13 resultados para rotary encoder
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
The tropical tree Schizolobium amazonicum is native from the Amazonian forest, naturally occurring in Brazil, Peru and Colombia. This work aimed to study the veneer yield made from this species. For this purpose, 50 logs from S. amazonicum were rotary peeled in a plywood industry installed in Brazilian Amazon region. The results indicated that S. amazonicum had a peeling yield similar or even higher than those usually obtained for species traditionally used for this purpose in Brazil, like those of Pinus and Eucalyptus. It was also observed that the dendrometric parameters of the log can be used to estimate the peeling yield in this species.
Soil tillage is a process that accelerates soil organic matter decomposition transferring carbon to atmosphere, mainly in the CO2 form. In this study, the effect of rotary tillage on soil CO2 emission was investigated, including the presence of crop residues on the surface.Emissions were evaluated during 15 days after tillage in 3 plots: 1) non-tilled and without crop residues on soil surface (NTwo), 2) rotary tiller without the presence of crop residues on soil surface (RTwo), and 3) rotary tiller with the presence of crop residues in soil surface (RTw). Emissions from the RTw plot were higher than the other plots, (0.777 g CO2 m-2 h-1), with the lowest emissions recorded in the NTwo plot (0.414 g CO2 m-2 h-1). Total emission indicates that the difference of C-CO2 emitted to atmosphere corresponds to 3% of the total additional carbon in the crop residues in the RTw plot compared to RTwo. The increase in the RTwo emission in comparison to NTwo was followed by changes in the aggregate size distribution, especially those with average diameter lower than 2 mm. The increase in emission from the RTw plot in relation to RTwo was related to a decrease in crop residue mass on the surface, and its higher fragmentation and incorporation in soil. When the linear correlation between soil CO2 emission, and soil temperature and soil moisture is considered, only the RTw treatment showed significant correlation (p<0.05) with soil moisture.
The wear resistance of rotary plows operating in a clay loam soil was studied. The degree of damage caused to the soil and the amount of mass lost by the tools were determined in order to establish correlations between the physical properties of the soil and the wear mechanisms acting on the tribosystem. Field tests were carried out in 12 plots and a randomized experimental design with 4 levels, 3 replicas per level and 2 passes per plot was applied. The levels relate to the tillage implements employed: rotary tiller, rotary power harrow, small motorized rotary tiller and control (unaltered soil). The highest mass losses were measured in rotary tiller and rotary power harrow's tools, while the small motorized rotary tiller's tools showed generally lower levels of damage. It was determined that the effective contact time between tool and soil, the rotating speed and the sudden impact forces are the most significant factors affecting the wear resistance in field operations. Thirty days after tillage operation the soil samples were taken from each plot at a mean depth of 100 mm in order to determine bulk density, gravimetric moisture content and percentage of aggregates smaller than 5 mm. No significant differences among the values of these properties were found in the experiments. The wear mechanisms acting on the tools' surface are complex and include 2-body and 3-body abrasion as well as the presence of sudden impact forces.
AbstractINTRODUCTION:Chamomile ( Chamaemelum nobile ) is widely used throughout the world, and has anti-inflammatory, deodorant, bacteriostatic, antimicrobial, carminative, sedative, antiseptic, anti-catarrhal, and spasmolytic properties. Because of the increasing incidence of drug-resistant bacteria, the development of natural antibacterial sources such as medical herbs for the treatment of infectious diseases is necessary. Extracts from different plant parts such as the leaves, flowers, fruit, and bark of Combretum albiflorum, Laurus nobilis , and Sonchus oleraceus were found to possess anti-quorum sensing (QS) activities. In this study, we evaluated the effect of C. nobile against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formationMETHODS:The P. aeruginosa samples were isolated from patients with different types of infection, including wound infection, septicemia, and urinary tract infection. The flowers of C. nobile were dried and the extract was removed using a rotary device and then dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide at pH 7.4. The microdilution method was used to evaluate the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of this extract on P. aeruginosa , and biofilm inhibition was assayed.RESULTS:Eighty percent of the isolated samples (16/20) could form a biofilm, and most of these were isolated from wound infections. The biofilm inhibitory concentration of the C. nobile extract was 6.25-25mg/ml, whereas the MIC was 12.5-50mg/ml.CONCLUSIONS:The anti-QS property of C. nobile may play an important role in its antibacterial activity, thus offering an additional strategy in the fight against bacterial infections. However, molecular investigation is required to explore the exact mechanisms of the antibacterial action and functions of this phytocompound.
