8 resultados para antimicrobial activity

em Instituto Politécnico de Bragança


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Cochlospermum angolensis Welw. (borututu) is a widespread tree in Angola that belongs to the Cochlospermaceae family. Its bark infusion is used in the traditional medicine of Angola for the treatment of jaundice, hepatic diseases and for the prophylaxis of malaria [1]. In the present work, three formulations based on this plant (infusion, pills, and syrup) were characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI/MS regarding phenolic composition, and evaluated by their in vitro antimicrobial activity against isolates of multiresistant bacteria (Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli spectrum extended producer of β-lactamases (ESBL), Proteus mirabilis, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa). The infusion and pills revealed the highest variety of phenolic compounds, with eleven compounds identified. Protocatechuic acid was only present in infusions, being the most abundant compound, while (epi)gallocatechin-O-gallate and eucaglobulin/globulusin were the main molecules identified in pills and syrup, respectively. Methyl ellagic acids, eucaglobulin/globulusin B (Fig. 1) and (epi)gallocatechin-O-gallate were found in all the formulations. The infusion revealed antimicrobial activity against all the studied bacteria with the exception of P. mirabilis whereas the pills revealed activity in E. coli ESBL and MRSA. No significant antimicrobial activity was detected in the syrup, in agreement with its low concentrations of phenolic compounds. None of the tested formulations inhibited P. mirabilis. Considering the obtained results, C. angolensis infusion can be considered a good source of phenolic compounds as well as a good antimicrobial agent.


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Cynara scolymus L. (artichoke) and Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn (milk thistle), belonging to the Asteraceae family, are medicinal plants vo.ith well-reported antioxidant and hepatoprotective effects. Widely consumed as infusions, these plants can also be found in several formulations to allow an easier consumption. The bioactivity of infusions, pills, and syrups based on artichoke and milk thistle was previously reported by our research group [1 ,2] and among the various phytochemicals present in these dietary supplements, phenolic compounds are pointed out as the most responsible for their beneficial properties. With the aim of studying the antimicrobial activity and possible relation vo.ith the phenolic composition, two different formulations of each plant were assessed (pills and syrups). The phenolic profiles were obtained by HPLC-DAD-ESIIMS, and the antimicrobial activity was performed with clinical isolates from hospitalized patients, namely Escherichia coli, Escherichia coli spectrum extended producer of P-lactarnases (ESBL), Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Vanillic acid (5.58 J.tg/g) and luteolin-7-0-glucoside (2.2 J.tg/g) were the most abundant compounds in artichoke syrup, that did not reveal antimicrobial activity against the studied strains, which could be due to their low concentrations. On the other hand, artichoke pills presented a prevalence of 5-0-caffeoylquinic (28.2 J.tg/g), 1,3-dicaffeoylquinic (24 J.tg/g), and 4-0-Caffeoylquinic acids (13.3 J.tg/g); revealing the capacity to inhibit MRSA vo.ith a MIC value of 1.9 mg!g. Regarding milk thistle, isorhamnetin-0-deoxyhexoside-0-hexoside, isorhamnetin-3-0-rutinoside, and isorhamnetin-0-deoxyhexoside-0-dihexoside were the major compounds detected in the syrup, in concentrations of 7.26, 5. 75, and 3.64 J.tg/g, respectively. This formulation proved to be able to inhibit the growth of E. coli, ESBL, MRSA and P. aeruginosa, with MIC values ranging from 0.2 to 1.3 mg!mL. Hydroxylated silibinin (1.565 J.!g/g) was the major flavonoid found in the pills, that revealed antimicrobial activity against ESBL, with a MIC value of 15 mg!mL, but did not inhibit the growth of the remaining bacteria None of the studied samples was able to inhibit P. mirabilis at the studied concentrations (1000 and 26.4 mg!mL for the syrups of artichoke and milk thistle, respectively; 150 mg/mL for both pills). Overall, the studied syrups and pills of artichoke and milk thistle revealed to be a good source of phenolic compounds, with some of these formulations revealing antimicrobial activity.


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Staphylococcus aureus are among the most common species isolated from bovine mastitis. The pathogenesis of this bacterium is facilitated by a number of virulence factors, including the ability to adhere to abiotic surfaces and/or host tissues often leading to biofilms' formation. From the clinical perspective, the most important feature of Staphytococcus species' biofilms is their high tolerance to the conventional antimicrobial therapy. So, the increasing number of bovine mastitis and the higher levels of Staphylococcus species resistance to traditional antimicrobial agents are considered an important alert for the necessity to focus the future research on identification and development of new strategies to combat S. aureus mastitis. RecenUy, the interest in natural alternatives based on plant extracts has been rising. In add~ion to their health benefits, their antimicrobial potential has been increasingly reported. Taking this into consideration, the evaluation of hydromethanolic extracts of E. globulus against S. aureus biofilms was tested and compared with penicillin, one of the antibiotics most often used in the treatment of cattle infections. All mastitis' isolates tested were good-biofilm producers. As expected penicillin has demonstrated poor activity against S. aureus biofilms (<1 log reduction). However, E. globulus Labill was bactericidal, promoting a biofilm cell reduction of 2-3 log. Therefore, the present work showed the potential antimicrobial activity of E. g/obulus against S. aureus from bovine mastitis, namely in biofilm mode of growth and drew attention to its promising use as an alternative to penicillin.


