890 resultados para 670205 Other fibre processing and textiles


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Degradation of a synthetic tanning agent CNSF (a condensation product of 2-naphthatenesulfonic acid (2-NSA) and formaldehyde) by four activated sludges, two previously characterised bacterial strains, Arthrobacter sp. 2AC and Comamonas sp. 4BC, and the fungus Cunninghamella polymorpha, was studied in batch culture at 25 degrees C by determining the changes in the concentrations of CNSF and its component monomers and oligomers (n2-n11). The loss of individual oligomers was correlated with the length of the NSA-CH2 chain. Approximately 25% of the total CNSF was degraded (i.e. mineralised) by the microbes contained in the four activated sludges and by the two bacterial isolates but with different lag phases and at different overall rates. The decline in CNSF concentration was due almost entirely to the biodegradation of the monomers (34.3% of CNSF) and, in particular, 2-NSA (27% of CNSF). There was no change in the n2-n 11 components. The growth of C. polymorpha, on the other hand, arose from extracellular depolymerisation of CNSF oligomers and the biodegradation of the lower molecular mass products. Between 38% and 42% of total CNSF was degraded by C. polymorpha at 25 degrees C. The order of oligomer degradation was inversely related to degree of polymerisation. Eighty percent and 90% of the n4 and n5 and 100% oligomers n6-n11 were degraded after 120 h. At a higher temperature (37 degrees C) oligomers n4-n11 were degraded completely after 120 h. A combination of biodegradation (75%) and sorption to fungal biomass (25%) accounted for the measured loss of all oligomers from the solution phase. The CNSF degradation rates and the volume of fungal biomass produced (and therefore the extent of biosorption) were dependent on the presence of a second carbon source (both optimum at glucose 5 g/l). This is the first report that identifies and distinguishes between depolymerisation, sorption and biodegradation processes in the removal of CNSF and its component oligomers. The use of combinations of the depolymerising fungus C. polymorpha, and the monomer-degrading bacteria, Arthrobacter sp. 2AC and Comamonas sp. 4BC, have potential for wastewater treatment.


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Two bacterial strains, 2AC and 4BC, both capable of utilizing naphthalene-2-sulfonic acid (2-NSA) as a sole source of carbon, were isolated from activated sludges previously exposed to tannery wastewater. Enrichments were carried out in mineral salt medium (MSM) with 2-NSA as the sole carbon source. 16S rDNA sequencing analysis indicated that 2AC is an Arthrobacter sp. and 4BC is a Comamonas sp. Within 33 h, both isolates degraded 100% of 2-NSA in MSM and also 2-NSA in non-sterile tannery wastewater. The yield coefficient was 0.33 g biomass dry weight per gram of 2-NSA. A conceptual model, which describes the aerobic transformation of organic matter, was used for interpreting the biodegradation kinetics of 2-NSA. The half-lives for 2-NSA, at initial concentrations of 100 and 500 mg/l in MSM, ranged from 20 h (2AC) to 26 h (4BC) with lag-phases of 8 h (2AC) and 12 h (4BC). The carbon balance indicates that 75-90% of the initial TOC (total organic carbon) was mineralized, 5-20% remained as DOC (dissolved organic carbon) and 3-10% was biomass carbon. The principal metabolite of 2-NSA biodegradation (in both MSM and tannery wastewater) produced by Comamonas sp. 4BC had a MW of 174 and accounted for the residual DOC (7.0-19.0% of the initial TOC and 66% of the remaining TOC). Three to ten percent of the initial TOC (33% of the remaining TOC) was associated with biomass. The metabolite was not detected when Arthrobacter sp. 2AC was used, and a lower residual DOC and biomass carbon were recorded. This suggests that the two strains may use different catabolic pathways for 2-NSA degradation. The rapid biodegradation of 2-NSA (100 mg/l) added to non-sterile tannery wastewater (total 2-NSA, 105 mg/l) when inoculated with either Arthrobacter 2AC or Comamonas 4BC showed that both strains were able to compete with the indigenous microorganisms and degrade 2-NSA even in the presence of alternate carbon sources (DOC in tannery wastewater = 91 mg/l). The results provide information useful for the rational design of bioreactors for tannery wastewater treatment.


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A one-dimensional computational model of pilling of a fibre assembly has been created. The model follows a set of individual fibres, as free ends and loops appear as fuzz and arc progressively withdrawn from the body of the assembly, and entangle to form pills, which eventually break off or are pulled out. The time dependence of the computation is given by ticks, which correspond to cycles of a wear and laundering process. The movement of the fibres is treated as a reptation process. A set of standard values is used as inputs to the computation. Predictions arc given of the change with a number Of cycles of mass of fuzz, mass of pills, and mass removed from the assembly. Changes in the standard values allow sensitivity studies to be carried out.


