44 resultados para Projecto 12-15

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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O cultivar Prata Anã é o mais plantada no Norte de Minas Gerais, o que demonstra estar a bananicultura regional baseada numa variedade suscetível à sigatoca-negra. Apesar de existirem cultivares resistentes em fase de recomendação para o cultivo na região, ainda são escassos os trabalhos relacionados a metodologias de conservação pós-colheita. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o período de armazenamento e as características físico-químicas e sensoriais dos cultivares de bananeira Fhia - 02 e Precioso, ambos resistentes à sigatoca-negra, e o efeito da atmosfera modificada associada à refrigeração. Foram realizados três experimentos, o primeiro em temperatura ambiente, o segundo a 12 ºC e o terceiro a 15 ºC. Esses experimentos foram instalados no delineamento em blocos casualizados em esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, tendo nas parcelas um fatorial 2 (com e sem embalagem) x 2 (Fhia - 02 e Precioso) e nas subparcelas as avaliações em intervalo de seis e dois dias para frutos armazenados nas temperaturas de 12, 15 e 25 ºC, com quatro repetições e três frutos por unidade experimental. Após o tratamento, os frutos foram dispostos em bandejas de poliestireno expandido (sem embalagem) e embalagens de 10 e 16 µm e umidade relativa de 90%. As características avaliadas foram: tamanho, diâmetro, cor, firmeza, perda de matéria fresca, sólidos solúveis totais (SST), acidez total titulável (ATT), SST/ATT, pH e análise sensorial. O uso da embalagem associada à refrigeração permitiu armazenar os frutos por 28 dias, mantendo as características físico-químicas.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar los factores relacionados a la violencia de pareja en mujeres embarazadas. MÉTODOS: Se recolectó la información de 383 mujeres derechohabientes del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social que acudieron a control prenatal en cinco Unidades de Medicina Familiar en la Ciudad de México entre septiembre del 2003 y agosto del 2004. Ellas respondieran a un cuestionario de violencia elaborado específicamente para el estudio. RESULTADOS: De las mujeres, 120 (31.1%) reportaron haber estado expuestas a la violencia psicológica y/o física, y/o sexual por parte de su pareja masculina durante el embarazo actual, el 10% reportaron violencia combinada y 21% violencia aislada. La violencia psicológica fue la más frecuentemente reportada (93% del grupo "había experimentado violencia"). Con relación a la percepción sobre la violencia no había diferencias significativas entre los grupos de mujeres con y sin violencia. Solo alrededor de 20% de las mujeres tenían conocimiento sobre los lugares donde atienden a las victimas de violencia. Los factores asociados significativamente a la violencia de pareja en las mujeres embarazadas fueron ser soltera (RM=3.02, IC 95%:1.17;7.83), vivir en unión libre (RM=2.22, IC 95%: 1.11;4.42), antecedentes de violencia en la infancia (RM=3.08, IC 95%:1.62;5.85), consumo de bebidas alcohólicas en la pareja (RM=1.87, IC 95%:1.02;3.42) y presencia de alteraciones emocionales (RM=4.17, IC 95%: 1.12;15.51). CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados refuerzan los hallazgos de otros estudios de que el problema de violencia en mujeres embarazadas en México sigue siendo un problema frecuente.


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OBJETIVO: Analisar o acesso e utilização de serviços odontológicos no Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados os dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios de 2003 e 2008, comparando-os com os de 1998. Investigaram-se as variáveis de acesso e uso de serviços odontológicos nas idades de três, seis, nove, 12, 15 e 19 anos e no primeiro (Q1) e no quinto (Q5) quintis de renda familiar per capita. As análises consideraram o desenho amostral complexo. RESULTADOS: A proporção de pessoas que nunca consultaram o dentista diminuiu (18,7% em 1998, 15,9% em 2003 e 11,7% em 2008). Houve importante redução na diferença absoluta de não utilização do serviço odontológico a partir dos nove anos entre Q1 e Q5 de 1998 a 2008, diminuindo para cerca de metade aos 15 (30,3 pontos percentuais - pp para 16,1 pp) e aos 19 anos (20,4 pp para 9,9 pp). As razões entre Q1 e Q5 para consulta recente ao dentista diminuíram em todas as idades, principalmente entre zero e seis anos (Q5/Q1 de 3,2 para 2,6); a utilização do Sistema Único de Saúde para atendimento odontológico aumentou nos Q1 e Q5, com redução na razão entre os grupos Q1/Q5 de cerca de 20%. A utilização do Sistema Único de Saúde para atendimento odontológico aumentou cerca de 8% no Q1 e 35% no Q5 entre 2003 e 2008. CONCLUSÕES: Houve avanço considerável na redução das desigualdades no acesso e aumento na utilização de serviços odontológicos no Brasil entre 1998 e 2008. Entretanto, as iniquidades entre os grupos sociais ainda é expressiva.


