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Talk of a possible Israeli strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities has re-ignited debate over the right of self-defence under international law. Some academics, including Anthony D'Amato and Alan Dershowitz, have claimed that an attack on Iran would be a permissible act of self-defence. Others, such as Kevin Jon Heller, argue that such action would be a clear breach of international law. So, who is correct? Would military action against Iran be legal or illegal?
在国家863计划的支持和安排下于2003年建成的国家微重力实验室百米落塔是我国发展载人航天, 开发利用外层空间计划中进行微重力科学实验的重要地基设施. 与美、德、日等国的同类设施相比, 我国的这座落塔在技术性能上先进水平, 并具有我国自己的特色. 其主要组成部分: 实验舱组件、减速回收系统和释放系统都展现了其先进性和原始创新性, 显示了我国在这个领域内的实力.
Esta dissertação apresenta um estudo qualitativo socioantropológico sobre o universo das "mulheres que amam demais anônimas" (MADA). Foram realizadas dezesseis entrevistas semiestruturadas com integrantes desses grupos de ajuda mútua sediados na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. O conjunto entrevistado é heterogêneo quanto à escolaridade e nível financeiro; a faixa etária concentra-se entre 40 e 50 anos e todas se declararam heterossexuais. O grupo orienta-se pela leitura recorrente do livro de Robin Norwood "Mulheres que amam demais" e suas reuniões são baseadas no compartilhamento das experiências afetivas. Há compromisso de anonimato e busca-se pela simetria entre as componentes. Tensões surgem em torno da possibilidade de hierarquização na gestão do grupo e no convívio via "amadrinhamento". Os discursos assinalam: a necessidade de controle do parceiro associada a baixo autocontrole (expresso por comportamentos considerados "compulsivos"); a dedicação intensa ao relacionamento ("viver em função do outro"); a valorização do enlace amoroso como fonte exclusiva de felicidade; e medo da solidão. O sentimento de "baixa autoestima" aparece como mecanismo explicativo desse tipo de vínculo. A interação conjugal é marcada por conflitos acerca da reciprocidade de atenção e cuidados, o que revela uma dinâmica de gênero particular ao mundo amoroso. A configuração do "amar demais" como "doença" no livro fundador do MADA estrutura-se pela analogia sistemática ao modelo de diagnóstico e recuperação do alcoolismo. As narrativas apresentaram forte adesão ao discurso 'psi' e médico. A caracterização do 'amor patológico' e a formulação de escalas para medi-lo, associadas à tentativa de empreendê-lo como categoria diagnóstica, configuram-se como importante movimento de medicalização do "amar demais".
喀斯特环境是一类发育在可溶性碳酸盐类岩石上的环境系境,其生境具有高钙和干早等特征。喀斯特生境中的优势/特征植物也多具适应高钙、耐旱的特性。旋蒴苣苔(Boea hygrometrica)是喀斯特地区一种典型的抗旱和适应高钙的植物。本文在探讨了喀斯特地区植物适应高钙环境的不同方式的基础上,从旋蒴苣苔中克隆了两个受脱水和外源Ca2+诱导表达的基因,并对其表达调控和蛋白质产物进行了分析。本研究将为治理西南喀斯特地区日益退化的生态系统提供理论基础。 本文测定了贵州4个地区采集地内45种优势/常见种的地上部分和地下部分的全钙含量以及土壤的交换性钙含量。通过分析喀斯特地区植物与土壤钙含量的特征发现:喀斯特地区植物具有较高的钙含量平均值;土壤交换性钙含量对植物地上部钙含量的影响总体上不显著,对植物地下部钙含量的影响显著;不同类别的植物钙含量存在显著差异,蕨类植物地上部钙含量平均值明显低于被子植物;不同类别植物的钙的分布部位也存在显著差异,在蕨类植物和单子叶植物中地上部和地下部的钙含量相近,而双子叶植物的地上部钙含量明显高于地下部。根据地上部分与地下部分钙含量的差异性以及与土壤交换性钙含量的相关关系将其中14种优势植物对土壤高钙的适应方式分为3种类型:随遇型,高钙型和低钙型。随遇型植物地上部和地下部的钙含量均与土壤交换性钙含量成显著正相关关系;高钙型植物具有较强的钙富集能力,其地上部即使在低钙含量的土壤中也可维持较高的钙含量;低钙型植物的地上部即使在高钙的土壤中亦可维持较低的钙含量。对贵州和北京等地采集到的旋蒴苣苔钙含量和土壤含钙量的分析发现,其地上部和地下部钙含量即使在高钙土中也呈低水平,推测可能是通过控制根部对钙的吸收和向上运输来维持低钙水平。 从旋蒴苣苔cDNA 文库中筛选到两个片段,经5’RACE 得到cDNA 全长,分别命名为BhOMT1 和BhC2DP1。BhOMT1 编码一个包含359 个氨基酸的蛋白质,蛋白序列分析表明BhOMT1 为植物O-甲基转移酶。BhOMT1 基因组序列包含一个内含子,与其同源基因的基因结构相似。BhC2DP1 编码一个包含154 氨基酸的小分子蛋白质,内含一个C2 结构域,该结构域在很多植物蛋白中均存在。通过5’RAGE 的方法分别克隆了1465bp BhOMT1 启动子序列和1113bp 的BhC2DP1 启动子序列,分析发现其中均含有多种逆境胁迫诱导元件。通过对BhOMT1 和BhC2DP1 表达分析和Western 杂交发现这两个基因均受脱水和外源Ca2+的诱导表达,表明这两个基因可能参与了旋蒴苣苔的脱水保护和对高钙环境的适应。
