951 resultados para Color Doppler
The aim of this study was to investigate the agreement between diagnoses of calcified atheroma seen on panoramic radiographs and color Doppler images. Our interest stems from the fact that panoramic images can show the presence of atheroma regardless of the level of obstruction detected by color Doppler images. Panoramic and color Doppler images of 16 patients obtained from the archives of the Health Department of the city of Valença, RJ, Brazil, were analyzed in this study. Both sides of each patient were observed on the images, with a total of 32 analyzed cervical regions. The level of agreement between diagnoses was analyzed using the Kappa statistics. There was a high level of agreement, with a Kappa value of 0.78. In conclusion, panoramic radiographs can help detecting calcifications in the cervical region of patients susceptible to vascular diseases predisposing to myocardial infarction and cerebrovascular accidents. If properly trained and informed, dentists can refer their patients to a physician for a cardiovascular evaluation in order to receive proper and timely medical treatment.
To compare color Doppler imaging (CDI) parameters of the superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) in patients with Graves` orbitopathy (GO) and in normal controls. Forty-three GO patients and 14 normal controls underwent CDI of the SOV. Patients had either fibrotic (lipogenic or myogenic) or congestive orbitopathy. The findings for each group were compared. Fifty-eight orbits with fibrotic orbitopathy, 28 with congestive orbitopathy, and 28 from controls, were studied. In the congestive group, SOV flow was detected in 13, undetectable in 11, and reversed in four orbits; in the fibrotic group, it was present in 41 and undetectable in 17 orbits. In normal controls, SOV flow was detected in 25 and undetectable in three orbits. The differences among the three groups were significant. There was also a significant difference between controls and the congestive GO orbits but not between the fibrotic group and the other two groups. Fibrotic myogenic orbitopathy patients displayed a significantly smaller SOV flow than patients with lipogenic orbitopathy. SOV was significantly reduced in orbits with congestive GO or with myogenic fibrotic GO, but not in orbits with fibrotic lipogenic orbitopathy. SOV congestion may be a contributing pathogenic factor in both congestive and fibrotic myogenic Graves` orbitopathy.
Background: There is only limited knowledge on how the quantification of valvular regurgitation by color Doppler is affected by changing blood viscosity. This study was designed to evaluate the effect of changing blood viscosity on the vena contracta width using an in vitro model of valvular insufficiency capable of providing ample variation in the rate and stroke volume. Methods: We constructed a pulsatile flow model filled with human blood at varying hematocrit (15%, 35%, and 55%) and corresponding blood viscosity (blood/water viscosity: 2.6, 4.8, 9.1) levels in which jets were driven through a known orifice (7 mm(2)) into a 110 mL compliant receiving chamber (compliance: 2.2 mL/mmHg) by a pulsatile pump. In addition, we used variable pump stroke volumes (5, 7.5, and 10 mL) and rates (40, 60, and 80 ppm). Vena contracta region was imaged using a 3.5 MHz transducer. Pressure and volume in the flow model were kept constant during each experimental condition, as well as ultrasound settings. Results: Blood viscosity variation in the experimental range did not induce significant changes in vena contracta dimensions. Also, vena contracta width did not change from normal to low hematocrit and viscosity levels. A very modest increase only in vena contracta dimension was observed at very high level of blood viscosity when hematocrit was set to 55% . Pump rate, in the evaluated range, did not influence vena contracta width. These results in controlled experimental settings suggest that the vena contracta is an accurate quantitative method for quantifying valvular regurgitation even when this condition is associated with anemia, a frequent finding in patients with valvular heart disease.
Color Doppler ultrasound is a new method for documenting fluid leakage in the setting of video-urodynamic testing. In order to compare color Doppler ultrasound with traditional fluoroscopic imaging we performed a prospective blinded comparative clinical study. Fifty-two consecutive patients undergoing urodynamic investigations for symptoms of incontinence or prolapse were examined using fluoroscopy and translabial color Doppler ultrasound to document stress leakage. The investigators were blinded to each other's results. Both tests were performed at maximum bladder capacity and with an indwelling 5 Fr microtransducer catheter, in both the supine and the erect positions. Equivalent results for both methods were obtained in 48 out of 52 patients (Cohen's kappa = 0.82). It was therefore concluded that translabial color Doppler ultrasound imaging can reliably demonstrate leakage through the female urethra on Valsalva maneuver or coughing.
