890 resultados para Bitcoin, baratto, Banche, monete virtuali, crittografia, clearing house, stanze di compensazione
La tesi descrive come si è arrivati dal baratto ai sistemi di monete virtuali, attraverso l'evoluzione dei sistemi bancari e dell'IT. Inoltre viene mostrata l'implementazione del protocollo Bitcoin.
Mode of access: Internet.
The contemporary media landscape is characterized by the emergence of hybrid forms of digital communication that contribute to the ongoing redefinition of our societies cultural context. An incontrovertible consequence of this phenomenon is the new public dimension that characterizes the transmission of historical knowledge in the twenty-first century. Awareness of this new epistemic scenario has led us to reflect on the following methodological questions: what strategies should be created to establish a communication system, based on new technology, that is scientifically rigorous, but at the same time engaging for the visitors of museums and Internet users? How does a comparative analysis of ancient documentary sources form a solid base of information for the virtual reconstruction of thirteenth century Bologna in the Metaverse? What benefits can the phenomenon of cross-mediality give to the virtual heritage? The implementation of a new version of the Nu.M.E. project allowed for answering many of these instances. The investigation carried out between 2008 and 2010 has shown that, indeed, real-time 3D graphics and collaborative virtual environments can be feasible tools for representing philologically the urban medieval landscape and for communicating properly validated historical data to the general public. This research is focused on the study and implementation of a pipeline that permits mass communication of historical information about an area of vital importance in late medieval Bologna: Piazza di Porta Ravegnana. The originality of the developed project is not limited solely to the methodological dimension of historical research. Adopted technological perspective is an excellent example of innovation that digital technologies can bring to the cultural heritage. The main result of this research is the creation of Nu.ME 2010, a cross-media system of 3D real-time visualization based on some of the most advanced free software and open source technologies available today free of charge.
Bitcoin è una moneta digitale decentralizzata e parzialmente anonima. Viene scambiata tramite un software open source che utilizza la crittografia per garantire l'integrità e l'autenticità delle transazioni. Permette di inviare denaro digitale in maniera rapida, sicura ed economica attraverso Internet. La tesi si propone di analizzarne il fenomeno, partendo dalla sua storia fino alle possibili evoluzioni future. Vengono introdotte le basi di crittografia per comprenderne i concetti ed i meccanismi di funzionamento. In seguito viene analizzata l'implementazione del software e vengono discussi i principali vantaggi e criticità. La tesi esplora le possibili conseguenze di una sua adozione dal punto di vista economico e politico, e le innovazioni che potrebbe portare al sistema finanziario. Vengono infine mostrati alcuni esempi di software ispirati a Bitcoin che ne estendono ed ampliano le funzionalità nell'ambito dei sistemi distribuiti.
This is the final report of the of IowAccess Project 8, which designed and implemented a geospatial data infrastructure for Iowa, including a formalized coordination body, a coordination staff, and enhanced data clearing house, and a statewide GIS training and education effort.
