996 resultados para Continued training
O trabalho discute os sentidos da formação docente na profissionalização de professores do campo. Nasce do desassossego que interroga a prática da formação continuada, sobretudo, a especialização em educação do campo e os sentidos que são produzidos pelos sujeitos em interface com o trabalho docente nas experiências da Escola Família Agrícola, Escola do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Sem Terra e Escola Multisseriada. Têm nos estudos de Vigotski (2005), Benjamin (1994) e Larrosa (2002) as contribuições que fundamentam a compreensão de sentidos e experiência, estes como produção subjetiva, temporal e singular que ecoam das vozes dos sujeitos. As narrativas como perspectiva metodológica da pesquisa são aqui adotadas como as histórias de práticas em situação (BERTAUX, 2010) ou histórias de vida que pensam um projeto (JOSSO, 2002) e que por assim se constituírem tem como ponto motivador nos diálogos a formação e a profissão docente no campo. Trata-se, de uma narrativa de vida situada, a partir de um impulso que proporciona ao narrador e seu interlocutor o adentrar de uma história que se faz em meio a pessoas, memórias, sentimentos, conflitos, práticas e todo um contexto acerca do impulso de suas experiências de vida, formação e profissão. A partir da escuta em diálogo com as questões da pesquisa registramos a escrita dos sentidos produzidos, não como universais, mas como heterogêneos e simultaneamente singulares aos sujeitos. Nessa perspectiva, os sujeitos produzem diferentes sentidos na relação formação e profissionalização, estes amalgamados e relacionados às suas aspirações com a formação continuada e a carreira docente, imbricados nas itinerâncias dos movimentos sociais nos quais militam, bem como, nas memórias e trajetórias na educação. Pensar, portanto, em processos de formação continuada de professores do campo, à luz dessa discussão, é abrir-se aos diferentes contornos que esta assume a partir dos sentidos produzidos pelos sujeitos, desafiando-nos à construção de projetos que dialoguem com a diversidade da educação do campo e que se colocam como espaçostempos da reflexão do ser e/ou estar professor (a)-monitor (a)-educador (a) do campo.
Background: In Honduras, research capacity strengthening (RCS) has not received sufficient attention, but an increase in research competencies would enable local scientists to advance knowledge and contribute to national priorities, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Objective: This project aimed at strengthening research capacity in infectious diseases in Honduras, focusing on the School of Microbiology of the National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH). The primary objective was the creation of a research-based graduate program for the continued training of researchers. Parallel objectives included institutional strengthening and the facilitation of partnerships and networks. Methods: Based on a multi-stakeholder consultation, an RCS workplan was designed and undertaken from 2007 to 2012. Due to unexpected adverse circumstances, the first 2 years were heavily dedicated to implementing the project's flagship, an MSc program in infectious and zoonotic diseases (MEIZ). In addition, infrastructure improvements and demand-driven continuing education opportunities were facilitated; biosafety and research ethics knowledge and practices were enhanced, and networks fostering collaborative work were created or expanded. Results: The project coincided with the peak of UNAH's radical administrative reform and an unprecedented constitutional crisis. Challenges notwithstanding, in September 2009, MEIZ admitted the first cohort of students, all of whom undertook MDG-related projects graduating successfully by 2012. Importantly, MEIZ has been helpful in expanding the School of Microbiology's traditional etiology-based, disciplinary model to infectious disease teaching and research. By fulfilling its objectives, the project contributed to a stronger research culture upholding safety and ethical values at the university. Conclusions: The resources and strategic vision afforded by the project enhanced UNAH's overall research capacity and its potential contribution to the MDGs. Furthermore, increased research activity and the ensuing improvement in performance indicators at the prime Honduran research institution invoke the need for a national research system in Honduras.
Le Canada accepte des demandes d’asile sur la base de l'orientation sexuelle depuis plus de 20 ans. Quoi qu’il en soit, cette recherche permet de douter du fait que les demandes sur la base de l’orientation sexuelle déposées par des femmes soient traitées de façon adéquate. Pour garantir l’accès à la protection des femmes appartenant à des minorités sexuelles, une analyse du risque de persécution fondé sur l'orientation sexuelle doit incorporer des considérations de genre ainsi que divers autres facteurs d’ordre social et culturel. À partir d’une étude de cas de demandes du statut de refugié déposées par des femmes sur la base de l’orientation sexuelle et rejetées par la Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié entre 2010 et 2013, cette recherche identifie des procédés décisionnels problématiques qui font obstacle au droit d’asile de ces femmes. Les résultats de cette étude révèlent qu’une analyse intersectionnelle, laquelle prend acte des formes variées et multiples de l’oppression dans un contexte social donné, est d’importance cruciale pour une évaluation éclairée et non tronquée des risques de persécution pour les minorités sexuelles féminines. À la lumière de ces résultats, ce mémoire propose qu’une analyse intersectionnelle accompagne une nécessaire formation pour les membres de la Commission de l'immigration et du statut de réfugié du Canada sur des questions particulières à des minorités sexuelles.
