1000 resultados para Antenas banda larga


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This work presents techniques used to design and manufacture microstrip patch antennas for applications in portable and mobile devices. To do so, are evaluated several factors that can influence the performance of microstrip patch antennas. Miniaturization techniques are studied and employed in order to apply this type of antenna in mobile and / or mobile. The theories of microstrip patch antennas are addressed by analyzing characteristics such as constitution, kinds of patches, substrates, feeding methods, analysis methods, the main advantages and disadvantages and others. Techniques for obtaining broadband microstrip patch antennas were surveyed in literature and exemplified mainly by means of simulations and measurements. For simulations of the antennas was used the commercial software . In addition, antenna miniaturization techniques have been studied as a main concern the fundamental limits of antennas with special attention to electrically small antennas because they are directly linked to the microstrip patch antennas. Five design antennas are proposed to demonstrate the effectiveness of techniques used to obtain the microstrip patch antennas broadband and miniaturized for use in mobile devices and/or portable. For this, the proposed antennas were simulated, built and measured. The antennas are proposed to be used in modern systems of wireless communications such as DTV, GPS, IEEE 802.16, IEEE 802.11, etc. The simulations of the antennas were made in business and computer programs. The measured results were obtained with a parser Vector of networks of the Rhode and Schwarz model ZVB 14


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ln this work, planar quasi- Y agi antennas are investigated based on the concept of the classic Y agi_Uda antennas. These antennas represent improvements on the topologies of the antennas existing printed because they present characteristics of broad bandwidth, excellent radiation diagrams and simple construction. New configurations are adapted for the driver of the antennas, introducing patches elements into the driver. These new configurations are named Patches Elements Anteonas (PEA). This adaptation is obtained from simulations that are executed usiog the software C8T Microwave 8tudio 5. After doing the optimizations, procedures for construction and measurement ofthe prototypes are executed in order to improve the performance of the antennas in such way that they could be used in wireless communication applications, such as Bluetooth, WLAN' s and Wi-Fi. Next, the quasi- Y agi antennas are studied in order to implement them in arrangements. The arrangements construction is based 00 the best driver configuration of the antenna developed in this work. First, a linear arrangement composed by two elements of quasi¬Yagi antennas is constructed in such way that the radiation characteristics and the mutual coupling effects could be analyzed. After that, a 90° angle arrangement composed by two elements is studied to observe the effect of circular polarization. Experiments are executed in order to evaluate the arrangements performance. The experimental results show that the analysis made in this work is efficient and accurate. The numerical values obtained for the analyzed parameters of each structure developed are compared with the experimental values. 80, it is possible to observe a good concordance between them. Finally, some future works proposals are presented


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Nos últimos anos, com o surgimento de novos serviços e equipamentos para o sistema de comunicação móvel com maiores larguras de banda de operação e ocupando espaços cada vez menores, o desenvolvimento de novas antenas de bandas largas e com dimensões pequenas se tornou um dos principais desafios das pesquisas na área de antenas. Neste trabalho, duas estruturas de antenas de bandas largas e dimensões reduzidas foram analisadas e otimizadas. Na primeira parte, a antena filamentar monopolo dobrado (Wire Built-in Folded Monopole Antenna, W-BFMA) foi investigada e teve sua largura de banda otimizada, conectada a linha de alimentação em diferentes impedâncias. Para modelar a estrutura da antena W-BFMA foi usado o método numérico dos momentos (Method of Moments - MoM), e para sua otimização os métodos: paramétrico, hill climbing e algoritmo genético (AG). Programas computacionais baseados na linguagem Matlab foram desenvolvidos para modelagem, otimização e cálculos das principais curvas características da antena W-BFMA. Na segunda parte, duas diferentes configurações de antenas monopolos planos usando a tecnologia de banda ultra-larga (Ultra- Wideband Antenna, UWB) foram investigadas e otimizadas com a ajuda do programa comercial Computer Simulation Technology (CST) Microwave Studio. Ambas as antenas UWB foram alimentadas por uma linha de microfita (microstrip line) na impedância de 50Ω. A antena UWB que apresentou melhor resultado teve o seu protótipo construído, as principais curvas características, tais como: perda de retorno, ganho, distribuição de corrente e diagrama de radiação foram analisadas. Os resultados simulados foram comparados com resultados obtidos experimentalmente.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é a otimização da largura de banda de antenas linear e planar para aplicações em sistemas de banda larga. Nesse sentido, foi feito um estudo das técnicas de análise, aumento da largura de banda e otimização adequadas para o problema em questão. Como técnica de análise, foi utilizado o método dos momentos, o qual está apresentado no capítulo II. Para aumentar a largura de banda, foram utilizadas as técnicas de colocação de elementos parasitas e construção de fendas no radiador, descritos sucintamente no capítulo III. Como algoritmo de otimização, foi utilizado o algoritmo genético, descrito sucintamente no capítulo II. Neste trabalho, são apresentadas duas propostas de antenas, uma antena dipolo linear combinada com quatros espiras parasitas, capítulo IV, e uma antena planar do tipo espira, capítulo V. No primeiro caso, foram utilizados elementos parasitas e o algoritmo genético para aumentar a largura de banda e, no segundo, foram empregadas fendas no radiador e a otimização paramétrica para este objetivo.


