566 resultados para In-utero
This survey aimed at describing the interactions of floral visitors and Davilla kunthii A. St.-Hil. as well as characteristics of its reproductive biology in Itacoatiara, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Tests of the breeding system were performed. The guild of visitors was described according to richness, abundance, relative frequency and constancy. The breeding system tests indicated that D. kunthii is self-compatible. The pollination system was characterized as generalist, with 39 visitor species, from three different orders. Bees were the main group of pollinators, thus some behavioural aspects were described. Th e period of highest foraging activity was between 7 and 10 am. Some species presented agonistic and monopolistic behaviour. Given the behaviour and destructive potential, the Curculionidae seem to have a greater impact as seed predators than pollinators.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the floristic composition, richness, and diversity of the upper and lower strata of a stretch of mixed rain forest near the city of Itaberá, in southeastern Brazil. We also investigated the differences between this conservation area and other stretches of mixed rain forest in southern and southeastern Brazil, as well as other nearby forest formations, in terms of their floristic relationships. For our survey of the upper stratum (diameter at breast height [DBH] > 15 cm), we established 50 permanent plots of 10 × 20 m. Within each of those plots, we designated five, randomly located, 1 × 1 m subplots, in order to survey the lower stratum (total height > 30 cm and DBH < 15 cm). In the upper stratum, we sampled 1429 trees and shrubs, belonging to 134 species, 93 genera, and 47 families. In the lower stratum, we sampled 758 trees and shrubs, belonging to 93 species, 66 genera, and 39 families. In our floristic and phytosociological surveys, we recorded 177 species, belonging to 106 genera and 52 families. The Shannon Diversity Index was 4.12 and 3.5 for the upper and lower strata, respectively. Cluster analysis indicated that nearby forest formations had the strongest floristic influence on the study area, which was therefore distinct from other mixed rain forests in southern Brazil and in the Serra da Mantiqueira mountain range.
Seed rain in areas with and without bamboo dominance within an urban fragment of the Atlantic Forest
Understanding the flow of diaspores is fundamental for determining plant population dynamics in a particular habitat, and a lack of seeds is a limiting factor in forest regeneration, especially in isolated forest fragments. Bamboo dominance affects forest structure and dynamics by suppressing or delaying the recruitment of and colonization by tree species as well as by inhibiting the survival and growth of adult trees. The goal of the present study was to determine whether dominance of the bamboo species Aulonemia aristulata (Döll) McClure in the forest understory influences species abundance and composition. We examined the seed rain at two noncontiguous sites (1.5 km apart) within an urban forest fragment, with and without bamboo dominance (BD+ and BD- areas, respectively). Sixty seed traps (0.5 m², with a 1-mm mesh) were set in the BD+ and BD- areas, and the seed rain was sampled from January to December 2007. Diaspores were classified according to dispersal syndrome, growth form and functional type of the species to which they belonged. There were significant differences between the two areas in terms of seed density, species diversity and dispersal syndrome. The BD+ area showed greater seed density and species diversity. In both areas, seed distribution was limited primarily by impaired dispersal. Bamboo dominance and low tree density resulted in fewer propagules in the seed rain. Our results suggest that low availability of seeds in the rain does not promote the maintenance of a degraded state, characterized by the presence of bamboo.
We analyzed the structure of the understory community in the Atlantic Forest sensu lato, for which phytosociological descriptions of the understory are lacking. We delineated 50 plots of 10 × 20 m each at four sites within an Araucaria forest (a subtype of Atlantic Forest), located in the municipalities of Bananal, Campos do Jordão, Itaberá and Barra do Chapéu, all of which are in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. To sample the resident species of the understory, we randomly selected five 1 × 1 m subplots within each plot, resulting in a total sampling area of 250 m² at each site. We identified differences among the locations, mostly due to proportional differences in growth forms, in terms of species richness and the importance values within the community. Factors potentially influencing the understory structure include macroclimatic and microclimatic conditions, as well as forest fragmentation, the abundance of deciduous trees in the canopy, the surrounding vegetation and geographic location.
This paper reintroduces the discussion about stress-timing in Brazilian Portuguese (BP). It begins by surveying some phonetic and phonological issues raised by the syllable- vs stress-timed dichotomy which culminated with the emergence of the p-center notion. Strict considerations of timing of V-V units and stress groups are taken into account to analyze the long term coupling of two basic oscillators (vowel and stress flow). This coupling allows a two-parameter characterization of language rhythms (coupling strength and speech rate) revealing that BP utterances present a high-degree of syllable-timing. A comparison with other languages, including European Portuguese, is also presented. The results analyzed indicate that Major's arguments for considering Portuguese (sic) as stress-timing are misleading.
How should one consider the responsibility of the translator, who is located between the differences of two linguistic systems and in the middle of the various idioms constitute each of the languages involved in the translation? (P. Ottoni). What is the role of the translator in inter-acting with both his/her mother tongue and the idiom of the other? These two questions will be discussed in order to reflect on the responsibility of translating the un-translatable. Two hypotheses orient the paper: 1 - an idiom spoken idiomatically is known as the mother tongue and is not appropriated, so that accommodating the other in one's own language automatically considers his/her idiom (J. Derrida) and 2 - face-to-face with language and its idioms, the translator is trapped in a double (responsibility) bind; faced with something which cannot be translated, he/she is forced to perceive it in another way. In conclusion, how should one consider the responsibility of translating the un-translatable Jacques Derrida?
