15 resultados para Harvest festivals
em Repositório da Produção Científica e Intelectual da Unicamp
The post harvest cooling and/or freezing processes for horticultural products have been carried out with the objective of removing the heat from these products, allowing them a bigger period of conservation. Therefore, the knowledge of the physical properties that involve heat transference in the fig fruit Roxo de Valinhos is useful for calculating projects and systems of food engineering in general, as well as, for using in equations of thermodynamic mathematical models. The values of conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the whole fig fruit-rami index were determined, and from these values it was determined the value of the specific heat. For these determination it was used the transient method of the Line Heat Source. The results shown that the fig fruit has a thermal conductivity of 0.52 W m-1°C, thermal diffusivity of 1.56 x 10-7 m² s-1, pulp density of 815.6 kg m-3 and specific heat of 4.07 kJ kg-1 °C.
In the last few years the sugar-cane mechanical harvested area has increased, especially in regions with appropriated slop. The use of this technology brings some inconveniences, such as, the increase in the percentage of extraneous matter, which causes the reduction of technological quality of the raw material, and losses in the field. Extraneous matter (trash) is composed of tops and leaves in major percentage, plus soil and roots, and eventually some metal parts. In the green cane harvest system the percentage of extraneous matter has a tendency to increase due to the great amount of vegetal matter to be processed. The increase in the blower fan speed to reduce the amount of extraneous matter can lead to an unacceptable economic level of raw material losses. The main objective of this work was, using a cane loss monitor, to evaluate and quantify the amount of visible losses of sugar cane through the primary extractor at two different fan speeds. Afterwards these losses were related to the harvester cleaning efficiency. The piezoelectric transducer shows a reasonable sensibility. The results show that the cleaning efficiency in the primary extractor (85% mean), the cane losses (between 5.68% and 2.15%) and fan speed are interrelated. The total losses and specially splinters (between 3.19% and 0.91%), showed a significant difference among the treatments.
The covering of the soil is an agricultural practice that intends to control the harmful herbs, to reduce the losses of water by evaporation of the soil, and to facilitate the harvest and the commercialization, once the product is cleaner and healthier. However, when the soil is covered important microclimatic parameters are also altered, and consequently the germination of seeds, the growth of roots, the absorption of water and nutrients, the metabolic activity of the plants and the carbohydrates storage. The current trial intended to evaluate the effect of soil covering with blue colored film on consumptive water-use in a lettuce crop (Lactuca sativa, L.). The experiment was carried out in a plastic greenhouse in Araras - São Paulo State, Brazil from March 3rd, 2001 to May 5th, 2001. The consumptive water-use was measured through two weighing lysimeter installed inside the greenhouse. Crop spacing was 0.25 m x 0.25 m and the color of the film above soil was blue. Leaf area index (IAF), was measured six times (7; 14; 21; 28; 35; 40 days after transplant) and the water-use efficiency (EU) was measured at the end. The experimental design was subdivided portions with two treatments, bare soil and covered soil. The average consumptive water-use was 4.17 mm day-1 to the bare soil treatment and 3.11 mm day-1 to the covered soil treatment. The final leaf area index was 25.23 to the bare soil treatment and 24.39 to the covered soil treatment, and there was no statistical difference between then.
Fresh tomato harvest is traditionally made without harvesting aids. The main goal of this research was to evaluate performance parameters of fresh tomato harvesting aid equipment and compare it to traditional harvest, in the state of São Paulo. Therefore, an equipment was developed and the harvest process was evaluated in four different ways: traditional system (harvest system used in Santa Luzia farm, Brotas, SP, Brazil), picker walking with a harvesting aid equipment, picker seated in a harvesting aid equipment and a composition of both systems: two pickers seated and one picker walking in two different velocities ranges. The different systems using harvesting aid showed an average yield by picker more efficient than reference. Harvest system using three pickers showed an increase of 290% on yield average by picker, on the range of 0.5-1.0 fruit per plant, followed by the systems with a walking picker, that increased productivity in 41%, and picker seated harvester, that showed an increase of 35%. These results demonstrate the importance of using a harvesting aid equipment.
Quality evaluation of classification was done in two fresh market tomatoes packing house, using electronically and mechanical equipments in two harvest periods, summer and winter seasons. The main goal of this work was to evaluate size and color grading conformity with the standards proposed by the Brazilian Program for Horticulture Modernization and size grading obtainded with the one established by the packer. The cultivar studied was Carmen. The results showed that there was no grade conformity with the fresh tomato quality standards proposed by the Brazilian Program for Horticulture Modernization. The grade conformity obtained when compared with the one programmed by the packer, was only for large sizes, in both equipments. The electronically equipment has presented better performance, over the mechanical, considering grading quality and fruits post-harvest quality. However, the electronically equipment must be constantly monitored to achieve efficiency and investment return. On the other side, for mechanical equipment it will be necessary to review the actual system of size grading, in order to follow the fresh tomato quality standards.