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In this work it was developed mathematical resolutions taking as parameter maximum intensity values for the interference analysis of electric and magnetic fields and was given two virtual computer system that supports families of CDMA and WCDMA technologies. The first family were developed computational resources to solve electric and magnetic field calculations and power densities in Radio Base stations , with the use of CDMA technology in the 800 MHz band , taking into account the permissible values referenced by the Commission International Protection on non-Ionizing Radiation . The first family is divided into two segments of calculation carried out in virtual operation. In the first segment to compute the interference field radiated by the base station with input information such as radio channel power; Gain antenna; Radio channel number; Operating frequency; Losses in the cable; Attenuation of direction; Minimum Distance; Reflections. Said computing system allows to quickly and without the need of implementing instruments for measurements, meet the following calculated values: Effective Radiated Power; Sector Power Density; Electric field in the sector; Magnetic field in the sector; Magnetic flux density; point of maximum permissible exposure of electric field and power density. The results are shown in charts for clarity of view of power density in the industry, as well as the coverage area definition. The computer module also includes folders specifications antennas, cables and towers used in cellular telephony, the following manufacturers: RFS World, Andrew, Karthein and BRASILSAT. Many are presented "links" network access "Internet" to supplement the cable specifications, antennas, etc. . In the second segment of the first family work with more variables , seeking to perform calculations quickly and safely assisting in obtaining results of radio signal loss produced by ERB . This module displays screens representing propagation systems denominated "A" and "B". By propagating "A" are obtained radio signal attenuation calculations in areas of urban models , dense urban , suburban , and rural open . In reflection calculations are present the reflection coefficients , the standing wave ratio , return loss , the reflected power ratio , as well as the loss of the signal by mismatch impedance. With the spread " B" seek radio signal losses in the survey line and not targeted , the effective area , the power density , the received power , the coverage radius , the conversion levels and the gain conversion systems radiant . The second family of virtual computing system consists of 7 modules of which 5 are geared towards the design of WCDMA and 2 technology for calculation of telephone traffic serving CDMA and WCDMA . It includes a portfolio of radiant systems used on the site. In the virtual operation of the module 1 is compute-: distance frequency reuse, channel capacity with noise and without noise, Doppler frequency, modulation rate and channel efficiency; Module 2 includes computes the cell area, thermal noise, noise power (dB), noise figure, signal to noise ratio, bit of power (dBm); with the module 3 reaches the calculation: breakpoint, processing gain (dB) loss in the space of BTS, noise power (w), chip period and frequency reuse factor. Module 4 scales effective radiated power, sectorization gain, voice activity and load effect. The module 5 performs the calculation processing gain (Hz / bps) bit time, bit energy (Ws). Module 6 deals with the telephone traffic and scales 1: traffic volume, occupancy intensity, average time of occupancy, traffic intensity, calls completed, congestion. Module 7 deals with two telephone traffic and allows calculating call completion and not completed in HMM. Tests were performed on the mobile network performance field for the calculation of data relating to: CINP , CPI , RSRP , RSRQ , EARFCN , Drop Call , Block Call , Pilot , Data Bler , RSCP , Short Call, Long Call and Data Call ; ECIO - Short Call and Long Call , Data Call Troughput . As survey were conducted surveys of electric and magnetic field in an ERB , trying to observe the degree of exposure to non-ionizing radiation they are exposed to the general public and occupational element. The results were compared to permissible values for health endorsed by the ICNIRP and the CENELEC .


