494 resultados para D0


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We report the first measurement of charmed-hadron (D(0)) production via the hadronic decay channel (D(0) → K(-) + π(+)) in Au+Au collisions at sqrt[s(NN)] = 200 GeV with the STAR experiment. The charm production cross section per nucleon-nucleon collision at midrapidity scales with the number of binary collisions, N(bin), from p+p to central Au+Au collisions. The D(0) meson yields in central Au + Au collisions are strongly suppressed compared to those in p+p scaled by N(bin), for transverse momenta p(T) > 3 GeV/c, demonstrating significant energy loss of charm quarks in the hot and dense medium. An enhancement at intermediate p(T) is also observed. Model calculations including strong charm-medium interactions and coalescence hadronization describe our measurements.


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Työssä suunnitellaan ja toteutetaan kompensoitu kappakerroinsäätö sellutehtaan valkaisulinjan D0- ja D1-vaiheisiin. Tavoitteena säädölle on klooridioksidin kokonaiskulutuksen ja valkaistun massan laatuhajonnan pienentäminen. Työssä esitetään tehtaan kuitulinjan prosessivaiheiden pääperiaatteet edeten keittämöltä aina valkaisulinjalle asti, perehdytään valkaisukemikaalin kulutukseen vaikuttaviin merkittävimpiin tekijöihin, valkaisuvaiheiden tärkeimpien mittalaitteiden toimintaan ja vaiheissa käytettäviin säätömenetelmiin. Säädön suunnittelussa kemikaalikulutuksen ja massanlaadun eri tekijöiden syyseuraussuhteet etsitään koeajoilla. Kompensoitua kappakerroinsäätöä ja kompensoitua vaaleussäätöä verrataan toisiinsa prosessiin tehtävien seurantajaksojen ja käyttökokemusten perusteella. Suoritetun koeajon perusteella uudella säädöllä valkaistun massan hajonta säilyy samana, mutta klooridioksidin kokonaiskulutusta voidaan vähentää keskimäärin 17 %, joka tarkoittaa vuodessa yli 500 000 euron säästöä valkaisukemikaalin kustannuksissa.


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We report results from a search for the decay B-s(0)->mu(+)mu(-) using 1.3 fb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We find two candidate events, consistent with the expected background of 1.24 +/- 0.99, and set an upper limit on the branching fraction of B(B-s(0)->mu(+)mu(-))< 1.2x10(-7) at the 95% C.L.


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We present the results of a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) using a data set with integrated luminosity of 240 pb(-1) of p (p) over bar collisions at roots=1.96 TeV collected with the D0 detector in run II of the Fermilab Tevatron collider. We find the upper limit on the branching fraction to be B(B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-))less than or equal to5.0x10(-7) at the 95% C.L. assuming no contributions from the decay B-d(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) in the signal region. This limit is the most stringent upper bound on the branching fraction B-s(0)-->mu(+)mu(-) to date.


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We present a search for the flavor-changing neutral current decay B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-) using about 0.45 fb(-1) of data collected in p (p) over bar collisions at root s=1.96 TeV with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. We find an upper limit on the branching ratio of this decay normalized to B-s(0)-> J/psi phi of B(B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-))/B(B-s(0)-> J/psi phi)< 4.4x10(-3) at the 95% C.L. Using the central value of the world average branching fraction of B-s(0)-> J/psi phi, the limit corresponds to B(B-s(0)->phi mu(+)mu(-))< 4.1x10(-6) at the 95% C.L., the most stringent upper bound to date.


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We have searched for a heavy resonance decaying into a Z+jet final state in p (p) over bar collisions at a center of mass energy of 1.96 TeV at the Fermilab Tevatron collider using the D0 detector. No indication for such a resonance was found in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 370 pb(-1). We set upper limits on the cross section times branching fraction for heavy resonance production at the 95% C.L. as a function of the resonance mass and width. The limits are interpreted within the framework of a specific model of excited quark production.


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We present a measurement of the fraction f(+) of right-handed W bosons produced in top quark decays, based on a candidate sample of tt events in the l + jets and dilepton decay channels corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 370 pb(-1) collected by the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron pp Collider at root s = 1.96 TeV. We reconstruct the decay angle theta* for each lepton. By comparing the cos theta* distribution from the data with that for the expected background and signal for various values of f(+) (where we assume that the fraction of longitudinally-polarized W bosons has the standard model value of 0.70), we find f(+) = 0.056 +/- 0.080 (stat) +/- 0.057 (syst) (f(+) < 0.23 at 95% C. L.), consistent with the standard model prediction of f(+) = 3.6 X 10(-4).


