189 resultados para lip biopsy
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Spirulina é uma cianobactéria que vem sendo produzida e estudada por suas propriedades nutricionais e por seus benefícios à saúde. Neste estudo, avaliou-se a influência de dietas acrescidas de diferentes concentrações de Spirulina sobre o desenvolvimento corporal e o perfil lipídico de ratos. Foram utilizados 24 ratos Wistar, alimentados, durante 40 dias, com quatro dietas isoproteicas (10%) distintas, sendo seis animais por grupo: 1) Dieta controle (AIN93G adaptada); 2) Dieta S1 (8,8% de Spirulina); 3) Dieta S2 (17,6% de Spirulina); 4) Dieta S3 (26,4% de Spirulina). Foram avaliados parâmetros nutricionais e o perfil lipídico dos animais, cujos dados foram analisados estatisticamente por Análise de Variância, seguida do teste de Tukey, a 5% de significância (p ≤ 0,05). O tratamento com 8,8% de Spirulina mostrou-se equivalente ao controle, apresentando respostas mais adequadas de CEA, medidas de crescimento e lipídios séricos. Já o S2 não foi capaz de promover um bom desenvolvimento corporal, comparado com o do controle, além de elevar os níveis de colesterol total e LDL-c. O tratamento S3 apresentou somente valores estatisticamente diferentes de HDL-c, quando comparado com os do controle (p ≤ 0,05). Conclui-se que, no tempo e condições do estudo, o tratamento S3, único com Spirulina como fonte exclusiva de proteína, foi capaz de substituir a fonte proteica padrão (caseína) na dieta para roedores, promovendo o adequado desenvolvimento corporal e lipídico dos animais.
From each of a group of 217 adult males selected through enzyme-immunoassay or skin-test (Group A), six stool samples were examined by both the Lutz/Hoffman, Pons & Janer (Lutz/HPJ) and Kato/Katz methods. In addition, one oogram of the rectal mucosa was performed. By these methods, schistosomiasis was detected in 44.7%, 47.5% and 40.1% of the individuals respectively. To evaluate the methods in the assessment of cure, the last 40 patients from group A, treated with a single oral dose of oxamniquine at 15 mg/kg were followed up for six months (Group B). The criteria for parasitological cure included three stool examinations by Kato/Katz and Lutz/HPJ methods, one, three and six months post-treatment and a rectal biopsy between the fourth and sixth months post-treatment. The examinations were negative in 87.5%, 90% and 95% of the patients, respectively. The efficacy of oxamniquine was 82.5% when the three methods were considered together and there was no statistically significant difference between the sensitivity of the individual methods.
Two cases of Chronic Pulmonary Histoplasmosis are reported and other eleven cases, collected from Brazilian literature, are commented. After being clinically cured, one of our patients presented an Aspergillus fungus ball inside a cavitation in the wall of which H. capsulatum was disclosed. Comments are also done on the diagnosis of the mycosis
Isolation of Leishmania parasite and species identification are important for confirmation and to help define the epidemiology of the leishmaniasis. Mice are often used to isolate pathogens, but the most common mouse strains are resistant to infection with parasites from the Leishmania (Viannia) subgenus. In this study we tested the inoculation of interferon gamma knockout (IFNγ KO) mice with biopsy macerates from Leishmania-infected patients to increase the possibility of isolating parasites. Biopsies from twenty five patients with clinical signs of leishmaniasis were taken and tested for the presence of parasites. Immunohistochemical assay (IHC) and conventional histopathology detected the parasite in 88% and 83% of the patients, respectively. Leishmania sp. were isolated in biopsy macerates from 52% of the patients by culture in Grace's insect medium, but 13% of isolates were lost due to contamination. Inoculation of macerates in IFNγ KO mice provides isolation of parasites in 31.8% of the biopsies. Most isolates belong to L. (Viannia) subgenus, as confirmed by PCR, except one that belongs to L. (Leishmania) subgenus. Our preliminary results support the use of IFNγ KO mice to improve the possibility to isolate New World Leishmania species.
Renal histology results are very scarce in dengue-associated rhabdomyolysis patients developing acute kidney injury (AKI). We report a case of dengue fever-induced AKI associated to rhabdomyolysis with a renal biopsy showing acute tubular necrosis (ATN) and renal deposition of myoglobin. A 28-year-old patient who presented dengue fever (DF) complicated by severe AKI and rhabdomyolysis is described. The patient required hemodialysis for three weeks. A renal biopsy revealed ATN with positive staining for myoglobin in the renal tubuli. The patient was discharged with recovered renal function. In conclusion, this case report described a biopsy proven ATN associated to DF-induced rhabdomyolysis, in which renal deposition of myoglobin was demonstrated. We suggest that serum creatine phosphokinase should be monitored in DF patients to allow for an early diagnosis of rhabdomyolysis and the institution of renal protective measures.