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O Programa Banda Larga nas Escolas tem por objetivo a inclus??o das tecnologias de informa????o e comunica????o (TIC) na realidade das escolas p??blicas urbanas nacionais, sem ??nus para os estados e munic??pios, com dura????o dos servi??os at?? 2025. Para isso foi adotado um modelo de parceria p??blico-privada com reflexo direto na condu????o e na dura????o do programa, que ultrapassa as a????es de um governo para ser reconhecido como a????o de Estado com mais de 20 anos de dura????o e perspectiva para perdurar como obriga????o nas futuras concess??es da explora????o de servi??os de telefonia e transporte multim??dia no pa??s. At?? o segundo trimestre de 2010, j?? estavam conectadas 47.204 escolas, que correspondem a 84% do compromisso inicial (56 mil escolas). Esse n??mero de conex??es beneficia um n??mero aproximado de 30 milh??es de alunos da rede p??blica


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Monográfico con el título: 'La Alfabetización Tecnológica y el desarrollo regional'. Resumen basado en el de la publicación


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Apresenta o cenário do setor de telecomunicações no final da década de 90 e suas principais tendências. Explicita a arquitetura básica dos sistemas ópticos submarinos, detalhando a infra-estrutura disponível no Brasil. Aponta as razões que levaram ao acirramento da competição e à degradação de valor das empresas prestando serviços banda larga internacional utilizando sistemas ópticos submarinos. Apresenta a estratégia das principais empresas atuando no Brasil, suas conseqüências e reveses. Analisa o setor segundo o modelo de Porter. Aponta alternativas para a criação de valor utilizando o conceito de "coopetição".


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O Brasil é um dos principais atores do novo ambiente econômico mundial, mas para permanecer atrativo, deve fazer progressos significativos no campo das Tecnologias de Informação e da Comunicação (TIC). Assim, um serviço de internet banda larga é primordial para o desenvolvimento de regiões distantes, geralmente de baixa renda e que não têm acesso a instalações de telecomunicações, nem aos serviços de internet banda larga. De fato, a penetração da banda larga no Brasil apresenta situação inferior à média mundial e boa parte da população ainda está excluída do mundo digital por causa das desigualdades sociais e as dimensões continentais do país. Para preencher esta lacuna, o governo federal lançou, em 2010, o Programa Nacional de Banda Larga (PNBL). No entanto, a penetração de banda larga permanece em níveis baixos, mesmo em grandes centros urbanos e com uma distribuição regional desigual, especialmente quando comparados internacionalmente. As concessionárias não estão desempenhando o seu papel de universalização dos serviços de banda larga e as pequenas e médias operadoras podem desempenhar um papel fundamental na promoção desse objetivo. Esse trabalho tem o propósito de investigar se é possível conciliar o modelo vigente de telecomunicações regido pela Lei Geral das Telecomunicações (LGT) com a universalização dos serviços de banda larga, desde que apoiado num mercado competitivo e menos concentrado, com pequenas e médias operadoras. Como verificação, foi feito um trabalho empírico com base em entrevistas semiestruturadas com profissionais de telecomunicações do setor público e privado, assim como uma análise de padrão de codificação dessas entrevistas. Os resultados mostram, porém, que o ambiente regulatório atual pode gerar incentivos à operação de qualidade nas áreas remotas e de baixa renda, mas não de forma generalizada. A universalização requer uma mudança estrutural do modelo e é a política pública federal que deve dar as diretrizes, com objetivos claros. Tampouco há modelo ideal de regulação, mas um entorno regulatório adequado pode ser motor de desenvolvimento do setor. O estabelecimento de compromissos entre os atores também é fundamental, assim como a decisão política na origem, dando suporte para o planejamento e projetos de longo prazo. E é a partir dessa decisão que se desenvolvem as medidas regulatórias de competição e fiscalização que vão garantir a execução do que foi previsto e desenhado.


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Telecommunication is one of the most dynamic and strategic areas in the world. Many technological innovations has modified the way information is exchanged. Information and knowledge are now shared in networks. Broadband Internet is the new way of sharing contents and information. This dissertation deals with performance indicators related to maintenance services of telecommunications networks and uses models of multivariate regression to estimate churn, which is the loss of customers to other companies. In a competitive environment, telecommunications companies have devised strategies to minimize the loss of customers. Loosing customers presents a higher cost than obtaining new ones. Corporations have plenty of data stored in a diversity of databases. Usually the data are not explored properly. This work uses the Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) to establish rules and new models to explain how churn, as a dependent variable, are related to a diversity of service indicators, such as time to deploy the service (in hours), time to repair (in hours), and so on. Extraction of meaningful knowledge is, in many cases, a challenge. Models were tested and statistically analyzed. The work also shows results that allows the analysis and identification of which quality services indicators influence the churn. Actions are also proposed to solve, at least in part, this problem


