45 resultados para Beta(p, q) densities

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the association between concentrations of air pollutants and admissions for respiratory causes in children. METHODS Ecological time series study. Daily figures for hospital admissions of children aged < 6, and daily concentrations of air pollutants (PM10, SO2, NO2, O3 and CO) were analyzed in the Região da Grande Vitória, ES, Southeastern Brazil, from January 2005 to December 2010. For statistical analysis, two techniques were combined: Poisson regression with generalized additive models and principal model component analysis. Those analysis techniques complemented each other and provided more significant estimates in the estimation of relative risk. The models were adjusted for temporal trend, seasonality, day of the week, meteorological factors and autocorrelation. In the final adjustment of the model, it was necessary to include models of the Autoregressive Moving Average Models (p, q) type in the residuals in order to eliminate the autocorrelation structures present in the components. RESULTS For every 10:49 μg/m3 increase (interquartile range) in levels of the pollutant PM10 there was a 3.0% increase in the relative risk estimated using the generalized additive model analysis of main components-seasonal autoregressive – while in the usual generalized additive model, the estimate was 2.0%. CONCLUSIONS Compared to the usual generalized additive model, in general, the proposed aspect of generalized additive model − principal component analysis, showed better results in estimating relative risk and quality of fit.


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A reação sistêmica aos traumatismos e infecções graves, reação de fase aguda, (RFA), pode determinar imunossupressão e reativação de infecções latentes. O objetivo do trabalho foi verificar, em 71 chagásicos crônicos com ousem RFÁ, a freqüência de parasitismo pelo T. cruzi na veia central da supra-renal (VCSR). Os critérios para RFA (+) foram observados em 30 chagásicos: l)morteporsepsis e/outrauma após evolução maior que umasemana e 2)presença de úlceras de stress sangrantes, ou 3) hiperplasia reacional do baço ou 4) esteatose hepática. Registrou-se peso e altura e calculou-se o índice de massa corporal (IMC). Chagásicos com RFA (+) apresentaram maior comprometimento nutricional que os RFA (-): peso = 49,0 vs 54,5 kg; IMC = 17,5 vs 20,6kg/m2 (mediana p< Q,05). O parasitismo na VCSR não diferiu entre os grupos: 43,3% e 43,9%, respectivamente. Concluímos que os chagásicos com RFA (+) são mais subnutridos que os RFA (-) e que o desenvolvimento pré-óbito de RFA não afeta a frequência de parasitismo na VCSR.


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BACKGROUND: The pharmacological treatment of migraine may be acute or preventive. Frequent, severe and long-lasting migraine attacks require prophylaxis. Multiple threads of research over the last 15 years have led to the concept that migraine is generated from a hyperexcitable brain. A variety of causes for hyperexcitability of the brain in migraine have been suggested. These causes include low cerebral magnesium levels, mitochondrial abnormalities, dysfunctions related to increased nitric oxide or the existence of a P/Q type calcium channelopathy. The better knowledge about migraine pathophisiology led us to discuss new treatment options. OBJECTIVES: The aim of the present study is to present an evidence-based review of some new drugs or some agents that even though available for a long time, are not frequently used. METHODS/RESULTS: We present a review of anticonvulsants with various mechanisms of action such as lamotrigine, gabapentin, topiramate, tiagabine, levetiracetam and zonisamide. We also review natural products, like riboflavin and magnesium, botulinum toxin A, a specific CGRP antagonist and the anti-asthma medication montelukast, with pathophysiological discussion. CONCLUSIONS: We aimed to present an update of newer or less frequently used preventive migraine therapies, drugs that might reduce the burden and the costs of a disease that should be considered as a public health problem all around the world.


