Aim: To establish the histological categorization of fibrotic stroma which reflects the biological behaviour of advanced rectal cancer. Methods and results: Six hundred and twenty-seven surgically resected cases of advanced rectal carcinoma were examined. We histologically categorized fibrotic stroma in the invasive frontal region into three groups: type A, multiple fine and mature fibres were stratified into layers: type B, broad bands of eosinophilic hyalinized collagen ('keloid-like' collagen) were intermingled: type C, myxoid stroma. Type A stroma was observed in 63% of patients, type B stroma in 25%, type C stroma in 12%.. The incidence of type A stroma decreased in accordance with Dukes stage (98% in Dukes A: 73% in B: 41%, in C1: 29% in C2) and conversely, there was an increase of C type (0%, in Dukes A; 4%, in B: 20% in C1: 54% in C2). Stroma type had a significant correlation with long-term survival (80% of 5-year survival in type A stroma: 54% in type B: 26% in type C). Based on multivariate analysis. it was found that the stromal pattern had independent prognostic value, together with nodal involvement. growth pattern. and lymphocyte infiltration. Conclusions: Tumour fibrotic stroma may play an important role as a regulator of neoplastic behaviour. Pathological categorization of the fibrotic stroma is helpful for predicting the prognostic outcome of patients with rectal carcinoma.
Protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 12 (PTPN12) is a recently identified tumor suppressor gene (TSG) that is frequently compromised in human triple-negative breast cancer. In the present study, we investigated the expression of PTPN12 protein by patients with breast cancer in a Chinese population and the relationship between PTPN12 expression levels and patient clinicopathological features and prognosis. Additionally, we explored the underlying down-regulation mechanism from the perspective of an epigenetic alteration. We examined PTPN12 mRNA expression in five breast cancer cell lines using semi-quantitative reverse-transcription PCR, and detected PTPN12 protein expression using immunohistochemistry in 150 primary invasive breast cancer cases and paired adjacent non-tumor tissues. Methylation-specific PCR was performed to analyze the promoter CpG island methylation status of PTPN12. PTPN12 was significantly down-regulated in breast cancer cases (48/150) compared to adjacent noncancerous tissues (17/150; P < 0.05). Furthermore, low expression of PTPN12 showed a significant positive correlation with tumor size (P = 0.047), lymph node metastasis (P = 0.001), distant metastasis (P = 0.009), histological grade (P = 0.012), and survival time (P = 0.019). Additionally, promoter CpG island hypermethylation occurs more frequently in breast cancer cases and breast cancer cell lines with low PTPN12 expression. Our findings suggest that PTPN12 is potentially a methylation-silenced TSG for breast cancer that may play an important role in breast carcinogenesis and could potentially serve as an independent prognostic factor for invasive breast cancer patients.
The excision repair cross-complementation 1 (ERCC1) enzyme plays an essential role in the nucleotide excision repair pathway and is associated with resistance to platinum-based chemotherapy in different types of cancer. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the clinicopathological significance of ERCC1 expression in breast cancer patients. We analyzed the immunohistochemical expression of ERCC1 in a tissue microarray from 135 primary breast carcinomas and correlated the immunohistochemical findings with clinicopathological factors and outcome data. ERCC1 expression analysis was available for 109 cases. In this group, 58 (53.2%) were positive for ERCC1. ERCC1-positive expression was correlated with smaller tumor size (P=0.007) and with positivity for estrogen receptor (P=0.040), but no correlation was found with other clinicopathological features. Although not statistically significant, triple negative breast cancers were more frequently negative for ERCC1 (61.5% of the cases) compared to the non-triple negative breast cancer cases (41.5%). In conclusion, ERCC1 expression correlated significantly with favorable prognostic factors, such as smaller tumor size and ER-positivity, suggesting a possible role for ERCC1 as a predictive and/or prognostic marker in breast cancer. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.
BACKGROUND NOTCH signaling can exert oncogenic or tumor suppressive functions and can contribute to chemotherapy resistance in cancer. In this study, we aimed to clarify the clinicopathological significance and the prognostic and predictive value of NOTCH1 and NOTCH2 expression in gastric cancer (GC). METHODS NOTCH1 and NOTCH2 expression was determined immunohistochemically in 142 primarily resected GCs using tissue microarrays and in 84 pretherapeutic biopsies from patients treated by neoadjuvant chemotherapy. The results were correlated with survival, response to therapy, and clinico-pathological features. RESULTS Primarily resected patients with NOTCH1-negative tumors demonstrated worse survival. High NOTCH1 expression was associated with early-stage tumors and with significantly increased survival in this subgroup. Higher NOTCH2 expression was associated with early-stage and intestinal-type tumors and with better survival in the subgroup of intestinal-type tumors. In pretherapeutic biopsies, higher NOTCH1 and NOTCH2 expression was more frequent in non-responding patients, but these differences were statistically not significant. CONCLUSION Our findings suggested that, in particular, NOTCH1 expression indicated good prognosis in GC. The close relationship of high NOTCH1 and NOTCH2 expression with early tumor stages may indicate a tumor-suppressive role of NOTCH signaling in GC. The role of NOTCH1 and NOTCH2 in neoadjuvantly treated GC is limited.