Inúmeras pesquisas estão sendo desenvolvidas sobre a importância da formação continuada dos professores para a prática educativa, a fim de melhorar o entendimento sobre as variáveis necessárias para assegurar que os alunos possam obter o aprendizado almejado. Afirma-se ainda que a maioria desses estudos considere que o professor reflexivo possui melhores oportunidades de crescimento profissional e pedagógico, disponibilizando aos seus alunos melhores estratégias didáticas. Para tanto, o objetivo deste estudo é Analisar se a formação continuada de professores, aplicada pelo “Programa Escola que Vale”, tem contribuído para as mudanças das práticas docentes dos professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental I, e como a formação continuada, desenvolvida por este Programa, tem contribuído para as mudanças das práticas docente dos professores dos anos iniciais. Assim, a metodologia deste estudo foi realizada através de uma pesquisa exploratória de caráter bibliográfica e uma pesquisa de campo com docentes, supervisores e orientadores do município de Ourilândia do Norte. Os resultados desta análise nos mostraram que a formação continuada de professores do Programa Escola que Vale, contribuiu muito propiciando melhorias ao desenvolvimento da ação pedagógica, que o profissional torna-se motivado para continuar aprendendo e melhorando sua ação docente, sobretudo utilizando de meios que possibilitam envolvimentos de toda comunidade educativa em prol de uma educação de qualidade.
Nossa intenção, na presente investigação é seguir um procedimento analógico ao da construção da competência leitora e refletir sobre as influências educacionais, sobretudo, no interesse, ou falta dele, pela leitura, competência fundamental para o desenvolvimento do indivíduo na sociedade. Iniciamos pelo processo de aprendizagem e ensino da leitura e finalizamos com as reflexões: como a prática pedagógica do docente, desperta ou reconcilia o jovem leitor com a leitura? Compreendemos que somos capazes de contribuir para o desenvolvimento e aprofundamento dos hábitos de leitura dos estudantes, principalmente escolar, a fim de “aprimorar” os níveis de leitura e promover no estudante o prazer de ler, desde que, nós enquanto figuras mediadoras e motivadoras em sala de aula, o professor, sintam verdadeiramente esse desejo de desperta no outro o prazer de ler. Como resultado, depreende-se que o próprio professor ainda não incorporou seu papel enquanto figura motivadora, importantíssima, na construção de alunos leitores. Simultaneamente constatamos que o professor é sabedor das lacunas no seu processo de formação acadêmica e da necessidade de formação continuada para “aperfeiçoamento” da sua prática e da posição que ocupam como sujeitos de suas leituras e que seu hábito de leitura, ou ausência dele, tem consequência na prática de ensino/aprendizagem e em seu posicionamento frente aos estudantes como ícone motivador da mesma. Concomitantemente, aferimos que a concepção que predomina nas práticas da leitura ainda é a noção de leitura como decodificação de palavras, essa percepção é notada não só na fala dos estudantes, mas também na do professor. Aferimos também, que a maioria dos estudantes investigados não tem o hábito da leitura e consequentemente não tem consciência das estratégias usadas nesse processo de produção de significados. Esperamos que as discussões aqui apresentadas, e os resultados obtidos nesta investigação proporcionem reflexões sobre a prática pedagógica, favorecendo alterações que colaborem para a melhoria do ensino/aprendizagem de leitura.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar como a formação continuada contribui para a qualificação profissional dos professores a partir do olhar dos docentes, alunos e gestores. Buscamos o respaldo teórico dos autores como Nóvoa (2007), Tardif (2002), Pimenta (2000) e os saberes sociológicos e filosóficos de Santos (2007). A pesquisa empírica foi desenvolvida através de questionários com os diferentes segmentos da escola e análise documental referente às políticas de formação continuada dos professores adotadas pela Secretaria de Educação do Ceará. A análise dos dados buscou compreender como a formação continuada influenciou a competência docente. Os dados obtidos revelam que as propostas dos cursos de formação continuada do professor, adotadas nas escolas estaduais de Sobral-CE, embora defenda a profissionalização docente, na realidade ainda não contemplam práticas que valorizam os diferentes saberes produzidos na prática do professor e não promovem capacidade reflexiva capaz de contribuir de forma ativa e transformadora nos projetos pedagógicos, entendendo e atendendo a demanda escolar. A análise dos resultados da pesquisa evidencia a importância da parceria entre as instituições de ensino. No entanto essa parceria precisa reconhecer e valorizar culturas existentes entre a prática pedagógica e o conhecimento científico elaborado socialmente.
