98 resultados para factor VII
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
Coagulation abnormality is frequently observed in schistosomiasis patients but its pathophysiology has not been established. We measured, by immunodiffusion. the prothrombin-antigen concentration in 56 individuals; of these 19 with demonstrated compensated form of hepatosplenic schistosomiasis, 17 with cirrhosis and 20 were control subjects. Transaminases, albumin, transthyretin, prothrombin time, antithrombin III, factor VII, and fibrinogen were also evaluated. All parameters were altered in the cirrhotic group but only albumin, prothrombin and antithrombin III levels were altered in the schistosomiasis group. Ninety percent of the patients with cirrhosis and sixty percent of the patients with schistosomiasis had abnormal plasma levels of albumin, transthyretin, prothrombin-antigen, and/or antithrombin III; an impaired hepatic synthesis was responsible for these results. Conversely forty percent of the schistosomiasis patients with normal plasma concentrations of both albumin and transthyretin had decreased mean plasma levels of both prothrombin and antithrombin III. These results suggest that either proth rombin and antithrombin III are more sensitive markers of impaired hepatic synthesis in schistosomiasis than are levels of albumin and transthyretin combined, or a low grade chronic consumption of clotting proteins also occurs. Considering the latter hypothesis it is possible that the thrombin formed would be inhibited by antithrombin III with the complexed thrombin-antithrombin III being cleared by the liver. Consequently the plasma levels of both prothrombin and antithrombin would be decreased, but the level of fibrinogen would be preserved.
Nas colônias desenvolvidas espontaneamente em ecótopos artificiais, representados por galinheiros experimentais, procurou-se observar a permanência e a mobilidade de Triatoma sordida. Para tanto, procedeu-se à marcação individual de adultos e ninfas de 4.° e 5.° estádios, bem como à instalação de abrigos ao redor daqueles biótopos. Os dados obtidos permitiram observar a curta permanência dos primeiros na colônia, não ultrapassando o período de dois meses para a maioria dessas formas. A mobilidade evidenciou-se pela presença de ovos e ninfas de 1.° estádio, nos esconderijos instalados, e as evidências sugeriram ser devidas à passagem dos adultos por esses ecótopos. Concluiu-se que esta espécie é dotada de elevada capacidade de disseminação, em concordância com sua apreciável valência ecológica.
Como parte de estudo populacional sobre condições de saúde na infância, uma amostra representativa das crianças menores de cinco anos residentes no Município de São Paulo, SP (Brasil) (n=695) foi submetida a exames parasitológicos de fezes. Os exames foram realizados através da técnica de sedimentação e, quando as fezes tinham consistência amolecida ou liquefeita, também pela técnica do exame direto. A prevalência de enteroparasitoses em geral foi de 30,9%, sendo de 16,4%, 14,5% e 12,5% as prevalências específicas da ascaridíase, giardíase e tricuríase. Prevalências inferiores foram assinaladas para os enteroparasitas E. histolytica, H. nana e S. stercoralis, respectivamente 2,0%, 0,9% e 0,3%. Em apenas uma criança foram encontrados ovos de ancilostomídeos e em nenhuma delas ovos de Schistosoma mansoni. Das crianças examinadas, 13,1% apresentaram duas ou mais espécies de enteroparasitas e 4,8% três ou mais. As prevalências atuais, comparadas às prevalências encontradas em 1973/74 por outro inquérito populacional realizado no município, indicam queda expressiva da ascaridíase e tricuríase, mas não da giardíase. A estratificação das prevalências segundo faixa etária revelou aumento significativo com a idade da criança, chamando atenção o aumento que ocorre do primeiro para o segundo ano de vida. As enteroparasitoses aumentam também significativamente sua freqüência à medida que piora o nível socioeconômico, chegando a ser de nove vezes a diferença de prevalência existente entre os estratos socioeconômicos extremos da população. No caso específico da giardíase o gradiente socioeconômico foi consideravelmente menor do que o encontrado para as demais enteroparasitoses, o que confirma a maior complexidade epidemiológica do problema.