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Wild mushrooms are mainly collected during the rainy season and valued as a nutritious food and sources of natural medicines and nutraceuticals. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition and bioactive properties (antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxicity) of Polyporus squamosus from two different origins, Portugal and Serbia. The sample from Portugal showed higher contents of as protein (17.14 g/100 g), fat (2.69 g/100 g), ash (3.15 g/100 g) and carbohydrates (77.02 g/100 g); the same sample gave the highest antioxidant activity: highest reducing power, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and lipid peroxidation inhibition in both β-carotene/linoleate and TBARS assay. These results could be related to its higher content in total tocopherols (1968.65 μg/100 g) and phenolic compounds (1.29 mg/100 g). Both extracts exhibited antibacterial activity against all the tested organisms. The samples from Serbia gave higher overall antibacterial activity and showed excellent antibiofilm activity (88.30 %). Overall, P. squamosus methanolic extracts possessed antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibiofilm and anti-quorum sensing activity, and without toxicity for liver cells. This investigation highlights alternatives to be explored for the treatment of bacterial infections, in particular against Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This study provides important results for the chemical and bioactive properties, especially antimicrobial activity of the mushroom P. squamosus. Moreover, to the authors’ knowledge this is the first report on sugars, organic acids, and individual phenolic compounds in P. squamosus.


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Novel magnetic carbon xerogels consisting of interconnected carbon microspheres with iron and/or cobalt microparticles embedded in their structure were developed by a simple route. As inferred from the characterization data, materials with distinctive properties may be directly obtained upon inclusion of iron and/or cobalt precursors during the sol-gel polymerization of resorcinol and formaldehyde, followed by thermal annealing. The unique properties of these magnetic carbon xerogels were explored in the catalytic wet peroxide oxidation (CWPO) of an antimicrobial agent typically found throughout the urban water cycle – sulfamethoxazole (SMX). A clear synergistic effect arises from the inclusion of cobalt and iron in carbon xerogels (CX/CoFe),the resulting magnetic material revealing a better performance in the CWPO of SMX at the ppb level(500 microg L−1) when compared to that of monometallic carbon xerogels containing only iron or cobalt.This effect was ascribed to the increased accessibility of highly active iron species promoted by the simultaneous incorporation of cobalt.The performance of the CWPO process in the presence of CX/CoFe was also evaluated in environmentally relevant water matrices, namely in drinking water and secondary treated wastewater, considered in addition to ultrapure water. It was found that the performance decreases when applied to more complex water and wastewater samples. Nevertheless, the ability of the CWPO technology for the elimination of SMX in secondary treated wastewater was unequivocally shown, with 96.8% of its initial content being removed after 6 h of reaction in the presence of CX/CoFe, at atmospheric pressure, room temperature(T = 25◦C), pH = 3, [H2O2]0= 500 mg L−1and catalyst load = 80 mg L−1. A similar performance (97.8% SMX removal) is obtained in 30 min when the reaction temperature is slightly increased up to 60◦C in an ultra-pure water matrix. Synthetic water containing humic acid, bicarbonate, sulphate or chloride, was also tested. The results suggest the scavenging effect of the different anions considered, as well as the negative impact of dissolved organic matter typically found in secondary treated wastewater, as simulated by the presence of humic acid.An in-situ magnetic separation procedure was applied for catalyst recovery and re-use during reusability cycles performed to mimic real-scale applications. CWPO runs performed with increased SMX concentration (10 mg L−1), under a water treatment process intensification approach, allowed to evalu-ate the mineralization levels obtained, the antimicrobial activity of the treated water, and to propose adegradation mechanism for the CWPO of SMX.