Aims: To analyse the expression of three homeobox genes (HOXA7, PITX1 and PRRX1) in oral squanous cell carcinomas (OSCC) and the relationship of such expression to certain distinct histopathological features of OSCC and in comparison to adjacent non-neoplastic epithelium (NT). Methods and results: Digoxigenin-labelled riboprobes that are specific for each homeobox gene were generated and in situ hybridization was carried out on frozen sections. In NT samples, HOXA7 and PITX1 transcripts were found more frequently in all epithelial layers, while PRRX1 was expressed in the basal layer. With OSCC samples, expression of the three genes was associated with all histological features. However, the HOXA7 and PITX1 signals were more intense in sheets and nests and PRRX1 in small nests and isolated cells. Conclusion: HOXA7, PIXT1 and PRRX1 homeobox genes have different patterns of expression in OSCC depending on its histological features.
Ricerche nel campo del danno renale acuto e frazioni urinarie escrete. La prima parte verte sull’analisi dei dati provenienti da una casistica di cani con leptospirosi, sono stati confrontati due gruppi di cani, il primo con AKI da leptospirosi e l’altro con AKI per eziologie differenti. In queste due popolazioni di pazienti abbiamo valutato alcuni analiti sierici ed urinari come ad esempio l’escrezione elettrolitica frazionata e biomarker di AKI come NGAL. I cani con leptospirosi, hanno mostrato maggiore kaliuresi e più grave glicosuria rispetto a quelli non affetti da leptospirosi, così come erano più frequentemente glicosurici rispetto agli altri. Questi dati sono in analogia con quanto è riportato nell’uomo e dimostrano un pattern di danno tubulare tipico in corso di questa malattia se paragonato appunto ad altre cause di danno tubulare acuto e AKI La seconda parte riguarda la valutazione della funzionalità renale e del danno renale acuto in cani affetti da insufficienza valvolare mitralica. E’ stata incentrata sul danno renale in corso di cardiopatie e per questa ragione abbiamo pensato di valutare esclusivamente pazienti con MVD per varie ragioni: poiché sono pazienti che si presentano frequentemente nella pratica clinica; la malattia è tipicamente cronica e il paziente rimane stabile a lungo con un andamento progressivo della malattia; questi pazienti possono presentare frequenti episodi di AKI legati allo scompenso cardiaco e/o alla terapia con diuretico 3/o ace-i che questi animali ricevono. Abbiamo valutato prospetticamente l'impatto della terapia orale con furosemide sulla chimica urinaria, nei cani con malattia della valvola mitrale mixomatosa. Tali differenze sono state attribuite all'effetto della terapia con furosemide sugli elettroliti renali. La chimica urinaria è utile per stimare la risposta diuretica nei cani con malattie cardiache. I dati suggeriscono differenze significative tra i diversi stadi ACVIM con particolare riferimento all’escrezione elettrolitica di Sodio, Potassio e Cloro.
Nuclear fluorescence in keratinocytes is an occasional phenomenon, often present in autoimmune diseases, especially in connective-tissue disease (CTD); however, its clinical significance remains unclear. To investigate the profile of patients with positive nuclear staining on direct immunofluorescence (DIF) of skin samples. A retrospective analysis of 28 patient records from our immunodermatology laboratory was performed between May 2003 and June 2006. Inclusion criteria were the presence of autoantibodies (IgG, IgA or IgM) or complement (C3) binding keratinocyte nuclei on DIF. The most prevalent diseases related to the nuclear keratinocyte DIF staining were systemic lupus erythematosus (n = 9), mixed CTD (n = 3), overlap syndrome (n = 3), Sjogren`s syndrome (n = 1), and CREST (calcinosis, Raynaud`s phenomenon, oesophageal dysmotility, sclerodactyly and telangiectasia) syndrome (n = 1). Serum antinuclear antibody (ANA) was positive in 20 of 28 patients, with titres varying from 1 : 160 to 1 : 1280. Of the 20 patients with positive anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), 17 were positive for anti-extractable nuclear antigen antibodies, 12 had anti-SSA/Ro, 11 had anti-SSB/La and 8 had anti-ribonucleoprotein. Eight patients were negative for ANA. Positive predictive value of in vivo ANA for systemic CTDs was 75%. The present data suggest that in vivo ANA evaluation is an additional and feasible auxiliary tool for diagnosing CTDs.
