941 resultados para Automobiles Motors
A la física o a l’enginyeria es defineix com fregament o fricció a la resistència que s'oposa a la rotació o al lliscament d'un cos sobre un altre, o també a la força que apareix en la superfície de contacte de dos cossos quan s'intenta lliscar un sobre un altre. El fregament ha estat fins avui dia un gran problema físic, això és degut a que genera imperfeccions, especialment microscòpiques, entre les superfícies en contacte. Aleshores és quan apareix la tribologia. La tribologia és la ciència que estudia la fricció, el desgast i la lubricació de superfícies en contacte. El lliscament entre superfícies sòlides es caracteritza generalment per un alt coeficient de fricció i un gran desgast a causa de les propietats específiques de les superfícies. La lubricació consisteix en la introducció d'una capa intermèdia d'un material aliè entre les superfícies en moviment. En aquest projecte hem intentat aplicar tècniques i mètodes de control els quals puguin arribar a millorar i perfeccionar els sistemes de mesura i control a nivell industrial i/o particular. En el nostre cas ha estat l’estudi dels olis lubricants usats en motors de combustió interna de variats vehicles com motocicletes, automòbils, camions o vaixells. Hem introduït una millora d’automatització mitjançant un circuit pneumàtic al captador de partícules, hi hem introduït una tècnica per captar partícules a partir de filtres de membrana, hem estudiat les mostres i llurs ferrogrames i membranes amb la finalitat de detectar les anomalies dels motors. L’objectiu del treball és l’estudi del desgast originat en motors de combustió interna, majoritàriament, Dièsel de camions, automòbils i vaixells. Això, comprèn la captació de partícules en ferrografies, la seva observació i anàlisi en microscopi, la seva classificació, comparació i la detecció d’anomalies en els motors. Per altra banda, també s’aprofundirà en les tècniques d’anàlisi, la lubricació i manteniment dels motors i el nou disseny i validació d’un captador de partícules automatitzat
Una marca de vehicles anuncia que, amb la venda dels seus models, es compromet a plantar prou arbres per fixar el CO2 que els cotxes trauran pel tub d’escapament. Malgrat el que digui la publicitat, el càlcul de l’absorció del gas que fan els arbres resulta una qüestió no gens fàcil d’esbrinar
Nowadays, the automotive industry is working to optimize the design of engines, in order to reduce the fuel consumption with acceptable efficiency ratio. This undergraduate thesis is aimed at perform a kinematic/dynamic analysis of a slider-crank mechanism that is part of a four stroke internal combustion engine, the same engine that was used in the analysis described by Montazersadhd and Fatemi (2007). Two algorithms were developed based on Kane’s method to calculate velocities and accelerations of the mechanism bodies, and provide the acting forces at connecting rod joints. A SimMechanics model was developed to simulate the engine, and monitoring the same parameters that were calculated with the algorithms. The results obtained with both approaches were satisfactory and showed good agreement with the values provided by Montazersadhd and Fatemi (2007). The obtained results showed that the axial component of the rod joint efforts was caused by the pressure exerted on the piston head,whereas the radial component was related with the action of inertia loads. Besides, this thesis presents a connecting rod assembly mesh that is going to be used for static and fatigue finite element analysis in the future
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Mode of access: Internet.
Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge, Mass.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.
V.2 is 1st ed.
We alternately measured on-road and in-vehicle ultrafine (<100 nm) particle (UFP) concentration for 5 passenger vehicles that comprised an age range of 18 years. A range of cabin ventilation settings were assessed during 301 trips through a 4 km road tunnel in Sydney, Australia. Outdoor airflow(ventilation) rates under these settings were quantified on open roads using tracer gas techniques. Significant variability in tunnel trip average median in-cabin/on-road (I/O) UFP ratios was observed (0.08 to ∼1.0). Based on data spanning all test automobiles and ventilation settings, a positive linear relationship was found between outdoor air flow rate and I/O ratio, with the former accounting for a substantial proportion of variation in the latter (R2 ) 0.81). UFP concentrations recorded in cabin during tunnel travel were significantly higher than those reported by comparable studies performed on open roadways. A simple mathematical model afforded the ability to predict tunnel trip average in-cabin UFP concentrations with good accuracy. Our data indicate that under certain conditions, in-cabin UFP exposures incurred during tunnel travel may contribute significantly to daily exposure. The UFP exposure of automobile occupants appears strongly related to their choice of ventilation setting and vehicle.