In the present study, different aerial parts from twelve Amazonian plant species found in the National Institute for Amazon Research's (INPA's) Adolpho Ducke Forest Reserve (in Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil) were collected. Separate portions of dried, ground plant materials were extracted with water (by infusion), methanol and chloroform (by continuous liquid-solid extraction) and solvents were removed first by rotary evaporation, and finally by freeze-drying which yielded a total of seventy-one freeze-dried extracts for evaluation. These extracts were evaluated initially at concentrations of 500 and 100 µg/mL for in vitro hemolytic activity and in vitro inhibition of platelet aggregation in human blood, respectively. Sixteen extracts (23 % of all extracts tested, 42 % of all plant species), representing the following plants: Chaunochiton kappleri (Olacaceae), Diclinanona calycina (Annonaceae), Paypayrola grandiflora (Violaceae), Pleurisanthes parviflora (Icacinaceae), Sarcaulus brasiliensis (Sapotaceae), exhibited significant inhibitory activity towards human platelet aggregation. A group of extracts with antiplatelet aggregation activity having no in vitro hemolytic activity has therefore been identified. Three extracts (4 %), all derived from Elaeoluma nuda (Sapotaceae), exhibited hemolytic activity. None of the plant species in this study has known use in traditional medicine. So, these data serve as a baseline or minimum of antiplatelet and hemolytic activities (and potential usefulness) of non-medicinal plants from the Amazon forest. Finally, in general, these are the first data on hemolytic and inhibitory activity on platelet aggregation for the genera which these plant species represent.
ABSTRACT The removal of thick layers of soil under native scrubland (Cerrado) on the right bank of the Paraná River in Selvíria (State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil) for construction of the Ilha Solteira Hydroelectric Power Plant caused environmental damage, affecting the revegetation process of the stripped soil. Over the years, various kinds of land use and management systems have been tried, and the aim of this study was to assess the effects of these attempts to restore the structural quality of the soil. The experiment was conducted considering five treatments and thirty replications. The following treatments were applied: stripped soil without anthropic intervention and total absence of plant cover; stripped soil treated with sewage sludge and planted to eucalyptus and grass a year ago; stripped soil developing natural secondary vegetation (capoeira) since 1969; pastureland since 1978, replacing the native vegetation; and soil under native vegetation (Cerrado). In the 0.00-0.20 m layer, the soil was chemically characterized for each experimental treatment. A 30-point sampling grid was used to assess soil porosity and bulk density, and to assess aggregate stability in terms of mean weight diameter (MWD) and geometric mean diameter (GMD). Aggregate stability was also determined using simulated rainfall. The results show that using sewage sludge incorporated with a rotary hoe improved the chemical fertility of the soil and produced more uniform soil pore size distribution. Leaving the land to develop secondary vegetation or turning it over to pastureland produced an intermediate level of structural soil quality, and these two treatments produced similar results. Stripped soil without anthropic intervention was of the lowest quality, with the lowest values for cation exchange capacity (CEC) and macroporosity, as well as the highest values of soil bulk density and percentage of aggregates with diameter size <0.50 mm, corroborated by its lower organic matter content. However, the percentage of larger aggregates was higher in the native vegetation treatment, which boosted MWD and GMD values. Therefore, assessment of some land use and management systems show that even decades after their implementation to mitigate the degenerative effects resulting from the installation of the Hydroelectric Plant, more efficient approaches are still required to recover the structural quality of the soil.
The objective of this study was to evaluate potato plant growth and macronutrient uptake, as affected by soil tillage methods, in sprinkle and drip irrigated experiments. Eight treatments were set: T1, no tillage, except for furrowing before planting; T2, one subsoiling (SS); T3, twice rotary hoeing (RH); T4, one disc plowing (DP) + twice disc harrow leveling (DL); T5, 1DP + 2DL + 1RH; T6, 1DP + 2DL + 2RH; T7, 1SS + T6; T8, one moldboard plowing (MP) + 2DL. Treatments were arranged in a randomized block design with four replications. In both irrigation systems, plants presented higher emergence velocity index (EVI), when the soil was not tillaged, and the EVI was inversely related to the maximum tuber dry mass production. In both experiments, a functional direct relationship was found between the leaf area index and maximum tuber dry mass yield. The growth of plant organs (tuber, leaf, stem and root) and the macronutrient (N, P, K, Ca and Mg) contents in potato plant responded positively to a deeper soil revolving caused by plowing, especially with moldboard plow.
The use of GFCI, ground-fault circuit interrupter, in the chemical laboratory is described, to improve the electrical safety of equipments such as rotary evaporators and constant temperature baths.
