832 resultados para Deep Belief Network, Deep Learning, Gaze, Head Pose, Surveillance, Unsupervised Learning


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In this paper we present a convolutional neuralnetwork (CNN)-based model for human head pose estimation inlow-resolution multi-modal RGB-D data. We pose the problemas one of classification of human gazing direction. We furtherfine-tune a regressor based on the learned deep classifier. Next wecombine the two models (classification and regression) to estimateapproximate regression confidence. We present state-of-the-artresults in datasets that span the range of high-resolution humanrobot interaction (close up faces plus depth information) data tochallenging low resolution outdoor surveillance data. We buildupon our robust head-pose estimation and further introduce anew visual attention model to recover interaction with theenvironment. Using this probabilistic model, we show thatmany higher level scene understanding like human-human/sceneinteraction detection can be achieved. Our solution runs inreal-time on commercial hardware


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Les algorithmes d'apprentissage profond forment un nouvel ensemble de méthodes puissantes pour l'apprentissage automatique. L'idée est de combiner des couches de facteurs latents en hierarchies. Cela requiert souvent un coût computationel plus elevé et augmente aussi le nombre de paramètres du modèle. Ainsi, l'utilisation de ces méthodes sur des problèmes à plus grande échelle demande de réduire leur coût et aussi d'améliorer leur régularisation et leur optimization. Cette thèse adresse cette question sur ces trois perspectives. Nous étudions tout d'abord le problème de réduire le coût de certains algorithmes profonds. Nous proposons deux méthodes pour entrainer des machines de Boltzmann restreintes et des auto-encodeurs débruitants sur des distributions sparses à haute dimension. Ceci est important pour l'application de ces algorithmes pour le traitement de langues naturelles. Ces deux méthodes (Dauphin et al., 2011; Dauphin and Bengio, 2013) utilisent l'échantillonage par importance pour échantilloner l'objectif de ces modèles. Nous observons que cela réduit significativement le temps d'entrainement. L'accéleration atteint 2 ordres de magnitude sur plusieurs bancs d'essai. Deuxièmement, nous introduisont un puissant régularisateur pour les méthodes profondes. Les résultats expérimentaux démontrent qu'un bon régularisateur est crucial pour obtenir de bonnes performances avec des gros réseaux (Hinton et al., 2012). Dans Rifai et al. (2011), nous proposons un nouveau régularisateur qui combine l'apprentissage non-supervisé et la propagation de tangente (Simard et al., 1992). Cette méthode exploite des principes géometriques et permit au moment de la publication d'atteindre des résultats à l'état de l'art. Finalement, nous considérons le problème d'optimiser des surfaces non-convexes à haute dimensionalité comme celle des réseaux de neurones. Tradionellement, l'abondance de minimum locaux était considéré comme la principale difficulté dans ces problèmes. Dans Dauphin et al. (2014a) nous argumentons à partir de résultats en statistique physique, de la théorie des matrices aléatoires, de la théorie des réseaux de neurones et à partir de résultats expérimentaux qu'une difficulté plus profonde provient de la prolifération de points-selle. Dans ce papier nous proposons aussi une nouvelle méthode pour l'optimisation non-convexe.


