999 resultados para 1943 – 1974


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O Estado Novo Português (1932-1974) foi um dos mais duradouros regimes ditatoriais durante o Século XX. Oliveira Salazar, seu principal governante, importava-se com a manutenção das instituições de representação social, principalmente as representadas pelo lema: Deus, Pátria e Família, ou seja, a Igreja, a Nação (Império) e a Família. Esta última representava a base de toda a moral, ordem e harmonia do país, assim como os jovens destas famílias representavam o futuro da Nação. A Organização Nacional Mocidade Portuguesa fora instituída pelo decreto-lei n. 26.611, de 19 de maio de 1936, em execução da lei n. 1.941, de 11 de abril do mesmo ano pelo Ministro da Educação, Antônio Faria Carneiro Pacheco. Ela representava toda a juventude do país dos sete aos vinte e cinto anos, escolar ou não, e tinha por finalidade estimular o desenvolvimento integral da capacidade física, formação do caráter e a devoção à Pátria, no sentimento da ordem, disciplina e no culto do dever militar.


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A presente investigação tem como principal objectivo apresentar os resultados decorrentes do inventário e análise sistemática da produção, da divulgação, da realização e da recepção de espectáculos na área da música erudita no contexto regional, especificamente no Funchal e, mais concretamente, no Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias, no período considerado entre os anos de 1943 e de 1974. No presente estudo pretende-se também tratar, de uma forma simples e objectiva, a relevância da cultura da música clássica como factor impulsionador do ensino e da formação neste domínio artístico, o interesse pela cultura musical e pela participação em acontecimentos de carácter cultural em geral, tidos como factores dinamizadores de uma sociedade de um certo modo arredada deste tipo de eventos culturais. Inserido no Mestrado em Gestão Cultural, o trabalho que agora se apresenta intitulado O Teatro Municipal Baltazar Dias Estudo sobre a produção e a realização de espectáculos na área da música clássica (1943 1974) pretende não apenas constituir e divulgar um acervo exaustivo (que se pensa ser inédito) sobre a matéria enunciada no título, mas sobretudo disponibilizar os resultados obtidos nesta investigação para consulta de especialistas da área da música, curiosos deste campo artístico ou para o público em geral.


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Bibliography: p. 114.


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Originally presented as the author's thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1974.


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Tese de doutoramento, História (Arte, Património e Restauro), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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El objetivo de este estudio de caso es analizar la forma en la cual la política exterior expansionista y racista del Tercer Reich repercutió en la invasión militar de Checoslovaquia y en la creación de un régimen fascista en Croacia. El surgimiento del Tercer Reich implicó el desencadenamiento de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, generando un cambio en la configuración del Sistema Internacional. Desde el ascenso de Hitler al poder en 1933, Alemania proyectó una discursiva racista y expansionista en su política exterior, con el objetivo de configurar un nuevo ordenamiento europeo. Por lo anterior, la política exterior del Tercer Reich justificó la invasión de Checoslovaquia basándose en los principios del espacio vital que permitieron adherir el territorio al Reich, e influyó en el ascenso del régimen fascista de Ante Pavelić en Croacia, quien colaboró para la consecución del interés nacional racial alemán.


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Air transportation of Australian casualties in World War II was initially carried out in air ambulances with an accompanying male medical orderly. By late 1943 with the war effort concentrated in the Pacific, Allied military authorities realised that air transport was needed to move the increasing numbers of casualties over longer distances. The Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) became responsible for air evacuation of Australian casualties and established a formal medical air evacuation system with trained flight teams early in 1944. Specialised Medical Air Evacuation Transport Units (MAETUs) were established whose sole responsibility was undertaking air evacuations of Australian casualties from the forward operational areas back to definitive medical care. Flight teams consisting of a RAAF nursing sister (registered nurse) and a medical orderly carried out the escort duties. These personnel had been specially trained in Australia for their role. Post-WWII, the RAAF Nursing Service was demobilised with a limited number of nurses being retained for the Interim Air Force. Subsequently, those nurses were offered commissions in the Permanent Air Force. Some of the nurses who remained were air evacuation trained and carried out air evacuations both in Australia and as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan. With the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950, Australia became responsible for the air evacuation of British Commonwealth casualties from Korea to Japan. With a re-organisation of the Australian forces as part of the British Commonwealth forces, RAAF nurses were posted to undertake air evacuation from Korea and back to Australia from Iwakuni, Japan. By 1952, a specialised casualty staging section was established in Seoul and staffed by RAAF nurses from Iwakuni on a rotation basis. The development of the Australian air evacuation system and the role of the flight nurses are not well documented for the period 1943-1953. The aims of this research are three fold and include documenting the origins and development of the air evacuation system from 1943-1953; analysing and documenting the RAAF nurse’s role and exploring whether any influences or lessons remain valid today. A traditional historical methodology of narrative and then analysis was used to inform the flight nurse’s role within the totality of the social system. Evidence was based on primary data sources mainly held in Defence files, the Australian War Memorial or the National Archives of Australia. Interviews with 12 ex-RAAF nurses from both WWII and the Korean War were conducted to provide information where there were gaps in the primary data and to enable exploration of the flight nurses’ role and their contributions in war of the air evacuation of casualties. Finally, this thesis highlights two lessons that remain valid today. The first is that interoperability of air evacuation systems with other nations is a force multiplier when resources are scarce or limited. Second, the pre-flight assessment of patients was essential and ensured that there were no deaths in-flight.


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The paper "the importance of convexity in learning with squared loss" gave a lower bound on the sample complexity of learning with quadratic loss using a nonconvex function class. The proof contains an error. We show that the lower bound is true under a stronger condition that holds for many cases of interest.


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The decision of the Court of Appeal in Dunworth v Mirvac Qld Pty Ltd [2011] QCA 200 arose from unusual circumstances associated with the flood in Brisbane earlier this year. Maris Dunworth (‘the buyer’) agreed to purchase a ground floor residential apartment located beside the Brisbane River at Tennyson from Mirvac Queensland Pty Ltd (‘Mirvac’). The original date for completion was 12 May 2009. In earlier proceedings, the buyer had alleged that she had been induced to purchase the apartment by false, misleading and deceptive representations. This claim was dismissed and an order for specific performance was made with a new completion date of 8 February 2011...


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A Commentary on the Property Law Act 1974 Queensland


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Section 180 of the Property Law Act 1974 (Qld) makes provision for an applicant to seek a statutory right of user over a neighbour’s property where such right of use is reasonably necessary in the interests of effective use in any reasonable manner of the dominant land. In recent years, the Queensland courts have been confronted with a number of such applications. Litigation has also been common in New South Wales which has a statutory provision in largely similar terms. This article seeks to identify those factors that have underpinned successful applications, the obstacles that an applicant may encounter and the considerations that have guided the courts when considering the associated issues of compensation and costs.


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This article reviews the nature and purpose of s 129 of the Property Law Act 1974 (Qld) whose application has given rise to some confusion in the past, particularly where the lessee against whom it is being used is also in breach of the lease at the time of receiving the notice. The article explores the historical origins of the section, firstly in New South Wales where it was enacted in 1930, and attempts to outline modern circumstances where it may be applied or particularly applied in Queensland.


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In Noonan v MacLennan [2010] QCA 50 the Queensland Court of Appeal considered for the first time the provision permitting extension of the limitation period for a defamation action under s32A of the Limitation of Actions Act 1974.


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Photocopy of family tree of Levor and related families.