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The main object of the present paper consists in giving formulas and methods which enable us to determine the minimum number of repetitions or of individuals necessary to garantee some extent the success of an experiment. The theoretical basis of all processes consists essentially in the following. Knowing the frequency of the desired p and of the non desired ovents q we may calculate the frequency of all possi- ble combinations, to be expected in n repetitions, by expanding the binomium (p-+q)n. Determining which of these combinations we want to avoid we calculate their total frequency, selecting the value of the exponent n of the binomium in such a way that this total frequency is equal or smaller than the accepted limit of precision n/pª{ 1/n1 (q/p)n + 1/(n-1)| (q/p)n-1 + 1/ 2!(n-2)| (q/p)n-2 + 1/3(n-3) (q/p)n-3... < Plim - -(1b) There does not exist an absolute limit of precision since its value depends not only upon psychological factors in our judgement, but is at the same sime a function of the number of repetitions For this reasen y have proposed (1,56) two relative values, one equal to 1-5n as the lowest value of probability and the other equal to 1-10n as the highest value of improbability, leaving between them what may be called the "region of doubt However these formulas cannot be applied in our case since this number n is just the unknown quantity. Thus we have to use, instead of the more exact values of these two formulas, the conventional limits of P.lim equal to 0,05 (Precision 5%), equal to 0,01 (Precision 1%, and to 0,001 (Precision P, 1%). The binominal formula as explained above (cf. formula 1, pg. 85), however is of rather limited applicability owing to the excessive calculus necessary, and we have thus to procure approximations as substitutes. We may use, without loss of precision, the following approximations: a) The normal or Gaussean distribution when the expected frequency p has any value between 0,1 and 0,9, and when n is at least superior to ten. b) The Poisson distribution when the expected frequecy p is smaller than 0,1. Tables V to VII show for some special cases that these approximations are very satisfactory. The praticai solution of the following problems, stated in the introduction can now be given: A) What is the minimum number of repititions necessary in order to avoid that any one of a treatments, varieties etc. may be accidentally always the best, on the best and second best, or the first, second, and third best or finally one of the n beat treatments, varieties etc. Using the first term of the binomium, we have the following equation for n: n = log Riim / log (m:) = log Riim / log.m - log a --------------(5) B) What is the minimun number of individuals necessary in 01der that a ceratin type, expected with the frequency p, may appaer at least in one, two, three or a=m+1 individuals. 1) For p between 0,1 and 0,9 and using the Gaussean approximation we have: on - ó. p (1-p) n - a -1.m b= δ. 1-p /p e c = m/p } -------------------(7) n = b + b² + 4 c/ 2 n´ = 1/p n cor = n + n' ---------- (8) We have to use the correction n' when p has a value between 0,25 and 0,75. The greek letters delta represents in the present esse the unilateral limits of the Gaussean distribution for the three conventional limits of precision : 1,64; 2,33; and 3,09 respectively. h we are only interested in having at least one individual, and m becomes equal to zero, the formula reduces to : c= m/p o para a = 1 a = { b + b²}² = b² = δ2 1- p /p }-----------------(9) n = 1/p n (cor) = n + n´ 2) If p is smaller than 0,1 we may use table 1 in order to find the mean m of a Poisson distribution and determine. n = m: p C) Which is the minimun number of individuals necessary for distinguishing two frequencies p1 and p2? 1) When pl and p2 are values between 0,1 and 0,9 we have: n = { δ p1 ( 1-pi) + p2) / p2 (1 - p2) n= 1/p1-p2 }------------ (13) n (cor) We have again to use the unilateral limits of the Gaussean distribution. The correction n' should be used if at least one of the valors pl or p2 has a value between 0,25 and 0,75. A more complicated formula may be used in cases where whe want to increase the precision : n (p1 - p2) δ { p1 (1- p2 ) / n= m δ = δ p1 ( 1 - p1) + p2 ( 1 - p2) c= m / p1 - p2 n = { b2 + 4 4 c }2 }--------- (14) n = 1/ p1 - p2 2) When both pl and p2 are smaller than 0,1 we determine the quocient (pl-r-p2) and procure the corresponding number m2 of a Poisson distribution in table 2. The value n is found by the equation : n = mg /p2 ------------- (15) D) What is the minimun number necessary for distinguishing three or more frequencies, p2 p1 p3. If the frequecies pl p2 p3 are values between 0,1 e 0,9 we have to solve the individual equations and sue the higest value of n thus determined : n 1.2 = {δ p1 (1 - p1) / p1 - p2 }² = Fiim n 1.2 = { δ p1 ( 1 - p1) + p1 ( 1 - p1) }² } -- (16) Delta represents now the bilateral limits of the : Gaussean distrioution : 1,96-2,58-3,29. 2) No table was prepared for the relatively rare cases of a comparison of threes or more frequencies below 0,1 and in such cases extremely high numbers would be required. E) A process is given which serves to solve two problemr of informatory nature : a) if a special type appears in n individuals with a frequency p(obs), what may be the corresponding ideal value of p(esp), or; b) if we study samples of n in diviuals and expect a certain type with a frequency p(esp) what may be the extreme limits of p(obs) in individual farmlies ? I.) If we are dealing with values between 0,1 and 0,9 we may use table 3. To solve the first question we select the respective horizontal line for p(obs) and determine which column corresponds to our value of n and find the respective value of p(esp) by interpolating between columns. In order to solve the second problem we start with the respective column for p(esp) and find the horizontal line for the given value of n either diretly or by approximation and by interpolation. 2) For frequencies smaller than 0,1 we have to use table 4 and transform the fractions p(esp) and p(obs) in numbers of Poisson series by multiplication with n. Tn order to solve the first broblem, we verify in which line the lower Poisson limit is equal to m(obs) and transform the corresponding value of m into frequecy p(esp) by dividing through n. The observed frequency may thus be a chance deviate of any value between 0,0... and the values given by dividing the value of m in the table by n. In the second case we transform first the expectation p(esp) into a value of m and procure in the horizontal line, corresponding to m(esp) the extreme values om m which than must be transformed, by dividing through n into values of p(obs). F) Partial and progressive tests may be recomended in all cases where there is lack of material or where the loss of time is less importent than the cost of large scale experiments since in many cases the minimun number necessary to garantee the results within the limits of precision is rather large. One should not forget that the minimun number really represents at the same time a maximun number, necessary only if one takes into consideration essentially the disfavorable variations, but smaller numbers may frequently already satisfactory results. For instance, by definition, we know that a frequecy of p means that we expect one individual in every total o(f1-p). If there were no chance variations, this number (1- p) will be suficient. and if there were favorable variations a smaller number still may yield one individual of the desired type. r.nus trusting to luck, one may start the experiment with numbers, smaller than the minimun calculated according to the formulas given above, and increase the total untill the desired result is obtained and this may well b ebefore the "minimum number" is reached. Some concrete examples of this partial or progressive procedure are given from our genetical experiments with maize.