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Questo lavoro è iniziato con uno studio teorico delle principali tecniche di classificazione di immagini note in letteratura, con particolare attenzione ai più diffusi modelli di rappresentazione dell’immagine, quali il modello Bag of Visual Words, e ai principali strumenti di Apprendimento Automatico (Machine Learning). In seguito si è focalizzata l’attenzione sulla analisi di ciò che costituisce lo stato dell’arte per la classificazione delle immagini, ovvero il Deep Learning. Per sperimentare i vantaggi dell’insieme di metodologie di Image Classification, si è fatto uso di Torch7, un framework di calcolo numerico, utilizzabile mediante il linguaggio di scripting Lua, open source, con ampio supporto alle metodologie allo stato dell’arte di Deep Learning. Tramite Torch7 è stata implementata la vera e propria classificazione di immagini poiché questo framework, grazie anche al lavoro di analisi portato avanti da alcuni miei colleghi in precedenza, è risultato essere molto efficace nel categorizzare oggetti in immagini. Le immagini su cui si sono basati i test sperimentali, appartengono a un dataset creato ad hoc per il sistema di visione 3D con la finalità di sperimentare il sistema per individui ipovedenti e non vedenti; in esso sono presenti alcuni tra i principali ostacoli che un ipovedente può incontrare nella propria quotidianità. In particolare il dataset si compone di potenziali ostacoli relativi a una ipotetica situazione di utilizzo all’aperto. Dopo avere stabilito dunque che Torch7 fosse il supporto da usare per la classificazione, l’attenzione si è concentrata sulla possibilità di sfruttare la Visione Stereo per aumentare l’accuratezza della classificazione stessa. Infatti, le immagini appartenenti al dataset sopra citato sono state acquisite mediante una Stereo Camera con elaborazione su FPGA sviluppata dal gruppo di ricerca presso il quale è stato svolto questo lavoro. Ciò ha permesso di utilizzare informazioni di tipo 3D, quali il livello di depth (profondità) di ogni oggetto appartenente all’immagine, per segmentare, attraverso un algoritmo realizzato in C++, gli oggetti di interesse, escludendo il resto della scena. L’ultima fase del lavoro è stata quella di testare Torch7 sul dataset di immagini, preventivamente segmentate attraverso l’algoritmo di segmentazione appena delineato, al fine di eseguire il riconoscimento della tipologia di ostacolo individuato dal sistema.


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In recent years, Deep Learning techniques have shown to perform well on a large variety of problems both in Computer Vision and Natural Language Processing, reaching and often surpassing the state of the art on many tasks. The rise of deep learning is also revolutionizing the entire field of Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition pushing forward the concepts of automatic feature extraction and unsupervised learning in general. However, despite the strong success both in science and business, deep learning has its own limitations. It is often questioned if such techniques are only some kind of brute-force statistical approaches and if they can only work in the context of High Performance Computing with tons of data. Another important question is whether they are really biologically inspired, as claimed in certain cases, and if they can scale well in terms of "intelligence". The dissertation is focused on trying to answer these key questions in the context of Computer Vision and, in particular, Object Recognition, a task that has been heavily revolutionized by recent advances in the field. Practically speaking, these answers are based on an exhaustive comparison between two, very different, deep learning techniques on the aforementioned task: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Hierarchical Temporal memory (HTM). They stand for two different approaches and points of view within the big hat of deep learning and are the best choices to understand and point out strengths and weaknesses of each of them. CNN is considered one of the most classic and powerful supervised methods used today in machine learning and pattern recognition, especially in object recognition. CNNs are well received and accepted by the scientific community and are already deployed in large corporation like Google and Facebook for solving face recognition and image auto-tagging problems. HTM, on the other hand, is known as a new emerging paradigm and a new meanly-unsupervised method, that is more biologically inspired. It tries to gain more insights from the computational neuroscience community in order to incorporate concepts like time, context and attention during the learning process which are typical of the human brain. In the end, the thesis is supposed to prove that in certain cases, with a lower quantity of data, HTM can outperform CNN.


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Recommender system is a specific type of intelligent systems, which exploits historical user ratings on items and/or auxiliary information to make recommendations on items to the users. It plays a critical role in a wide range of online shopping, e-commercial services and social networking applications. Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most popular approaches used for recommender systems, but it suffers from complete cold start (CCS) problem where no rating record are available and incomplete cold start (ICS) problem where only a small number of rating records are available for some new items or users in the system. In this paper, we propose two recommendation models to solve the CCS and ICS problems for new items, which are based on a framework of tightly coupled CF approach and deep learning neural network. A specific deep neural network SADE is used to extract the content features of the items. The state of the art CF model, timeSVD++, which models and utilizes temporal dynamics of user preferences and item features, is modified to take the content features into prediction of ratings for cold start items. Extensive experiments on a large Netflix rating dataset of movies are performed, which show that our proposed recommendation models largely outperform the baseline models for rating prediction of cold start items. The two proposed recommendation models are also evaluated and compared on ICS items, and a flexible scheme of model retraining and switching is proposed to deal with the transition of items from cold start to non-cold start status. The experiment results on Netflix movie recommendation show the tight coupling of CF approach and deep learning neural network is feasible and very effective for cold start item recommendation. The design is general and can be applied to many other recommender systems for online shopping and social networking applications. The solution of cold start item problem can largely improve user experience and trust of recommender systems, and effectively promote cold start items.