Liver biopsy is the gold standard method for the grading and staging of chronic viral hepatitis, but optimal biopsy specimen size remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of liver specimen (number of portal tracts) and to evaluate the impact of the number of portal tracts in the staging of chronic hepatitis. Material and Methods: 468 liver biopsies from consecutive patients with hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus infection from 2009 to 2010 were evaluated. Results: The length of fragment was less than 10 mm in 43 cases (9.3%), between 10 and 14 mm in 114 (24.3%), and ≥ 15 mm in 311 (64.4%); of these, in 39 (8.3%) cases were ≥ 20 mm. The mean representation of portal tracts was 17.6 ± 2.1 (5-40); in specimens ≥ 15 mm the mean portal tract was 13.5 ± 4.7 and in cases ≤ 15 mm was 11.4 ± 5.0 (p = 0.002). Cases with less than 11 portal tracts were associated with F3, and cases with 11 or more portal tracts with F2 (p = 0.001). Conclusion: this study demonstrated the good quality of liver biopsy and a relationship between the macroscopic size of the fragment and the number of portal tracts.
In Brazil, a high prevalence of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection has been documented. In immunocompetent adults CMV infection is usually asymptomatic and therefore morphologic and immunophenotypic bone marrow changes have rarely been described. The authors report the case of a previously healthy patient who developed fever of undetermined origin. The diagnosis of acute CMV infection was based on serological testing. A computed tomographic scan showed mediastinal lymphadenopathy. A bone marrow biopsy revealed a hypercellular haematopoiesis with eosinophilia and large mixed T- and B-cell lymphoid aggregates. In spite of bcl-2 positivity, their reactive nature was demonstrated. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and immunohistochemistry were unable to detect CMV-DNA in paraffin-embedded bone marrow sections. Much like in other systemic disorders, the lymphoid nodules in this case seemed to be caused by immunological mechanisms, possibly due to cytokines released in response to the systemic infectious process.
PURPOSE: To report the experience of a radiology department in the use of computed tomography - guided cutting needle biopsy of pulmonary nodules, by evaluating diagnostic yield and incidence of complications. METHODS: This is a retrospective analysis of 52 consecutive patients who underwent lung lesion biopsy guided by computed tomography, performed between May 1997 and May 2000. Thirty-five patients were male and 17 were female, with ages ranging from 5 to 85 years (median, 62 years). The size of the lesions ranged from 1.8 to 15 cm (median, 5.4 cm). RESULTS: In a total of 52 biopsies of lung lesions, 51 biopsies (98.1%) supplied appropriate material for histopathological diagnosis, with 9 diagnosed (17.3%) as benign and 42 (80.8%) as malignant lesions. Specific diagnosis was obtained in 44 (84.6%) biopsies: 4 benign (9.1%) and 40 (90.9%) malignant lesions. The sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the cutting needle biopsies for determining presence of malignancy were 96.8%, 100%, and 97.2%, respectively. Complications occurred in 9 cases (17.3%), including 6 cases (11.5%) of small pneumothorax, 1 (1.9%) of hemoptysis, 1 (1.9%) of pulmonary hematoma, and 1 (1.9%) of thoracic wall hematoma. All had spontaneous resolution. There were no complications requiring subsequent intervention. CONCLUSION: The high sensitivity and specificity of the method and the low rate of complications have established cutting needle biopsy as an efficient and safe tool for the diagnosis of lung lesions. In our hospital, cutting needle biopsy is considered a reliable procedure for the evaluation of indeterminate pulmonary nodules.
Patients with unilateral cleft lip display characteristic nasal changes that are independent of the degree of deformity. Defenders of the intrinsic theory consider these deformities to be due to embryogenic alterations of the alar nasal cartilages. Those that propose the extrinsic theory defend the thesis that the deformity is due to disorganization of the perioral muscles deformed by the cleft. The purpose of this study is to contribute histological evidence to help clarify the issue. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Specimens of the lateral portion of both the healthy and the cleft side of the alar cartilages were obtained from 18 patients. These uniformly cut specimens were stained by hematoxylin and eosin. Samples from 2 patients were excluded due to imperfections. The same pathologist examined all the slides. He was unaware of the origins of the specimens; he counted the number of chondrocytes and quantified the cartilage matrixes. RESULTS: All data was analyzed statistically, and no significant statistical differences were apparent, either in the number of chondrocytes or the cartilage matrix between the healthy side and the cleft side. DISCUSSION: These results apparently support the group that defend the extrinsic theory; nevertheless, the doubt about the composition of the cartilage matrix remains, not only concerning the glycosaminoglycans that compose them, but also regarding elastin and collagen and its linkages that can cause different degrees of collagen consistency.