This paper describes a thorough thermal study on a fleet of DC traction motors which were found to suffer from overheating after 3 years of full operation. Overheating of these traction motors is attributed partly because of the higher than expected number of starts and stops between train terminals. Another probable cause of overheating is the design of the traction motor and/or its control strategy. According to the motor manufacturer, a current shunt is permanently connected across the motor field winding. Hence, some of the armature current is bypassed into the current shunt. The motor then runs above its rated speed in the field weakening mode. In this study, a finite difference model has been developed to simulate the temperature profile at different parts inside the traction motor. In order to validate the simulation result, an empty vehicle loaded with drums of water was also used to simulate the full pay-load of a light rail vehicle experimentally. The authors report that the simulation results agree reasonably well with experimental data, and it is likely that the armature of the traction motor will run cooler if its field shunt is disconnected at low speeds
Modelling the power systems load is a challenge since the load level and composition varies with time. An accurate load model is important because there is a substantial component of load dynamics in the frequency range relevant to system stability. The composition of loads need to be charaterised because the time constants of composite loads affect the damping contributions of the loads to power system oscillations, and their effects vary with the time of the day, depending on the mix of motors loads. This chapter has two main objectives: 1) describe the load modelling in small signal using on-line measurements; and 2) present a new approach to develop models that reflect the load response to large disturbances. Small signal load characterisation based on on-line measurements allows predicting the composition of load with improved accuracy compared with post-mortem or classical load models. Rather than a generic dynamic model for small signal modelling of the load, an explicit induction motor is used so the performance for larger disturbances can be more reliably inferred. The relation between power and frequency/voltage can be explicitly formulated and the contribution of induction motors extracted. One of the main features of this work is the induction motor component can be associated to nominal powers or equivalent motors
For many people, a relatively large proportion of daily exposure to a multitude of pollutants may occur inside an automobile. A key determinant of exposure is the amount of outdoor air entering the cabin (i.e. air change or flow rate). We have quantified this parameter in six passenger vehicles ranging in age from 18 years to <1 year, at three vehicle speeds and under four different ventilation settings. Average infiltration into the cabin with all operable air entry pathways closed was between 1 and 33.1 air changes per hour (ACH) at a vehicle speed of 60 km/h, and between 2.6 and 47.3 ACH at 110 km/h, with these results representing the most (2005 Volkswagen Golf) and least air-tight (1989 Mazda 121) vehicles, respectively. Average infiltration into stationary vehicles parked outdoors varied between ~0 and 1.4 ACH and was moderately related to wind speed. Measurements were also performed under an air recirculation setting with low fan speed, while airflow rate measurements were conducted under two non-recirculate ventilation settings with low and high fan speeds. The windows were closed in all cases, and over 200 measurements were performed. The results can be applied to estimate pollutant exposure inside vehicles.
This paper considers the design of a radial flux permanent magnet iron less core brushless DC motor for use in an electric wheel drive with an integrated epicyclic gear reduction. The motor has been designed for a continuous output torque of 30 Nm and peak rating of 60 Nm with a maximum operating speed of 7000 RPM. In the design of brushless DC motors with a toothed iron stator the peak air-gap magnetic flux density is typically chosen to be close to that of the remanence value of the magnets used. This paper demonstrates that for an ironless motor the optimal peak air-gap flux density is closer to the maximum energy product of the magnets used. The use of a radial flux topology allows for high frequency operation and can be shown to give high specific power output while maintaining a relatively low magnet mass. Two-dimensional finite element analysis is used to predict the air-gap flux density. The motor design is based around commonly available NdFeB bar magnet size
This paper considers the design of a radial flux permanent magnet ironless core brushless DC motor for use in an electric wheel drive with an integrated epicyclic gear reduction. The motor has been designed for a continuous output torque of 30 Nm and peak rating of 60 Nm with a maximum operating speed of 7000 RPM. In the design of brushless DC motors with a toothed iron stator the peak air-gap magnetic flux density is typically chosen to be close to that of the remanence value of the magnets used. This paper demonstrates that for an ironless motor the optimal peak air-gap flux density is closer to the maximum energy product of the magnets used. The use of a radial flux topology allows for high frequency operation and can be shown to give high specific power output while maintaining a relatively low magnet mass. Two-dimensional finite element analysis is used to predict the airgap flux density. The motor design is based around commonly available NdFeB bar magnet size