204 resultados para Cleanthes, 331-232 B.C.

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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The writers report results on the application of four fumigants (D. D., E. D. B.-40, C. B. P. and Vapam) for control of root-knot and meadow nematodes attacking potato in beds filled with soil artificially inoculated. The data obtained were as follows: a) as reported by previous authors, potato is sensitive to C.B.P., the toxical effects of which disapearing only about 6 and half months after application. On the other hand, C.B.P. proved to have a significative residual nematicidal value, protecting the seeds from root-knot nematodes for a period of two years; b) D. D., E. D. B., and Vapam were effective for controling root-knot but with no residual value, having to be used prior to each planting; c) at the rates used, no nematicide was effective to control meadow nematodes; d) in the conditions of the experiments, all nematicides incited attacks bv Streptomyces scabies. Actually, in some cases scab did not affect any tuber from the check while the entire production from the treated beds was heavily desfigured. The writers assume that as the nematicides killed protozoa and too many bacteria-eating nematodes, they destroyed the biological equilibrium existing in the soil, thus allowing the S. scabies population to reach a high level.


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Um número significativo de mortes no trauma ocorre dias a semanas após a injúria inicial, sendo causado por infecções e insuficiência orgânica, relacionadas a hipercatabolismo e consequente desnutrição proteica aguda. A terapia nutricional deve ser planejada e incluída com as demais condutas de reanimação para pacientes politraumatizados e grandes queimados. A rápida aquisição de uma via para suporte nutricional é importante para inicio da terapia nutricional precoce em até 48 horas do atendimento. A via enteral é a opção preferencial no pós-operatório de pacientes traumatizado mas a via parenteral deve ser prescrita quando a enteral está contraindicada ou insuficiente. Após as medidas iniciais ditadas pelo ATLS, sintetizadas em A (air), B (breath), C (circulation), D (disability) e E (exposure), nós incluímos a letra F (feed) para enfatizar a importância do atendimento nutricional precoce no trauma.


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Background: Although most HIV-1 infections in Brazil are due to subtype B, Southern Brazil has a high prevalence of subtype C and recombinant forms, such as CRF31_BC. This study assessed the impact of viral diversity on clinical progression in a cohort of newly diagnosed HIV-positive patients. Methods: From July/2004 to December/2005, 135 HIV-infected patients were recruited. The partial pol region was subtyped by phylogeny. A generalized estimating equation (GEE) model was used to examine the relationship between viral subtype, CD4+ T cell count and viral load levels before antiretroviral therapy. Hazard ratio (Cox regression) was used to evaluate factors associated with viral suppression (viral load < 50 copies/mL at six months). Results: Main HIV-1 subtypes included B (29.4%), C (28.2%), and CRF31_BC (23.5%). Subtypes B and C showed a similar trend in CD4+ T cell decline. Comparison of non-B (C and CRF31_BC) and B subtypes revealed no significant difference in the proportion of patients with viral suppression at six months (week 24). Higher CD4+ T cell count and lower viral load were independently associated with viral suppression. Conclusion: No significant differences were found between subtypes; however, lower viral load and higher CD4+ T cell count before therapy were associated with better response.


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The identification of the major agents causing human hepatitis (Hepatitis A, B, C, D and E Viruses) was achieved during the last 30 years. These viruses are responsible for the vast majority of human viral hepatitis cases, but there are still some cases epidemiologically related to infectious agents without any evidence of infection with known virus, designated as hepatitis non A - E. Those cases are considered to be associated with at least three different viruses: 1 - Hepatitis B Virus mutants expressing its surface antigen (HBsAg) with altered epitopes or in low quantities; 2 - Another virus probably associated with enteral transmitted non A-E hepatitis, called Hepatitis F Virus. Still more studies are necessary to better characterize this agent; 3 - Hepatitis G Virus or GB virus C, recently identified throughout the world (including Brazil) as a Flavivirus responsible for about 10% of parenteral transmitted hepatitis non A-E. Probably still other unknown viruses are responsible for human hepatitis cases without evidence of infection by any of these viruses, that could be called as non A-G hepatitis.