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The present paper shows that the sum of two binomial integrals, such as A ∫ x p (a + bx q)r dx + B ∫ x p (a + bx q)r dx, where A and B are real constants and p, q, r are rational numbers, can, in special cases, lead to elementary integrals, even if each by itself is not elementary. An example of the case considered is given by the integral ∫ x _____-___ 3 dx = 1/2 ∫ x-½ (x - 1)-⅓ dx - 6 √ x ³√(x - 1)4 = 1/3 ∫ x-½ (x - 1)-¾ dx On the rigth hand side of the last equality both integral are not elementary. But the use of integration by parts of one of them leads to the solution: ∫ x _____-___ 3 dx = x½ (x - 1)-⅓ + C. 6 √ x ³√(x - 1)4


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Os autores procuraram verificar "in vivo" e "in vitro" a formação de methemoglobina com acetilfenilhidrazina. O metodo utilizado para dosagem de methemoglobina foi o descrito por Heilmeyer. "In vitro" na proporção de 0.1 g de acetilfenilhidrazina para 0.1 de sangue na fim de 15 minutos encontraram 9% de methemoglobina. "In vivo" com a dóse aproximadamente 5 vezes menor (30 mg. p.q.c), dentro das primeiras 6 horas após a administração da droga, não verificaram formação de methemoglobina.


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Os autores procuraram verificar a influência dos granulos de HEINZ no desenvolvimento de leucocitóse após injeção de acetilfenilhidrazina em animais. Injetaram dóses elevadas (70 mg. p.q.c.) em animais de grande pórte e em seguida no 5.° dia retiraram por sangria á branco o sangue do animal, hemolisaram e lavaram os granulos assim obtidos com solução fisiológica. O material conseguido por esta fórma foi injetado em cão de pequeno pórte, para obter-se uma alta concentração na circulação. Os resultados foram os seguintes: Cão 353. No dia 0 contava 8.900 leucocitos por mm3. Injetamos na veia 50 cm3 de soro fisiológico contendo granulos. No dia seguinte apresentava 20.000 leucocitos por mm3. Injetamos 80 cm3 na mesma via de solução de granulos, havendo o número de leucocitos caido para 16.800 por mm3. No 6. ° dia da prova o número de leucocitos retornava ao valor normal. Cão 350. No dia 0 leucocitose de 16.000 leucocitos por mm3. Injeção de 35 cm3 de solução de granulos elevou-a para 35.800 por mm3. Nova injeção no dia 2 apos o número de leucocitos haver descido para 23.000 por mm3 elevou-se para 31.000. No 6. ° dia, da mesma fórma que na experiência anterior, o número de leucocitos mostrou-se próximo a cifra do dia 0. Quando o número e normal, o aumento, após injeção dos granulos de HEINZ, e cerca de 3 vezes aquele número, ao contrário, quando inicialmente a cifra é elevada o aumento de leucocitos é unicamente de 1.2 vezes.


