973 resultados para Environmental effects
Modulated chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to examine the effects of cyanide (NaCN) from cyanide fishing on photosynthesis of the symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) located within the tissues of the zooxanthellate hard coral Plesiastrea versipora. Incubating corals for 3 h in a cyanide concentration of >10(-5) M NaCN under a saturating light intensity (photosynthetically active radiation [PAR] intensity of 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1)) caused a long-term decrease in the ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence (dark-adapted F-v/F-m). The effect of cyanide on dark-adapted F-v/F-m was Light dependent; thus F-v/F-m only decreased in corals exposed to 10(-4) M NaCN for 3 h under PAR of 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1). In corals where dark-adapted F-v/F-m was significantly lowered by cyanide exposure, we observed significant loss of zooxanthellae from the tissues. causing the corals to discolour (bleach). To further examine the light-dependent effect of cyanide and its relation to loss of zooxanthellae, corals were exposed to 10-4 M NaCN or seawater only (control), either in darkness or under 250 mu mol quanta m(-2) s(-1). ill significant decrease in dark-adapted F-v/F-m and loss of zooxanthellae only occurred in corals exposed to cyanide in the light. These results suggest cyanide causes the dissociation of the symbiosis (bleaching) by affecting photosynthesis of the zooxanthellae. Quenching analysis using the saturation-pulse technique revealed the development of high levels of non-photochemical quenching in cyanide-exposed coral. This result is consistent with the known property of cyanide as an inhibitor of the dark reactions of the Calvin cycle, specifically as an inhibitor of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco). Therefore, chronic photoinhibition and an impairment of photosynthesis of zooxanthellae provides an important 'signal' to examine the environmental effects of cyanide fishing during controlled releases in situ.
The effect of FBP on folate bio-availability depends on its environment. The FBP of whole WPC enhances bioavailability of folates more than does purified FBP and its efficacy might be even greater when lipids are removed from the WPC. FBP polymerises and folate release from the polymer is found to be slower than that from the monomer. FBP has a role also as a folate receptor at cell surfaces and in this role folate binding increases polymerisation of FBP attached to lipid membranes.
Abstract Background: Configuration of the abdominal aorta is related to healthy aging and a variety of disorders. Objectives: We aimed to assess heritable and environmental effects on the abdominal aortic diameter. Methods: 114 adult (69 monozygotic, 45 same-sex dizygotic) twin pairs (mean age 43.6 ± 16.3 years) underwent abdominal ultrasound with Esaote MyLab 70X ultrasound machine to visualize the abdominal aorta below the level of the origin of the renal arteries and 1-3 cm above the bifurcation. Results: Age- and sex-adjusted heritability of the abdominal aortic diameter below the level of the origin of the renal arteries was 40% [95% confidence interval (CI), 14 to 67%] and 55% above the aortic bifurcation (95% CI, 45 to 70%). None of the aortic diameters showed common environmental effects, but unshared environmental effects were responsible for 60% and 45% of the traits, respectively. Conclusions: Our analysis documents the moderate heritability and its segment-specific difference of the abdominal aortic diameter. The moderate part of variance was explained by unshared environmental components, emphasizing the importance of lifestyle factors in primary prevention. Further studies in this field may guide future gene-mapping efforts and investigate specific lifestyle factors to prevent abdominal aortic dilatation and its complications.