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The dynamics of fibre slippage within general non-bonded fibrous assemblies is studied in the situation where the assembly is subjected to general small cyclic loads. Two models are proposed. The first is applicable when the general cyclic loading is complemented by an occasional tugging force on one end of a fibre, which causes it to gradually withdraw from the assembly, such as might occur during the pilling of a textile. The second considers the situation in which the cyclic perturbations act around a constant background load applied to the assembly. The dynamics is reminiscent of self-organized critical behaviour. This model is applied to predict the progressive elongation of a single yarn during weaving.


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Rheological properties of nine unprocessed unifloral Australian honeys (bloodwood, blue top iron bark, gum top, heath, narrow leafed iron bark, stringy bark, tea tree yapunyah and yellow box) were analysed over a range of temperatures (1-40 degreesC) The temperature effect on the viscosity follow ed an Arrhenius-type relationship and ail honey varieties exhibited Newtonian behaviour. if the Arrhenius equation constants (mu (0) and E-a) for a particular honey are known, the Arrhenius model can be used to calculate the viscosity of these honeys at specific temperatures, negating the need for tedious viscosity determination. (C) 2000 Academic Press.


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Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to study the glass transition in 10 Australian honeys by scanning at 10 degrees Cmin(-1) from -130 to 50 degreesC after annealing at -50 degreesC. The honeys had moisture contents 14.9 to 18.0%, seven were from Eucalyptus species. The glass transition temperatures (T-g) ranged from -46 degrees to -38 degreesC and were significantly (p


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Mechanistic models of pilling are discussed in general terms, and a framework for pilling simulations is thereby created. A fundamental flaw in earlier models of pilling is revealed. A more comprehensive model of fibre diffusion and withdrawal from the fabric is proposed, and this is solved in general terms to find the rate of fuzz growth. Fuzz wear-off and entanglement into pills are discussed. Fibre fatigue is introduced, and it is demonstrated that this potentially increases the rate of withdrawal of anchor fibres.


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The microchannelled chirped fibre Bragg grating (MCFBG) was fabricated using femtosecond laser processing and HF-etching. Intrinsical refractive-index sensitivity induced by the microchannel makes MCFBGs ideal for biochemical sensing.


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The microchannelled chirped fibre Bragg grating (MCFBG) was fabricated using femtosecond laser processing and HF-etching. Intrinsical refractive-index sensitivity induced by the microchannel makes MCFBGs ideal for biochemical sensing.


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We propose a self-reference multiplexed fibre interferometer (MFI) by using a tunable laser and fibre Bragg grating (FBG). The optical measurement system multiplexes two Michelson fibre interferometers with shared optical path in the main part of optical system. One fibre optic interferometer is used as a reference interferometer to monitor and control the high accuracy of the measurement system under environmental perturbations. The other is used as a measurement interferometer to obtain information from the target. An active phase tracking homodyne (APTH) technique is applied for signal processing to achieve high resolution. MFI can be utilised for high precision absolute displacement measurement with different combination of wavelengths from the tuneable laser. By means of Wavelength-Division-Multiplexing (WDM) technique, MFI is also capable of realising on-line surface measurement, in which traditional stylus scanning is replaced by spatial light-wave scanning so as to greatly improve the measurement speed and robustness. © 2004 Optical Society of America.


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Today several different unsupervised classification algorithms are commonly used to cluster similar patterns in a data set based only on its statistical properties. Specially in image data applications, self-organizing methods for unsupervised classification have been successfully applied for clustering pixels or group of pixels in order to perform segmentation tasks. The first important contribution of this paper refers to the development of a self-organizing method for data classification, named Enhanced Independent Component Analysis Mixture Model (EICAMM), which was built by proposing some modifications in the Independent Component Analysis Mixture Model (ICAMM). Such improvements were proposed by considering some of the model limitations as well as by analyzing how it should be improved in order to become more efficient. Moreover, a pre-processing methodology was also proposed, which is based on combining the Sparse Code Shrinkage (SCS) for image denoising and the Sobel edge detector. In the experiments of this work, the EICAMM and other self-organizing models were applied for segmenting images in their original and pre-processed versions. A comparative analysis showed satisfactory and competitive image segmentation results obtained by the proposals presented herein. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.