OBJETIVO: El estrato socioeconómico juega un rol importante en las desigualdades en salud. En México, la prevalencia más alta de casos de SIDA se encuentra en población de estratos más bajos. El propósito de lo estudio fue describir el estrato socioeconómico (ajustado por variables psicosociales, situacionales y demográficas) como un factor predictor del uso consistente del condón, en adolescentes. MÉTODOS: Se incluyó en el estudio una muestra de una encuesta previa aplicada a 1.410 adolescentes de 15 a 19 años y estratificada por edad, género y estrato socioeconómico de Guadalajara, México. El análisis fue aplicado sobre los 251 adolescentes que reportaron actividad sexual. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante Ji Cuadrada, t-test, ANOVA y regresión logística. RESULTADOS: La frecuencia de uso consistente de condón fue 30,7% y hubo una prevalencia de uso irregular. El estrato socioeconómico alto fue el principal predictor (OR= 11,1, CI95%= 2,6-47,6). Otros predictores significativos fueron el género masculino, el soporte de los pares y el nivel alto de conocimientos sobre VIH/SIDA. CONCLUSIÓN: El estrato socioeconómico es un importante factor predictor del uso consistente del condón.
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to evaluate whether adolescent pregnancy is a risk factor for low birth weight (LBW) babies. METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study of mothers and their newborns from a birth cohort in Aracaju, Northeastern Brazil. Data were collected consecutively from March to July 2005. Information collected included socioeconomic, biological and reproductive aspects of the mothers, using a standardized questionnaire. The impact of early pregnancy on birth weight was evaluated by multiple logistic regression. RESULTS: We studied 4,746 pairs of mothers and their babies. Of these, 20.6% were adolescents (< 20 years of age). Adolescent mothers had worse socioeconomic and reproductive conditions and perinatal outcomes when compared to other age groups. Having no prenatal care and smoking during pregnancy were the risk factors associated with low birth weight. Adolescent pregnancy, when linked to marital status "without partner", was associated with an increased proportion of low birth weight babies. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescence was a risk factor for LBW only for mothers without partners. Smoking during pregnancy and lack of prenatal care were considered to be independent risk factors for LBW.
Os autores realizaram um estudo do estado nutricional por antropometria num grupo de 405 crianças de 3 a 72 meses de idade, residentes na área urbana da cidade de Cáceres - Região do Polonoroeste no Estado do Mato Grosso. Mediante a aplicação de um questionário ao responsável pela criança, pesquisou-se a ocorrência de diarréias na mesma população. O objetivo do estudo foi verificar a prevalência de desnutrição e a freqüência de diarréias nessas crianças. Utilizaram-se as classificações propostas por GOMEZ e WATERLOW para verificar a prevalência e a natureza da desnutrição. Foi verificado que a desnutrição ocorreu em 33% das crianças segundo a classificação de GOMEZ. Segundo os critérios de WATERLOW a forma de desnutrição de maior proporção encontrada foi a pregressa, com percentual de 36%. Entre as crianças desnutridas a freqüência de diarréias foi de 47% sendo a relação entre diarréia e desnutrição estatisticamente significante.
The amoebae's cytotoxicity test and the amoebae's lysis test were used to show possible interactions between rheumatoid factor (RF) and Entamoeba histolytica. Amoebae's cytotoxic activity (ACA) was inhibited by affinity chromatography purified antiamoebae rabbit IgG (RIgG). Enhanced inhibition could be demonstrated with RIgG plus RF. But the same marked inhibition of ACA could be seen when replacing RF by heat inactivated normal human serum as a control. About 50% amoebae's lysis occurred when amoebae were brought together with native normal human serum (NNHS) as a source of complement. Amoebae's lysis increased to 60% when incubated with NHS plus human antiamoebae antibodies. No further augmentation could be obtained by the addition of RF. Using RIgG instead of human antibodies the lysis rate did not increase. Incubation of amoebae, NNHS, RIgG and RF even reduced amoebae's lysis. RF neither has an effect on ACA nor on complement mediated AL in vitro.
Leptospirosis is an important cause of acute renal failure in our environment. Although several mechanisms are implicated, the role of rhabdomyolysis in the pathogenesis of acute renal failure in leptospirosis has not been analysed. Sixteen patients with the diagnosis of leptospiroses consecutively admitted to the hospital were prospectively studied. The disease was characterized by sudden onset in all patients and, at admission, jaundice, conjunctival suffusion and myalgias. Mild to moderate proteinuria with unremarkable urinary sediment was recorded in 37.5% of the patients and abnormal levels of urea creatinine were found in 87.5% and 74.0%, respectively. Increased levels of aminotranspherase were documented in all 12 and CPK in all 10 patients studied. Serum myoglobin levels greater than 120µg/l recorded in 56.2%. A correlation between myoglobin and renal failure or severity of disease, however, could not be established.