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Recommender systems (RS) are used by many social networking applications and online e-commercial services. Collaborative filtering (CF) is one of the most popular approaches used for RS. However traditional CF approach suffers from sparsity and cold start problems. In this paper, we propose a hybrid recommendation model to address the cold start problem, which explores the item content features learned from a deep learning neural network and applies them to the timeSVD++ CF model. Extensive experiments are run on a large Netflix rating dataset for movies. Experiment results show that the proposed hybrid recommendation model provides a good prediction for cold start items, and performs better than four existing recommendation models for rating of non-cold start items.


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Acoustic Emission (AE) monitoring can be used to detect the presence of damage as well as determine its location in Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) applications. Information on the time difference of the signal generated by the damage event arriving at different sensors is essential in performing localization. This makes the time of arrival (ToA) an important piece of information to retrieve from the AE signal. Generally, this is determined using statistical methods such as the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) which is particularly prone to errors in the presence of noise. And given that the structures of interest are surrounded with harsh environments, a way to accurately estimate the arrival time in such noisy scenarios is of particular interest. In this work, two new methods are presented to estimate the arrival times of AE signals which are based on Machine Learning. Inspired by great results in the field, two models are presented which are Deep Learning models - a subset of machine learning. They are based on Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Capsule Neural Network (CapsNet). The primary advantage of such models is that they do not require the user to pre-define selected features but only require raw data to be given and the models establish non-linear relationships between the inputs and outputs. The performance of the models is evaluated using AE signals generated by a custom ray-tracing algorithm by propagating them on an aluminium plate and compared to AIC. It was found that the relative error in estimation on the test set was < 5% for the models compared to around 45% of AIC. The testing process was further continued by preparing an experimental setup and acquiring real AE signals to test on. Similar performances were observed where the two models not only outperform AIC by more than a magnitude in their average errors but also they were shown to be a lot more robust as compared to AIC which fails in the presence of noise.


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Collecting and analysing data is an important element in any field of human activity and research. Even in sports, collecting and analyzing statistical data is attracting a growing interest. Some exemplar use cases are: improvement of technical/tactical aspects for team coaches, definition of game strategies based on the opposite team play or evaluation of the performance of players. Other advantages are related to taking more precise and impartial judgment in referee decisions: a wrong decision can change the outcomes of important matches. Finally, it can be useful to provide better representations and graphic effects that make the game more engaging for the audience during the match. Nowadays it is possible to delegate this type of task to automatic software systems that can use cameras or even hardware sensors to collect images or data and process them. One of the most efficient methods to collect data is to process the video images of the sporting event through mixed techniques concerning machine learning applied to computer vision. As in other domains in which computer vision can be applied, the main tasks in sports are related to object detection, player tracking, and to the pose estimation of athletes. The goal of the present thesis is to apply different models of CNNs to analyze volleyball matches. Starting from video frames of a volleyball match, we reproduce a bird's eye view of the playing court where all the players are projected, reporting also for each player the type of action she/he is performing.


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Although the debate of what data science is has a long history and has not reached a complete consensus yet, Data Science can be summarized as the process of learning from data. Guided by the above vision, this thesis presents two independent data science projects developed in the scope of multidisciplinary applied research. The first part analyzes fluorescence microscopy images typically produced in life science experiments, where the objective is to count how many marked neuronal cells are present in each image. Aiming to automate the task for supporting research in the area, we propose a neural network architecture tuned specifically for this use case, cell ResUnet (c-ResUnet), and discuss the impact of alternative training strategies in overcoming particular challenges of our data. The approach provides good results in terms of both detection and counting, showing performance comparable to the interpretation of human operators. As a meaningful addition, we release the pre-trained model and the Fluorescent Neuronal Cells dataset collecting pixel-level annotations of where neuronal cells are located. In this way, we hope to help future research in the area and foster innovative methodologies for tackling similar problems. The second part deals with the problem of distributed data management in the context of LHC experiments, with a focus on supporting ATLAS operations concerning data transfer failures. In particular, we analyze error messages produced by failed transfers and propose a Machine Learning pipeline that leverages the word2vec language model and K-means clustering. This provides groups of similar errors that are presented to human operators as suggestions of potential issues to investigate. The approach is demonstrated on one full day of data, showing promising ability in understanding the message content and providing meaningful groupings, in line with previously reported incidents by human operators.