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This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis of structures using frequency selective surfaces applied on patch antennas. The FDTD method is used to determine the time domain reflected fields. Applications of frequency selective surfaces and patch antennas cover a wide area of telecommunications, especially mobile communications, filters and WB antennas. scattering parameters are obteained from Fourier Transformer of transmited and reflected fields in time domain. The PML are used as absorbing boundary condition, allowing the determination of the fields with a small interference of reflections from discretized limit space. Rectangular patches are considered on dielectric layer and fed by microstrip line. Frequency selective surfaces with periodic and quasi-periodic structures are analyzed on both sides of antenna. A literature review of the use of frequency selective surfaces in patch antennas are also performed. Numerical results are also compared with measured results for return loss of analyzed structures. It is also presented suggestions of continuity to this work


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This work presents an wideband ring VCO for cognitive radio five-port based receivers. A three-stage differential topology using transmission gate was adopted in order to maintain wide and linear tuning range and a low phase-noise. Monte-Carlo analysis were performed for phase-shift response of individual stages, which is an important figure of merit in five-port works. It was observed a fairly linear correlation between control voltage and oscillation frequency in the range between 200 MHz and 1800 MHz. The VCO was preliminarily designed for IBM 130nm CMOS technology


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Frequency selective surfaces (Frequency Selective Surface - FSS) are often used in various applications in telecommunications. Some of these applications may require that these structures have response with multiple resonance bands. Other applications require that the FSS response have large frequency range, to meet the necessary requirements. FSS to design with these features there are numerous techniques cited in the scientific literature. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to examine some common techniques such as: Overlap of FSS; Elements combined; Elements Elements convolucionados and fractals. And designing multiband FSS and / or broadband selecting simple ways in terms of construction and occupy the smallest possible space, aiming at practical applications. Given these requirements, three projects FSS were performed: a technology applied to IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n and two projects for application in UWB. In project development, commercial software Ansoft DesignerTM and experimental results were satisfactory was used


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Esta dissertação de mestrado propõe um estudo comparativo relacionado ao custo do bit gerado entre o programa NAVEGAPARÁ e as concessionárias prestadoras do serviço de telecomunicações nos municípios relacionados. Vários estudos são realizados analisando apenas o desempenho de tais sistemas, levando em consideração algumas métricas de avaliação de desempenho, entretanto, não relacionam o custo real para o usuário final. Três cenários reais foram utilizados no estudo de caso. Em cada cenário foi proposta a utilização de uma tecnologia ou mais combinadas para transmissão da informação, levando em consideração, alguns parâmetros como infraestrutura existente, distância entre usuários finais, taxa de transmissão, dentre outros. Algumas tecnologias de acesso, utilizadas neste trabalho, são comparadas com as soluções disponibilizadas pelas concessionárias prestadoras dos serviços existentes e atuantes nos cenários descritos.


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The development of next generation microwave technology for backhauling systems is driven by an increasing capacity demand. In order to provide higher data rates and throughputs over a point-to-point link, a cost-effective performance improvement is enabled by an enhanced energy-efficiency of the transmit power amplification stage, whereas a combination of spectrally efficient modulation formats and wider bandwidths is supported by amplifiers that fulfil strict constraints in terms of linearity. An optimal trade-off between these conflicting requirements can be achieved by resorting to flexible digital signal processing techniques at baseband. In such a scenario, the adaptive digital pre-distortion is a well-known linearization method, that comes up to be a potentially widely-used solution since it can be easily integrated into base stations. Its operation can effectively compensate for the inter-modulation distortion introduced by the power amplifier, keeping up with the frequency-dependent time-varying behaviour of the relative nonlinear characteristic. In particular, the impact of the memory effects become more relevant and their equalisation become more challenging as the input discrete signal feature a wider bandwidth and a faster envelope to pre-distort. This thesis project involves the research, design and simulation a pre-distorter implementation at RTL based on a novel polyphase architecture, which makes it capable of operating over very wideband signals at a sampling rate that complies with the actual available clock speed of current digital devices. The motivation behind this structure is to carry out a feasible pre-distortion for the multi-band spectrally efficient complex signals carrying multiple channels that are going to be transmitted in near future high capacity and reliability microwave backhaul links.