The scope of this study directs an investigation in search of how the blind person learns knowledge at school mediated by the image in context of an inclusive education and how it can be (or is) triggered by the adaptation of images to the tactile seizure of the blind person and his correlative process of reading. To achieve this intent we choose a qualitative approach of research and opted for the modality of case study, based on the empirical field of a public school in the city of Cruzeta, RN and as a the main subject a congenitally blind female student enrolled in high school there, focusing, often, on the discipline of geography in its words mapping. Our procedures for construction of data are directly involved to the documentary analysis of open reflective interview and observation. The base guiding theory of our assessments is located in the current understanding about the human psychological development of its educational process inside an inclusive perspective, of contemporary conceptions about the visual disability as well of image as a cultural product. Accordingly, the human person is a concrete subject, whose development is deeply marked by the culture, historically built by human society. This subject regardless of his specific features, grasping the world in an interactive and immediate way, internalising and producing culture. In this thinking, we believe that the blind person perceives in multiple senses the stimuli of his environment and acts in the world toward his integration into the social environment. The image as a product of culture, historically and socially determined, appears as a sign conventionally used as an icon that in itself concentrates knowledge of which the student who does not realize visually himself and his surroundings cannot be excluded. In this direction, the inclusive educational process must build conditions of access to knowledge for all students without distinction, including access to the interpretation of the images originally intended for the seizure strictly visual to other perceptive models. Based in this theory and adopting principles of content analysis, we circulated inside the interpretation of the data constructed from the analysis of documents, from the subject speeches, from records of the observation made in the classroom and other notes of the field daily. In the search for pictures on the school contents, adapted to the tactile seizure of blind student, was seen little and not systematic in practice and teaching at the school. It showed us the itinerary of the student life marked by a succession of supports, most of the time inappropriate and pioneers in cooling the construction of her autonomy. It also showed us the tensions and contradictions of a school environment, supposedly inclusive, that stumbles in search of its intent, in the attitudinal and cumulative barriers brought, because of its aggravating maintenance. These findings arose of crossing data around of a categorization that gives importance to 1) Concepts regarding the school inclusion, 2) Elements of the school organization, educational proposal and teaching practice, 3) Meaning of the visual image as the object of knowledge, 4) Perception in multiple senses and 5) Development and learning of the blind person before impositions of the social environment. In light of these findings we infer that it must be guaranteed to the disabled person removal of the attitudinal barriers that are against his full development and the construction of his autonomy. In that sense, should be given opportunity to the student with visual disability, similarly to all students, not only access to school, but also the dynamics of a school life efficient, that means the seizure of knowledge in all its modalities, including the imagery. To that end, there is a need of the continued training of teachers, construction of a support network in response to all needs of students, and the opportunity to development of reading skills beyond a perspective eminently focused in the sight
In preparation for reviewing and reflect about the pedagogical practice of teaching supervisor, noting instances of continuing education in service, dialogue-based, reflective and shared as propelling in the construction of theoretical and practical knowledge is that we propose to undertake this research. Based in our professional practice and stimulated by the desire to contribute with the education in the city of Jardim de Piranhas-RN our intention was to highlight issues which arising from practice teaching, especially those guided in the principles of a continuing, dialogic and reflexive teachers training. In that sense we are encouraged to answer the following question. How has been developed the work of teaching supervisor in the city of Jardim de Piranhas and what kind of elements should be constituted by a continuing education in school if those elements are enhanced by a reflexive action and dialogue-based? Thus, we performed studies of theoretical foundation based in Nóvoa (1995, 2001, 2003), where he emphasizes the importance of take in account the practice itself as a source for the study in the construction of a new teaching practice process, in Alarcão (1999; 2001; 2002; 2003), Schön (1995, 2000), Tardif (2003) and Perrenoud (2002), Gomes (1998), Navarro (2005) and Oliveira (2006), among others, provided the basis to discuss the role of reflection and dialogue in the school and classroom. We still emphasize the ideas of Paulo Freire (1981; 1992; 1996; 2001; 2002), which is consistent with the proposal for a reflexive action and training. For this we adopted a methodology based in the qualitative research with field note, intending to observe the strategies which emerge in the educational supervisor practice. This practice should contribute to the training of teachers. In this process we chose three dimensions that provide structure and power in their work. So, we can describe as conceptual, strategic and changeable
