891 resultados para Creative intelligence


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The need for a recovery of philosophy / J. Dewey.--Reformation of logic / A.W. Moore.--Intelligence and mathematics / H.C. Brown.--Scientific method and individual thinker / G.H. Mead.--Consciousness and psychology / B.H. Bode.--The phases of the economic interest / H.W. Stuart.--The moral life and the construction of values and standards / J.H. Tufts.--Values and existence in philosophy, art and religion / H.M. Kallen.


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Resumen: En ocasión de la autobiografía de Robert Spaemann aparecida en 2012, este trabajo examina la lectura que Spaemann hace de la teleología en la doctrina de Santo Tomás de Aquino, especialmente en su obra Natürliche Ziele (2005) que prosigue la versión de 1981. En la primera parte, se estudia la historia de la teleología en el pensamiento filosófico y científico expuesta en «Fines naturales». La finalidad intrínseca en la naturaleza de los seres es conocida con profundidad creciente gracias a Platón, Aristóteles, al estoicismo y a la tradición cristiana. Estos aportes se integran en una estructura teleológica unitaria en el Aquinate. Después acontece una «inversión» de la teleología centrada en la conservación del propio ser y una consideración de los fines como algo externo a la realidad. Con la teoría evolucionista surge la teleonomía que se limita a las reglas del dinamismo, suprimiendo el fin. Con todo, los científicos no logran eliminar los términos «con el fin de» o «para» en su lenguaje. Eso permite proceder a un redescubrimiento de los fines naturales. En la segunda parte, se ve cómo Tomás de Aquino lleva el conocimiento de la finalidad más allá de Aristóteles, porque ella remite a una inteligencia creadora. La teleología implica una teología, aunque no queda del todo claro si es la teología filosófica o la cristiana. Spaemann tiene un planteo ontológico de tipo persuasivo, pero en algunos momentos siente dificultad para superar en el plano teorético a quien se limita a una teleonomía.


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Se intenta mostrar la estrecha relación que tienen los conceptos de "antropología filosófica" y de "historia de las ideas", entendiendo que en Ardao la práctica hermenéutica es realizada por la comunidad latinoamericana, es decir, el sujeto concebido tanto en su espacialidad como en su temporalidad. Espacialidad y temporalidad que se caracterizan por su diferencia respecto al proceso histórico de "unificación" global de la razón. Las particularidades culturales de las diversas comunidades de sujetos que son objeto de prácticas hermenéuticas deben ser comprendidas a partir del descentramiento postcopernicano que permite superar el dualismo anta lógico que establecía una dicotomía entre el espacio, el tiempo y los modos de producción simbólicos. Así, podemos interpretar que la técnica de la escritura y los textos como "tejidos fisiológicos", según Ardao, son producidos en una comunidad y constituyen la exterioridad histórica de su "pensamiento" en su expresión y significación material.


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This paper attempts to make out a clear case for the role of creative industries in the future of our towns and cities; but it also argues that some difficult choices have to be made. Many have argued that the creative industries bring together culture and economics, but this is not the reduction of one to the other. In any respect both of these are abstractions from a complex social reality; we have to know what exactly we mean by culture and economics and how much value we place upon them. But this is also about long term and short term, about balancing one set of interests with others which may not be able to articulate themselves as strongly. It is about looking below the hype to the real processes involved


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The relationship between intellectual functioning and criminal offending has received considerable focus within the literature. While there remains debate regarding the existence (and strength) of this relationship, there is a wider consensus that individuals with below average functioning (in particular cognitive impairments) are disproportionately represented within the prison population. This paper focuses on research that has implications for the effective management of lower functioning individuals within correctional environments as well as the successful rehabilitation and release of such individuals back into the community. This includes a review of the literature regarding the link between lower intelligence and offending and the identification of possible factors that either facilitate (or confound) this relationship. The main themes to emerge from this review are that individuals with lower intellectual functioning continue to be disproportionately represented in custodial settings and that there is a need to increase the provision of specialised programs to cater for their needs. Further research is also needed into a range of areas including: (1) the reason for this over-representation in custodial settings, (2) the existence and effectiveness of rehabilitation and release programs that cater for lower IQ offenders, (3) the effectiveness of custodial alternatives for this group (e.g. intensive corrections orders) and (4) what post-custodial release services are needed to reduce the risk of recidivism.