Coastal birds are an integral part of coastal ecosystems, which nowadays are subject to severe environmental pressures. Effective measures for the management and conservation of seabirds and their habitats call for insight into their population processes and the factors affecting their distribution and abundance. Central to national and international management and conservation measures is the availability of accurate data and information on bird populations, as well as on environmental trends and on measures taken to solve environmental problems. In this thesis I address different aspects of the occurrence, abundance, population trends and breeding success of waterbirds breeding on the Finnish coast of the Baltic Sea, and discuss the implications of the results for seabird monitoring, management and conservation. In addition, I assess the position and prospects of coastal bird monitoring data, in the processing and dissemination of biodiversity data and information in accordance with the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other national and international commitments. I show that important factors for seabird habitat selection are island area and elevation, water depth, shore openness, and the composition of island cover habitats. Habitat preferences are species-specific, with certain similarities within species groups. The occurrence of the colonial Arctic Tern (Sterna paradisaea) is partly affected by different habitat characteristics than its abundance. Using long-term bird monitoring data, I show that eutrophication and winter severity have reduced the populations of several Finnish seabird species. A major demographic factor through which environmental changes influence bird populations is breeding success. Breeding success can function as a more rapid indicator of sublethal environmental impacts than population trends, particularly for long-lived and slowbreeding species, and should therefore be included in coastal bird monitoring schemes. Among my target species, local breeding success can be shown to affect the populations of the Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos), the Eider (Somateria mollissima) and the Goosander (Mergus merganser) after a time lag corresponding to their species-specific recruitment age. For some of the target species, the number of individuals in late summer can be used as an easier and more cost-effective indicator of breeding success than brood counts. My results highlight that the interpretation and application of habitat and population studies require solid background knowledge of the ecology of the target species. In addition, the special characteristics of coastal birds, their habitats, and coastal bird monitoring data have to be considered in the assessment of their distribution and population trends. According to the results, the relationships between the occurrence, abundance and population trends of coastal birds and environmental factors can be quantitatively assessed using multivariate modelling and model selection. Spatial data sets widely available in Finland can be utilised in the calculation of several variables that are relevant to the habitat selection of Finnish coastal species. Concerning some habitat characteristics field work is still required, due to a lack of remotely sensed data or the low resolution of readily available data in relation to the fine scale of the habitat patches in the archipelago. While long-term data sets exist for water quality and weather, the lack of data concerning for instance the food resources of birds hampers more detailed studies of environmental effects on bird populations. Intensive studies of coastal bird species in different archipelago areas should be encouraged. The provision and free delivery of high-quality coastal data concerning bird populations and their habitats would greatly increase the capability of ecological modelling, as well as the management and conservation of coastal environments and communities. International initiatives that promote open spatial data infrastructures and sharing are therefore highly regarded. To function effectively, international information networks, such as the biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism (CHM) under the CBD, need to be rooted at regional and local levels. Attention should also be paid to the processing of data for higher levels of the information hierarchy, so that data are synthesized and developed into high-quality knowledge applicable to management and conservation.
Tutkielman aiheena on pakkausjätteiden tuottajavastuu. Tutkielmaa tarkastellaan elintarvikepakkausjätteiden näkökulmasta. Pakkausjätteiden tuottajavastuuta koskevasta EU:n ja kansallisen tason nykysääntelystä ja sen ongelmakohdista muodostetaan kokonaiskuva. Muutamiin erityisiin ongelmakohtiin pyritään hakemaan mahdollisia vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja tarkastelemalla oikeusvertailevasti Ruotsin ja Tanskan sääntelyä. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan de lege feranda- tarkastelulla tuottajavastuun sääntelyn tulevaa tilaa EU:ssa ja Suomessa. Tutkielma sijoittuu ympäristöoikeustieteen alaan. Tutkimuksessa käytetyt tutkimusmetodit ovat pääasiassa oikeusdogmaattinen eli lainopillinen metodi sekä arviointitutkimuksellinen metodi. Haettaessa mahdollisia vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja tiettyihin aihepiiriin liittyviin ongelmakohtiin on metodina käytetty suppeasti myös oikeusvertailua. Tutkielman keskeiset tutkimustulokset ovat, että osa pakkausjätteille kohdistetusta sääntelystä, kuten tuottajavastuun informaatiovelvoitteesta johtuvat pakkausmerkinnät, soveltuvat huonosti elintarvikepakkausjätteisiin. EU:n kiertotalouspaketin ehdottamat minimivaatimukset tuottajavastuulle voisivat auttaa ratkaisemaan Suomessa tuottajavastuujärjestelmän sisäiseen vastuunjakoon liittyviä ongelmia. Clearing house -järjestelmä näyttäytyy harkittavana vaihtoehtoisena mallina järjestää valvonta ja vastuunjako. Myös Ruotsin sääntely tarjoaa vaihtoehtoisia ratkaisuja vastuunjakoon. Tanskan järjestelmään vertaamalla, tarkasteltiin voiko suunnittelukannustimia ja hyviä kierrätystuloksia saavuttaa myös muuten kuin tuottajavastuulla.
