984 resultados para Óleo diesel
No Brasil, a forma de energia alternativa mais atraente tem sido a biomassa e, mais recentemente, os óleos vegetais residuais e in natura. Portanto, objetivou-se, com este trabalho, avaliar o desempenho na tomada de potência de um trator agrícola de pneus, utilizando misturas de óleo Diesel (OD) com óleo de soja reutilizádo (OSR). Primeiramente, foi realizado um estudo de densidade das misturas, comportamento da temperatura do óleo Diesel no sistema de alimentação de combustível do motor e análises de viscosidades das misturas em estudo. Após as análises, verificou-se, por meio de ensaios dinamométricos, o desempenho do motor alimentado com misturas de OD com OSR, em diferentes proporções. As principais conclusões deste trabalho foram: a) para as avaliações na tomada de potência, a mistura de 25% OD com 75% OSR apresentou a maior potência entre as demais misturas; b) o consumo especifico e os torques demonstraram tendência a maiores valores com o acréscimo da percentagem de OSR às misturas.
O petróleo é a principal fonte de energia para motores de combustão interna, possibilitando sua transformação em energia mecânica. A dependência do petróleo conduz à necessidade de alternativas, mediante o cultivo de matérias-primas renováveis. Os problemas atuais são os custos dos biocombustíveis, que são maiores que dos derivados do petróleo, e o fato de que não existem muitos motores de combustão adequados ao uso de óleos vegetais. Em vista disso, são necessárias mais investigações quanto às técnicas de produção e de refino dos biocombustíveis e, ainda, à adequação de motores ao uso de óleos vegetais, para que estes possam ser uma alternativa viável. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar as diferentes misturas e avaliar o desempenho de um trator agrícola de pneus, utilizando misturas de óleo Diesel (OD) com óleo de soja reutilizável (OSR). Primeiramente, foi realizado um estudo de densidade, viscosidade das misturas e comportamento da temperatura do OD no sistema de alimentação de combustível no motor. Após as análises, verificou-se, por meio de ensaios na barra de tração, o desempenho das misturas de OD e OSR. As principais conclusões deste trabalho foram: a densidade e viscosidade das misturas sofrem variações com o aumento da quantidade de OSR e com a variação da temperatura. Para as avaliações na barra de tração, os melhores resultados observados no rendimento do trator foram verificados com o aumento das percentagens de mistura (25% OSR, para carga N, 25, 75 e 100% OSR, para a quarta marcha, como carga, e 75 e 100% OSR, para a terceira, segunda e primeira marcha, como carga).
In this work, the utilization of used frying oil for the production of biodiesel is presented. The performance of biodiesel in diesel engines, as well as the characterization of the emissions derived from this process, are also discussed and compared to the emissions derived from engines running on unused vegetable oils and conventional diesel.
The goal of this research was to evaluate the biodegradation of diesel by a microbial consortium collected in a region close to distributors of fuel. The experiments were monitored by SPME-GC-FID and SPME-GC-MS. The consortium showed a high potential for production of biosurfactants, presenting an emulsification index of 53%. The consortium degraded completely n-alkanes, while dimethylnaphtalene, hepthyl-cyclohexane and 2,6,10-trimethyl-undecane were partially degraded and pristane was not degraded. From this consortium five strains were isolated and identified as Acinetobacter baumannii. Based on this initial investigation this consortium appears to be effective for bioremediation in Porto Velho - RO region.
The aim of this work was to produce biosurfactants through submerged fermentation using microorganisms isolated from soil contaminated with diesel. Microorganisms were isolated, characterized by the production of biosurfactants, and used to study the influence of type, induction and concentration of ammonium sulfate as a nitrogen source in the culture medium. The microorganisms that showed best results, in terms of production of biosurfactants, were identified as being of the genus Pseudomonas and Bacillus. The biosurfactants produced proved capable of reducing the surface tension of the media to 39 mN/m and 34 mN/m, respectively. Higher biosurfactant production was obtained in the medium containing 1% soybean oil without ammonium sulfate.
A previsível escassez de petróleo aliada a uma consciência ecológica está levando pesquisadores a procurar novas fontes de energia e processos de combustão mais eficientes e menos poluentes. Entre os combustíveis menos poluentes está o gás natural, cujo consumo aumenta ano a ano. Os motores de combustão interna são transformadores de energia que têm baixa eficiência de conversão. Este trabalho avaliou um motor Diesel, bicombustível, movido a Diesel e gás natural. Nesse motor, a energia provém, basicamente, da combustão do gás natural. O Diesel tem a função de produzir o início da combustão do gás, que é o combustível principal. Assim, haverá uma substituição parcial de óleo Diesel por gás natural, aumentando o rendimento da combustão. Inicialmente, foi feito um ensaio-testemunha, somente com óleo Diesel e após foram feitos ensaios, com três repetições, para variadas proporções de óleo Diesel, gás natural e ângulos de avanço da injeção. O melhor desempenho foi obtido para 22% de óleo Diesel em relação ao máximo débito da bomba injetora e 13 L min-1 de gás natural com ângulo de avanço de injeção original (21º). Nesse caso, a potência média aumentou 14%, e o consumo específico (medido em valores monetários) diminuiu 46% em relação ao ensaio-testemunha.
