12 resultados para Superconducting tape
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar processos de espalhamento e secagem de filme de amido-glicerol-fibras de celulose, preparado por "tape-casting". O espalhamento da suspensão foi avaliado a 50, 150 e 250 cm min-1, seguido de secagem em estufa com circulação forçada de ar, a 40 ou 70ºC; avaliou-se também o espalhamento da suspensão a 150 cm min-1, seguido da secagem do filme sobre suporte de "tape-casting" a 22ºC e 60% de umidade relativa, com velocidades do ar de 4, 6 e 8 m s-1 no túnel de secagem. Ensaios reológicos mostraram que o espalhamento das suspensões a temperaturas inferiores a 50ºC apresentou módulo de elasticidade superior ao módulo viscoso, em todo o espectro de frequências de oscilação. As microscopias mostraram filmes secos a 40 e 70ºC sem defeitos de formação, e cujas propriedades mecânicas não diferiam. A velocidade de espalhamento e a do ar não modificam o tempo de secagem nem as propriedades dos filmes. O tempo de secagem pode ser reduzido para aproximadamente duas horas, o que é importante para a produção dos filmes em larga escala.
Pinworm infection was prospectively studied during one year in 469 children attending three day care centers. Each child was examined at six months intervals using up to three perianal swabs with adhesive tape. Those found infected were treated with mebendazole. At the beginning of the study we found a prevalence of 28% that dropped to 13% and 12% in the following study periods. The reinfection rate was twice the incidence rate in both study periods. We also found a small percentage (10%) of the children reinfected in most or all study periods. There was a high correlation between reinfection and perianal itching. Our results add further knowledge to the epidemiology of intestinal parasites in day care centers.
A single and practical method to slain Malassezia furfur and Corynebacterium minutissimum in lesions' scales is described. The scales are collected by pressing small pieces of scotch tape (about 4 cm lenght and 2 cm width) onto the lesions and following withdrawl the furfuraceous scales will remain on the glue side. These pieces are then immersed for some minutes in lactophenol-cotton blue stain. Following absorption of the stain the scales are washed in current water to remove the excess of blue stain, dried with filter paper, dehydrated via passage in two bottles containing absolute alcohol and then placed in xylene in a centrifugation tube. The xylene dissolves the scotch tape glue and the scales fall free in the tube. After centrifugation and decantation the scales concentrated on the bottom of the tube are collected with a platinum-loop, placed in Canada balsam on a microscopy slide and closed with a cover slip. The preparations are then ready to be submitted to microscopic examination. Other stains may also be used instead of lactophenol-cotton blue. This method is simple, easily performed, and offers good conditions to study these fungi as well as being useful for the diagnosis of the diseases that they cause.
INTRODUCTION: A contribution to the regional epidemiological profile of the most common fungal agents in Public Health Services in Cuiabá, state of Mato Grosso, including university hospitals and polyclinics. METHODS: Clinical specimens (n = 1,496) from 1,078 patients were collected, submitted to direct mycological exam (potash or stick tape method) and cultured in specific mediums. Dermatophytic and non-dermatophytic agents were identified according to micromorphology (Ridell technique). RESULTS: The majority of the 1,496 specimens were skin (n = 985) and nail exams (n = 472). Of the 800 positive cultures, 246 (30.8%) corresponded to dermatophytes and 336 (42%) to yeasts of the genus Candida, 190 (23.7%) to other yeasts, 27 (3.4%) to non-dermatophytic filamentous fungi and one (0.1%) the agent of subcutaneous mycosis. Lesions considered primary occurred in greater numbers (59.5%) than recurrent lesions (37.4%), with a greater concentration of positivity occurring on the arms and legs. CONCLUSIONS: Comorbidities, allergies and diabetes mellitus were conditions associated with greater positivity in direct mycological exams and cultures. Positive culture was considered a definitive diagnosis of fungal infection and confirmed 47.8% of diagnostic hypotheses.
INTRODUCTION: There is no study relating magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to ultrasound (US) findings in patients with Schistosomiasis mansoni. Our aim was to describe MRI findings inpatients with schistosomal liver disease identified by US. METHODS: Fifty-four patients (mean age 41.6±13.5years) from an area endemic for Schistosomiasis mansoni were selected for this study.All had US indicating liver schistosomal fibrosis and were evaluated with MRI performed witha 1.5-T superconducting magnet unit (Sigma). RESULTS: Forty-seven (87%) of the 54 patientsshowing signs of periportal fibrosis identified through US investigation had confirmed diagnosesby MRI. In the seven discordant cases (13%), MRI revealed fat tissue filling in the hilar periportalspace where US indicated isolated thickening around the main portal vein at its point of entryto the liver. We named this the fatty hilum sign. One of the 47 patients with MRI evidence ofperiportal fibrosis had had his gallbladder removed previously. Thirty-five (76.1%) of the other46 patients had an expanded gallbladder fossa filled with fat tissue, whereas MRI of the remainingeleven showed pericholecystic signs of fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: Echogenic thickening of thegallbladder wall and of the main portal vein wall heretofore attributed to fibrosis were frequentlyidentified as fat tissue in MRI. However, the gallbladder wall thickening shown in US (expandedgallbladder fossa in MRI) is probably secondary to combined hepatic morphologic changes inschistosomiasis, representing severe liver involvement.