The copolymer poly (L-co-D,L lactic acid), PLDLA, has gained prominence in the field of temporary prostheses due to the fact that their time of degradation is quite compatible with the requirement in the case of osseous fracture. In this work the in vivo degradation of devices from copolymer, as a system of plates and screws, used in fixation of the tibia of rabbits was studied. The devices were implanted in 15 adult rabbits, albinos, New Zealand race, and they were used as control devices of alloys of titanium (Ti-6Al-4V/ V grade). The use of copolymers, synthesized in the laboratory, was tested in the repair of fracture in rabbits'tibias, being assessed in the following times: 2 weeks, 2 months and 3 months. Morphological analysis of tissue surrounding the plate and screw system, for 2 weeks of implantation, showed the presence of osteoblasts, indicating a pre bone formation. After 2 months there was new bone formation in the region in contact with the polymer. This bone growth occurred simultaneously with the process of PLDLA degradation, invading the region where there was polymer and after 3 months there was an intense degradation of the copolymer and hence greater tissue invasion compared to 2 months which characterized bone formation in a region where the polymer degraded. The in vivo degradation study of the devices for PLDLA by means of histological evaluations during the period of consolidation of the fracture showed the efficiency of plate and screw system, and it was possible to check formation of bone tissue at the implantation site, without the presence of inflammatory reaction
Dental materials that release fluoride have been shown to be effective in caries inhibition around restorations. Adhesive materials would also be effective in caries inhibition by sealing and protecting cavity margins from acidic demineralization. This in vitro study tested the hypothesis that composite restorations with a dentin adhesive system have a caries preventive effect similar to that of an adhesive material with fluoride - glass-ionomer cement - on root surfaces. Twenty roots from extracted sound third molars were embedded in polystyrene resin and ground flat. Standardized cavities were prepared in leveled root surfaces and randomly restored with (a) Chelon-Fil (Espe) or (b) Z100/SingleBond (3M). Baseline indentations were measured at 100, 200 and 300 mum from the occlusal margins of each restoration and the surface microhardness values were obtained using a Knoop diamond indenter. A 2.0 mm wide margin around the restorations was submitted to a pH-cycling model, at 37ºC. After that, surface microhardness was measured again, as it was before. The differences between baseline and final surface microhardness were considered for statistical analysis. The median values of differences were (a): -3.8; -0.3; -1.0; and (b): 3.3; 2.5; 1.7, for the distances of 100, 200 and 300 mum, respectively. The Kruskal-Wallis test did not show statistically significant difference between 100, 200 and 300 mum distances in each tested group. There was no difference between the studied materials at the distances of 200 and 300 mum. Chelon-Fil was statistically different from Z100/SingleBond, at 100 mum (p<0.05). Under the studied conditions, the glass-ionomer cement had a higher caries preventive effect than the composite/dentin adhesive restorations.
The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness and reliability of laser fluorescence measurements in relation to occlusal caries diagnosis. DIAGNOdent 2095 (Kavo, Biberach, Germany), which has been developed especially for caries diagnosis, was utilized. Five (5) teeth were examined in the pilot test; after that, ten (10) teeth were examined in order to calibrate both examiners. Data were obtained from 66 teeth (36 molars and 30 premolars), totalizing 144 sites identified through photographs of the occlusal surfaces. Reproducibility was evaluated in 10 teeth. The interexaminer Spearman correlation (r) was 0.89 and the intra-examiner, 0.93 and 0.97 (examiner A and B, respectively). Validation was carried out by histological examination (stereomicroscope). For the two examiners the sensitivity of the device was relatively high, varying from 0.81 to 1.00, while specificity varied according to which validation criterion was used (0.77 - 0.86: enamel lesion / 0.52 - 0.59: dentin lesion). It was concluded that DIAGNodent presented good capacity of identifying any alteration of the dental surface, nevertheless it presents the disadvantage of accomplishing many false-positive diagnosis when the validation criterion is dentin lesion.
This work investigated the cytotoxic and genotoxic potential of water from the River Paraíba do Sul (Brazil) using Allium cepa roots. An anatomo-morphological parameter (root length), mitotic indices, and frequency of micronuclei were analysed. Eight bulbs were chosen at random for treatment for 24 to 120 hours with the River water collected in the years of 2005 and 2006 from sites in the cities of Tremembé and Aparecida (São Paulo state, Brazil). Daily measurements of the length of the roots grown from each bulb were carried out throughout the experiment. Mitotic index (MI) and frequency of micronuclei (MN) were determined for 2000 cells per root, using 3-5 root tips from other bulbs (7-10). Only in the roots treated with samples of the River water collected in 2005 in Tremembé city was there a decrease in the root length growth compared to the respective control. However, a reduction in MI values was verified for both sites analysed for that year. Considering the data involving root length growth and especially MI values, a cytotoxic potential is suggested for the water of the River Paraíba do Sul at Tremembé and Aparecida, in the year of 2005. On the other hand, since in this year the MN frequency was not affected with the river water treatments, genotoxicity is not assumed for the river water sampled at the aforementioned places.
