platelets in amounts comparable to monocytes and CCR4 transfected cells, respectively. Chemokines specific for these receptors, including monocyte chemotactic protein 1, macrophage inflammatory peptide 1alpha, eotaxin, RANTES, TARC, macrophage-derived chemokine, and stromal cell-derived factor 1, activate platelets to give Ca(++) signals, aggregation, and release of granule contents. Platelet aggregation was dependent on release of adenosine diphosphate (ADP) and its interaction with platelet ADP receptors. Part, but not all, of the Ca(++) signal was due to ADP release feeding back to its receptors. Platelet activation also involved heparan or chondroitin sulfate associated with the platelet surface and was inhibited by cleavage of these glycosaminoglycans or by heparin or low molecular weight heparin. These platelet receptors may be involved in inflammatory or allergic responses or in platelet activation in human immunodeficiency virus infection.


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Antimicrobial peptides are intrinsic to the innate immune system in many organ systems, but little is known about their expression in the central nervous system. We examined cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and serum from patients with active bacterial meningitis to assess antimicrobial peptides and possible bactericidal properties of the CSF. We found antimicrobial peptides (human cathelicidin LL-37) in the CSF of patients with bacterial meningitis but not in control CSF. We next characterized the expression, secretion, and bactericidal properties of rat cathelin-related antimicrobial peptide, the homologue of the human LL-37, in rat astrocytes and microglia after incubation with different bacterial components. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blotting, we determined that supernatants from both astrocytes and microglia incubated with bacterial component supernatants had antimicrobial activity. The expression of rat cathelin-related antimicrobial peptide in rat glial cells involved different signal transduction pathways and was induced by the inflammatory cytokines interleukin 1beta and tumor necrosis factor. In an experimental model of meningitis, infant rats were intracisternally infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae, and rat cathelin-related antimicrobial peptide was localized in glia, choroid plexus, and ependymal cells by immunohistochemistry. Together, these results suggest that cathelicidins produced by glia and other cells play an important part in the innate immune response against pathogens in central nervous system bacterial infections.


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(E)-α-Bisabolene synthase is one of two wound-inducible sesquiterpene synthases of grand fir (Abies grandis), and the olefin product of this cyclization reaction is considered to be the precursor in Abies species of todomatuic acid, juvabione, and related insect juvenile hormone mimics. A cDNA encoding (E)-α-bisabolene synthase was isolated from a wound-induced grand fir stem library by a PCR-based strategy and was functionally expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to produce (E)-α-bisabolene as the sole product from farnesyl diphosphate. The expressed synthase has a deduced size of 93.8 kDa and a pI of 5.03, exhibits other properties typical of sesquiterpene synthases, and resembles in sequence other terpenoid synthases with the exception of a large amino-terminal insertion corresponding to Pro81–Val296. Biosynthetically prepared (E)-α-[3H]bisabolene was converted to todomatuic acid in induced grand fir cells, and the time course of appearance of bisabolene synthase mRNA was shown by Northern hybridization to lag behind that of mRNAs responsible for production of induced oleoresin monoterpenes. These results suggest that induced (E)-α-bisabolene biosynthesis constitutes part of a defense response targeted to insect herbivores, and possibly fungal pathogens, that is distinct from induced oleoresin monoterpene production.


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Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 6 (eIF6) binds to the 60S ribosomal subunit and prevents its association with the 40S ribosomal subunit. In this paper, we devised a procedure for purifying eIF6 from rabbit reticulocyte lysates and immunochemically characterized the protein by using antibodies isolated from egg yolks of laying hens immunized with rabbit eIF6. By using these monospecific antibodies, a 1.096-kb human cDNA that encodes an eIF6 of 245 amino acids (calculated Mr 26,558) has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified recombinant human protein exhibits biochemical properties that are similar to eIF6 isolated from mammalian cell extracts. Database searches identified amino acid sequences from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Drosophila, and the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans with significant identity to the deduced amino acid sequence of human eIF6, suggesting the presence of homologues of human eIF6 in these organisms.