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The Standard Model (SM) of particle physics predicts the existence of a Higgs field responsible for the generation of particles' mass. However, some aspects of this theory remain unsolved, supposing the presence of new physics Beyond the Standard Model (BSM) with the production of new particles at a higher energy scale compared to the current experimental limits. The search for additional Higgs bosons is, in fact, predicted by theoretical extensions of the SM including the Minimal Supersymmetry Standard Model (MSSM). In the MSSM, the Higgs sector consists of two Higgs doublets, resulting in five physical Higgs particles: two charged bosons $H^{\pm}$, two neutral scalars $h$ and $H$, and one pseudoscalar $A$. The work presented in this thesis is dedicated to the search of neutral non-Standard Model Higgs bosons decaying to two muons in the model independent MSSM scenario. Proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment at the CERN LHC at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV are used, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of $35.9\ \text{fb}^{-1}$. Such search is sensitive to neutral Higgs bosons produced either via gluon fusion process or in association with a $\text{b}\bar{\text{b}}$ quark pair. The extensive usage of Machine and Deep Learning techniques is a fundamental element in the discrimination between signal and background simulated events. A new network structure called parameterised Neural Network (pNN) has been implemented, replacing a whole set of single neural networks trained at a specific mass hypothesis value with a single neural network able to generalise well and interpolate in the entire mass range considered. The results of the pNN signal/background discrimination are used to set a model independent 95\% confidence level expected upper limit on the production cross section times branching ratio, for a generic $\phi$ boson decaying into a muon pair in the 130 to 1000 GeV range.


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La crescente disponibilità di scanner 3D ha reso più semplice l’acquisizione di modelli 3D dall’ambiente. A causa delle inevitabili imperfezioni ed errori che possono avvenire durante la fase di scansione, i modelli acquisiti possono risultare a volte inutilizzabili ed affetti da rumore. Le tecniche di denoising hanno come obiettivo quello di rimuovere dalla superficie della mesh 3D scannerizzata i disturbi provocati dal rumore, ristabilendo le caratteristiche originali della superficie senza introdurre false informazioni. Per risolvere questo problema, un approccio innovativo è quello di utilizzare il Geometric Deep Learning per addestrare una Rete Neurale in maniera da renderla in grado di eseguire efficacemente il denoising di mesh. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è descrivere il Geometric Deep Learning nell’ambito del problema sotto esame.


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Il mondo della moda è in continua e costante evoluzione, non solo dal punto di vista sociale, ma anche da quello tecnologico. Nel corso del presente elaborato si è studiata la possibilità di riconoscere e segmentare abiti presenti in una immagine utilizzando reti neurali profonde e approcci moderni. Sono state, quindi, analizzate reti quali FasterRCNN, MaskRCNN, YOLOv5, FashionPedia e Match-RCNN. In seguito si è approfondito l’addestramento delle reti neurali profonde in scenari di alta parallelizzazione e su macchine dotate di molteplici GPU al fine di ridurre i tempi di addestramento. Inoltre si è sperimentata la possibilità di creare una rete per prevedere se un determinato abito possa avere successo in futuro analizzando semplicemente dati passati e una immagine del vestito in questione. Necessaria per tali compiti è stata, inoltre, una approfondita analisi dei dataset esistenti nel mondo della moda e dei metodi per utilizzarli per l’addestramento. Il presente elaborato è stato svolto nell’ambito del progetto FA.RE.TRA. per il quale l'Università di Bologna svolge un compito di consulenza per lo studio di fattibilità su reti neurali in grado di svolgere i compiti menzionati.