A new configuration for coupling a gas diffusion cell to a sequential injection system is presented. The matrix exchange is made without the need for additional rotary injection valves or peristaltic pumps, keeping the original mechanical components of the sequential injection apparatus: one syringe pump (or peristaltic pump) and one selection valve. The system was tested constructing analytical curves for sulfide exploring the formation of the methylene blue dye. The proposed method has a detection limit of 60 µg L-1 S2-, with a linear dynamic range between 0.10 and 4.0 mg L-1 S2- concentrations, with a sampling frequency of 20 h-1.
ABSTRACT Tractor traveling speed can influence the quality of spraying depending on the application technology used. This study aimed to evaluate the droplet spectrum, the deposition and uniformity of spray distribution with different spraying systems and traveling speeds of a self-propelled sprayer in two phenological stages of the cotton plant (B9 and F13). The experimental design was randomized blocks and treatments were three spraying techniques: common flat spray tips; tilted flat jet with air induction, at 120 L ha-1; and rotary atomizer disk, 20 L ha-1, combined with four traveling speeds: 12, 15, 18 and 25 km h-1, with four replications. Spraying deposition was evaluated for both leaf surfaces from the cotton plant apex and base (stage B9) and middle part of the plant (stage F13) with a cupric marker. A laser particle analyzer also assessed the droplet spectrum. The centrifugal power spray system produces more homogeneous droplet spectrum and increased penetration of droplets into the canopy in both phenological stages. Variation on the operating conditions necessary for increased traveling speed negatively influences the pattern of spraying deposits.
An Autonomous Mobile Robot battery driven, with two traction wheels and a steering wheel is being developed. This Robot central control is regulated by an IPC, which controls every function of security, steering, positioning localization and driving. Each traction wheel is operated by a DC motor with independent control system. This system is made up of a chopper, an encoder and a microcomputer. The IPC transmits the velocity values and acceleration ramp references to the PIC microcontrollers. As each traction wheel control is independent, it's possible to obtain different speed values for each wheel. This process facilities the direction and drive changes. Two different strategies for speed velocity control were implemented; one works with PID, and the other with fuzzy logic. There were no changes in circuits and feedback control, except for the PIC microcontroller software. Comparing the two different speed control strategies the results were equivalent. However, in relation to the development and implementation of these strategies, the difficulties were bigger to implement the PID control.
The objective of this work was to determine the coefficients of sorption and desorption of picloram in Ultisol (PVA) and Oxisol (LVA), displaying different physical and chemical characteristics. Samples of soil were collected at the 0 20 cm depth in degraded pasture areas in Viçosa-MG. Firstly, the equilibrium time between the herbicide in solution and the herbicide which was sorbed in the soil was determined by the Batch Equilibrium method. The time required was 24 hours. Sorption and desorption studies were carried out under controlled laboratory conditions; the sorption evaluation consisted in adding 10.0 mL of herbicide solutions at different concentrations to tubes containing 2.00 g of soil, with vertical rotary agitation being maintained during the pre-determined equilibrium time. After centrifugation, supernatant extract cleaning and filtration, herbicide concentration was determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV detection at 254 nm. Desorption was evaluated using the samples in the tubes after the sorption tests. The Freundlich model was used for interpretation of the sorption process. Ultisol showed higher adsorption coefficient (Kf a) compared with Oxisol, which may be attributed to the lower pH of the soil and its higher organic matter content. Desorption process occurred in both soils; the LVA allowed greater release of the previously sorbed molecules.
The system of rice intensification has emerged as a promising rice production package but weed infestation could lead to incomplete benefits from the system. A two-year field study was performed to determine an appropriate method of weed management in SRI. Weed management treatments were manual hoeing 20, 40 and 60 days after transplanting (DAT), hoeing with rotary hoe at 20, 40 and 60 DAT, hoeing with rotary hoe at 20 DAT + spray with sorghum and sunflower water extracts at 15 L ha-1 40 DAT, manual hoeing 20 DAT + spray with sorghum and sunflower water extracts, both in equal amount, at 15 L ha-1 40 DAT, orthosulfamuron at 145 g a.i. ha-1 7 DAT, weedy check and weed free. Manual hoeing at 20, 40 and 60 DAT was the treatment that exhibited the maximum kernel yield i.e. 5.34 and 4.99 t ha-1., which was 8.4 and 7.2% higher than orthosulfamuron and 61.0 and 64.9% higher than weedy check, during both years of study, respectively. The highest weed suppression was also achieved by manual hoeing at 20, 40 and 60 DAT with weed control efficiency of 87.89 and 82.32% during 2010 and 2011, respectively. Manual hoeing at 20, 40 and 60 DAT is an eco-friendly, non-chemical weed control method to increase kernel yield of fine rice under SRI.