A presente dissertação de mestrado procura analisar o mercado de leasing no Brasil, a partir de suas duas modalidades, o “leasing financeiro” e o “leasing operacional”. Sua ênfase, contudo é o “leasing operacional” por ser este um instrumento de financiamento muito apropriado ao ambiente corporativo, como se evidenciará no trabalho. Metodologicamente, o trabalho se vale de dois caminhos, o da pesquisa secundária, mediante levantamentos de fontes de dados e informações já existentes sobre o tema, e a inferência realizada a partir do conhecimento da situação do “leasing operacional”, levando à proposta de soluções para a consolidação e desenvolvimento do produto na economia brasileira. O leasing está presente no Brasil há várias décadas. Entretanto, devido ao ambiente de elevada instabilidade prevalecente no quarto final do século passado e pelo fato do país encontrar-se ainda num processo de amadurecimento institucional, sendo classificado como uma economia emergente nesse princípio do século XXI, esse importante “instrumento de financiamento” somente agora vem se consolidando. Nos países centrais e mais desenvolvidos economicamente, ao contrário, o leasing, tanto em sua versão financeira quanto na operacional, é um produto reconhecido por sua importância no processo de financiamento corporativo, servindo plenamente aos interesses das economias de mercado. O “leasing financeiro”, relativamente menos freqüente nas economias desenvolvidas (embora muito encontrado no Brasil), caracteriza-se pelo financiamento concedido a agentes econômicos que, adquirindo um bem, paulatinamente, na medida em que amortizam esse financiamento, vão incorporando o produto financiado ao seu ativo patrimonial. Trata-se, por assim dizer, de um “produto financeiro” strictu sensu, muito próximo do financiamento bancário tradicional. O “leasing operacional”, por seu turno, é encontrado com grande freqüência nas economias maduras, onde operacionalmente se assimila ao renting (aluguel), possibilitando ao cliente adquirir produtos (máquinas, equipamentos), pagando uma importância periódica ao agente arrendador (que muitas vezes é o próprio fabricante), podendo, ao final do contrato, incorporar ou não o bem objeto do contrato ao seu ativo patrimonial. Muito freqüentemente, o cliente prefere substituir o equipamento antigo por um novo, iniciando um novo contrato de leasing operacional, o que leva o sistema produtivo a um processo autônomo de evolução tecnológica. A presente dissertação parte da constatação da importância estratégica do leasing no processo de financiamento corporativo, e examina a evolução do leasing de modo comparativo, tanto na economia brasileira quanto em outros países, constituindo um pano de fundo para compreender a importância deste instrumento para o desenvolvimento de negócios, oferecendo uma análise de uma perspectiva financeira e também econômica. Constata que três importantes dimensões explicam a ainda pouca utilização do produto no país, quais sejam, o marco regulatório, ineficiências de back office e o risco país. No entanto, como um passo seguro para a superação dessas dificuldades, o trabalho recomenda a criação de uma clearing house unificada - uma espécie de back office centralizado-, envolvendo os principais players do leasing operacional, que possa diluir custos de transação, retomar e recolocar o objeto arrendado, dando flexibilidade e eficiência ao sistema.
This paper aims to describe the chief alterations proposed by the Dodd Frank Act to the American over-the-counter derivatives market and, at the same time, understand the extraterritorial reach of this law compared to the regulatory framework of the Brazilian derivative market. In order to do so, I will study the extraterritorial effects of the law, particularly in reference to the international nature of Title II of the Dodd Frank, which deals with the over-the-counter derivatives, in order to evaluate its reach to foreign markets, especially the Brazilian market.
The Rock Hill Community Council Records consist of statements of purpose, correspondence, newspaper clippings, and lists of clubs and organizations, mainly relating to the creation of and organization of the Council. The main purpose of the Council was to serve as a clearing house for the many organizations and agencies in the city that are concerned with health, welfare, recreation, and other needs of Rock Hill, SC.