The objective of this study was to differentiate benign ovarian tumors from malignant ones before surgery using color and pulsed Doppler sonography, and to compare results obtained before and after use of contrast medium, thereby verifying whether contrast results in an improvement in the diagnostic sensitivity. METHODS: Sixty two women (mean age 49.9 years) with ovarian tumors were studied, 45 with benign and 17 with malignant tumors. All women underwent a transvaginal color Doppler ultrasonographic exam. A study of the arterial vascular flow was made in all tumor areas, as well as an impedance evaluation of arterial vascular flow using the resistance index. RESULT: Localization of the vessels in the tumor revealed a greater proportion of malignant tumors with detectable internal vascular flows (64%) than benign tumors with such flows (22%). There was a considerable overlap of these findings. The use of contrast identified a greater number of vessels with confirmation in the totality of tumors, but did not improve the Doppler capacity in tumoral differentiation. Malignant tumors presented lower values of resistance index than the benign ones, whether or not contrast was used. The cutoff value for resistance index that better maximized the Doppler sensitivity and specificity was 0.55. Through this value, an increase of the sensitivity after contrast use was obtained, varying from 47% to 82%, while specificity remained statistically unchanged. CONCLUSION: Although the injection of a microbubble agent improved the sensitivity of the method detecting vascularization of tumors, a positive finding for vascularization by this method was not clinically useful in the differentiation of benign and malignant ovarian tumors.
Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB
Background. Abdominal porto-systemic collaterals (APSC) on Color-Doppler ultrasound are a frequent finding in portal hypertensive cirrhotic patients. In patients with cirrhosis, an HVPG ≥ 16mmHg has been shown to be associated with increased mortality in two studies. Non-invasive indicators of HVPG ≥ 16 mmHg might define a subgroup of high-risk patients, but data on this aspect are lacking. Aims. We aimed to investigate whether HVPG predicts mortality in patients with clinically significant portal hypertension, and if APSC may predict a severe portal hypertensive state (i.e. HVPG≥16mmHg) in patients with cirrhosis and untreated portal hypertension. Methods. We analysed paired HVPG and ultrasonographic data of 86 untreated portal hypertensive cirrhotic patients. On abdominal echo-color-Doppler data on presence, type and number of APSC were prospectively collected. HVPG was measured following published guidelines. Clinical, laboratory and endoscopic data were available in all cases. First decompensation of cirrhosis and liver-disease related mortality on follow-up (mean 28±20 months) were recorded. Results. 73% of patients had compensated cirrhosis, while 27% were decompensated. All patients had an HVPG≥10 mmHg (mean 17.8±5.1 mmHg). 58% of compensated patients and 82% of decompensated patients had an HVPG over 16 mmHg. 25% had no varices, 28% had small varices, and 47% had medium/large varices. HVPG was higher in patients with esophageal varices vs. patients without varices (19.0±4.8 vs. 14.1±4.2mmHg, p<0.0001), and correlated with Child-Pugh score (R=0.494,p=0.019). 36 (42%) patients had APSC were more frequent in decompensated patients (60% vs. 35%, p=0.03) and in patients with esophageal varices (52% vs. 9%,p=0.001). HVPG was higher in patients with APSC compared with those without PSC (19.9± 4.6 vs. 16.2± 4.9mmHg, p=0.001). The prevalence of APSC was higher in patients with HVPG≥16mmHg vs. those with HVPG<16mmHg (57% vs. 13%,p<0.0001). Decompensation was significantly more frequent in patients with HVPG≥16mmHg vs. HVPG<16mmHg (35.1% vs. 11.5%, p=0.02). On multivariate analysis only HVPG and bilirubin were independent predictors of first decompensation. 10 patients died during follow-up. All had an HVPG≥16 mmHg (26% vs. 0% in patients with HVPG <16mmHg,p=0.04). On multivariate analysis only MELD score and HVPG ≥16mmHg were independent predictors of mortality. In compensated patients the detection of APSC predicted an HVPG≥16mmHg with 92% specificity, 54% sensitivity, positive and negative likelihood ratio 7.03 and 0.50, which implies that the demonstration of APSC on ultrasound increased the probability of HVPG≥16mmHg from 58% to 91%. Conclusions. HVPG maintains an independent prognostic value in the subset of patients with cirrhosis and clinically significant portal hypertension. The presence of APSC is a specific indicator of severe portal hypertension in patients with cirrhosis. Detection of APSC on ultrasound allows the non-invasive identification of a subgroup of compensated patients with bad prognosis, avoiding the invasive measurement of HVPG.