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This proposal combines ethnographic techniques and discourse studies to investigating a collective of people engaged with audiovisual productions who collaborate in Curta Favela’s workshops in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas. ‘Favela’ is often translated simply as ‘slum’ or ‘shantytown’, but these terms connote negative characteristics such as shortage, poverty, and deprivation referring to favelas which end up stigmatizing these low income suburbs. Curta Favela (Favela Shorts) is an independent project which all participants join to use photography and participatory audiovisual production as a tool for social change and raising consciousness. As cameras are not affordable for favelas dwellers, Curta Favela’s volunteers teach favela residents how they can use their mobile phones and compact cameras to take pictures and make movies, and afterwards, how they can edit the data using free editing video software programs and publish it on the Internet. To record audio, they use their mp3 or mobile phones. The main aim of this study is to shed light not only on how this project operates, but also to highlight how collective intelligence can be used as a way of fighting against the lack of basic resources.


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This proposal combines ethnographic techniques and discourse studies to investigate a collective of people engaged with audiovisual productions who collaborate in Curta Favela’s workshops in Rio de Janeiro’s favelas. ‘Favela’ is often translated simply as ‘slum’ or ‘shantytown’, but these terms connote negative characteristics such as shortage, poverty, and deprivation which end up stigmatizing these low income suburbs. Curta Favela (Favela Shorts) is an independent project in which all participants join to use photography and participatory audiovisual production as tools for social change and to raise consciousness. As cameras are not affordable for favela dwellers, Curta Favela’s volunteers teach favela residents how they can use their mobile phones and compact cameras to take pictures and make movies, and afterwards, how they can edit the data using free editing video software programs and publish it on the Internet. To record audio, they use their mp3 or mobile phones. The main aim of this study is to shed light not only on how this project operates, but also to highlight how collective intelligence can be used as a way of fighting against a lack of basic resources.


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The rise of the mobile internet enables the creation of applications that provide new and easier ways for people to organise themselves, raise issues, take action and interact with their city. At the same time, society faces new problems that can only be solved when citizens work together. Nevertheless, a lack of motivation or knowledge often prevents many citizens from regularly contributing to the common good. In this position paper, we present DoGood – a mobile app – as a socio-technological system that aims at supporting the collective intelligence of citizens in their pursuit of civic engagement and civic collaboratories. Our study asks to what extent gamification can motivate users to “do good” deeds. The DoGood app uses gamified elements to encourage citizens to submit and promote their civic activities as well as to join the activities of others. Gamification is sometimes criticised for simply adding a limited number of game elements, such as leaderboards, on top of an existing experience with the hope of increasing motivation. However, in the case of the DoGood app, the process of game design was an integral part of the development, and the gamified elements target the user’s intrinsic motivations instead of providing them with an external reward. In this paper, we present design elements of the app and discuss their potential to support collective intelligence for the common good.


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Many women creative practice-led researchers appear inhibited by a number of factors directly connected to their gender. This paper discusses these factors, including the culture of visual arts professional practice, the circumstances surrounding women postgraduate students, and unproductive self-theories about intelligence and creativity. A number of feminist strategies are discussed as potential interventions that may assist women creative practice-led researchers and their supervisors to reap more personal and professional rewards from their postgraduate research.


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Surveying threatened and invasive species to obtain accurate population estimates is an important but challenging task that requires a considerable investment in time and resources. Estimates using existing ground-based monitoring techniques, such as camera traps and surveys performed on foot, are known to be resource intensive, potentially inaccurate and imprecise, and difficult to validate. Recent developments in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), artificial intelligence and miniaturized thermal imaging systems represent a new opportunity for wildlife experts to inexpensively survey relatively large areas. The system presented in this paper includes thermal image acquisition as well as a video processing pipeline to perform object detection, classification and tracking of wildlife in forest or open areas. The system is tested on thermal video data from ground based and test flight footage, and is found to be able to detect all the target wildlife located in the surveyed area. The system is flexible in that the user can readily define the types of objects to classify and the object characteristics that should be considered during classification.


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In recent decades, numerous studies have shown a significant increase in violence during childhood and adolescence. These data suggest the importance of implementing programs to prevent and reduce violent behavior. The study aimed to design a program of emotional intelligence (El) for adolescents and to assess its effects on variables related to violence prevention. The possible differential effect of the program on both genders was also examined. The sample comprised 148 adolescents aged from 13 to 16 years. The study used an experimental design with repeated pretest-posttest measures and control groups. To measure the variables, four assessment instruments were administered before and after the program, as well as in the follow-up phase (1 year after the conclusion of the intervention). The program consisted of 20 one-hour sessions. The pretest-posttest ANCOVAs showed that the program significantly increased: (1) El (attention, clarity, emotional repair); (2) assertive cognitive social interaction strategies; (3) internal control of anger; and (4) the cognitive ability to analyze negative feelings. In the follow-up phase, the positive effects of the intervention were generally maintained and, moreover, the use of aggressive strategies as an interpersonal conflict-resolution technique was significantly reduced. Regarding the effect of the program on both genders, the change was very similar, but the boys increased assertive social interaction strategies, attention, and emotional clarity significantly more than the girls. The importance of implementing programs to promote socio-emotional development and prevent violence is discussed.