INTRODUCTION: Whether Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm) infections among preschool children in Taipei City had truly declined was investigated. METHODS: A total of 6,661 preschool children from 28 nurseries were randomly selected from 4 major geographic districts in Taipei City to examine the status of pinworm infection by using adhesive thin cellophane tape swab method. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of pinworm infection was 0.5% (30/6,661). Boys (0.6%; 21/3,524) had higher prevalence than girls (0.3%; 9/3,137) (p=0.06). Southern district (0.6%; 10/1,789) showed insignificantly higher prevalence than Western district (0.2%; 1/606) (p=0.22). CONCLUSIONS: Pinworm screening program remains necessary for some parts of Taipei City.
A movimentação de pacientes no leito, é um procedimento que requer grande esforço físico e utilização de boa mecânica corporal pelo pessoal de enfermagem, afim de prevenir-lhes problemas de dores nas costas. Reconhecendo a importância da movimentação e posicionamento, para promover segurança e conforto ao paciente, e diante das queixas dos profissionais, descritas na literatura, este trabalho tem por objetivos: identificar e analisar as posturas assumidas pelos trabalhadores de enfermagem e, identificar as facilidades e dificuldades encontradas durante a execução da referida atividade. Através da técnica de observação direta foram filmados, através de vídeo tape, trinta procedimentos de movimentação de paciente no leito executados por trabalhadores de enfermagem de uma clínica ortopédica de um hospital universitário. Os resultados evidenciaram que os trinta procedimentos foram executados ao longo de 197,41 minutos e que a postura corporal mais freqüentemente assumida foi coluna inclinada, braço com cotovelo abaixo da bancada, pernas extensão (53,76%). De acordo com os princípios da mecânica corporal e da ergonomia, tal postura é considerada penosa ao homem, devido às agressões músculo-esqueléticas e à sobrecarga física que acarreta. Os trabalhadores apontaram os aspectos: pequeno espaço (58,82%), elevada carga física (52,94%) e falta de pessoal (47,06%) como as principais dificuldades encontradas na execução da movimentação de paciente no leito, corroborando com os achados da literatura, caracterizando essa atividade como penosa, também apontaram que o uso da técnica adequada para movimentar o paciente (35,29%), o uso do lençol (35,29%)e o espaço adequado da enfermaria (23,52%), como aspectos que facilitariam a execução do procedimento.
In the primitively eusocial wasps, especially Polistini and Mischocyttarini tribes, the physiological condition of each individual is strongly associated with its dominance status in the colonial hierarchy. As a rule, in independent-founding wasps, female wasps are all morphologically alike, and their role is apparently quite flexible even as adults. However, some studies have shown that differences in body size can exist between reproductive and non-reproductive females. Thus, the present study aimed at detecting differences between reproductive (inseminated) and non-reproductive (uninseminated) individuals based on morphological and physiological parameters. We tape-recorded the daily behavioural repertory of six colonies of Mischocyttarus cassununga for determining the hierarchical dominance in the field, and then collected these colonies (in different cycle stages) for measuring 13 set characters, and assessing the physiological condition of each individual by inspecting their fat bodies and ovaries. Our results revealed that inseminated and uninseminated females are not significantly different in relation to body size, in spite of first group shows higher average than second in almost all measured parts. The physiological evaluation of each individual demonstrated more than one inseminated female per colony during all stages of the colony cycle, suggesting a strategic condition of this species against difficulties (predation and parasitism of the colony) in nature.
The objective of this work was to evaluated a procedure for somatic embryogenesis and regeneration of cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) elite clones. Petal explants from cacao clones TSH 565 and TSH 1188 were cultured on PCG and SCG-2 media, for calli growth. Somatic embryos were formed on the surface of embryogenic calli after transfer to embryo development (ED) medium. Clone TSH 565 showed a higher embryogenic potential than TSH 1188. The best combination of carbon source for embryo induction in ED medium was genotype-specific. Embryogenic callus formations increased in micropore tape-sealed Petri dishes, irrespective of cacao genotype. Mature somatic embryos were successfully converted into plantlets.