This study aimed to evaluate the Color Doppler ultrasound as a substitute for laparoscopy for couting of corpora lutea (CL) in superovulated sheep. In conclusion, the Color Doppler ultrasonography is highly efficient to estimate the number of CLs in superovulated ewes. This represents an important advance because it replaces invasive laparoscopic procedure, avoids fasting, drugs use and unnecessary handling in animals that did not respond to the treatment. Therefore, the Color Doppler ultrasound can replace the laparoscopy for the assessment of superovulated sheep.
La placenta ácreta es la implantación anómala de la placenta en la pared uterina. Se presenta en 0.9% de todos los embarazos; actualmente es una de las causas más importantes de morbimortalidad materna. Ecografía 2D y Doppler placentario son métodos diagnósticos de primera y segunda línea. Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad diagnóstica de ecográfica 2D y Doppler color Placentario para diagnóstico de acretismo placentario en gestantes con factores de riesgo comparándolos con diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico; y determinar incidencia de acretismo placentario en población asistente a Clínica Universitaria Colombia. Metodología: Estudio de evaluación de tecnología diagnóstica. Entre Agosto a Noviembre de 2010 se incluyeron 53 gestantes entre 24 y 40 semanas de gestación con factores de riesgo para acretismo placentario. El desempeño diagnóstico de las pruebas se determinará por sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivo y negativo. Las características demográficas de las pacientes y resultados neonatales se analizaron mediante proporción, media y rango. Resultados: Se determinó incidencia de acretismo placentario en 4,54% de las gestantes con presencia de factores de riesgo para esta patología. Los datos hasta el momento no nos permiten calcular valores de desempeño diagnóstico. Un caso termino en histerectomía por acretismo placentario. Conclusión: Con los datos preliminares registramos una incidencia de acretismo placentario de 1 en 22 pacientes. Revisión de literatura sustenta la necesidad de realización diagnostica prenatal que impacte en la morbimortalidad materna y fetal, haciendo necesario la evaluación diagnostica valida de herramientas como el Eco 2D y Doppler color en población a riesgo.
La placenta ácreta es la implantación anómala de la placenta en la pared uterina. Se presenta en 0.9% de todos los embarazos; actualmente es una de las causas más importantes de morbimortalidad materna. Ecografía 2D y Doppler placentario son métodos diagnósticos de primera y segunda línea. Objetivo: Evaluar la utilidad diagnóstica de ecográfica 2D y Doppler color Placentario para diagnóstico de acretismo placentario en gestantes con factores de riesgo comparándolos con diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico; y determinar incidencia de acretismo placentario en población asistente a Clínica Universitaria Colombia. Metodología: Estudio de evaluación de tecnología diagnóstica. Entre Agosto a octubre 2011 se incluyeron 137 gestantes entre 24 y 40 semanas de gestación con factores de riesgo para acretismo placentario. El desempeño diagnóstico de las pruebas se determinará por sensibilidad, especificidad, valores predictivos positivo y negativo. Las características demográficas de las pacientes y resultados neonatales se analizaron mediante proporción, media y rango. Resultados: En un grupo de 137 pacientes con factores de riesgo de acretismo placentario analizadas se obtuvo el dato de 119 en cuanto a la finalización del embarazo. Se observaron 4 casos con diagnóstico clínico e histopatológico de acretismo placentario, evidenciando una prevalencia del 2,9%. La ecografía 2D y Doppler en la detección de acretismo placentario con un nivel de confianza del 95%, presentaron sensibilidad del 100% (IC95% 87,5-100) y especificidad de 100% (IC95% 99,6-100). Conclusión: Con los datos analizados registramos una incidencia de acretismo placentario de 4 en 132 pacientes. Revisión de literatura sustenta la necesidad de realización diagnostica prenatal que impacte en la morbimortalidad materna y fetal, haciendo necesario la evaluación diagnostica valida de herramientas como el Eco 2D y Doppler color en población a riesgo.