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Os autores estudaram os efeitos da injeção de acetilfenilhidrazina quando empregada na dóse de 30 mg. p.q.c. em diferentes animais. O comportamento das hematias com granulos de HEINZ é variavel em cada animal como se póde verificar na tabela anexa.


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Os marcadores moleculares apresentam várias aplicações no melhoramento de plantas, permitindo uma série de análises genéticas. Este trabalho foi realizado com o objetivo de estabelecer marcadores RAPD para serem utilizados em estudos de mapeamento genético e na seleção de híbridos entre tangerina-'Cravo' (Citrus reticulata Blanco) e laranja-'Pêra' (C. sinensis (L.) Osbeck). Extraiu-se DNA de folhas dos parentais e de seis híbridos F1. As reações de amplificação foram preparadas em 13 uL de solução, constituída por tampão 1x GIBCO BRL; soluções 1,54 mM de MgCl2 e 0,2 mM de cada dNTP; 15 ng de cada 'primer'; 1,5 unidade de 'Taq DNA Polymerase' e 15 ng de DNA genômico. As reações foram realizadas em termocicladores programados para 36 ciclos de 1 min a 92ºC, 1 min a 36ºC, 2 min a 72ºC e 10 min de extensão a 72ºC. Foram testados 'primers' decâmeros arbitrários dos 'kits' A, AB, AT, AV, B, C, D, E, G, H, M, N, P, Q, R e U da Operon, sendo selecionados 113 por apresentarem polimorfismo, com número de marcadores variando de 1 a 6 por 'primer'. Esses 'primers' amplificaram 201 (23,13%) bandas polimórficas, aplicáveis no mapeamento genético e seleção de híbridos. A freqüência de 'primers' com 1; 2; 3; 4; 5 e 6 bandas polimórficas foi de 49,5%, 33,6%, 9,7%, 4,4%, 1,8% e 1,0%, respectivamente.


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The volatile oil obtained from the leaves of Hydrocotyle bonariensis Lam (Araliaceae) was analyzed by GC, Chiral-GC and GC-MS. It was identified 14 compounds and the monoterpene (+)-limonene (53.6%) and sesquiterpene γ-muurolene (10.5%) were the main components. The allelopathic effects of the oil were evaluated against two seeds, Lactuca sativa and Allium cepa. The results show that the oil exhibited inhibition effects in the germination and seedling growth of plants species relative to the control.


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The purpose of this study was to establish normal reference electrocardiographic (ECG) values for standard limb lead II in Saanen goats. For this, were used 19 healthy adult female Saanen goats. And for reference values for the ECG parameters, were used 95% confidence level. The overall P, Q, R, S and T durations (seconds) were 0.03±0.01, 0.02±0.005, 0.03±0.014, 0.03±0.011, 0.06±0.014 respectively, and the reference values were 0.01-0.04, 0.01-0.02, 0.01-0.06, 0.02-0.04 and 0.04-0.08 respectively. The amplitudes (milivolts) of these waveforms were 0.1±0.031, 0.06±0.023, 0.44±0.312, 0.39±0.434, 0.26±0.164 (T negative) and 0.15±0.071 (T positive), respectively. The reference values were 0.05-0.15, 0.05-0.1, 0.05-1.2, 0.05-1.1 and -0.2-0.7 respectively. The PR and QT interval, the QRS complex and the ST segment durations (seconds) were 0.08±0.018, 0.26±0.03, 0.05±0.008, 0.15±0.041 respectively. The reference values were 0.06-0.12, 0.2-0.32, 0.04-0.07 and 0.11-0.26, respectively. It was possible to observe differences in ECG of Saanen goats regarding the amplitude and duration of the constituents when compared to the results of other breeds. Therefore it is necessary to conduct further studies to allow comparisons, detect and diagnose cardiac arrhythmias and help the development of therapies.