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Borututu ( Cochlospermum angolensis Welw.) is a widespread tree in Angola used since antiquity by traditional healers for the prevention and treatment of hepatic diseases and for the prophylaxis of malaria [1]. This plant is mostly consumed as infusions but is also available as dietary supplements, such as piiis, capsules, and syrups, among others. In the present study, the aim was to evaluate the proximate composition and energetic contribution of borututu as weii as its composition in hydrophilic (sugars and organic acids) and lipophilic (fatty acids and tocopherols) compounds, given the fact that this plant is directly introduced in some dietary supplements. Furthermore, the bioactivity (antioxidant, hepatoprotective and antimicrobial activities) of three different formulations of borututu (infusion, pills, and syrup) was assessed and compared, and since plant beneficial properties are often ascribed to phenolic compounds [2], the phenolic profile of the formulations was also analysed. Carbohydrates (88 g/100 g) and fat (2.5 g/100 g) were the major and tl1e minor components of the studied borututu dry barks, respectively, with an energetic contribution of 384 kcal/100 g. Fructose was the most abundant sugar (1.3 g/100 g), foilowed by sucrose, trehalose and glucose (1.1, 0.98 and 0.79 g/100 g, respectively). Oxalic (0.70 g/100 g), malic (0.63 g/100 g) and citric (0.57 g/100 g) acids were present in higher amounts but shikimic and fumaric acids were also detected. Among the fatty acids found in borututu, a prevalence of saturated fatty acids (SF A; 48.2%) was observed, whereas polyunsaturated (PUFA) and monounsaturated (MUFA) fatty acids were detected in relative percentages of 30.9% and 20.8%, respectively. P-tocopherol was the most abundant of the four isoforms found in the sample, foiiowed by o-, a- and y-tocopherol, present in concentrations of 597,43, 3.7 and 2.0 g/100 g, respectively. Borututu infusion revealed the highest antioxidant activity, with EC50 values ranging from 20 to 600 J.lg/mL and was the only formulation inhibiting the growth of an HepG2 ceii line, with a Gl5o value of 146 J.lg/mL. This formulation.also revealed the best antimicrobial capacity and proved to be able to inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli, E. coli ESBL, Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, with MIC values of 50, 6.2, 1.6 and 25 mg!mL, respectively. Pills revealed activity against some of the studied bacterial strains and the syrup did not reveal antimicrobial activity at the studied concentration. Eilagic acids, methyl ellagic acids, eucaglobulinlglobulusin B and (epi)gaiiocatechin-0-gallate were the compounds present in all the different formulations. The highest concentration of phenolic compounds was found in the infusion extract. Protocatechuic acid was the most abundant phenolic compound in the infusions, the only preparation where it was detected, whereas ( epi)gaiiocatechin- 0-gallate was the main phenolic in the pills and eucaglobulinlglobulusin in the syrup. In a general way, borututu proved to be a good source of phytochemicals such as phenolic compounds, with the infusions revealing the best bioactive properties.


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In recent years the interest in naturally occurring compounds has been increasing worldwide. Indeed, many of the bioactive compounds currently used as medicines have been synthesized based on the structure of natural compounds [1]. In order to obtain bioactive fractions and subsequently isolated compounds derived from natural matrices, several procedures have been carried out. One of these is to separate and assess the concentration of the active compound(s) present in the samples, a step in which the chromatographic techniques stand out [2]. In the present work the mushroom Sui/Ius granulatus (L.) Roussel was chemically characterized by chromatographic techniques coupled to different detectors, in order to evaluate the presence of nutritional and/or bioactive molecules. Some hydrophilic compounds, namely free sugars, were identified by high performance liquid chromatography coupled to a refraction index detector (HPLC-RI), and organic and phenolic acids were assessed by HPLC coupled to a photodiode array detector (HPLC-PDA). Regarding lipophilic compounds, fatty acids weredetermined by gas chromatography with a flame ionization detector (GC-FID) and tocopherols by HPLC-fluorescence detection. Mannitol and trehalose were the main free sugars detected. Different organic acids were also identified (i.e. oxalic, quinic and fumaric acids), as well as phenolic acids (i.e. gallic and p-hydroxybenzoic acids) and the related compound cinnamic acid. Mono- and polyunsaturated fatty acids were the prevailing fatty acids and a-, ~- and ~-tocopherol were the isoforms of vitamin E detected in the samples. Since this species proved to be a source of biologically active compounds, the antioxidant and antimicrobial properties were evaluated. The antioxidant activity was measured through the reducing power, free radical's scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition of its methanolic extract, and the antimicrobial activity was also tested in Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria and iri different fungi. S. granulatus presented antioxidant properties in all the performed assays, and proved to inhibit the growth of different bacterial and fungal strains. This study is a first step for classifying S. granulatus as a functional food, highlighting the potential of mushrooms as a source of nutraceutical and biologically active compounds.


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Morchella conica Pers. is a species of fungus that belongs to the Morchellaceae family and was studied in order to obtain more information about this species, by comparing Portuguese and Serbian wild samples. Free sugars, fatty acids, tocopherols, organic and phenolic acids were analysed by chromatographic techniques. M. conica methanolic extracts were tested regarding antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The absence of hepatotoxicity was confirmed in porcine liver primary cells.