1000 resultados para 369.3


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The prognostic significance of positive peritoneal cytology in endometrial carcinoma has led to the incorporation of peritoneal cytology into the current FIGO staging system, While cytology was shown to be prognostically relevant in patients with stage II and III disease, conflicting data exists about its significance in patients who would have been stage I but were classified as stage III solely and exclusively on the basis of positive peritoneal cytology (clinical stage I). Analysis was based on the data of 369 consecutive patients with clinical stage I endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium. Standard treatment consisted of an abdominal total hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy with or without pelvic lymph node dissection. Peritoneal cytology was obtained at laparotomy by peritoneal washing of the pouch of Douglas and was considered positive if malignant cells could be detected regardless of the number of malignant cells present. Disease-free survival (DFS) was considered the primary statistical endpoint. In 13/369 (3.5%) patients, positive peritoneal cytology was found. The median follow-up was 29 months and 15 recurrences occurred. Peritoneal cytology was independent of the depth of myometrial invasion and the grade of tumour differentiation, Patients with negative washings had a DFS of 96'7e at 36 months compared with 67% for patients with positive washings (log-rank P < 0.001). The presence of positive peritoneal cytology in patients with clinically stage I endometrioid adenocarcinoma of the endometrium is considered an adverse prognostic factor. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Epävarmuus ei ole outoa enää julkishallinon alueellakaan. Globalisaation,tietotalous ja muut yksityissektoria ravistelleet ilmiöt ovat lisänneet mielenkiintoa erilaisiin tekniikoihin joilla voidaan lievittää epävarmuudesta aiheutuvia ongelmia. Tämä raportti kuvailee skenaariosuunnittelun käyttöä eräänä mahdollisuutena epävarmuuden hallintaan julkishallinnossa ja yksityissektorilla. Raportti sijoittuu samaan skenaariotutkimuksen jatkumoon edellisten LTY:ssä toteutettujen skenaariotutkimusten kanssa. tutkimus valottaa tutkimuksen ja käytännön työn nykytilaa helposti hyödynnettävässä muodossa. Rapostin kontribuutio on kuvata tutkimukseen perustuva tuettu skenaarioprosessi ja syntyneet skenaariot, keskittyen prosessin tukemiseen eri menetelmin.


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OBJETIVOS: comparar a qualidade de vida (QV) de mulheres com e sem dor pélvica crônica (DPC) e investigar os fatores associados à QV de mulheres com DPC. MÉTODOS: conduziu-se estudo de corte transversal, incluindo 30 mulheres com DPC e 20 sem DPC. Foram avaliadas características sociodemográficas e clínicas. A QV foi investigada pelo questionário SF-36, que apresenta oito domínios: capacidade funcional, aspectos físicos, dor, estado geral de saúde, vitalidade, aspectos sociais, aspectos emocionais e saúde mental. Esses domínios podem ser resumidos em dois sumários: sumário do componente físico (SCF) e sumário do componente mental (SCM). A intensidade da dor foi pesquisada, aplicando-se a escala visual analógica. Utilizou-se análise de regressão linear para comparação dos escores de QV entre mulheres com e sem DPC e para identificação dos fatores associados à QV de mulheres com DPC. RESULTADOS: a média de idade das mulheres com e sem DPC foi de 35,2±7,5 e de 36±9,3 anos (p=0,77), respectivamente. Mulheres com DPC apresentaram menor renda familiar mensal (p=0,04) e maior prevalência de dismenorreia (87 versus 40%; p<0,01) e depressão (30 versus 5%; p=0,04) quando comparadas àquelas sem DPC. Na análise ajustada por potenciais variáveis confundidoras, mulheres com DPC apresentaram menores escores de QV nos domínios dor (p<0,01) e aspectos sociais (p<0,01). Depressão associou-se negativamente ao domínio aspectos emocionais (p=0,05) e ao SCM (p=0,03), enquanto intensidade da dor relacionou-se negativamente ao domínio dor (p<0,01) da QV de mulheres com DPC. CONCLUSÕES: mulheres com DPC apresentaram pior QV quando comparadas a mulheres sem DPC. Depressão e intensidade da dor relacionaram-se negativamente à QV de mulheres com DPC. Dessa forma, a avaliação e o tratamento de sintomas depressivos e da dor devem estar entre as prioridades que objetivem melhorar a QV de mulheres com DPC.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Oxidized low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL)-induced apoptosis of vascular cells may participate to plaque instability and rupture. Caveolin-1 has emerged as an important regulator of several signal transduction pathways and processes that play a role in atherosclerosis. In this study we examined the potential role of caveolin-1 in the regulation of oxLDL-induced Ca(2+) signaling and apoptosis in vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Cells expressing caveolin-1 were more susceptible to oxLDL-induced apoptosis, and this was correlated with enhanced Ca(2+) entry and pro-apoptotic events. Moreover, caveolin-1 silencing by small interfering RNA decreased the level of apoptotic cells after oxLDL treatment. These findings provide new insights about the potential role of caveolin-1 in the regulation of oxLDL-induced apoptosis in vascular cells and its contribution to the instability of the plaque.


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Contiene : Tomo I (XXX,336,[6] p.). - Tomo II (352,[4] p.). - Tomo III (332,[3] p.). -Tomo IV (366,[6] p.). - Tomo V (369,[3] p.). - Tomo VI (354,[6] p.)


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Frankfurter Latern, Manuskript


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Groups of Grade 3 children were tested on measures of word-level literacy and undertook tasks that required the ability to associate sounds with letter sequences and that involved visual, auditory and phonological-processing skills. These groups came from different language backgrounds in which the language of instruction was Arabic, Chinese, English, Hungarian or Portuguese. Similar measures were used across the groups, with tests being adapted to be appropriate for the language of the children. Findings indicated that measures of decoding and phonological-processing skills were good predictors of word reading and spelling among Arabic- and English-speaking children, but were less able to predict variability in these same early literacy skills among Chinese- and Hungarian-speaking children, and were better at predicting variability in Portuguese word reading than spelling. Results were discussed with reference to the relative transparency of the script and issues of dyslexia assessment across languages. Overall, the findings argue for the need to take account of features of the orthography used to represent a language when developing assessment procedures for a particular language and that assessment of word-level literacy skills and a phonological perspective of dyslexia may not be universally applicable across all language contexts. Copyright (C) 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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The McIsaac scoring system is a tool designed to predict the probability of streptococcal pharyngitis in children aged 3 to 17 years with a sore throat. Although it does not allow the physician to make the diagnosis of streptococcal pharyngitis, it enables to identify those children with a sore throat in whom rapid antigen detection tests have a good predictive value.