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A Dot-ELISA using a measles virus (MV) antigen obtained by sodium deoxycholate treatment was standardized and evaluated for IgM and IgG antibody detection in measles patients and measles-vaccinated subjects. A total of 192 serum samples were studied, comprising 47 from patients with acute and convalescent measles, 55 from 9-month old children prior to measles vaccination and 41 from children of the same age after vaccination, and 49 from patients with unrelated diseases. The diagnostic performances of the IgG Dot-ELISA and IgG immuno fluorescence test (IFT) were found to be close, varying from 0.97 to 1.00 in sensitivity and the specificities were maximum (1.00). Nevertheless, the sensitivity of the IgM Dot-ELISA (0.85) was higher than that (0.63) of the IgM IFT, although both assays had comparably high (1.00) specificities. The IgM Dot-ELISA in particular proved to be more sensitive in relation to other assays studied by revealing antibodies in 80.0% (12/15) of vaccinated children on the 15th day after immunization. In contrast the IgM IFT, failed to detect antibodies in the same group of vaccinated children. The stability of the MV antigen was longer than that of the IFT antigen, and the reproducibility of the Dot-Elisa was satisfactory.


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Human bartonellosis is found predominantly in Perú2, 6, 8, 12, 15, as well as in Ecuador3, 7, 10 and Colombia13, 15. In Peru, the disease is restricted to the valleys of the western-side and a few inter-andean and eastern-slopes of the andean valleys6, 15, 18 at altitudes between 1000 and 3200 masl. Most human cases are reported from the regions of Chavin, Nor Oriental del Marañon and Lima16. Lutzomyia verrucarum is presumed to be the only vector of human bartonellosis in the valleys of Peru1, 2, 8, 11, 17, 19/ Our research objetive was to detect the presence of Lu. verrucarum in various localities known to be endemic for human bartonellosis in three provinces of Region Nor Oriental del Marañon. Sandfly collections were made between 1987 and 1992 during four visits to bartonellosis-endemic provinces: San Ignacio (districts of San José de Lourdes: 1020-1260 m and La Coipa: 1200-1560 m), Jaén (districts of Santa Rosa: 1300-1680 m and Jaén: 1220-1680 m) and Utcubamba (districts of Lonya Grande: 1200 m and El Milagro: 1200-1540 m)


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Through the influenza virus surveillance from January to October 2002, influenza B/Hong Kong-like strains circulating in the Southeast and Centre East regions of Brazil have been demonstrated. This strain is a variant from B/Victoria/02/88 whose since 1991 and until recently have been isolated relatively infrequently and have been limited to South-Eastern Asia. A total of 510 respiratory secretions were collected from patients 0 to 60 years of age, with acute respiratory illness, living in the Southeast and Centre East regions of Brazil, of which 86 (17.13%) were positive for influenza virus. Among them 12 (13.95%) were characterized as B/Hong Kong/330/2001; 3 (3.49%) as B/Hong Kong/1351/2002 a variant from B/Hong Kong/330/2001; 1 (1.16%) as B/Sichuan/379/99; 1 (1.16%) as B/Shizuoka/5/2001, until now. The percentages of cases notified during the surveillance period were 34.88%, 15.12%, 15.12%, 4.65%, 15.12%, 13.95%, in the age groups of 0-4, 5-10, 11-15, 16-20, 21-30, 31-50, respectively. The highest proportion of isolates was observed among children younger than 4 years but serious morbidity and mortality has not been observed among people older than 65 years, although B influenza virus component for vaccination campaign 2002 was B/Sichuan/379/99 strain. This was probably due to the elderly protection acquired against B/Victoria/02/88. In addition, in influenza A/Panama/2007/99-like (H3N2) strains 22 (25.58%) were also detected, but influenza A(H1N1) has not been detected yet.