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We combine the D0 measurement of the width difference between the light and heavy B-s(0) mass eigenstates and of the CP-violating mixing phase determined from the time-dependent angular distributions in the B-s(0)-> J/psi phi decays along with the charge asymmetry in semileptonic decays also measured with the D0 detector. With the additional constraint from the world average of the flavor-specific B-s(0) lifetime, we obtain Delta Gamma(s)equivalent to(Gamma(L)-Gamma(H))=0.13 +/- 0.09 ps(-1) and vertical bar phi(s)vertical bar=0.70(-0.47)(+0.39) or Delta Gamma(s)=-0.13 +/- 0.09 ps(-1) and vertical bar phi(s)vertical bar=2.44(-0.39)(+0.47). The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 1.1 fb(-1) accumulated with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider.


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lWe report on a search for second generation leptoquarks (LQ(2)) which decay into a muon plus quark in (p) over barp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s = 1.96 TeV in the DO detector using an integrated luminosity of about 300 pb(-1). No evidence for a leptoquark signal is observed and an upper bound on the product of the cross section for single leptoquark production times branching fraction into a quark and a muon was determined for second generation scalar leptoquaiks as a function of the leptoquark mass. This result has been combined with a previously published DO search for leptoquark pair production to obtain leptoquark mass limits as a function of the leptoquark-muon-quark coupling, lambda. Assuming lambda = 1, lower limits on the mass of a second generation scalar leptoquark coupling to a u quark and a muon are m(LQ2) > 274 GeV and m(LQ2) > 226 GeV for beta = 1 and beta = 1/2, respectively. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a search for electroweak production of single top quarks in the s-channel (p (p) over bar -> t (b) over bar +X) and t-channel (p (p) over bar -> tq (b) over bar +X) modes. We have analyzed 230 pb(-1) of data collected with the D0 detector at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider at a center-of-mass energy of root s=1.96 TeV. No evidence for a single top quark signal is found. We set 95% confidence level upper limits on the production cross sections, based on binned likelihoods formed from a neural network output. The observed (expected) limits are 6.4 pb (4.5 pb) in the s-channel and 5.0 pb (5.8 pb) in the t-channel.


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We present measurements of the Lambda(b)(0) lifetime in the exclusive decay channel Lambda(b)(0)-> J/psi Lambda(0), with J/psi ->mu(+)mu(-) and Lambda(0)-> p pi(-), the B-0 lifetime in the decay B-0-> J/psi K-S(0) with J/psi ->mu(+)mu(-) and K-S(0)->pi(+)pi(-), and the ratio of these lifetimes. The analysis is based on approximately 250 pb(-1) of data recorded with the D0 detector in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1.96 TeV. The Lambda(b)(0) lifetime is determined to be tau(Lambda(b)(0))=1.22(-0.18)(+0.22)(stat)+/- 0.04(syst) ps, the B-0 lifetime tau(B-0)=1.40(-) (+0.11)(0.10)(stat)+/- 0.03(syst) ps, and the ratio tau(Lambda(b)(0))/tau(B-0)=0.87(-) (+0.17)(0.14)(stat)+/- 0.03(syst). In contrast with previous measurements using semileptonic decays, this is the first determination of the Lambda(b)(0) lifetime based on a fully reconstructed decay channel.


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We present the results of a search for the effects of large extra spatial dimensions in p (p) over bar collisions at root s = 1: 96 TeV in events containing a pair of energetic muons. The data correspond to 246 pb(-1) of integrated luminosity collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider. Good agreement with the expected background was found, yielding no evidence for large extra dimensions. We set 95% C. L. lower limits on the fundamental Planck scale between 0.85 and 1.27 TeV within several formalisms. These are the most stringent limits achieved in the dimuon channel to date.


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We report the results of a search for supersymmetry (SUSY) with gauge-mediated breaking in the missing transverse energy distribution of inclusive diphoton events using 263 pb(-1) of data collected by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron Collider in 2002-2004. No excess is observed above the background expected from standard model processes, and lower limits on the masses of the lightest neutralino and chargino of about 108 and 195 GeV, respectively, are set at the 95% confidence level. These are the most stringent limits to date for models with gauge-mediated SUSY breaking with a short-lived neutralino as the next-to-lightest SUSY particle.


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We search for the technicolor process p(p) over bar ->rho(T)/omega(T)-> W pi(T) in events containing one electron and two jets, in data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 390 pb(-1), recorded by the D0 experiment at the Fermilab Tevatron. Technicolor predicts that technipions pi(T) decay dominantly into b(b) over bar, b(c) over bar, or (b) over barc, depending on their charge. In these events b and c quarks are identified by their secondary decay vertices within jets. Two analysis methods based on topological variables are presented. Since no excess above the standard model prediction was found, the result is presented as an exclusion in the pi(T) vs rho(T) mass plane for a given set of model parameters.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)