Evaluation of TNF-alpha in patients with Kala-azar has drawn increasing interest due to its regulatory role on the immune system, in addition to its cachetizing activity. The objective of this study was to examine the association between plasma levels of TNF-alpha, measured by immunore-activity (ELISA) and bioactivity (cytotoxicity assay with L-929 cells), and clinical manifestations of visceral leishmaniasis. Plasma samples from 19 patients with Kala-azar were obtained before, during and at the end of antimonial therapy. TNF-alpha determinations was done by using the cytotoxicity assay (all patients) and the enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA - 14 patients). A discrepancy between results obtained by ELISA and cytotoxicity assay was observed. Levels of circulating TNF-alpha, assessed by ELISA, were higher in patients than in healthy controls, and declined significantly with improvement in clinical and laboratory parameters. Plasma levels before treatment were 124.7 ± 93.3 pg/ml (mean ± SD) and were higher than at the end of therapy 13.9 ± 25.1 pg/ml (mean ± SD) (p = 0.001). In contrast, plasma levels of TNF-alpha evaluated by cytotoxicity assay did not follow a predicted course during follow-up. Lysis, in this case, might be not totally attributed to TNF-alpha. The discrepancy might be attributed to the presence of factor(s) known to influence the release and activity of TNF-alpha.
The mannose-resistant hemagglutinating factor (HAF) was extracted and purified from a diffuse adherent Escherichia coli (DAEC) strain belonging to the classic enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) serotype (0128). The molecular weight of HAF was estimated to be 18 KDa by SDS-PAGE and 66 KDa by Sephadex G100, suggesting that the native form of HAF consists of 3-4 monomeric HAF. Gold immunolabeling with specific HAF antiserum revealed that the HAF is not a rigid structure like fimbriae on the bacterial surface. The immunofluorescence test using purified HAF on HeLa cells, in addition to the fact that the HAF is distributed among serotypes of EPEC, suggests that HAF is a possible adhesive factor of DAEC strains
Experimental murine L. major infection is characterized by the expansion of distinct CD4+ T cell subsets. The Th1 response is related to production of IFN-g and resolution of infection, whereas Th-2 response with production of IL-4 and IL-10 and dissemination of infection. The objective of this study was to measure the circulating levels of IFN-g, IL-10 and TNF-a in patients with visceral leishmaniasis (VL) before, during and at the end of therapy and to examine the association between cytokine levels and activity of VL. Fifteen patients with VL were evaluated. The cytokine determinations were done by using the enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) before, during and at the end of therapy. At baseline, we detected circulating levels of IFN-g in 13 of 15 patients (median = 60 pg/ml); IL-10 in 14 of 15 patients (median = 141.4 pg/ml); and TNF-a in 13 of 14 patients (median = 38.9 pg/ml). As patients improved, following antimonial therapy, circulating levels of IL-10 showed an exponential decay (y = 82.34 e0,10367x, r = 0.659; p < 0.001). IFN-g was no longer detected after 7/14 days of therapy. On the other hand, circulating levels of TNF-a had a less pronounced decay with time on therapy, remaining detectable in most patients during the first seven days of therapy (y = 36.99-0.933x, r = 0.31; p = 0.05). Part of the expression of a successful response to therapy may, therefore, include reduction in secretion of inflammatory as well as suppressive cytokines. Since IL-10 and IFN-g are both detected prior to therapy, the recognized cellular immune depression seen in these patients may be due to biological predominance of IL-10 (type 2 cytokine), rather than lack of IFN-g (type 1 cytokine) production.
Foram isoladas duas cepas de Trypanosoma cruzi de marsupiais de área não endêmica e três cepas de área endêmica: uma de homem, uma de marsupial e uma de cão. Foram utilizados para uma prova de suscetibilidade frente a estas cepas 20 ninfas de 5º estádio das seguintes espécies de triatomíneos e testada previamente a capacidade de sugar camundongos brancos em gramas de sangue: Triatoma brasiliensis sugou uma média de 0,09 g, Triatoma infestans sugou 0,13 g, Panstrongylus megistus sugou 0,13 g e Rhodnius prolixus sugou 0,09 g. O T. infestans infectou-se com as taxas mais elevadas com todas as cepas; o T. brasiliensis foi a espécie que menos infectou-se, sendo seguida de perto pelo R. prolixus o P. megistus foi testado somente com as cepas de área não endêmica, apresentando taxas de infecção intermediárias entre o T. infestans e o T. brasiliensis. As cepas que mais infectam são as de marsupiais e a que menos infecta é a proveniente de cão.