984 resultados para Containing Peptide


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The first synthesis of 1,3-thiazine fused peptide mimics is described from N-(3-hydroxypropyl)thioamides under MsCl/NEt3 conditions. The method is amenable to oligopeptidomimics with polar and apolar side chains. Substantial epimerization occurs at chiral C(2) exo methines in non-Pro fused mimics even under neutral conditions. H-1 NMR and crystal structure analyses indicate that the Thi analogues primarily associate with each other through intermolecular hydrogen bonds, involving the nitrogen of 1,3-thiazine and the N-H of the fused residue, which may be the basis for enamination-racemization process in these peptide mimics. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Unusual TFA catalyzed cleavage reaction is reported for peptide containing pipecolic acid residues. Although the use of TFA under standard cleavage conditions is sufficiently mild to prevent degradation of the desired products. the amide bond between consecutive pipecolic acid residues is unexpectedly hydrolyzed by standard TFA treatment. The hydrolysis is proposed to proceed via an oxazolinium ion intermediate, This mechanism is supported by H/D exchange as observed by ESI-MS and NMR experiments.


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While fibroin isolated from the cocoons of domesticated silkworm Bombyx mori supports growth of human corneal limbal epithelial (HLE) cells, the mechanism of cell attachment remains unclear. In the present study we sought to enhance the attachment of HLE cells to membranes of Bombyx mori silk fibroin (BMSF) through surface functionalization with an arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD)-containing peptide. Moreover, we have examined the response of HLE cells to BMSF when blended with the fibroin produced by a wild silkworm, Antheraea pernyi, which is known to contain RGD sequences within its primary structure. A procedure to isolate A. pernyi silk fibroin (APSF) from the cocoons was established, and blends of the two fibroins were prepared at five different BMSF/APSF ratios. In another experiment, BMSF surface was modified by binding chemically the GRGDSPC peptide using a water-soluble carbodiimide. Primary HLE were grown in the absence of serum on membranes made of BMSF, APSF, and their blends, as well as on RGD-modified BMSF. There was no statistically significant enhancing effect on the cell attachment due to the RGD presence. This suggests that the adhesion through RGD ligands may have a complex mechanism, and the investigated strategies are of limited value unless the factors contributing to this mechanism become better known.


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Linker histone H1 binds preferentially the scaffold associated region (SAR) DNA elements that contain characteristic oligo dA . dT tracts. In the present study, we have compared the condensation brought about by histone H1 of a SAR DNA fragment in the histone spacer region of Drosophila melanogaster with that of a random DNA (pBR322 EcoRI-SalI) fragment by circular dichroism spectroscopy. The condensation of the SAR DNA fragment by histone H1 is 3-4-fold higher than that of the random DNA fragment. A 16-mer peptide, ATPKKSTKKTPKKAKK, the sequence that is present in the C-terminus of histone H1d, which has recently been shown to possess DIVA and chromatin condensing properties, also condenses the SAR DNA fragment preferentially in a highly cooperative manner. We have proposed a model for the dynamics of chromatin structure involving histone H1-SAR DNA interaction through SPKK containing peptide motifs and its competition by AT-hook peptides present in the nonhistone chromosomal proteins like HMG-I and HMG-Y.


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The coronavirus main protease, Mpro, is considered a major target for drugs suitable to combat coronavirus infections including the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). In this study, comprehensive HPLC- and FRET-substrate-based screenings of various electrophilic compounds were performed to identify potential Mpro inhibitors. The data revealed that the coronaviral main protease is inhibited by aziridine- and oxirane-2-carboxylates. Among the trans-configured aziridine-2,3-dicarboxylates the Gly-Gly-containing peptide 2c was found to be the most potent inhibitor.