This study aimed to explore the correlations between cadherin-17 (CDH17) protein expression and the clinicopathological features and prognosis of patients with sporadic gastric cancer (GC). Nine relevant studies of 1,960 patients were identified using electronic database searches supplemented with a manual search in strict accordance with inclusion and exclusion criteria. Statistical analyses were conducted using STATA 12.0 statistical software. Relative risks and 95% confidence intervals were determined, and Z test was used to measure the significance of the overall effect size. A total of nine eligible cohort studies were included in this meta-analysis. The expression of CDH17 in patients with diffuse GC was significantly higher than in those with intestinal-type GC. Moreover, the tumor depth of invasion differed significantly between patients with positive CDH17 (CDH17+) and negative CDH17 (CDH17-) GC. However, there were no significant differences between CDH17+ and CDH17- GC patients with respect to tumor node metastasis clinical stages, histological grades, or lymph node metastasis. Despite the differences in invasive depth, there was no significant difference in 5-year survival rates between CDH17+ and CDH17- GC patients. Our meta-analysis provides evidence that CDH17 protein expression may be associated with the development of GC, suggesting that CDH17 is an important biomarker that could be useful for the early diagnosis of GC. However, CDH17 levels do not appear to impact overall survival.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Purpose: This study was undertaken to evaluate clinical and pathologic findings that predicted pelvic lymph node metastasis and parametrial and vaginal involvement in patients with stage IB carcinoma of the cervix. Methods: 71 patients with diagnosis of stage IB (FIGO) cervical cancer were prospectively studied from December 1997 to August 2002. The patient's age, clinical stage (IB1 or IB2), histological classification, grade of differentiation, tumor volume, and lymphatic vascular space invasion (LVSI) were evaluated. Statistical methods included chi(2) test and Fisher's exact test to evaluate significant differences between the groups. The level of significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: the clinical stage was IB1 in 51 patients (71.8%) and IB2 in 20 patients (28.2%). The histological classification identified squamous cell carcinoma in 60 patients (84.5%) and adenocarcinoma in 11 patients (15.5%). The average tumoral volume was 22.8 &PLUSMN; 8 24.3 cm(3) (0.3-140.0 cm(3)). The tumor was well differentiated (G1) in 8 (11.3%), moderately differentiated (G2) in 40 (56.3%) and poorly differentiated in 23 (32.4%) of the cases. The presence of LVSI was detected in 14 patients (19.7%) and was associated with pelvic lymph node metastasis and vaginal and parametrial involvement (p = 0.002, p = 0.001 and p < 0.001; respectively). The average number of positive pelvic lymph nodes was significantly higher in the patients with LVSI compared with patients without LVSI (2.47 +/- 2.8 vs. 0.33 +/- 0.74; p = 0.001). There was no association of age, clinical stage, histological classification, grade of differentiation or tumor volume with pelvic lymph node metastasis and vaginal and parametrial involvement. Conclusion: the presence of LVSI is significantly associated with pelvic lymph node metastasis and vaginal and parametrial involvement in patients with stage IB cervical carcinoma. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Characterization of PAR1 and FGFR1 expression in invasive breast carcinomas: Prognostic significance
Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer mortality among women worldwide. Among the several factors associated with breast cancer development, angiogenesis plays an essential role and has currently emerged as a potential diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic target. Protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) and fibroblast growth factor receptor 1 (FGFR1) have important activities in tumor angiogenesis and progression. The aim of this study was to investigate the prognostic significance of these two receptors, hypothesising significant correlations between receptor expression in tumor angiogenesis and clinicopathological parameters customarily used in breast cancer prognosis and prediction. Formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded samples of ductal invasive breast carcinomas were used to analyze the expression of PAR1 and FGFR1, in the tumor cells as well as in the tumor stroma, and further determine intratumoral microvessel density (iMVD) to quantify intratumoral angiogenesis. Correlations between PAR1 and FGFR1 expression in tumor cells and stroma, iMVD and several clinicopathological parameters and molecular markers used in breast cancer diagnosis have been addressed. The correlation between PAR1 and FGFR1 suggests an association of the two receptors with a more aggressive breast cancer phenotype and, consequently, a potential role during tumor progression. The results reported in the present study also emphasize the importance of microenvironmental factors in tumor progression, while precluding the positive association between iMVD and breast cancer aggressiveness.