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Vivemos cada vez mais numa era de crescentes avanços tecnológicos em diversas áreas. O que há uns anos atrás era considerado como praticamente impossível, em muitos dos casos, já se tornou realidade. Todos usamos tecnologias como, por exemplo, a Internet, Smartphones e GPSs de uma forma natural. Esta proliferação da tecnologia permitiu tanto ao cidadão comum como a organizações a sua utilização de uma forma cada vez mais criativa e simples de utilizar. Além disso, a cada dia que passa surgem novos negócios e startups, o que demonstra o dinamismo que este crescimento veio trazer para a indústria. A presente dissertação incide sobre duas áreas em forte crescimento: Reconhecimento Facial e Business Intelligence (BI), assim como a respetiva combinação das duas com o objetivo de ser criado um novo módulo para um produto já existente. Tratando-se de duas áreas distintas, é primeiramente feito um estudo sobre cada uma delas. A área de Business Intelligence é vocacionada para organizações e trata da recolha de informação sobre o negócio de determinada empresa, seguindo-se de uma posterior análise. A grande finalidade da área de Business Intelligence é servir como forma de apoio ao processo de tomada de decisão por parte dos analistas e gestores destas organizações. O Reconhecimento Facial, por sua vez, encontra-se mais presente na sociedade. Tendo surgido no passado através da ficção científica, cada vez mais empresas implementam esta tecnologia que tem evoluído ao longo dos anos, chegando mesmo a ser usada pelo consumidor final, como por exemplo em Smartphones. As suas aplicações são, portanto, bastante diversas, desde soluções de segurança até simples entretenimento. Para estas duas áreas será assim feito um estudo com base numa pesquisa de publicações de autores da respetiva área. Desde os cenários de utilização, até aspetos mais específicos de cada uma destas áreas, será assim transmitido este conhecimento para o leitor, o que permitirá uma maior compreensão por parte deste nos aspetos relativos ao desenvolvimento da solução. Com o estudo destas duas áreas efetuado, é então feita uma contextualização do problema em relação à área de atuação da empresa e quais as abordagens possíveis. É também descrito todo o processo de análise e conceção, assim como o próprio desenvolvimento numa vertente mais técnica da solução implementada. Por fim, são apresentados alguns exemplos de resultados obtidos já após a implementação da solução.


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À l’heure où les limites du modèle de la démocratie représentative traditionnelle apparaissent de plus en plus évidentes, on a pu défendre, dans la littérature récente, un modèle sensiblement différent : celui d’une démocratie épistémique, tirant parti, par le mécanisme de la délibération inclusive, d’une forme d’intelligence collective qui serait disséminée à travers les agents d’une collectivité. Or, les partisans d’une telle approche se réclament souvent d’un argument qu’on trouve sous la plume d’Aristote en Politique, III, 11. L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner la légitimité d’une telle filiation, en examinant de manière comparative les arguments modernes en faveur de la démocratie épistémique délibérative et le texte aristotélicien. Un tel travail permet de nuancer la portée du recours à Aristote dans les justifications épistémiques de la démocratie : d’une part, le mécanisme auquel songe Aristote dans le texte de la Politique ne saurait se ramener à une forme quelconque de délibération inclusive ; et, d’autre part, l’argument épistémique se trouve restreint par la mise en évidence des limites intrinsèques du régime démocratique. Plutôt que la source d’une position moderne en faveur de la démocratie, on trouverait alors chez Aristote l’occasion de penser le danger concret qui guette tout modèle délibératif : c’est-à-dire, la confiscation du débat public par une minorité de démagogues, qui empêche la collectivité de tirer parti de la diversité cognitive qu’elle contient.


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El projecte tracte d' implementar una solució de Business Intelligence sota la plataforma Microsoft.Aquest projecte va destinat al Departament de Comptabilitat de l' Ajuntament de Cambrils, i està relacionat amb la funció del control de les despeses i els ingressos