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The aim of this investigation was to evaluate the possible effect of nematode infection on anti-HBs antibody levels in the serum of seven-year-old schoolchildren vaccinated at birth with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine. Anti-HBs and anti HBc antibodies were evaluated in the sera of 100 schoolchildren with at least one intestinal nematode and/or a positive serological reaction for anti-Toxocara antibodies and in 95 schoolchildren without intestinal helminthiasis or serum anti-Toxocara antibodies. Both groups were from public elementary schools located on the urban periphery of Vitória, ES, Brazil. Among these 195 children, the median anti-HBs antibody titer was 31.3IU/ml and the frequency of titers less than 10IU/ml was 33.8% (95% CI: 27.1-40.4%). There were no significant differences between the medians of anti-HBs titers or the frequency of titers less than 10IU/ml between the groups with or without helminthes (29.5 and 32.9IU/ml and 33 and 34.7%, respectively; p>0.05). Even when the children with intestinal nematodes and/or anti-Toxocara antibodies and with blood eosinophil counts over 600/mm³ were compared with children without infection from intestinal nematodes and without anti-Toxocara antibodies, with blood eosinophil counts less than 400 eosinophils/mm³, these differences were not significant. None of the children presented anti-HBc antibodies. In conclusion, infections with intestinal nematodes and/or the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies did not interfere with the anti-HBs antibody titers in seven-year-old children vaccinated at birth with the recombinant hepatitis B vaccine.


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Resumo: Meios de contraste iodado podem promover efeitos hemodinâmicos relacionados à vasoconstrição intrarrenal prolongada e redução da perfusão, predispondo à hipóxia e isquemia medular. Alterações de resistência vascular renal podem representar os primeiros sinais de mudança funcional desse órgão. A técnica Doppler pulsado é considerada acessível, não invasiva e permite avaliar a dinâmica vascular dos rins, por meio da aferição dos índices de resistividade (IR) e pulsatilidade (IP). Contudo, na espécie canina, a aquisição de traçados espectrais pode ser penosa devido às dificuldades de varredura e captação de sinal Doppler, sobretudo em relação ao rim direito, devido à sua localização dorsocranial na cavidade abdominal, o que prolonga substancialmente a realização do exame. O objetivo deste estudo é comprovar que a avaliação Doppler pulsado das artérias intrarrenais do rim esquerdo de cães representa a repercussão hemodinâmica renal da administração intravenosa de meios de contraste iodado não sendo necessária a realização do exame nos dois rins. Foram avaliados ambos os rins de seis cadelas adultas em quatro momentos distintos: antes da infusão intravenosa do contraste radiológico e após 1,5 horas, 24 horas e 48 horas, por meio da análise subjetiva da morfologia, ecogenicidade cortical e grau de perfusão renais e análise objetiva do comprimento, volume e resistência vascular intrarrenais (IR e IP). Os parâmetros avaliados ao modo B e Doppler dos rins direito e esquerdo não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre si em cada momento avaliado. Assim, constatou-se que o exame ultrassonográfico Doppler pulsado do rim esquerdo representou a repercussão hemodinâmica renal da aplicação intravenosa de meios de contraste iodado, desde que morfometria, morfologia, ecogenicidade cortical e perfusão de ambos os rins fossem consideradas semelhantes na abordagem ultrassonográfica inicial.


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Flavobacterium heparinum is a soil bacterium that produces several mucopolysaccharidases such as heparinase, heparitinases I and II, and chondroitinases AC, B, C and ABC. The purpose of the present study was to optimize the preparation of F. heparinum chondroitinases, which are very useful tools for the identification and structural characterization of chondroitin and dermatan sulfates. We observed that during the routine procedure for cell disruption (ultrasound, 100 kHz, 5 min) some of the chondroitinase B activity was lost. Using milder conditions (2 min), most of the chondroitinase B and AC protein was solubilized and the enzyme activities were preserved. Tryptic soy broth without glucose was the best culture medium both for bacterial growth and enzyme induction. Chondroitinases AC and B were separated from each other and also from glucuronidases and sulfatases by hydrophobic interaction chromatography on HP Phenyl-Sepharose. A rapid method for screening of the column fractions was also developed based on the metachromatic shift of the color of dimethylmethylene blue.