The Urn Sohryngkew section of Meghalaya, NE India, located 800-1000 km from the Deccan volcanic province, is one of the most complete Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary (KTB) transitions worldwide with all defining and supporting criteria present: mass extinction of planktic foraminifera, first appearance of Danian species, delta(13)C shift, Ir anomaly (12 ppb) and KTB red layer. The geochemical signature of the KTB layer indicates not only an extraterrestrial signal (Ni and all Platinum Group Elements (PGEs)) of a second impact that postdates Chicxulub, but also a significant component resulting from condensed sedimentation (P), redox fluctuations (As, Co, Fe, Pb, Zn, and to a lesser extent Ni and Cu) and volcanism. From the late Maastrichtian C29r into the early Danian, a humid climate prevailed (kaolinite: 40-60%, detrital minerals: 50-80%). During the latest Maastrichtian, periodic acid rains (carbonate dissolution; CIA index: 70-80) associated with pulsed Deccan eruptions and strong continental weathering resulted in mesotrophic waters. The resulting super-stressed environmental conditions led to the demise of nearly all planktic foraminiferal species and blooms (>95%) of the disaster opportunist Guembelitria cretacea. These data reveal that detrimental marine conditions prevailed surrounding the Deccan volcanic province during the main phase of eruptions in C29r below the KTB. Ultimately these environmental conditions led to regionally early extinctions followed by global extinctions at the KTB. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
CO2 emissions induced by human activities are the major cause of climate change; hence, strong environmental policy that limits the growing dependence on fossil fuel is indispensable. Tradable permits and environmental taxes are the usual tools used in CO2 reduction strategies. Such economic tools provide incentives to polluting industries to reduce their emissions through market signals. The aim of this work is to investigate the direct and indirect effects of an environmental tax on Spanish products and services. We apply an environmentally extended input-output (EIO) model to identify CO2 emission intensities of products and services and, accordingly, we estimate the tax proportional to these intensities. The short-term price effects are analyzed using an input-output price model. The effect of tax introduction on consumption prices and its influence on consumers’ welfare are determined. We also quantify the environmental impacts of such taxation in terms of the reduction in CO2 emissions. The results, based on the Spanish economy for the year 2007, show that sectors with relatively poor environmental profile are subjected to high environmental tax rates. And consequently, applying a CO2 tax on these sectors, increases production prices and induces a slight increase in consumer price index and a decrease in private welfare. The revenue from the tax could be used to counter balance the negative effects on social welfare and also to stimulate the increase of renewable energy shares in the most impacting sectors. Finally, our analysis highlights that the environmental and economic goals cannot be met at the same time with the environmental taxation and this shows the necessity of finding other (complementary or alternative) measures to ensure both the economic and ecological efficiencies. Keywords: CO2 emissions; environmental tax; input-output model, effects of environmental taxation.
Les changements environnementaux, tels la température ou les maladies infectieuses, peuvent influencer l'évolution en induisant de la sélection, mais ceci à la seule condition qu'il y ait assez de diversité génétique pour les traits en question ou pour l'expression plastique de ces traits. Au cours cette thèse, nous avons étudié l'effet de potentielles pressions environnementales sur différents phénotypes de trois représentants des sous familles des salmonidés: l'ombre commun (Thymallus thymallus; Thymallinae), la truite de rivière {Salmo trutta; Salmoninae) et le corégone Coregonus palaea (Coregoninae). Les salmonidés se prêtent particulièrement bien à ce type d'expériences car étant hautement sensibles aux conditions environnementales, ils montrent une large variabilité dans leurs traits morphologiques, comportementaux ainsi que d'histoire de vie, tout en bénéficiant d'un large intérêt général. Nous avons testé si le sexe de l'ombre commun pouvait être modifié par la température, ce qui pourrait ainsi expliquer un changement abrupte de sex ratio observé dans l'une des plus grandes populations de Suisse. Nous n'avons trouvé aucun indice permettant de conclure que la température puisse induire ce changement chez l'ombre commun ou chez la truite de rivière. De plus nous avons étudié la plasticité de développement ainsi que d'éclosion, et avons observé des différences entre familles ainsi qu'entre populations. Alors que ces différences comportementales entre populations suggéraient une adaptation aux conditions environnementales locales, cette prédiction n'a pas été confirmée par une expérience de transplantation réciproque d'embryons entre cinq rivières de la même région. Cette étude a montré que les embryons ne survivaient pas mieux dans leur rivière d'origine, indiquant donc une absence d'adaptation locale. Nous avons aussi montré que la mortalité embryonnaire était influencée autant par des "bons gènes" que par des "gènes compatibles", que la qualité des mâles pouvait être signalée par leur coloration, et que le fait d'élever des poissons dans une pisciculture pouvait aboutir a des relations contre-intuitives entre la coloration des mâles et la qualité de leur jeunes. Nos résultats contribuent ainsi à une meilleure compréhension de l'effet de diverses pressions environnementales sur la morphologie, le comportement ou les traits d'histoire de vie chez les salmonidés. - Environmental changes, such as changes in temperatures or infection levels, can induce selection and drive evolution if there is sufficient genetic variation for the traits or the plasticity in trait expression. In this thesis, we investigated the influence of potential environmental stressors on various phenotypes in representatives of the three salmonid subfamilies: the European grayling (Thymallus thymallus; Thymallinae), the brown trout (,Salmo trutta; Salmoninae), and the whitefish Coregonus palaea (Coregoninae). Salmonids are ideal study species, as they seem sensitive to changing environmental conditions, show considerable variability in morphological, behavioral, and life history traits, and are of broad public interest. We investigated whether temperature-induced sex reversal could explain the sex-ratio distortion found in one of Switzerland's largest grayling populations. We found no evidence of temperature-induced sex reversal in either graylings or brown trout. We also examined plasticity in embryo development and the timing of hatching. We found variation at the level of family and population. Although behavioral differences between populations suggested adaptation to local environmental conditions, no indications of local adaptation could be found in reciprocal transplant experiments carried out over five rivers in the same region. We also demonstrate that embryo development and viability is influenced by 'good genes' and 'compatible genes', that the genetic quality of sires can be signaled by their grey coloration, and that raising larvae in a hatchery environment can produce counter-intuitive relationships between male phenotypes and offspring viability. Our results contribute to the understanding of how changing environmental conditions affect the phenotypes and the heritability of early life-history traits in salmonids.