Existe farta evidência internacional de assimetria no ajuste dos preços, em particular com relação aos combustíveis. A literatura a este respeito com dados brasileiros é escassa e, nesse sentido, o objetivo deste artigo é suprir esta lacuna e investigar a assimetria na transmissão do preço do óleo diesel no atacado (refinarias e distribuidores) para os consumidores finais. Os resultados apontam que há assimetria e que ela se manifesta no curto e no longo prazo. Enquanto aumentos nos preços no atacado são repassados quase que totalmente no mesmo mês do choque, as reduções são repassadas de modo bem mais lento. Os resultados são robustos à presença de quebras estruturais e choques de 1% no preço no atacado implicam transferência de pelo menos R$ 2,1 bilhões por anos dos consumidores para os distribuidores e refinarias.
The underground reservoirs of fuel retailing system represent an environmental threat, because once in bad conservation, these tanks allow fuel leakage and infiltration. For soil contaminated with fuel, such as diesel oil, the present study introduces the microemulsion systems used by the method of washing. In tests carried out in column with a sample of sandy soil artificially contaminated and previously characterized as to its void level to porosity, to permeability which is an important parameter concerning the study of the method of washing. While microemulsions were characterized for their viscosity and wettability, a variation of active matter was also done departing from the original formulation. The hydraulic diffusivity of the microemulsion was studied so as the injection of such fluid in a soil with sandy characteristics. The results of the extractions revealed the excellent performance of these systems which get to remove around 95% of diesel fuel. This proves the efficiency of the microemulsion in the process of removal of diesel fuel from the soil with the advantage of being a system easily obtainable and less aggressive to the environment when compared to organic solvents.
The diesel combustion form sulfur oxides that can be discharged into the atmosphere as particulates and primary pollutants, SO2and SO3, causing great damage to the environment and to human health. These products can be transformed into acids in the combustion chamber, causing damage to the engines. The worldwide concern with a clean and healthy environment has led to more restrictive laws and regulations regulating the emission levels of pollutants in the air, establishing sulfur levels increasingly low on fuels. The conventional methods for sulfur removal from diesel are expensive and do not produce a zero-level sulfur fuel. This work aims to develop new methods of removing sulfur from commercial diesel using surfactants and microemulsion systems. Its main purpose is to create new technologies and add economic viability to the process. First, a preliminary study using as extracting agent a Winsor I microemulsion system with dodecyl ammonium chloride (DDACl) and nonyl phenol ethoxylated (RNX95) as surfactant was performed to choose the surfactant. The RNX95 was chosen to be used as surfactant in microemulsioned systems for adsorbent surface modification and as an extracting agent in liquid-liquid extraction. Vermiculite was evaluated as adsorbent. The microemulsion systems applied for vermiculite surface modification were composed by RNX95 (surfactant), n-butanol (cosurfactant), n-hexane (oil phase), and different aqueous phases, including: distilled water (aqueous phase),20ppm CaCl2solution, and 1500ppm CaCl2solution. Batch and column adsorption tests were carried out to estimate the ability of vermiculite to adsorb sulfur from diesel. It was used in the experiments a commercial diesel fuel with 1,233ppm initial sulfur concentration. The batch experiments were performed according to a factorial design (23). Two experimental sets were accomplished: the first one applying 1:2 vermiculite to diesel ratio and the second one using 1:5 vermiculite to diesel ratio. It was evaluated the effects of temperature (25°C and 60°C), concentration of CaCl2in the aqueous phase (20ppm and 1500ppm), and vermiculite granule size (65 and 100 mesh). The experimental response was the ability of vermiculite to adsorb sulfur. The best results for both 1:5 and 1:2 ratios were obtained using 60°C, 1500ppm CaCl2solution, and 65 mesh. The best adsorption capacities for 1:5 ratio and for 1:2 ratio were 4.24 mg sulfur/g adsorbent and 2.87 mg sulfur/g adsorbent, respectively. It was verified that the most significant factor was the concentration of the CaCl2 solution. Liquid-liquid extraction experiments were performed in two and six steps using the same surfactant to diesel ratio. It was obtained 46.8% sulfur removal in two-step experiment and 73.15% in six-step one. An alternative study, for comparison purposes, was made using bentonite and diatomite asadsorbents. The batch experiments were done using microemulsion systems with the same aqueous phases evaluated in vermiculite study and also 20ppm and 1500 ppm BaCl2 solutions. For bentonite, the best adsorption capacity was 7.53mg sulfur/g adsorbent with distilled water as aqueous phase of the microemulsion system and for diatomite the best result was 17.04 mg sulfur/g adsorbent using a 20ppm CaCl2solution. The accomplishment of this study allowed us to conclude that, among the alternatives tested, the adsorption process using adsorbents modified by microemulsion systems was considered the best process for sulfur removal from diesel fuel. The optimization and scale upof the process constitutes a viable alternative to achieve the needs of the market