One of the problems found in mechanical harvest of sugar cane is the lack of synchronism between the harvest machine and the infield wagon, causing crop losses as well as operational capacity. The objective of the present research was to design a system capable of helping to synchronize the sugar cane harvest machine with the wagon. The communication between tractor and harvest machine is wireless. Two ultrasound sensors coupled to the elevator and a microprocessor manage such information, generating a correct synchronization among the machines. The system was tested in laboratory and on field performing its function adequately, maintaining the two machines in synchronization, indicating and alerting the operators their relative positions. The developed system reduced the sugar cane lost in 60 kg ha-1 comparing to the harvest with the system turned off.
Tomatoes are one of the most important vegetable crops grown in Brazil and are among the crops that have one of the highest post-harvest losses indexes in the country. The present work aimed at evaluating impact damage observed in packing lines of fresh tomatoes as well as to determine, under laboratory conditions, quality alterations of tomato fruits submitted to impact damage in different surface types. Critical points evaluation was accomplished using an instrumented sphere. Critical transference points found showed variations in acceleration levels from 30 to 129 G (m s-2). Tests carried out under laboratory conditions showed that padded surfaces reduced up to 31% impact damage. Incidence of severe internal physical damage was evaluated by a subjective scale and increased by 79% on hard surfaces for the highest fall drop. On the other hand, it was observed an effective reduction in physical damage on fruits when padded surfaces were used. When a 10-cm drop was performed, the maximum reduction measured was 10% for hard surfaces and 5% for previously padded surfaces. For quality parameters, it was observed for high drops on hard surfaces, highest values for weight loss, total acidity, lower values for vitamin C and Soluble Solids.
Excessive and inadequate handling of fruits and vegetables provides high incidences of physical damage, consequently, post harvest losses. The main goal of this work was to evaluate the impact magnitude in persimmon packing lines, Rama Forte, and to determine, at the laboratory, its impact limits. For evaluating the critical points it was used an instrumented sphere of 76 mm of diameter (Technmark, Inc, Lansing, USA), which registered the impact magnitude in seven distinctive impact lines located in four packing houses. For determining physical damages, tests were carried out at the laboratory, where fruit drop was related to impact magnitude, physical damage incidence and fruit post harvest losses. At the packing lines, the values found varied from 21 to 87 G on the transfer points and the majority of registered impacts (over 94%) were down 50G. Drops from 20 cm caused an increase in weight losses after six days of storage at room temperature. Drops from 20 and 30 cm caused skin darkness (low L values), associated to a decrease in color intensity (chroma). Impact drop did not affect pulp fruit chemical features.
One of the main objectives of applying edible coatings on fruits surface is to create a protective film to reduce weight loss due to evaporation and transpiration and also to decrease the risk of fruit rot caused by environmental contamination, in order to improve the visual aspect. Therefore, it is possible to increase shelf life, and decrease post harvest losses. Persimmon is a much appreciated fruit, with high potential for export, but sensitive to handling and storage. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of applying the edible coating Megh Wax ECF-124 (18% of active composts, consisting of emulsion of carnauba wax, anionic surfactant, preservative and water) produced by Megh Industry and Commerce Ltda in three different concentrations (25, 50 and 100%) on post harvest quality of 'Fuyu' persimmon stored for 14 days. The attributes evaluated for quality were: firmness, pH, acidity, soluble solids, weight loss and color. The results showed that application of carnauba wax in different concentrations was effective on decreasing weight loss of persimmon cv. Fuyu and maintenance of color aspects. Treatment at lower concentration, 25%, showed lower rate of discharge, but high concentrations showed lower values of mass loss. Carnauba wax application showed a high potential for use on postharvest conservation, and can be applied together with other technologies, helping to maintain quality for export.
This work aimed at determining the occurrence of heat resistant molds during the aseptic processing of tomato pulp (8° BRIX). During tomato harvest, 9 lots were sampled (3 at the beginning, 3 at the apex and 3 at the end of harvest) and other 5 lots were sampled between harvest. For each lot, the enumeration of heat resistant molds was carried out in samples collected during the aseptic process. The mean count of heat resistant molds was relatively low, ranging from <1 to 8CFU/100mL of sample. The higher counts were observed in the raw material and the pre-wash and transportation water. Fifty strains of heat resistant molds detected in the enumeration procedure were isolated, codified and stocked. One-month-old spores of each isolate were submitted to different heat shocks to select the most heat resistant mold. The most heat resistant isolated strain (survived 100° C/25 minutes) was identified as Neosartorya fischeri.
The unusual development of branches along the stem of Euterpe edulis is described for the first time. Branches originated at 2 to 190 cm from the ground. Ramified individuals and branches were able to produce reproductive structures and some branches produced roots. A plausible cause for the observed anomaly could be genetic problems due to small population sizes. The better agreement of this process can have a positive effect in the harvest of the heart of palm through the artificial induction of sprouts, what would prevent the death of the individual.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física