Computed tomography-guided biopsy of mediastinal lesions: fine versus cutting needles

Autoria(s): Farias,André Piovesan de; Deheinzelin,Daniel; Younes,Riad N.; Chojniak,Rubens



PURPOSE: To report the experience of a radiology department in the use of computed tomography guided biopsies of mediastinal lesions with fine and cutting needles, describing the differences between them. The results of adequacy of the sample and histologic diagnoses are presented according to the type of needle used. METHODS: We present a retrospective study of mediastinal biopsies guided by computed tomography performed from January 1993 to December 1999. Eighty-six patients underwent mediastinal biopsy in this period, 37 with cutting needles, 38 with fine needles, and 11 with both types (total of 97 biopsies). RESULTS: In most cases, it was possible to obtain an adequate sample (82.5%) and specific diagnosis (67.0%). Cutting-needle biopsy produced a higher percentage of adequate samples (89.6% versus 75.5%, P = 0.068) and of specific diagnosis (81.3% versus 53.1%, P = 0.003) than fine-needle biopsy. There were no complications that required intervention in either group. CONCLUSION: Because they are practical, safe, and can provide accurate diagnoses, image-guided biopsies should be considered the procedure of choice in the initial exploration of patients with mediastinal masses. In our experience, cutting needles gave higher quality samples and diagnostic rates. We recommend the use of cutting needles as the preferred procedure.







Faculdade de Medicina / Universidade de São Paulo - FM/USP


Revista do Hospital das Clínicas v.58 n.2 2003

Palavras-Chave #Mediastinal masses #Tomography, computed axial #Needle biopsy

journal article