Produced water has lately aroused interest due to their high degree of salinity, suspended oil particles, chemicals added in various manufacturing processes, heavy metals and radioactivity sometimes. Along with oil and due to its high volume production, water production is one of the pollutants of most concern in the process of oil extraction. PAHs due to their ubiquity and their characteristics carcinogenic or mutagenic and teratogenic even have attracted the attention of every scientific society. Formed from the incomplete combustion of organic matter may be natural or anthropogenic. Some materials have been researched with the goal of cleaning up environmental matrices that may be contaminated by hydrocarbons. Among these materials researched various clays have been employed, of which highlights the vermiculite. The family of phyllosilicates, vermiculite for its potential and its high hydrophobic surface area has been a tool widely used in the decontamination of water in processes of oil spills. However, when it loses its capacity expanded hydrophobic having the necessity of using a hidrofobizante to make it organophilic. Among the numerous hidrofobizantes researched and used the linseed oil was the pioneer. In this study sought to evaluate the capacity of removal of PAHs using the vermiculite hydrofobized with linseed oil and wax also, for it was made use of the 24 full factorial design as the main tool for the experiments. We also evaluated the clay grain size (-20 +48 and -48 +80 #), the percentage of hidrofobizante applied (5 and 10%) and salinity of the water produced synthesized in our laboratory (35,000 and 55,000 ppm). The molecular fluorescence spectroscopy due to its sensitivity and speed was used to verify the adsorption capacity of clay, as well as gas chromatography served as an auxiliary technique to identify and quantify the PAHs in solution. In order to characterize the vermiculite was made use of X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction. The infrared and thermogravimetry were essential to note hydrophobization and the amount of coating of clay. According to the fluorescence analysis showed that the test 12 was the best result in about 98% adsorption of fluorescent compounds, however the high salinity, the smallest particle size, the highest percentage of hidrofobizante and the use of linseed oil showed greater efficiency in the removal capacity of these hydrocarbons, in accordance with the trend followed by the analysis of the major factors of the factorial design. To verify the adsorption capacity of clay using a fixed volume of water produced synthetically, used as the test base 12, at their respective levels and factors. Thus, it was observed that after adding about 1 ½ liters of water solution produced synthetically, about 300 times its volume in mass, the vermiculite was able to adsorb 80% of fluorescent species present in solution
A biorremediação natural da água subterrânea contaminada com óleo diesel em um posto de combustíveis foi avaliada mediante o monitoramento de indicadores geoquímicos e ensaios laboratoriais de biodegradação. Durante um período de dois anos foram realizadas quatro coletas de água subterrânea para a avaliação de diversos parâmetros físico-químicos e a concentração de hidrocarbonetos. As análises microbiológicas consistiram na contagem de bactérias heterotróficas totais, na verificação da presença de bactérias hidrocarbonoclásticas e no teste de biodegradabilidade utilizando o indicador redox DCPIP. Foi possível identificar fatores que corroboram o emprego da técnica de biorremediação natural para o tratamento da água subterrânea, contudo, a presença de hidrocarbonetos retidos no solo representa uma fonte contínua de contaminação, por isso se faz necessário o monitoramento a longo prazo.
Considerando que o Brasil detém uma vasta gama de matérias-primas para produção de biodiesel, e também que há a possibilidade de produção em pequena escala, prima-se por estudos de cunho econômico a partir de metodologias de fácil execução. O objetivo do trabalho foi demonstrar uma metodologia e sua aplicação para avaliação dos custos inseridos dentro do processo produtivo e de utilização do biodiesel. A metodologia foi aplicada a biodieseis originários de óleo de soja, girassol, frango e sebo bovino, dos quais se avaliaram economicamente os custos fixos e variáveis para conversão química dos óleos e gorduras em ésteres metílicos, em uma planta de produção experimental. Os custos de produção para cada uma das quatro citadas são distintos em função do valor inicial por litro de cada uma. Também fora avaliado o custo específico e o consumo específico de cada um dos biodieseis, a fim de determinar a diferença em relação ao óleo diesel comercial. No estudo de caso, os resultados mostraram vantagens para o óleo diesel, tanto no custo quanto no consumo. Comparando-se os biodieseis, o de sebo bovino apresentou-se com o menor custo de produção e o menor consumo.