54 resultados para Curvas de equilíbrio

em Repositório da Produção Científica e Intelectual da Unicamp


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The thermodynamic equilibrium is a state defined by conditions which depend upon some characteristics of the system. It requires thermal, mechanical, chemical and phase equilibrium. Continuum thermodynamics, its radical restriction usually called homogeneous processes thermodynamics, as well as the classical thermodynamic science of reversible processes, each of them defines equilibrium in a differing way. But these definitions lead to the same physical contents.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Faculdade de Educação Física


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Background: In pathological situations, such as acute myocardial infarction, disorders of motility of the proximal gut can trigger symptoms like nausea and vomiting. Acute myocardial infarction delays gastric emptying (GE) of liquid in rats. Objective: Investigate the involvement of the vagus nerve, α 1-adrenoceptors, central nervous system GABAB receptors and also participation of paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus in GE and gastric compliance (GC) in infarcted rats. Methods: Wistar rats, N = 8-15 in each group, were divided as INF group and sham (SH) group and subdivided. The infarction was performed through ligation of the left anterior descending coronary artery. GC was estimated with pressure-volume curves. Vagotomy was performed by sectioning the dorsal and ventral branches. To verify the action of GABAB receptors, baclofen was injected via icv (intracerebroventricular). Intravenous prazosin was used to produce chemical sympathectomy. The lesion in the PVN of the hypothalamus was performed using a 1mA/10s electrical current and GE was determined by measuring the percentage of gastric retention (% GR) of a saline meal. Results: No significant differences were observed regarding GC between groups; vagotomy significantly reduced % GR in INF group; icv treatment with baclofen significantly reduced %GR. GABAB receptors were not conclusively involved in delaying GE; intravenous treatment with prazosin significantly reduced GR% in INF group. PVN lesion abolished the effect of myocardial infarction on GE. Conclusion: Gastric emptying of liquids induced through acute myocardial infarction in rats showed the involvement of the vagus nerve, alpha1- adrenergic receptors and PVN.Fundamento: Distúrbios da motilidade do intestino proximal no infarto agudo do miocárdio podem desencadear sintomas digestivos como náuseas e vômitos. O infarto do miocárdio ocasiona retardo do esvaziamento gástrico (EG) de líquido em ratos. Objetivo: Investigar se existe a influência do nervo vago (VGX), adrenoreceptores α-1, receptores GABAB do sistema nervoso central e participação do núcleo paraventricular (NPV) do hipotálamo no esvaziamento gástrico (EG) e complacência gástrica (CG) em ratos infartados. Métodos: Ratos Wistar (n = 8-15) foram divididos em: grupo infarto (INF), sham (SH) e subdivididos. O infarto foi realizado por ligadura da artéria coronária descendente anterior. A complacência gástrica foi estimada com curvas pressão-volume. Realizada vagotomia por secção dos ramos dorsal e ventral. Para verificar a ação dos receptores GABAB foi injetado baclofeno por via intra ventrículo-cerebral. Simpatectomia química foi realizada com prazosina intravenosa (iv), e na lesão do núcleo paraventricular do hipotálamo foi utilizada corrente elétrica de 1mA/10s, com esvaziamento gástrico determinado por medição da retenção gástrica (% RG) de uma refeição salina. Resultados: Não houve diferença significativa na CG. A vagotomia (VGX) reduziu significativamente a %RG; no grupo INF, o tratamento intra ventrículo-cerebral (ivc) com baclofeno reduziu significativamente a % RG; não houve conclusivamente envolvimento dos receptores GABAB em retardar o EG; o tratamento intravenoso com prazosina reduziu significativamente a %RG no grupo INF. A lesão do NPV aboliu o efeito do infarto do miocárdio no EG. Conclusão: O nervo vago, receptores α-adrenérgicos e núcleo paraventricular estão envolvidos no retardo do esvaziamento gástrico no infarto agudo do miocárdio em ratos.