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There is evidence that an early start of penicillin reduces the case-fatality rate of leptospirosis and that chemoprophylaxis is efficacious in persons exposed to the sources of leptospira. The existent data, however, are inconsistent regarding the benefit of introducing penicillin at a late stage of leptospirosis. The present study was developed to assess whether the introduction of penicillin after more than four days of symptoms reduces the in-hospital case-fatality rate of leptospirosis. A total of 253 patients aged 15 to 76 years with advanced leptospirosis, i.e., more than four days of symptoms, admitted to an infectious disease hospital located in Salvador, Brazil, were selected for the study. The patients were randomized to one of two treatment groups: with intravenous penicillin, 6 million units day (one million unit every four hours) for seven days (n = 125) and without (n = 128) penicillin. The main outcome was death during hospitalization. The case-fatality rate was approximately twice as high in the group treated with penicillin (12%; 15/125) than in the comparison group (6.3%; 8/128). This difference pointed in the opposite direction of the study hypothesis, but was not statistically significant (p = 0.112). Length of hospital stay was similar between the treatment groups. According to the results of the present randomized clinical trial initiation of penicillin in patients with severe forms of leptospirosis after at least four days of symptomatic leptospirosis is not beneficial. Therefore, more attention should be directed to prevention and earlier initiation of the treatment of leptospirosis.


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Fascioliasis is an emerging/re-emerging vector-borne disease with the widest known distribution. Approximately 17 million people are infected around the world, being the Andean region the most affected area. There is an important necessity to develop sensitive and specific diagnostic tools to treat patients early and to avoid complications. In this paper we evaluated the immune response of infected humans against two antigenic preparations: the total soluble extract (FhTSE) and the adult worm vomit (FhAWV) in order to identify antigenic fractions specific for Fasciola hepatica. Both preparations were processed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot with human sera with fascioliasis (F), other parasitosis and healthy individuals. In the immunoblot of FhTSE, sera F recognised 16 bands with MW between eight and 110 kDa, from which those of 8, 9, 10, 38, 45 and 57 kDa were specific. In the preparation FhAWV, sera F recognised nine bands with MW from eight to 85 kDa, from which those of 8, 12, 15 and 24 kDa were specific. Some bands of cross-reaction were evident with sera from patients with other parasitoses, more frequent with the FhTSE. Bands within the MW mentioned, particularly that of eight kDa, have been shown to be specific by others, and deserve additional characterisation for their potential use in immunodiagnosis.


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This cross-sectional study, performed in an oncology hospital in Goiania, aimed to characterize the prevalence of oral colonization and antimicrobial susceptibility of Pseudomonas spp. isolated from the saliva of healthcare workers. Microorganisms were subjected to biochemical tests, susceptibility profile, and phenotypic detection. Of 76 participants colonized with Gram negative bacilli, 12 (15.8%) harbored Pseudomonas spp. Of all isolates, P. aeruginosa (75.0%), P. stutzeri (16.7%), and P. fluorescens (8.3%), were resistant to cefoxitin, and therefore likely to be AmpC producers. The results are clinically relevant and emphasize the importance of surveillance to minimize bacterial dissemination and multiresistance.


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INTRODUCTION: Septal fibrosis of the liver regularly develops in rats infected with the nematode Capillaria hepatica. Curative treatment of the infection prevents the development of septal fibrosis when intervention occurs up to postinfection day (PID) 15, but not later. The present investigation aimed to demonstrate which parasitic factors are present when the process of septal fibrosis can no longer be prevented by curative treatment. METHODS: Wistar rats were infected with 600 embryonated eggs of C. hepatica administered by gavage and treated with ivermectin and mebendazole in separate groups at PIDs 10, 12, 15, 17 or 20. Rats from each group and their nontreated controls, were killed and examined 40 days after the end of treatment. RESULTS: Findings by PID 15 were compatible with the stage of complete maturation of infection, when worms and eggs were fully developed and a complex host-parasite multifocal necroinflammatory reaction showed greater intensity, but with no signs of septal fibrosis, which appeared from PID 17 onward. CONCLUSIONS: Since the worms spontaneously died by PID 15, not only septal fibrosis production, but also its maintenance and further development appeared dependent on the presence of eggs, which were the only parasitic factor remaining thereafter.


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Resultadospreliminares são apresentados sobre a composição das sementes e dos óleos das seguintes espécies da Amazônia: Couroupita guianensis, Pachira aquatica, Eglerodendron pariri, Parkia gigantocarpae Parkia opositifolta,o que representa parte de uma tentativa de se estabelecer, aditivamente, o potencial econômico daquela região. Enquanto as duas primeiras, pelo teor de óleo apresentado (29,4 e 44,1%, respectivamente) podem ser considerados como oleaginosas, as duas espécies de Parkiaapresentaram proteínas com altoteor de triptofano, merecendo ser estudadasmais detalhadamente. A espécie Eglerodendron pariri,ao contrário, não se revelou como fonte potencial,quantitativa ou qualitativa, quer de óleo, quer de proteína. Na espécie Couroupia guianensisencontrou-se predominância de ácido linoleico (>80%) enquanto que nas amostras de óleo de Parkia gigantocarpae P. opositifoliasobressai a presença de 12-15% de ácidos de peso molecular elevado (C20:0 e C22:00) e um teor de aproximadamente 40% de C18:2. 0 ácido palmítico é o principal componente dos Óleos de Pachira aquaticae Eglerodendron pariri.A separação e a identificação de ácidos responsáveis, no Óleo de P. aquatica,pela resposta positiva ao teste de Halphen, não foram definitivas. Nos cinco óleos o β-sitosterol foi o componente maior da fração esterólica, isoladaa partir do material insaponificável.