Objectives: To evaluate the intratumoral reliability of color Doppler parameters and the contribution of Doppler sonography to the gray-scale differential diagnosis of ovarian masses. Methods: An observational study was performed including 67 patients, 15 (22.4%) with malignant ovarian neoplasm and 52 (77.6%) with benign ovarian diseases. We performed the Doppler evaluation in two distinct vessels selected after decreasing the Doppler gain to sample only vessels with higher velocity flow. Doppler measurements were obtained from each identified vessel, and resistive index (RI), pulsatility index (PI), peak systolic velocity (PSV), and end-diastolic velocity (EDV) were measured. Intraclass coefficient of correlation (ICC), sensitivity, specificity, and potential improvement in gray-scale ultrasound performance were calculated. Results: The general ICC were 0.60 (95% CI 0.42- 0.73) for RI, 0.65 (95% CI 0.49- 0.77) for PI, 0.07 (95% CI- 0.17-0.30) for PSV, and 0.19 (95% CI -0.05-0.41) for EDV. The sensitivity and specificity were respectively 84.6% and 86.7% for RI, 69.2% and 93.3% for PI, 80.0% and 65.4% for gray-scale sonography, and 93.3% and 65.4% for gray-scale plus RI (p = 0.013). Conclusions: Gynecologists must be careful in interpreting results from Doppler evaluation of ovarian masses because PSV and EDV present poor intratumoral reliability. The lower RI value, evaluated in at least two distinct sites of the tumor, was able to improve the performance of gray-scale ultrasound in differential diagnosis of ovarian masses.
Background Accurate diagnosis of portal vein (PV) stenosis by real-time and color Doppler US (CD-US) after segmental liver transplantation in children can decrease morbidity by avoiding unnecessary biopsy, PV hypertension, thrombosis and loss of the graft. Objective To evaluate CD-US parameters for the prediction of PV stenosis after segmental liver transplantation in children. Materials and methods We retrospectively reviewed 61 CD-US examinations measuring the diameter at the PV anastomosis, velocities at the anastomosis (PV1) and in the segment proximal to the anastomosis (PV2), and the PV1/PV2 velocity ratio. The study group comprised patients with stenosis confirmed by angiography and the control group comprised patients with a good clinical outcome. Results PV stenosis was seen in 12 CD-US examinations. The mean PV diameter was smaller in the study group (2.6 mm versus 5.7 mm) and a PV diameter of < 3.5 mm was highly predictive of stenosis (sensitivity 100%, specificity 91.8%). Conclusion A PV diameter of < 3.5 mm is a highly predictive CD-US parameter for the detection of hemodynamically significant stenosis on angiography.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar a reprodutibilidade interobservador dos índices de vascularização do Doppler de amplitude tridimensional (Doppler de amplitude 3D) no primeiro trimestre de gestação. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Realizou-se estudo de reprodutibilidade com 32 gestantes normais entre 7 e 10 semanas e 6 dias. Para o cálculo do volume tridimensional dos embriões utilizou-se o método VOCAL (Virtual Organ Computer-aided AnaLysis) com ângulo de rotação de 12°. Em seguida obtiveram-se, automaticamente, os três índices vasculares do Doppler de amplitude 3D: índice de vascularização (VI), índice de fluxo (FI) e índice de vascularização e fluxo (VFI). Para o cálculo da variabilidade interobservador, um examinador realizou uma segunda medida dos 32 embriões e um segundo examinador realizou uma terceira medida dos mesmos volumes, ambos desconhecendo os resultados do outro. Utilizaram-se, para análise estatística, o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse (CCI) e gráficos de Bland-Altman. RESULTADOS: Observou-se boa reprodutibilidade interobservador dos três índices vasculares. O VI apresentou CCI = 0,9 e média da diferença = -1,1; o FI apresentou CCI = 0,9 e média da diferença = -0,5; e o VFI apresentou CCI = 0,9 e média da diferença = -1,1. CONCLUSÃO: Os índices vasculares do Doppler de amplitude 3D do embrião no primeiro trimestre de gestação foram altamente reprodutíveis, em especial o FI.