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The synthesis, radiolabeling, and initial evaluation of new silicon-fluoride acceptor (SiFA) derivatized octreotate derivatives is reported. So far, the main drawback of the SiFA technology for the synthesis of PET-radiotracers is the high lipophilicity of the resulting radiopharmaceutical. Consequently, we synthesized new SiFA-octreotate analogues derivatized with Fmoc-NH-PEG-COOH, Fmoc-Asn(Ac?AcNH-?-Glc)-OH, and SiFA-aldehyde (SIFA-A). The substances could be labeled in high yields (38 ± 4%) and specific activities between 29 and 56 GBq/?mol in short synthesis times of less than 30 min (e.o.b.). The in vitro evaluation of the synthesized conjugates displayed a sst2 receptor affinity (IC?? = 3.3 ± 0.3 nM) comparable to that of somatostatin-28. As a measure of lipophilicity of the conjugates, the log P(ow) was determined and found to be 0.96 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate and 1.23 for SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-Tyr³-octreotate, which is considerably lower than for SiFA-Tyr³-octreotate (log P(ow) = 1.59). The initial in vivo evaluation of [¹?F]SiFA-Asn(AcNH-?-Glc)-PEG-Tyr³-octreotate revealed a significant uptake of radiotracer in the tumor tissue of AR42J tumor-bearing nude mice of 7.7% ID/g tissue weight. These results show that the high lipophilicity of the SiFA moiety can be compensated by applying hydrophilic moieties. Using this approach, a tumor-affine SiFA-containing peptide could successfully be used for receptor imaging for the first time in this proof of concept study.


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Since ribosomally mediated protein biosynthesis is confined to the L-amino acid pool, the presence of D-amino acids in peptides was considered for many years to be restricted to proteins of prokaryotic origin. Unicellular microorganisms have been responsible for the generation of a host of D-amino acid-containing peptide antibiotics (gramicidin, actinomycin, bacitracin, polymyxins). Recently, a series of mu and delta opioid receptor agonists [dermorphins and deltorphins] and neuroactive tetrapeptides containing a D-amino acid residue have been isolated from amphibian (frog) skin and mollusks. Amino acid sequences obtained from the cDNA libraries coincide with the observed dermorphin and deltorphin sequences, suggesting a stereospecific posttranslational amino acid isomerization of unknown mechanism. A cofactor-independent serine isomerase found in the venom of the Agelenopsis aperta spider provides the first major clue to explain how multicellular organisms are capable of incorporating single D-amino acid residues into these and other eukaryotic peptides. The enzyme is capable of isomerizing serine, cysteine, O-methylserine, and alanine residues in the middle of peptide chains, thereby providing a biochemical capability that, until now, had not been observed. Both D- and L-amino acid residues are susceptible to isomerization. The substrates share a common Leu-Xaa-Phe-Ala recognition site. Early in the reaction sequence, solvent-derived deuterium resides solely with the epimerized product (not substrate) in isomerizations carried out in 2H2O. Significant deuterium isotope effects are obtained in these reactions in addition to isomerizations of isotopically labeled substrates (2H at the epimerizeable serine alpha-carbon atom). The combined kinetic and structural data suggests a two-base mechanism in which abstraction of a proton from one face is concomitant with delivery from the opposite face by the conjugate acid of the second enzymic base.


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A Monte Carlo simulation method for globular proteins, called extended-scaled-collective-variable (ESCV) Monte Carlo, is proposed. This method combines two Monte Carlo algorithms known as entropy-sampling and scaled-collective-variable algorithms. Entropy-sampling Monte Carlo is able to sample a large configurational space even in a disordered system that has a large number of potential barriers. In contrast, scaled-collective-variable Monte Carlo provides an efficient sampling for a system whose dynamics is highly cooperative. Because a globular protein is a disordered system whose dynamics is characterized by collective motions, a combination of these two algorithms could provide an optimal Monte Carlo simulation for a globular protein. As a test case, we have carried out an ESCV Monte Carlo simulation for a cell adhesive Arg-Gly-Asp-containing peptide, Lys-Arg-Cys-Arg-Gly-Asp-Cys-Met-Asp, and determined the conformational distribution at 300 K. The peptide contains a disulfide bridge between the two cysteine residues. This bond mimics the strong geometrical constraints that result from a protein's globular nature and give rise to highly cooperative dynamics. Computation results show that the ESCV Monte Carlo was not trapped at any local minimum and that the canonical distribution was correctly determined.