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FUNDAMENTO: A cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio (CRM) é a cirurgia cardíaca mais frequentemente praticada no país, sendo a maior parte realizada pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS). OBJETIVO: Avaliar os resultados da CRM, não associada a outros procedimentos. MÉTODOS: Analisaram-se as informações do banco de dados SIH/DATASUS, disponibilizado on-line. Esse banco de dados contém informações relativas a: sexo, idade, permanência hospitalar, valor da autorização de internação hospitalar (AIH), número de cirurgias realizadas por hospital e mortalidade hospitalar. Avaliaram-se apenas as CRM realizadas sem procedimentos associados. RESULTADOS: Entre 2005 e 2007 foram realizadas 63.529 cirurgias em 191 hospitais. Foram excluídos 16 hospitais de muito baixo volume cirúrgico, restando 63.272 cirurgias para análise final. A mortalidade hospitalar total foi de 6,22%, sendo maior nos hospitais de pequeno volume do que nos de grande volume (> 300 cirurgias no período), 7,29% versus 5,77% (p<0,001). A média de permanência hospitalar foi de 12 dias, não havendo diferença entre os de pequeno (12,08±5,52) e de grande volume (12,15±7,70). O gênero masculino teve menor mortalidade do que o feminino, 5,20% versus 8,25% (p<0,001), assim como os mais jovens quando comparados com os idosos (> 65 anos), 4,21% versus 9,36% (p<0,001). Encontrou-se uma pequena variação no valor da AIH entre a região Sul, R$ 7.214,63 e Nordeste, R$ 6.572,03 (p<0,01). A distribuição regional de cirurgias foi desigual, Sul e Sudeste concentram 77% delas. CONCLUSÃO: A CRM realizada pelo SUS tem mortalidade maior nos hospitais de baixo volume, nas mulheres e nos idosos. Futuros estudos prospectivos se fazem necessários.


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In this review paper schistosomal glomerulopathy is defined as an immune-complex disease. The disease appears in 12-15 per cent of the individuals with hepatosplenic schistosomiasis. Portal hypertension with collateral circulation helps the by pass of the hepatic clearance process and the parasite antigens can bind to antibodies in the circulation and be trapped in the renal glomerulus. Chronic membranousproliferative glomerulonephritis is the most commom lesion present and the nephrotic syndrome is the usual form of clinical presentation. The disease can be experimentally produced, and schistosomal antigens and antibodies, as well as complement, can be demonstrated in the glomerular lesions. Specific treatment of schistosomiasis does not seem to alter the clinical course of schistosomal nephropathy.


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A non-controlled longitudinal study was conducted to evaluate the combined vaccine against measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunogenicity in 150 children vaccinated in the routine of three health units in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2008-2009, without other vaccines administered during the period from 30 days before to 30 days after vaccination. A previous study conducted in Brazil in 2007, in 1,769 children ranging from 12-15 months of age vaccinated against yellow fever and MMR simultaneously or at intervals of 30 days or more between doses, had shown low seroconversion for mumps regardless of the interval between administration of the two vaccines. The current study showed 89.5% (95% confidence interval: 83.3; 94.0) seroconversion rate for mumps. All children seroconverted for measles and rubella. After revaccination, high antibody titres and seroconversion rates were achieved against mumps. The results of this study and others suggest that two MMR doses confer optimal immunoresponses for all three antigens and the possible need for additional doses should be studied taking into account not only serological, but also epidemiological data, as there is no serological correlate of protection for mumps.


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We describe herein the antitrypanosomal activity of 20 novel 1,3-bis(aryloxy)propan-2-amine derivatives. Compounds 2, 4, 6, 12, 15, 16 and 19 were significantly active against amastigote and trypomastigote forms, with half maximal inhibitory concentrationvalues in the range of 6-18 µM. In the cytotoxicity tests against L929 cells, only compound 4 presented selectivity index value above 10, indicating low toxicity.