956 resultados para Ben Jelloun, Tahar
Este trabalho debruça-se sobre a literatura pós-colonial e as questões de identidade dos escritores dos países colonizados do Magrebe. Centramo-nos em Tahar Ben Jelloun, escritor franco-marroquino que reflete sobre a sua identidade, o bilinguismo e a pertença a duas culturas assim como sobre o conceito de francofonia.
L'étude du portrait de la femme maghrébine dans trois romans de Ben Jelloun révèle trois vies d'enfant, d'adolescente et de femme très différentes quant à la condition féminine. Il y a une émancipation progressive entre les portraits qui peut s'expliquer par le fait que les romans se déroulent dans des cultures et à des époques différentes, mais aussi par les intentions féministes de l'auteur.
In questo elaborato ho realizzato una breve analisi del concetto di 'Littérature-Monde' così come sostenuto da vari autori di lingua francese che rivendicano un mondo letterario più variegato e aperto, cosa che si realizzerebbe soprattutto nel pari riconoscimento tra scrittori francesi e scrittori francofoni: questi ultimi infatti sono stati per lungo tempo considerati ai margini della letteratura francese in quanto stranieri. Questa analisi è stata propedeutica per arrivare a capire il senso profondo del testo 'La cave de ma mémoire, le toit de ma maison sont des mots français' di Tahar Ben Jelloun, tratto dalla raccolta di testi "Pour une littérature-monde", che ho poi tradotto dal francese all'italiano.
Resumen tomado de la publicación
La literatura de expresión francesa constituye una herramienta pedagógica muy útil en clase FLE. Extractos de novelas magrebís de Tahar Ben Jelloun y africanas (senegalesas y camerunesas), han permitido obtener excelentes proporcionan notables resultados por sus características y por la oralidad. La literatura contribuye al enriquecimiento lexical y al estudio de la alteridad cultural. El análisis de la estructura narrativa muestra la estructura mental de los pueblos, así como una comprensión de sus reacciones y de su identidad.
La literatura de expresión francesa constituye una herramienta pedagógica muy útil en clase FLE. Extractos de novelas magrebís de Tahar Ben Jelloun y africanas (senegalesas y camerunesas), han permitido obtener excelentes proporcionan notables resultados por sus características y por la oralidad. La literatura contribuye al enriquecimiento lexical y al estudio de la alteridad cultural. El análisis de la estructura narrativa muestra la estructura mental de los pueblos, así como una comprensión de sus reacciones y de su identidad.La littérature francophone constitue un outil pédagogique très utile en classe FLE. Des extraits de romans maghrébins de Tahar Ben Jelloun et africains (sénégalais et camerounais) se révelent très performants de par leurs caractéristiques propres et I'oralité. Elle contribue également a l'enrichissement du vocabulaire et a l'étude de l'altérité cuIturelle. L'analyse de la structure narrative permet de découvrir autant la structure mentale des peuples que de mieux comprendre leurs réactions et leur identité.
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Effective and targeted conservation action requires detailed information about species, their distribution, systematics and ecology as well as the distribution of threat processes which affect them. Knowledge of reptilian diversity remains surprisingly disparate, and innovative means of gaining rapid insight into the status of reptiles are needed in order to highlight urgent conservation cases and inform environmental policy with appropriate biodiversity information in a timely manner. We present the first ever global analysis of extinction risk in reptiles, based on a random representative sample of 1500 species (16% of all currently known species). To our knowledge, our results provide the first analysis of the global conservation status and distribution patterns of reptiles and the threats affecting them, highlighting conservation priorities and knowledge gaps which need to be addressed urgently to ensure the continued survival of the world’s reptiles. Nearly one in five reptilian species are threatened with extinction, with another one in five species classed as Data Deficient. The proportion of threatened reptile species is highest in freshwater environments, tropical regions and on oceanic islands, while data deficiency was highest in tropical areas, such as Central Africa and Southeast Asia, and among fossorial reptiles. Our results emphasise the need for research attention to be focussed on tropical areas which are experiencing the most dramatic rates of habitat loss, on fossorial reptiles for which there is a chronic lack of data, and on certain taxa such as snakes for which extinction risk may currently be underestimated due to lack of population information. Conservation actions specifically need to mitigate the effects of human-induced habitat loss and harvesting, which are the predominant threats to reptiles.
3 pieces commemorative coin set in a box. 2 silver coins, 1 gold coin. Obverse: 25 Lirot silver coins, 500 Lirot gold coin. In the center the state emblem of the State of Israel. Reverse: Portrait of David Ben-Gurion.
Obverse: Design of head of David Ben-Gurion, emblem of the State of Israel. Reverse: Emblem of that State of Israel, nominative value of the coin written in Hebrew.