Food habits of jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi) (Geoffroy, 1803) (Carnivora, Felidae) were studied between November 2000 and November 2001, in a 24.9 km² area of secondary Atlantic Rainforest and eucalypt plantation, in the Serra de Paranapiacaba, São Paulo State, Brazil. Analyses of 26 fecal and regurgitate samples, obtained over a stretch of 570.1 km, showed the consumption of 19 prey items and 74 prey occurrences. Small mammals were the most frequent food item (42.5%), followed by birds (21%), reptiles (14%) and medium-sized mammals (3%). The percent occurrence (PO) suggests that the diet consisted mainly of small rodents (30%) and birds (21%). We recorded for the first time the predation of Viperidae snakes by P. yagouaroundi. Although having a large list of items and range of dietary niche breadths (Bsta = 0.76), our data show that jaguarundi prey mainly on small vertebrates (mammals, birds or reptiles), and even in tall tropical forests or eucalypt plantations, it preys mostly on animals that come to, or live on, the ground.
The fungus Metarhizium anisopliae is used on a large scale in Brazil as a microbial control agent against the sugar cane spittlebugs, Mahanarva posticata and M. fimbriolata (Hemiptera., Cercopidae). We applied strain E9 of M. anisopliae in a bioassay on soil, with field doses of conidia to determine if it can cause infection, disease and mortality in immature stages of Anastrepha fraterculus, the South American fruit fly. All the events were studied histologically and at the molecular level during the disease cycle, using a novel histological technique, light green staining, associated with light microscopy, and by PCR, using a specific DNA primer developed for M. anisopliae capable to identify Brazilian strains like E9. The entire infection cycle, which starts by conidial adhesion to the cuticle of the host, followed by germination with or without the formation of an appressorium, penetration through the cuticle and colonisation, with development of a dimorphic phase, hyphal bodies in the hemocoel, and death of the host, lasted 96 hours under the bioassay conditions, similar to what occurs under field conditions. During the disease cycle, the propagules of the entomopathogenic fungus were detected by identifying DNA with the specific primer ITSMet: 5' TCTGAATTTTTTATAAGTAT 3' with ITS4 (5' TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC 3') as a reverse primer. This simple methodology permits in situ studies of the infective process, contributing to our understanding of the host-pathogen relationship and allowing monitoring of the efficacy and survival of this entomopathogenic fungus in large-scale applications in the field. It also facilitates monitoring the environmental impact of M. anisopliae on non-target insects.
From 1992 to 1995 we studied 232 (69% male, 87% Caucasian) anti-human immunodeficiency virus (anti-HIV) positive Brazilian patients, through a questionnaire; HIV had been acquired sexually by 50%, from blood by 32%, sexually and/or from blood by 16.4% and by an unknown route by 1.7%. Intravenous drug use was reported by 29%; it was the most important risk factor for HIV transmission. The alanine aminotransferase quotient (qALT) was >1 for 40% of the patients, 93.6% had anti-hepatitis A virus antibody, 5.3% presented hepatitis B surface antigen, 44% were anti-hepatitis B core antigen positive and 53.8% were anti-hepatitis C virus (anti-HCV) positive. The anti-HCV test showed a significant association with qALT>1. Patients for whom the probable HIV transmission route was blood had a 10.8 times greater risk of being anti-HCV positive than patients infected by other routes. Among 30 patients submitted to liver biopsy, 18 presented chronic hepatitis.
Increasing water scarcity and depleted water productivity in irrigated soils are inducing farmers to adopt improved varieties, such as those with high-capacity tolerance. The use of tolerant varieties of sugarcane might substantially avoid the decline of productivity under water deficit. This research aimed to evaluate the harmful effects of drought on the physiology of two sugarcane varieties (RB867515 and RB962962) during the initial development. Young plants were subjected to irrigation suspension until total stomata closure, and then rewatered. Significant reduction on stomatal conductance, transpiration, and net photosynthesis were observed. RB867515 showed a faster stomatal closure while RB962962 slowed the effects of drought on the gas exchanges parameters with a faster recovering after rewatering. Accumulation of carbohydrates, amino acids, proline, and protein in the leaves and roots of the stressed plants occurred in both varieties, substantially linked to reduction of the leaf water potential. Due to the severity of stress, this accumulation was not enough to maintain the cell turgor pressure, so relative water content was diminished. Water stress affected the contents of chlorophyll (a, b, and total) in both varieties, but not the levels of carotenoids. There was a significant reduction in dry matter under stress. In conclusion, RB962962 variety endured stressed conditions more than RB867515, since it slowed down the damaging effects of drought on the gas exchanges. In addition, RB962962 presented a faster recovery than RB867515, a feature that qualifies it as a variety capable of enduring short periods of drought without major losses in the initial stage of its development.