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Genotype E of hepatitis B virus (HBV) has not been described in Brazil and is found mainly in Africa. Genotype A is the most prevalent in Brazil, and genotypes B, C, D, and F have already been reported. We report here an HBV genotype E-infected patient and some characterization of surface (S) protein, DNA polymerase (P) and precore/core (preC/C) coding regions based on the viral genome. The patient is a 31-year-old black man with chronic hepatitis B who was born and raised in Angola. He has been followed by a hepatologist in São Paulo, Brazil, since November 2003, and he is a frequent traveler to Latin America, Africa, and Europe. In 2003, he was diagnosed with HBV infection and started treatment with lamivudine with the later addition of adefovir dipivoxil. No known risk factor was identified. Serologically, he is HBsAg and anti-HBe positive, but HBeAg and anti-HBs negative. DNA sequence analysis of the S/P region confirmed that this patient is infected with genotype E, subtype ayw4. The preC/C region showed G1896A and G1899A mutations but no mutations in the basal core promoter. Nucleotide substitutions common in genotype E were also observed (C1772, T1858 and A1757). Although this is not an autochthonous case and there is no evidence of further spread, the description of this case in Brazil highlights the current risk of viral genotypes spreading with unprecedented speed due to constant travel around the world.


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Hepatitis C, a worldwide viral infection, is an important health problem in Brazil. The virus causes chronic infection, provoking B lymphocyte dysfunction, as represented by cryoglobulinemia, non-organ-specific autoantibody production, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The aim of this research was to screen for the presence of antiphospholipid autoantibodies in 109 Brazilian hepatitis C virus carriers without clinical history of antiphospholipid syndrome. Forty healthy individuals were used as the control group. IgA, IgG, and IgM antibodies against cardiolipin and β2-glycoprotein I were measured with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using a cut-off point of either 20 UPL or 20 SBU. While 24 (22.0%) hepatitis C carriers had moderate titers of IgM anticardiolipin antibodies (median, 22.5 MPL; 95%CI: 21.5-25.4 MPL), only three carriers (<3%) had IgG anticardiolipin antibodies (median, 23 GPL; 95%CI: 20.5-25.5 GPL). Furthermore, IgA anticardiolipin antibodies were not detected in these individuals. Male gender and IgM anticardiolipin seropositivity were associated in the hepatitis C group (P = 0.0004). IgA anti-β2-glycoprotein-I antibodies were detected in 29 of 109 (27.0%) hepatitis C carriers (median, 41 SAU; 95%CI: 52.7-103.9 SAU). Twenty patients (18.0%) had IgM anti-β2-glycoprotein I antibodies (median, 27.6 SMU; 95%CI: 23.3-70.3 SMU), while two patients had IgG antibodies against this protein (titers, 33 and 78 SGU). Antiphospholipid antibodies were detected in only one healthy individual, who was seropositive for IgM anticardiolipin. We concluded that Brazilian individuals chronically infected with hepatitis C virus present a significant production of antiphospholipid antibodies, mainly IgA anti-β2-glycoprotein I antibodies, which are not associated with clinical manifestations of antiphospholipid syndrome.