This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have
This study focuses on processes of learning and professional development experienced by elementary school teachers who have students with special educational needs in their classrooms. Cases and case methods can be used as methodological resource to articulate the continued training of teachers in an inclusive perspective. This research-intervention adopted a constructive-collaborative model for continued teachers formation. The main objective was to investigate the possible contributions of teaching cases, while investigative and formative strategies, for the processes of learning and professional development of teachers who work in the regular school. The data were collected by means of analytical activities, drafting collective discussion and teaching cases, having eight teachers as participants in a regular public school, located in the municipality of Natal/RN, Brasil. The theoretical reference covers the inclusive education, teaching learning, teachers professional development, the knowledge base for teaching and teaching cases as a resource for continued teachers formation in an inclusive perspective. The results indicated that teaching cases allowed description and analysis of educational practices developed by regular education teachers and adoption of reflective processes about situations reported and on their own pedagogical actuation, achieving indications of changes. It also indicates the contribution of cases for the clarification, systematization and extension of professional knowledge about inclusive education process as well as for involvement by the teachers of the study in a pedagogical thinking process. The lessons learned are related mainly to own role as teachers of regular education, to the role of professional support and specialized institutions faced to school inclusion. The analyses showed the methodological option was suitable to develop a schoolcentric training process, allowing teachers to seek in their actual environment alternatives for construction of a new logic of teaching that encloses diversity. The conclusion is that the cases, while bringing educational situations closer to the reality experienced by teachers in their daily professional role, causes relevant improvement on teachers education, because it offers training in conjunction with the experience and knowledge that teachers already have
The study Teacher work and education in the municipal schools of Natal objectifies the analysis of the education and work conditions of the teachers in the municipal schools of Natal, placing them within the scenario of the public policies outlined for Basic Education (2005-2010). The thesis is based on the perspective that the educational reforms implemented by the Brazilian government in an attempt to answer to the new contextual demands originated from the world of work and globalization, demanding increasingly higher levels of qualification and constant extension of the teaching functions in school from the teachers, have been configured withal as a strategy for intensifying the teacher s work. The empirical field of study was constituded by thirteen municipal schools that offer basic education. Four hundred and seventeen teacher subjects that work in the municipal school system of Natal, two representatives of the Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Natal (SME)1 that work in the pedagogical team and one representative of the Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educação do Rio Grande do Norte2 took part in the study. The procedures/instruments used in the research were: bibliographic review, document research, questionnaires and recording of information in a field journal. The study confirmed that the majority of the teachers that work in the municipal school system were admitted by means of public entry exams, therefore meeting the requirements set by Law 9.394/96. Most of the teachers have the initial education demanded to work in basic education, although with some limitations due to the fact that they do not correspond to the needs of the educational system. The SME has a plan for continued training of the teachers in accordance to the current ideas defended by researchers of this field. There is, although, a disconnection between the purpose of the plan and the training strategies, because, in truth, predominate repetitive and specific actions that do not contemplate the training needs of the teachers, nor the demands of the system. Although the work conditions are evaluated, by the teachers, as relatively good, limits in relation to the physical structure of the schools are observed (dirty walls with holes in them, broken ceiling fans, old chairs and desks, old and stained black boards, inadequate restroom installations, poor maintenance of the computers, amongst other items). It was also verified the an increase in the functions of the teachers and an intensification of their work, materialized through an overburden of activities undertaken daily at school (and outside of it) and through the demand in taking part in activities that go beyond those inherent to the teaching process, such as the elaboration of political-pedagogical projects, participation in collegiate, registration of student information solicited by the SME and the participation in commissions, has been happening