PURPOSE: To report the experience of a radiology department in the use of computed tomography guided biopsies of mediastinal lesions with fine and cutting needles, describing the differences between them. The results of adequacy of the sample and histologic diagnoses are presented according to the type of needle used. METHODS: We present a retrospective study of mediastinal biopsies guided by computed tomography performed from January 1993 to December 1999. Eighty-six patients underwent mediastinal biopsy in this period, 37 with cutting needles, 38 with fine needles, and 11 with both types (total of 97 biopsies). RESULTS: In most cases, it was possible to obtain an adequate sample (82.5%) and specific diagnosis (67.0%). Cutting-needle biopsy produced a higher percentage of adequate samples (89.6% versus 75.5%, P = 0.068) and of specific diagnosis (81.3% versus 53.1%, P = 0.003) than fine-needle biopsy. There were no complications that required intervention in either group. CONCLUSION: Because they are practical, safe, and can provide accurate diagnoses, image-guided biopsies should be considered the procedure of choice in the initial exploration of patients with mediastinal masses. In our experience, cutting needles gave higher quality samples and diagnostic rates. We recommend the use of cutting needles as the preferred procedure.
Os lipídeos exercem diversas funções biológicas, como constituintes de membranas, precursores de hormônios, e por seu alto conteúdo calórico, um eficiente composto para estoque de energia. Nos peixes, ao contrário dos mamíferos, os modelos de deposição lipídica são mais diversos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a concentração de lipídeo total no plasma e nos tecidos somático e reprodutivo do matrinxã, Brycon cephalus, macho e fêmea, destacando alguns índices somáticos relacionados à dinâmica desse substrato. De outubro/97 a janeiro/99, foram amostrados, mensalmente, 8 a 12 peixes, totalizando 174 animais. Após anestesia, retirou-se sangue heparinizado para dosagem do triacilglicerol plasmático. Cada peixe foi mensurado e fígado, gônadas e gordura visceral retirados e pesados para cálculo do IHS (índice hepatossomático) IGS (índice gonadossomático) e IGVS (índice gorduro-viscerossomático). Os maiores teores do lipídeo total ocorreram no músculo vermelho, com aproximadamente 18%, seguido pelo fígado e gônadas com valores médios de 16,5%. O músculo branco apresentou o menor teor com 2,3%. A análise de variância dos IHS e IGVS mostrou que ambos apresentaram efeito significativo para bimestre, com índices mais baixos em períodos de temperaturas mais altas, e não significativo para sexo e a interação sexo e bimestre. O matrinxã estoca lipídeos em vários tecidos corpóreos incluindo gordura mesentérica, fígado, músculos e gônadas.
Even with all progress in the search of sensitive and methods for the immunological diagnosis of schistosomiasis, the microscopic detection of eggs of the parasite in the stool still remains the most widely used tool for the actual diagnosis of active infection. Among the coproscopic methods, Kato's technic modified by Katz et al (Kato/Katz) has the advantages of higher sensitivity, the possibility of egg quantification, its low operational cost and its feasibility in areas with minimal infra-structure. The oorgram of the rectal mucosa is valuable in initial clinical trials of schistosomicides, when it is needed to observe egg morphology in tissue. It could be an alternative method for individual diagnosis, being more sensitive than a single stool exam in low intensity infection. However, the increased sensitivity of a higher number of fecal exams makes that invasiveprocedure unnecessary. In the assessment of cure of schistosomiasis, Kato/Katz method (three fecal samples in one, three and six months after treatment) and the rectal biopsy four months after treatment, are equally reliable.
Resistance of Helicobacter pylori to clarithromycin is characterised by simple point mutations in the 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene and is responsible for the majority of cases of failure to eradicate this bacterium. In this paper, we characterised the variability of the 23S rRNA gene in biopsies of patients with gastric pathologies in the eastern Amazon (Northern Region of Brazil) using PCR and sequencing. A total of 49 sequences of H. pylori strains were analysed and of those, 75.6% presented nucleotide substitutions: A2142G (3.3%), T2182C (12.9%), G2224A (6.45%), T2215C (61.3%), A2192G (3.3%), G2204C (6.4%) and T2221C (6.4%). Of the mutations identified, four are known mutations related to cases of resistance and 16.1% are not yet described, revealing a high prevalence of mutations in the H. pylori 23S rRNA gene among the strains circulating in the in the eastern Amazon. The high prevalence in individuals with gastric pathologies in the Northern Region of Brazil demonstrates the need for characterising the profile of these strains to provide correct therapy for patients, considering that mutations in this gene are normally associated with resistance to the primary medication used in controlling H. pylori infection.