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Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar o efeito da temperatura e do estresse hídrico na germinação das sementes e na formação de plântulas normais de Amburana acreana. Foram realizados dois ensaios. No primeiro, as sementes foram colocadas para germinar nas temperaturas de 20, 25, 30, 35 e 40°C. No segundo, as sementes foram dispostas em substrato umedecido com soluções de polietilenoglicol 6000 nos seguintes potenciais hídricos: zero (testemunha), -0,2, -0,4, -0,8, -1,0 e -1,2MPa, a 30°C. A germinação das sementes e a formação de plântulas normais foi avaliada durante 30 dias, em cinco repetições de 20 sementes, sendo consideradas germinadas aquelas que apresentaram emissão de raiz primária com no mínimo 5mm de comprimento e curvatura geotrópica positiva. Os melhores resultados, no primeiro ensaio, foram encontrados nas temperaturas de 30 e 35°C, com maiores valores de porcentagens de germinação, sendo os tratamentos onde o processo germinativo ocorreu em menor tempo. A porcentagem de germinação, no segundo ensaio, diminuiu à medida que se reduziu a disponibilidade de água no substrato, a partir de -0,4MPa, e foi nula entre -1,0 e -1,2MPa. A formação de plântulas foi reduzida já no potencial -0,2MPa, sendo totalmente inibida entre -0,4 e -0,8MPa. Conclui-se que a temperatura de 30°C é mais recomendada para a condução do teste de germinação por propiciar melhores condições para o processo germinativo, com maior porcentagem de plântulas normais e menores porcentagens de plântulas anormais e de sementes deterioradas. A redução na disponibilidade hídrica diminui a germinação das sementes e a formação de plântulas de cerejeira e os limites para germinação ocorrem na faixa de zero a -1,0MPa e, para formação de plântulas, de zero a -0,4MPa.


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O estudo das interrelações entre profundidade do solo e o substrato geológico de uma área é importante para a compreensão da gênese do solo e seus atributos físicos, químicos e morfológicos, constituindo-se em importante ferramenta para avaliar a influência das características do material de origem no grau de intemperismo e, consequentemente, na profundidade do perfil do solo. Com o objetivo de estabelecer essas relações, levantaram-se informações detalhadas quanto aos aspectos geológicos, como: litotipos, constituição, minerais principais, textura, granulação e cor das rochas das regiões de Cocais, Rio Doce, Sabinópolis, Virginópolis e Santa Bárbara, em Minas Gerais, bem como suas classes de solos e a profundidade de aparecimento dos horizontes B/C ou C. Essas relações foram obtidas por meio de um sistema geográfico de informações e de uma análise estatística simples entre os litotipos e profundidade dos solos. A partir dessas relações foi possível agrupar os valores médios de profundidade do solo de acordo com o material de origem, propiciando uma análise de agrupamento pelo método de minimização da variância (CLUSTERMV-SAEG), utilizando-se a distância euclidiana média. Os resultados indicam que materiais bandados em relação a rochas maciças estão relacionados com perfis mais profundos, da mesma forma que rochas com granulação mais grossa têm maior capacidade de intemperização e, portanto, estão relacionadas com solos mais profundos.


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Relatam-se os resultados de inquérito sorológico para pesquisa de anticorpos de 17 arbovírus em 337 escolares de 6 a 14 anos de idade, residentes em quatro áreas, com diferentes características ecológicas, situadas no município de Iguape, Vale do Ribeira, do Estado de São Paulo (Brasil): 1 - zona urbana da cidade de Iguape; 2 - Rocio, bairro periférico com características rurais; 3 - zona de cultura extensiva de banana, na planície litorânea; 4 - zona de mata primitiva na região pré-serrana. Observou-se, em 8,31% dos investigados, a presença de anticorpos inibidores de hemaglutinação de arbovírus dos grupos antigênicos A, B, C, Bunyamwera, Simbu e Anopheles A. Evidenciou-se diferença significante na proporção dos soros positivos entre escolares residentes nas zonas de bananal e de mata (19,05% e 16,67%) e moradores na zona urbana e no bairro do Rocio (1,89% e 3,81%). Crianças sempre residentes na zona urbana de Iguape, sem hábito de freqüência a ambiente silvestre, apresentaram anticorpos neutralizantes para os vírus Caraparu e Rocio, sugerindo transmissão urbana desses agentes. Não há indícios sorológicos de infecções recentes causadas pelo flavivírus Rocio.


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The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection was assessed in a randomly selected sample of individuals from low-income community in Fortaleza, Northeastern Brazil. Overall, 384 out of 610 participants (62.9%) were H. pylori positive. A 47.5% infection rate was found in subjects aged six months to 10 years old, increased to 73.3% in subjects aged 11-20 years and then continued to increase with age reaching up to 87% in those over 60 years old. After this age group, the prevalence decreased slightly. The prevalence of infection increased significantly with age (p<0.0001).