The present study had the purpose of examining the disabled children s way of playing on everyday situations in the CMEIs (acronym in Portuguese for City s Early Childhood Education Center ) of Natal/RN, by watching and listening to three children and their teachers, trying to understand how the games existent in these contexts involve the different subjects of the learning process, and which contributions emerge for a valuable pedagogic work, capable of providing the children s inclusion in the Early Childhood Education. This qualitative investigation was built as a case study, collecting data through watching and interviews. Throughout the observations, it was indispensable to look into the different contexts of the school routine, to capture and analyze events that could answer to what was being studied. The accessibility conditions of the school spaces were also observed. The interviews made possible to extract from the subjects what they think and how they perceive themselves when playing. The acquired data were analyzed having as counterparts contemporary studies and theories about playing, childhood and school inclusion, and published documents from the Education and Culture Department that treat of this theme as the guiding axis of the pedagogic proposes aimed to the Early Childhood Education. The revelations of the research show that is necessary to put effort on the disabled children s playing inside the context of the Early Childhood Education, regarding the accomplishment of accessibility laws that treat of school spaces and providing of equipment and resources that respect those children s characteristics, as well as providing opportunities for initial and continued training for the teachers, under the perspective of inclusive education and playing
This work, named Teaching conditions: a study in municipal schools of Currais Novos RN (2009 to 2012) aims to analyze the status of teaching in schools in the municipality of Currais Novos RN in the period ranging from 2009 - 2012, considering infrastructure, initial and continued training and intensification and casualization of teaching factors in the context of the 1990s educational reformations. It, also, assumes that teaching is a constitutive part of capitalist society, and has been reconfigured with based on the new requirements demanded by the labor market. In order to conduct this study the considered data included the survey research Teaching Work in Basic Education in Brazil (2009 to 2010) , held in seven Brazilian states being: Pará, Rio Grande do Norte, Minas Gerais, Goiás, Paraná, Santa Catarina and Espírito Santo. Specifically selected for deepening of the study, there were schools in the municipality of Currais Novos in which semi-structured interviews were performed with teachers of the said municipality. This research is constituted of a qualitative and quantitative approach whose survey instruments adopted were, namely: documental research, literature review, interviews and surveys. The obtained data analysis allows us to infer that the teaching work performed by teachers in the states which participated in the survey has been influenced the changes in the labor market and educational reformations and has been taking on characteristics such as flexibility, tendency to precariousness and intensification; and this trend is also present in schools that were surveyed in the municipality of Currais Novos. As pertaining to the teachers conditions in classroom, these signs are more evident, considering that they had their duties and responsibilities extended beyond the classroom environment. The data also show that in general working conditions of teachers in national, state and local levels are unprofitable and heterogeneous, increasingly deepening the gap between school units and education networks. Therefore, the implantation of public policies that enhance the teaching work and improve their working conditions in all dimensions that directly interfere in their work are crucial
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivo investigar as práticas pedagógicas docentes com crianças em tratamento oncológico no Hospital Ophir Loyola (HOL) em Belém, Pará. Optouse como estratégia de pesquisa pelo estudo de caso descritivo tendo como sujeitos seis professores que trabalham com crianças que fazem tratamento de saúde no referido hospital, os quais foram ouvidos por meio de entrevistas estruturadas. O estudo, em seu referencial teórico, buscou analisar a criança em tratamento oncológico e a educação escolar hospitalar em seus aspectos históricos, legais, didáticos e curriculares. Os dados coletados foram analisados pela técnica de análise de conteúdo, chegando-se às seguintes categorias temáticas: dinâmica de trabalho dos professores do HOL; práticas docentes com crianças em tratamento oncológico no HOL; dificuldades e facilidades nas práticas docentes no HOL e formação inicial e continuada dos professores do HOL. Após análise dessas categorias concluiu-se que a educação escolar do HOL desenvolve um saber sistematizado, devidamente planejado e adaptado às necessidades das crianças em tratamento oncológico. Os atendimentos pedagógicos são realizados em vários espaços, de acordo com as possibilidades e necessidades dos alunos. Quanto às dificuldades dos professores na execução de suas atividades, os docentes apontaram: o tempo de permanência da criança no hospital, a situação física e emocional do aluno, a falta de materiais didáticos, as dificuldades de memorização e atenção das crianças decorrentes das medicações, as interrupções das aulas para procedimentos clínicos diversos e a falta de tempo para planejamento das atividades, que interferem no processo ensino aprendizagem. Comprovou-se também a necessidade de maiores estudos sobre o cuidado da saúde emocional dos professores. No que diz respeito à formação inicial verificou-se que estes não tiveram nenhuma formação específica para trabalhar em ambiente não convencional de educação, mas que buscam formação contínua para dar conta das demandas que se apresentam nesse espaço. Os resultados da pesquisa poderão servir de referencial para a formação de professores e em estudos na área de educação e saúde, assim como concorrer para a ampliação de políticas públicas que beneficiem a educação escolar em ambiente hospitalar.