Abstract Background The main focus of several studies concerned with cancer progression and metastasis is to analyze the mechanisms that allow cancer cells to interact and quickly adapt with their environment. Integrins, a family of transmembrane glycoproteins, play a major role in invasive and metastatic processes. Integrins are involved in cell adhesion in both cell-extracellular matrix and cell-cell interactions, and particularly, β1 integrin is involved in proliferation and differentiation of cells in the development of epithelial tissues. This work aimed to investigate the putative role of β1 integrin expression on survival and metastasis in patients with breast invasive ductal carcinoma (IDC). In addition, we compared the expression of β1 integrin in patients with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Methods Through tissue microarray (TMA) slides containing 225 samples of IDC and 67 samples of DCIS, β1 integrin expression was related with several immunohistochemical markers and clinicopathologic features of prognostic significance. Results β1 integrin was overexpressed in 32.8% of IDC. In IDC, β1 integrin was related with HER-2 (p = 0.019) and VEGF (p = 0.011) expression and it had a significant relationship with metastasis and death (p = 0.001 and p = 0.05, respectively). Kaplan-Meier survival analysis showed that the overexpression of this protein is very significant (p = 0.002) in specific survival (number of months between diagnosis and death caused by the disease). There were no correlation between IDC and DCIS (p = 0.559) regarding β1 integrin expression. Conclusions Considering that the expression of β1 integrin in breast cancer remains controversial, specially its relation with survival of patients, our findings provide further evidence that β1 integrin can be a marker of poor prognosis in breast cancer. Virtual slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here: http://www.diagnosticpathology.diagnomx.eu/vs/6652215267393871
Gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) adenocarcinoma are uncommon before age of 40 years. While certain clinical, pathological and molecular features of GEJ adenocarcinoma in older patients have been extensively studied, these characteristics in the younger population remain to be determined. In the recent literature, a high sensitivity and specificity for the detection of dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma was demonstrated by using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) DNA probe set specific for the locus specific regions 9p21 (p16), 20q13.2 and Y chromosome. We evaluated 663 patients with GEJ adenocarcinoma and further divided them into 2 age-groups of
BACKGROUND: Solitary skin nodules composed of pleomorphic T lymphocytes are often the source of diagnostic problems. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the clinicopathological features, prognosis and optimal treatment modalities of patients with solitary lymphoid nodules of small- to medium-sized pleomorphic T lymphocytes. METHODS: Twenty-six patients were analysed for clinical, histopathological, immunophenotypical, molecular and follow-up data. Results: Lesions were located mainly on the head and neck (n = 16; 61.5%) or trunk (n = 8; 30.8%). Histopathology showed non-epidermotropic nodular or diffuse infiltrates of small- to medium-sized pleomorphic T lymphocytes. Monoclonality was found by PCR in 54.2% of cases (n = 13/24). After a mean follow-up of 79.7 months, a local recurrence could be observed only in 1 patient. CONCLUSIONS: Our patients have a specific cutaneous lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by reproducible clinicopathological features. The incongruity between the indolent clinical course and the worrying histopathological features poses difficulties in classifying these cases unambiguously as benign or malignant. We suggest to describe these lesions as 'solitary small- to medium-sized pleomorphic T-cell nodules of undetermined significance'. Irrespective of the name given to these equivocal cutaneous lymphoid proliferations, follow-up data support a non-aggressive therapeutic strategy.
Objectives/Introdution: Ki-67 protein has been used as an indicator of proliferation activity in tumor cells. In gastric cancer the prognostic value has not been fully understood. This study was designed to assess the biologic significance of Ki-67 proliferation index (PI) in gastric cancer. Material/Methods: Seventy-two patients with gastric cancer were evaluated. These patients underwent gastric resection, and the tumor tissue was stained immunohistochemically. Ki-67 PI was defined as the percentage of tumor cells positive for Ki-67. Ki-67 PI was correlated with clinicopathological characteristics and patient survival. Results: A low Ki-67 PI (less than or equal to 50%) was associated with poorly differentiated histology - diffuse type (p=0.009) and signet ring cells (p=0.004) - and younger age (p=0.022). A worse prognosis in patients with low Ki-67 PI was also found (a mean survival of 41.8 vs 63 months for high Ki-67 PI group), but not statistically significant (p=0.623, log rank test). Discussion/Conclusion: We found an inversely correlation between Ki-67 PI and histological differentiation grade. Patients in group with low Ki-67 PI are younger, with poorly differentiated histology and have a lower mean survival. Like other studies already suggested, we may have two different tumors phenotypes - highly invasive with low proliferative capability, and less invasive potential with higher proliferative ability. However, in this sample, no significant prognostic value was achieved between both.