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Methacrylate-based hydrogels, such as homo- and copolymers of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), have demonstrated significant potential for use in biomedical applications. However, many of these hydrogels tend to resist cell attachment and growth at their surfaces, which can be detrimental for certain applications. In this article, glycidyl methacrylate (GMA) was copolymerized with HEMA to generate gels functionalized with epoxide groups. The epoxides were then functionalized by two sequential click reactions, namely, nucleophilic ring opening of epoxides with sodium azide and then coupling of small molecules and peptides via Huisgen's copper catalyzed 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition of azides with alkynes. Using this strategy it was possible to control the degree of functionalization by controlling the feed ratio of monomers during polymerization. In vitro cell culture of human retinal pigment epithelial cell line (ARPE-19) with the hydrogels showed improved cell adhesion, growth and proliferation for hydrogels that were functionalized with a peptide containing the RGD sequence. In addition, the cell attachment progressively decreased with increasing densities of the RGD containing peptide. In summary, a facile methodology has been presented that gives rise to hydrogels with controlled degrees of functionality, such that the cell response is directly related to the levels and nature of that functionality.


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A concentration-dependent inactivation of 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-CoA (HMG-CoA) reductase was found on reincubation of rat liver microsomal preparations with H2O2 and at lower concentrations in the presence of KCN which inhibited the contaminating catalase. The inactivation was not affected in the presence quenchers of hydroxyl radicals and singlet oxygen and was also obtained when H2O2 was added during the reaction. HMG-CoA, but not NADPH, partially protected the enzyme from H2O2-inactivation. Even at high concentration DTT was unable to reverse this inactivation. The soluble 50 kDa-enzyme was similarly inactivated by H2O2, and the tryptic-digest of the inactivated protein indicated the presence of a disulfide-containing peptide. The results support the view that H2O2 by directly acting on the catalytic domain possibly converts an active thiol group to an inaccessible disulfide and irreversibly HMG-CoA reductase.


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In common with many other plasma membrane glycoproteins of eukaryotic origin, the promastigote surface protease (PSP) of the protozoan parasite Leishmania contains a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) membrane anchor. The GPI anchor of Leishmania major PSP was purified following proteolysis of the PSP and analyzed by two-dimensional 1H-1H NMR, compositional and methylation linkage analyses, chemical and enzymatic modifications, and amino acid sequencing. From these results, the structure of the GPI-containing peptide was found to be Asp-Gly-Gly-Asn-ethanolamine-PO4-6Man alpha 1-6Man alpha 1-4GlcN alpha 1-6myo-inositol-1-PO4-(1-alkyl-2-acyl-glycerol). The glycan structure is identical to the conserved glycan core regions of the GPI anchor of Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein and rat brain Thy-1 antigen, supporting the notion that this portion of GPIs are highly conserved. The phosphatidylinositol moiety of the PSP anchor is unusual, containing a fully saturated, unbranched 1-O-alkyl chain (mainly C24:0) and a mixture of fully saturated unbranched 2-O-acyl chains (C12:0, C14:0, C16:0, and C18:0). This lipid composition differs significantly from those of the GPIs of T. brucei variant surface glycoprotein and mammalian erythrocyte acetylcholinesterase but is similar to that of a family of glycosylated phosphoinositides found uniquely in Leishmania.