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This paper presents two techniques to evaluate soil mechanical resistance to penetration as an auxiliary method to help in a decision-making in subsoiling operations. The decision is based on the volume of soil mobilized as a function of the considered critical soil resistance to penetration in each case. The first method, probabilistic, uses statistical techniques to define the volume of soil to be mobilized. The other method, deterministic, determines the percentage of soil to be mobilized and its spatial distribution. Both cases plot the percentage curves of experimental data related to the soil mechanical resistance to penetration equal or larger to the established critical level and the volume of soil to be mobilized as a function of critical level. The deterministic method plots showed the spatial distribution of the data with resistance to penetration equal or large than the critical level. The comparison between mobilized soil curves as a function of critical level using both methods showed that they can be considered equivalent. The deterministic method has the advantage of showing the spatial distribution of the critical points.


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A base-cutter represented for a mechanism of four bars, was developed using the Autocad program. The normal force of reaction of the profile in the contact point was determined through the dynamic analysis. The equations of dynamic balance were based on the laws of Newton-Euler. The linkage was subject to an optimization technique that considered the peak value of soil reaction force as the objective function to be minimized while the link lengths and the spring constant varied through a specified range. The Algorithm of Sequential Quadratic Programming-SQP was implemented of the program computational Matlab. Results were very encouraging; the maximum value of the normal reaction force was reduced from 4,250.33 to 237.13 N, making the floating process much less disturbing to the soil and the sugarcane rate. Later, others variables had been incorporated the mechanism optimized and new otimization process was implemented .


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The present work aimed the development of a low cost servo-valve that answers to an electronic control signal, for variable rates liquid inputs application. A literature research to define which valve type should be used was made. A mechanically activated proportional valve with an electronically controlled servo-engine was designed and evaluated. Since developed the servo-valve, the system was submited to a number of tests .The evaluation of its behavior was obtained in terms of repeatability, hystheresis and linearity. The test was accomplished in a bench, specially developed for this aim. As a result, were obtained three curves of opening percentage as function of flow rate, describing three opening and closing increments in two different work pressures. The servo-valve presented a good repeatability, reasonable hysteresis and a typically quadratic curve. This one maintained the low cost target. These results were very satisfied because the non-linearity and the hysteresis could be easily corrected by software.


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Inulin is a fructooligosacharide found in diverse agricultural products, amongst them garlic, banana, Jerusalem artichoke and chicory root. Inulin generally is used in developed countries, as a substitute of sugar and/or fat due to its characteristics of fitting as functional and dietary food. Chicory root is usually used as source and raw material for commercial extration of inulin. The experiments consisted on drying sliced chicory roots based on a factorial experimental design in a convective dryer whose alows the air to pass perpendicularly through the tray. Effective diffusivity (dependent variable) has been determined for each experimental combination of independent variables (air temperature and velocity). The data curves have been fitted by the solution of the second Fick law and Page's model. Effective difusivity varied from 3.51 x 10-10 m² s-1 to 1.036 x 10-10 m² s-1. It is concluded that, for the range of studied values, air temperature is the only statistically significant variable. So, a first order mathematical model was obtained, representing effective diffusivity behavior as function of air temperature. The best drying condition was correspondent to the trial using the highest drying air temperature.


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The purpose of this work was to analyze the logistical distribution of Brazilian soybean by applying a quadratic programming to a spatial equilibrium model. The soybean transportation system is an important part of the soybean complex in Brazil, since the major part of the costs of this commodity derives from the transportation costs. Therefore, the optimization of this part of the process is essential to a better competitiveness of the Brazilian soybean in the international market. The Brazilian soybean complex have been increasing its agricultural share in the total of the exportation value in the last ten years, but due to other countries' investments the Brazilian exportations cannot be only focused on increasing its production but it still have to be more efficient. This way, a model was reached which can project new frames by switching the transportation costs and conduce the policy makers to new investments in the sector.


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Edible mushroom are highly perishable foods. Drying is an alternative to provide safe storage. In this work, the effects of some drying parameters on the quality of Shiitake mushroom were investigated: geometry of the raw material (whole and sliced), drying temperature (50 °C and 70 ºC) and final moisture content (5% and 15% wb). Experimental kinetics of drying was built and color and texture analyses were done in fresh and in rehydrated dried product. The effect of parameters was evaluated by analysis of variance and test of multiple comparisons. Drying kinetics showed that drying happened in falling-rate period and sliced mushroom dried at 70 ºC required lesser drying time than other treatments. Mushroom dried at 70 ºC showed less darkening. Drying time affected mushroom quality, evaluated by great hardness, gummosis and darkening.