Size-selective fishing, environmental changes and reproductive strategies are expected to affect life-history traits such as the individual growth rate. The relative contribution of these factors is not clear, particularly whether size-selective fishing can have a substantial impact on the genetics and hence on the evolution of individual growth rates in wild populations. We analysed a 25-year monitoring survey of an isolated population of the Alpine whitefish Coregonus palaea. We determined the selection differentials on growth rate, the actual change of growth rate over time and indicators of reproductive strategies that may potentially change over time. The selection differential can be reliably estimated in our study population because almost all the fish are harvested within their first years of life, i.e. few fish escape fishing mortality. We found a marked decline in average adult growth rate over the 25 years and a significant selection differential for adult growth, but no evidence for any linear change in reproductive strategies over time. Assuming that the heritability of growth in this whitefish corresponds to what was found in other salmonids, about a third of the observed decline in growth rate would be linked to fishery-induced evolution. Size-selective fishing seems to affect substantially the genetics of individual growth in our study population.
Variation in coloration with a strong underlying genetic basis is frequently found within animal populations but little is known about its function. Covariation between colour polymorphism and life-history traits can arise because morphs perform differently among environments or because they possess alternative alleles coding for key life-history traits. To test these two hypotheses, we studied a population of tawny owls Strix aluco, a bird displaying red, brown and grey morphs. We assessed the colour morph of breeding females, swapped eggs or hatchlings between pairs of nests, and examined how body condition in 3-week-old nestlings covaries with coloration of foster and genetic mothers. Redder foster and genetic mothers produced young in better condition. Because in two other years we observed that greyish females produced offspring in better condition than those of red females, the present study suggests that colour polymorphism signals genetic and phenotypic adaptations to cope with a fluctuating environment.
Photosynthetic responses to daily environmental changes were studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes 'Carioca', 'Ouro Negro', and Guarumbé. Light response curves of CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance (g s) were also evaluated under controlled (optimum) environmental condition. Under this condition, CO2 assimilation of 'Carioca' was not saturated at 2,000 µmol m-2 s-1, whereas Guarumbé and 'Ouro Negro' exhibited different levels of light saturation. All genotypes showed dynamic photoinhibition and reversible increase in the minimum chlorophyll fluorescence yield under natural condition, as well as lower photosynthetic capacity when compared with optimum environmental condition. Since differences in g s were not observed between natural and controlled conditions for Guarumbé and 'Ouro Negro', the lower photosynthetic capacity of these genotypes under natural condition seems to be caused by high temperature effects on biochemical reactions, as suggested by increased alternative electron sinks. The highest g s values of 'Carioca' were observed at controlled condition, providing evidences that reduction of photosynthetic capacity at natural condition was due to low g s in addition to the high temperature effects on the photosynthetic apparatus. 'Carioca' exhibited the highest photosynthetic rates under optimum environmental condition, and was more affected by daily changes of air temperature and leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference.
The objective of this work was to determine genetic and environmental effects on beta-conglycinin and glycinin content in Brazilian soybean cultivars. The concentrations of these protein fractions were analyzed by scanning densitometry after electrophoresis, in 90 Brazilian soybean cultivars sown in Ponta Grossa, PR, in 2001. The effects of the sowing location were determined in the cultivar MG/BR 46 (Conquista), sown in 16 locations of Goiás and Minas Gerais states (Central Brazil), and in the cultivar IAS 5, sown in 12 locations of Paraná and São Paulo states (Southern Brazil), in 2002 soybean season. A significant variability for beta-conglycinin (7S) and glycinin (11S) protein fractions ratio was observed among the 90 Brazilian soybean cultivars. 'MS/BRS 169' (Bacuri) and 'BR-8' (Pelotas) presented the highest and the lowest 11S/7S ratios (2.76 and 1.17, respectively). Beta-conglycinin protein fractions presented more variability than glycinin protein fractions. Grouping test classified 7S proteins in seven groups, 11S proteins in four groups, and protein fraction ratios (11S/7S) in nine groups. Significant effect of sowing locations was also observed on protein fractions contents. There is a good possibility of breeding for individual protein fractions, and their subunits, without affecting protein content.