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Dix-huit maladies humaines graves ont jusqu'ici été associées avec des expansions de trinucléotides répétés (TNR) codant soit pour des polyalanines (codées par des codons GCN répétés) soit pour des polyglutamines (codées par des codons CAG répétés) dans des protéines spécifiques. Parmi eux, la dystrophie musculaire oculopharyngée (DMOP), l’Ataxie spinocérébelleuse de type 3 (SCA3) et la maladie de Huntington (MH) sont des troubles à transmission autosomale dominante et à apparition tardive, caractérisés par la présence d'inclusions intranucléaires (IIN). Nous avons déjà identifié la mutation responsable de la DMOP comme étant une petite expansion (2 à 7 répétitions supplémentaires) du codon GCG répété du gène PABPN1. En outre, nous-mêmes ainsi que d’autres chercheurs avons identifié la présence d’événements de décalage du cadre de lecture ribosomique de -1 au niveau des codons répétés CAG des gènes ATXN3 (SCA3) et HTT (MH), entraînant ainsi la traduction de codons répétés hybrides CAG/GCA et la production d'un peptide contenant des polyalanines. Or, les données observées dans la DMOP suggèrent que la toxicité induite par les polyalanines est très sensible à leur quantité et leur longueur. Pour valider notre hypothèse de décalage du cadre de lecture dans le gène ATXN3 dans des modèles animaux, nous avons essayé de reproduire nos constatations chez la drosophile et dans des neurones de mammifères. Nos résultats montrent que l'expression transgénique de codons répétés CAG élargis dans l’ADNc de ATXN3 conduit aux événements de décalage du cadre de lecture -1, et que ces événements sont néfastes. À l'inverse, l'expression transgénique de codons répétés CAA (codant pour les polyglutamines) élargis dans l’ADNc de ATXN3 ne conduit pas aux événements de décalage du cadre de lecture -1, et n’est pas toxique. Par ailleurs, l’ARNm des codons répétés CAG élargis dans ATXN3 ne contribue pas à la toxicité observée dans nos modèles. Ces observations indiquent que l’expansion de polyglutamines dans nos modèles drosophile et de neurones de mammifères pour SCA3 ne suffit pas au développement d'un phénotype. Par conséquent, nous proposons que le décalage du cadre de lecture ribosomique -1 contribue à la toxicité associée aux répétitions CAG dans le gène ATXN3. Pour étudier le décalage du cadre de lecture -1 dans les maladies à expansion de trinucléotides CAG en général, nous avons voulu créer un anticorps capable de détecter le produit présentant ce décalage. Nous rapportons ici la caractérisation d’un anticorps polyclonal qui reconnaît sélectivement les expansions pathologiques de polyalanines dans la protéine PABPN1 impliquée dans la DMOP. En outre, notre anticorps détecte également la présence de protéines contenant des alanines dans les inclusions intranucléaires (IIN) des échantillons de patients SCA3 et MD.


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TGF-beta1 levels increase after vascular injury and promote vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation. We define a nonviral gene delivery system that targets alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 integrins that are expressed on proliferating VSMCs and strongly induced by TGF-beta1. A 15-amino acid RGDNP-containing peptide from American Pit Viper venom was linked to a Lys(16) peptide as vector (molossin vector) and complexed with Lipofectamine or fusogenic peptide for delivery of luciferase or beta-galactosidase reporter genes to primary cultures of human, rabbit, and rat VSMCs. Preincubation of VSMCs with TGF-beta1 for 24 h, but not with PDGF-BB, interferon-gamma, TNF-alpha, nor PMA, increased alphavbeta3 and alpha5beta1 expressions on VSMCs and enhanced gene delivery of molossin vector. Thus beta-galactosidase activity increased from 35 +/- 5% (controls) to 75 +/- 5% after TGF-beta1 treatment, and luciferase activity increased fourfold over control values. Potential use of this system in vessel bypass surgery was examined in an ex vivo rat aortic organ culture model after endothelial damage. Molossin vector system delivered beta-galactosidase to VSMCs in the vessel wall that remained for up to 12 days posttransfection. The molossin vector system, when combined with TGF-beta1, enhances gene delivery to proliferating VSMCs and might have clinical applications for certain vasculoproliferative diseases.