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Weeds in pastures can intoxicate animals, and Arrabidaea bilabiata is the most important species for herbivores in floodplain areas in the Amazon Basin. Genetic diversity studies in natural populations may contribute to the better understanding of the range of toxicity and the genetic variability organization in this species. The objective of this study was to assess the variability and genetic structure in six populations of A. bilabiata sampled in floodplain areas in three municipalities of the Amazonas State, from the AFLP markers analysis. AFLP markers were efficient to characterize the genetic variability of the 65 individuals analyzed. From four combinations of oligonucleotides, a total of 309 AFLP fragments was obtained, where 304 (98.38%) were polymorphic. By the dendrogram and Bayesian cluster analysis, there was a formation of two isolated groups, the first one comprising individuals from Autazes municipality and the second one comprising individuals from Itacoatiara and Parintins. However, depending on the method to define the most probable cluster number, there was a separation of the six populations, according to their geographical origin. Mantel test confirmed that geographically closer populations are more akin, although low gene flow (0.538) is observed among the sampled populations. The molecular analysis of variance found that 49.29% of the genetic variability are among individuals inside populations and 50.71% among the populations analyzed. The results indicate the possibility that isolated A. bilabiata populations contain plants with different toxicity levels and suggest a strong adaptability of the species.


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A close relationship exists between calcium concentration in the central nervous system and nociceptive processing. Aminoglycoside antibiotics and magnesium interact with N- and P/Q-type voltage-operated calcium channels. In the present study we compare the antinociceptive potency of intrathecal administration of aminoglycoside antibiotics and magnesium chloride in the tail-flick test and on incisional pain in rats, taken as models of phasic and persistent post-surgical pain, respectively. The order of potency in the tail-flick test was gentamicin (ED50 = 3.34 µg; confidence limits 2.65 and 4.2) > streptomycin (5.68 µg; 3.76 and 8.57) = neomycin (9.22 µg; 6.98 and 12.17) > magnesium (19.49 µg; 11.46 and 33.13). The order of potency to reduce incisional pain was gentamicin (ED50 = 2.06 µg; confidence limits 1.46 and 2.9) > streptomycin (47.86 µg; 26.3 and 87.1) = neomycin (83.17 µg; 51.6 and 133.9). The dose-response curves for each test did not deviate significantly from parallelism. We conclude that neomycin and streptomycin are more potent against phasic pain than against persistent pain, whereas gentamicin is equipotent against both types of pain. Magnesium was less potent than the antibiotics and effective in the tail-flick test only.


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INTRODUCTION: The population of patients undergoing renal transplantation is considered at highrisk for developing obesity and changes in lipid and glucose metabolism, due to the use of immunosuppressive drugs and increased food freedom in the post-transplant period. OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to assess the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in renal transplant recipients and to identify factors associated with its occurrence. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was performed in renal transplant patients, with more than six months of follow-up. The metabolic syndrome was diagnosed according to the criteria of the National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III. RESULTS: Among the 87 pa- tients enrolled, 39 (44.8%) presented the phenotype of metabolic syndrome. The mean age of the patients was 43.5 ± 12.1 years-old, with a predominance of male (69.0%) and white (66.7%). The mean and median times of post transplant follow-up were 64.2 ± 49.4 and 56 months, respectively. All the 12 patients who developed post-transplant diabetes mellitus also met the criteria for metabolic syndrome, which compromised the inclusion of this variable in the logistic regression. In the univariate analysis, patients with metabolic syndrome had higher mean age (p = 0.008), higher median blood level of cyclosporine (p = 0.021), higher prevalence of history of coronary disease (p = 0.023), and they were more frequent users of beta (p = 0.011) and calcium- channel blockers (p = 0.039). In the multivariate analysis, age (HR = 1.06; 95% CI=1.01-1.11, p=0.006) and use of beta-blockers (HR = 4.02; 95% CI = 1.41 - 11.4, p = 0.009) were asso- ciated with increased risk of metabolic syndrome. CONCLUSION: Metabolic syndrome was highly prevalent in the population of renal trans- plant recipients studied, and it was associated with older age, use of beta-blockers, and post-transplant diabetes mellitus.


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The phytochemical investigation of Bakeridesia pickelii Monteiro led to the isolation of seven compounds: beta-sitosterol, a mixture of sitosteryl-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and stigmasteryl-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, vanillic acid, p-coumaric acid, quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (isoquercitrin) and kaempferol-3-O-beta-D-(6"-E-p -coumaroyl) glucopyranoside (tiliroside), which was isolated as the major component. Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic data such as IR, ¹H and 13C NMR, including two-dimensional techniques. Tiliroside relaxed the guinea-pig ileum pre-contracted with KCl 40 mM (EC50 = 9.5 ± 1.0 x 10-5 M), acetylcholine 10-6 M (EC50 = 2.3 ± 0.9 x 10-5 M) or histamine 10-6 M (EC50 = 4.1 ± 1.0 x 10-5 M) in a concentration-dependent manner.