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The cleanness level in fresh market tomatoes cleaning equipment is essential for consumer acceptance and conservation of product quality. However, the washing process in cleaning current equipments demands an excessive volume of water, leading to serious economic and environmental concerns. The objective of this work was to contribute with technical information for the washing system optimization. The conventional washing system currently used in cleaning equipment, which consists of perforated PVC pipes, was compared with a proposed system which uses commercial sprays. Characteristic curves (flow rate versus pressure) for both systems were determined in lab conditions and the respective water consumptions were compared. The results confirmed the excess of water consumption in the conventional washing systems, and the proposed system proved that is possible to reduce it, and the use of sprays allowed the rational use of the water.


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This paper describes the development of a relational database and a tool for viewing MODIS NDVI temporal profile, using data from MOD09Q1 product, specifically the surface bidirectional reflectance factor relative to the RED and NIR wavelength, mosaic of 8-day temporal composition, and the quality band, in sugarcane fields in the state of São Paulo, for analysis of the late stubble-cane maturation. From sugarcane farms were obtained the historical data about yield, soil, variety, location of the each pixel for each subregion monitored. All data were integrated in a database developed in PostgreSQL. The tool was implemented using Java language and allowed a fast and automatic way of analyzing sugarcane phenological patterns. It concluded that the MODIS NDVI temporal profile using data from MOD09Q1 product is able to subsidize the monitoring of phenological changes in the sugarcane.


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This paper studies complex sentences with temporal hypotatic clauses and with conditional hypotatic clauses in order to investigate the degree of grammaticalization shown by these two kinds of utterances. Our hypothesis is that the more the hypotatic clause is integrated to the nuclear clause, the greater is the degree of grammaticalization. Such degree of integration was measured according to three groups of factors, and the results show that, regarding two of the variables evaluated, the conditional clauses are the most integrated to their nucleus, but, in another rank of evaluation, the temporal clauses are the most integrated ones. Considering that this study is based on a functionalist view, the results may be interpreted according to the principle that there is a competition of motivations in the use of language, so that each utterance reflects the balance of such forces.


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The extract of stevia leaves (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) is the only sweetener utilized in sucrose substitution which can be produced totally in Brazil. The objective of this study, was determine the temporal characteristic of sweet and bitter taste of stevia and compare with sucrose at 3 and 10% in the same equi-sweet. The time-intensity curves (T-I) for each substance were collected through the software Sistema de Coleta de Dados Tempo-Intensidade - SCDTI for Windows, where the judges recorded through of mouse the perception of each stimuli inside function of time, for each sample. The parameters of T-I curves collected were: time for intensity maxim (TImax), intensity maxim (Imax), time of decay (Td), time of plato (Platô), area under curve (Area) and total time of stimuli duration (Ttot). The parameters Td, Ttot, Area e Plato of T-I curves, for stimuli sweet in both sweetness level, were significativelly superior for stevia, while Timax e Imax were significativelly inferior (p£0,05), at differences between value for both substances were superior DESS at 10%. Sucrose didn?t present any record for simuli bitter as 3 as 10%, while stevia presented a characteristic T-I curve with intensity and total time of stimuli duration dependent of concentration.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of this pilot study was to determine whether glugagon-like peptide 2 (GLP-2) secretion relates to insulin sensitivity (IS) in obese subjects. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Twenty four obese subjects [body mass index (BMI) 40.0 ± 3.0 kg/m² (mean ± standard deviation)] were included, nine of which were male, age 43 ± 8 years. Twelve subjects had type 2 diabetes, all treated with oral anti-diabetic agents only. The subjects were submitted to standard meal tolerance test (MTT) for dosage of the curves: glucose, insulin, and GLP-2. Insulin sensitivity was measured by HOMA-IR, and OGIS was derived from the MTT. Spearman linear correlations and partial correlations were obtained. RESULTS: There was an inverse relationship between the GLP-2 secretion and IS: HOMA-IR correlated with GLP-2 AUC (R = 0.504; p = 0.012), and OGIS correlated with GLP-2 incremental AUC (R = -0.54; p = 0.054). The correlation persisted after controlling for BMI. CONCLUSION: We found an association of GLP-2 secretion and insulin resistance (IR). The understanding of the underlying mechanisms may provide future directions in the pharmacological manipulation of incretins, and in the treatment of obesity and related metabolic disorders.