Two speed management policies were implemented in the metropolitan area of Barcelona aimed at reducing air pollution concentration levels. In 2008, the maximum speed limit was reduced to 80 km/h and, in 2009, a variable speed system was introduced on some metropolitan motorways. This paper evaluates whether such policies have been successful in promoting cleaner air, not only in terms of mean pollutant levels but also during high and low pollution episodes. We use a quantile regression approach for fixed effect panel data. We find that the variable speed system improves air quality with regard to the two pollutants considered here, being most effective when nitrogen oxide levels are not too low and when particulate matter concentrations are below extremely high levels. However, reducing the maximum speed limit from 120/100 km/h to 80 km/h has no effect – or even a slightly increasing effect –on the two pollutants, depending on the pollution scenario. Length: 32 pages
Papper kan anses vara ett av de mest använda materialen i det dagliga livet. Tidskrifter, tidningar, böcker och diverse förpackningar är några exempel på pappersbaserade produkter. Papperets egenskaper måste anpassas till användningsändamålet. En tidskrift kräver t.ex. hög ljushet, opacitet och en slät yta hos papperet, medan dessa egenskaper är mindre viktiga för en dagstidning. Allt tryckpapper behöver vissa mekaniska egenskaper för att tåla vidarebearbetning såsom kalandrering, tryckning och vikning. Man kan bestryka papper för att förbättra dess optiska egenskaper och tryckbarhetsegenskaper. Vid bestrykning appliceras en dispersion av mineralpigment och polymerbindemedel som ett tunt lager på papperets yta. Bestrykningsskiktet kan ses som ett komplext, poröst kompositmaterial som även bidrar till papperets mekaniska egenskaper och dess processerbarhet i diverse konverteringsoperationer. Kravet på framställning av förmånligt papper med tillräckliga styrkeegenskaper ställer allt högre krav på optimeringen av pappersbestrykningsskiktets egenskaper och produktionskostnader. Målet med detta arbete var att förstå sambandet mellan pigmentbestrykningsskiktets mikrostruktur och dess makroskopiska, mekaniska egenskaper. Resultaten visar att adhesionen i gränsytan mellan pigment och bindemedel är kritisk för bestrykningsskiktets förmåga att bära mekanisk belastning. Polära vätskor är vanliga i tryckfärger och kan, eftersom de påverkar syra/bas-interaktionerna mellan pigment och latexbindemedel, försvaga denna adhesion. Resultaten tyder på att ytstyrkan hos bestruket papper kan höjas genom användning av bifunktionella dispergeringsmedel för mineralpigment. Detta medför inbesparingar i pappersproduktionen eftersom mängden bindemedel, den dyraste komponenten i bestrykningsskiktet, kan minskas.
Many plant strengtheners are promoted for their supposed effects on nutrient uptake and/or resistance induction (IR). In addition, many organic fertilizers are supposed to enhance plant health and several studies have shown that tomatoes grown organically are more resistant to late blight, caused by Phytophthora infestans to tomatoes grown conventionally. Much is known about the mechanisms underlying IR. In contrast, there is no systematic knowledge about genetic variation for IR. Therefore, the following questions were addressed in the presented dissertation: (i) Is there genetic variation among tomato genotypes for inducibility of resistance to P. infestans? (ii) How do different PS compare with the chemical inducer BABA in their ability to IR? (iii) Does IR interact with the inducer used and different organic fertilizers? A varietal screening showed that contrary to the commonly held belief IR in tomatoes is genotype and isolate specific. These results indicate that it should be possible to select for inducibility of resistance in tomato breeding. However, isolate specificity also suggests that there could be pathogen adaptation. The three tested PS as well as two of the three tested organic fertilisers all induced resistance in the tomatoes. Depending on PS or BABA variety and isolate effects varied. In contrast, there were no variety and isolate specific effects of the fertilisers and no interactions with the PS and fertilisers. This suggests that the different PS should work independent of the soil substrate used. In contrast the results were markedly different when isolate mixtures were used for challenge inoculations. Plants were generally less susceptible to isolate mixtures than to single isolates. In addition, the effectiveness of the PS was greater and more similar to BABA when isolate mixtures were used. The fact that the different PS and BABA differed in their ability to induce resistance in different host genotype -pathogen isolate combinations puts the usefulness of IR as a breeding goal in question. This would result in varieties depending on specific inducers. The results with the isolate mixtures are highly relevant. On the one hand they increase the effectiveness of the resistance inducers. On the other hand, measures that increase the pathogen diversity such as the use of diversified host populations will also increase the overall resistance of the hosts. For organic tomato production the results indicate that it is possible to enhance the tomato growing system with respect to plant health management by using optimal fertilisers, plant strengtheners and any measures that increase system diversity.