OBJETIVO: Descrever a importância da ultra-sonografia transvulvar na avaliação das diferenças anatômicas induzidas pelas cirurgias de sling de fáscia lata e tension-free vaginal tape. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Quarenta mulheres com incontinência urinária de esforço, com idades entre 30 e 60 anos, foram tratadas por sling de fáscia lata (20 pacientes) ou tension-free vaginal tape (20 pacientes). A ultra-sonografia transvulvar da junção uretrovesical e da uretra proximal foi a principal ferramenta de investigação pré- e pós-operatória. Os parâmetros estudados foram: distância vertical e distância horizontal da junção uretrovesical, distância pubouretral e comprimento da uretra proximal. RESULTADOS: A distância vertical da junção uretrovesical não variou significativamente após a sling de fáscia lata (p > 0,10). A distância pubouretral e a uretra proximal tornaram-se menores (p < 0,003) e a distância horizontal da junção uretrovesical tornou-se menor só no repouso (p = 0,03) após a sling de fáscia lata. A tension-free vaginal tape diminuiu o deslocamento vertical da junção uretrovesical (p = 0,0005) e o comprimento da uretra proximal (p = 0,02). CONCLUSÃO: A ultra-sonografia transvulvar foi fundamental para documentar que as cirurgias de sling de fáscia lata e tension-free vaginal tape alongam a uretra proximal, sendo a sling de fáscia lata de forma mais eficaz. A sling de fáscia lata enfoca a diminuição da distância pubouretral e a tension-free vaginal tape, o deslocamento vertical da junção uretrovesical.
OBJETIVO: comparar as cirurgias de sling de aponeurose e TVT (do inglês tension-free vaginal tape) para correção da incontinência urinária de esforço (IUE) quanto às taxas de cura subjetiva e objetiva, à mobilidade do colo vesical ao ultra-som, à variação do teste do absorvente, às alterações urodinâmicas e à incidência de complicações. MÉTODOS: foram selecionadas 80 pacientes com IUE. Destas, 61 foram operadas pela técnica de TVT e 19 por sling de aponeurose do reto abdominal. As médias de idade, índice de massa corpórea e paridade foram 50,1 anos, 29,7 kg/m² e 4,5 partos (mediana=3) para as pacientes com sling de aponeurose e de 51,7 anos, 28,1 kg/m² e 4,1 partos (mediana=3) para aquelas com TVT. Todas se submeteram a anamnese, exame físico, ultra-sonografia do colo vesical, teste do absorvente e estudo urodinâmico no pré-operatório e após, pelo menos, seis meses depois da cirurgia. Após 15 ou 19 meses e depois de cerca de quatro a cinco anos, foram novamente entrevistadas quanto aos resultados da cirurgia. RESULTADOS: quanto à avaliação subjetiva, após seis meses, julgaram-se curadas 96,7% das mulheres com TVT e 89,5% das com sling. Porém, após 15 a 19 meses, o Grupo TVT manteve a mesma taxa de cura subjetiva, enquanto que no Grupo Sling houve redução para 77,8%. Houve diminuição significativa da mobilidade do colo vesical, similar em ambos os grupos, e melhora no teste do absorvente. No final do estudo urodinâmico, foram classificadas como cura objetiva 93,4% das mulheres do Grupo TVT e 78,9% daquelas do Grupo Sling. O tempo médio de sondagem vesical foi maior no Grupo Sling. Observou-se retenção urinária em 42,1% dos casos de sling e em 9,8% de TVT. As taxas de cura tardia foram 90% para TVT e 55,6% para sling. CONCLUSÕES: a cirurgia de TVT propiciou melhor taxa de cura subjetiva após 15 ou 19 meses, porém, a taxa de cura objetiva foi igual em ambas as técnicas neste tempo. Entre as complicações detectadas, a retenção urinária no pós-operatório foi superior no Grupo Sling.
Third molar extraction is a common procedure frequently accompanied by moderate or severe pain, and involves sufficient numbers of patients to make studies relatively easy to perform. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficacy and safety of the therapeutic combination of 10 mg piroxicam, 1 mg dexamethasone, 35 mg orphenadrine citrate, and 2.5 mg cyanocobalamin (Rheumazin®) when compared with 20 mg piroxicam alone (Feldene®) in mandibular third molar surgery. Eighty patients scheduled for removal of the third molar were included in this randomized and double-blind study. They received (vo) Rheumazin or Feldene 30 min after tooth extraction and once daily for 4 consecutive days. Pain was determined by a visual analogue scale and by the need for escape analgesia (paracetamol). Facial swelling was evaluated with a measuring tape and adverse effects and patient satisfaction were recorded. There was no statistically significant difference in facial swelling between Rheumazin and Feldene (control group). Both drugs were equally effective in the control of pain, with Rheumazin displaying less adverse effects than Feldene. Therefore, Rheumazin appears to provide a better risk/benefit ratio in the mandibular molar surgery. Since the side effects resulting from nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug administration are a severe limitation to the routine use of these drugs in clinical practice, our results suggest that Rheumazin can be a good choice for third molar removal treatment.