三叶因子(trefoil factor,TFF)家族是具有一个或多个三叶因子结构域的蛋白质多肽,在进化上具有高度的保守性,具有耐热、耐酶消化的理化特性。哺乳动物的TFF有三个成员(TFF1、TFF2和TFF3)。黏膜组织,如胃肠道和呼吸道黏膜等是TFF的主要合成场所。生理条件下,TFF的分布具有组织专一性,具有黏膜保护和创伤修复作用。TFF在肿瘤组织中广泛表达,在肿瘤的发生、发展、侵袭、转移过程中发挥着重要作用,可能是癌基因在对不同刺激做出反应时的共有递质。TFF生物学功能存在一个复杂的调控过程,单链TFF可通过膜受体而激活相关信号通路,TFF也可以通过与其它蛋白质的结合而协同发挥作用。TFF在临床医学领域主要运用在黏膜保护、黏膜损伤相关疾病的预防和治疗及肿瘤病理的诊断与干预等方面。TFF的作用机制和功能行使相关信号通路仍然是目前研究的重点,TFF与βγ-晶状体蛋白天然复合物的发现有助于对TFF的进一步认识和深入研究。
Withdrawals of high-profile pharmaceuticals have focused attention on post-approval safety surveillance. There have been no systematic assessments of spending on postapproval safety. We surveyed drug manufacturers regarding safety efforts. Mean spending on postapproval safety per company in 2003 was 56 million dollars (0.3 percent of sales). Assuming a constant safety-to-sales ratio, we estimated that total spending on postapproval safety by the top twenty drug manufacturers was 800 million dollars in 2003. We also examined, using regression analysis, the relationship between the number of safety personnel and the number of initial adverse-event reports. This study offers information for the debate on proposed changes to safety surveillance.
In the near future, the oceans will be subjected to a massive development of marine infrastructures, including offshore wind, tidal and wave energy farms and constructions for marine aquaculture. The development of these facilities will unavoidably exert environmental pressures on marine ecosystems. It is therefore crucial that the economic costs, the use of marine space and the environmental impacts of these activities remain within acceptable limits. Moreover, the installation of arrays of wave energy devices is still far from being economically feasible due to many combined aspects, such as immature technologies for energy conversion, local energy storage and moorings. Therefore, multi-purpose solutions combining renewable energy from the sea (wind, wave, tide), aquaculture and transportation facilities can be considered as a challenging, yet advantageous, way to boost blue growth. This would be due to the sharing of the costs of installation and using the produced energy locally to feed the different functionalities and optimizing marine spatial planning. This paper focuses on the synergies that may be produced by a multi-purpose offshore installation in a relatively calm sea, i.e., the Northern Adriatic Sea, Italy, and specifically offshore Venice. It analyzes the combination of aquaculture, energy production from wind and waves, and energy storage or transfer. Alternative solutions are evaluated based on specific criteria, including the maturity of the technology, the environmental impact, the induced risks and the costs. Based on expert judgment, the alternatives are ranked and a preliminary layout of the selected multi-purpose installation for the case study is proposed, to further allow the exploitation of the synergies among different functionalities.