54 resultados para Amperometry (Instrumentation)
em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP
OBJECTIVE: To assess the Dixtal DX2710 automated oscillometric device used for blood pressure measurement according to the protocols of the BHS and the AAMI. METHODS: Three blood pressure measurements were taken in 94 patients (53 females 15 to 80 years). The measurements were taken randomly by 2 observers trained to measure blood pressure with a mercury column device connected with an automated device. The device was classified according to the protocols of the BHS and AAMI. RESULT: The mean of blood pressure levels obtained by the observers was 148±38/93±25 mmHg and that obtained with the device was 148±37/89±26 mmHg. Considering the differences between the measurements obtained by the observer and those obtained with the automated device according to the criteria of the BHS, the following classification was adopted: "A" for systolic pressure (69% of the differences < 5; 90% < 10; and 97% < 15 mmHg); and "B" for diastolic pressure (63% of the differences < 5; 83% < 10; and 93% < 15 mmHg). The mean and standard deviation of the differences were 0±6.27 mmHg for systolic pressure and 3.82±6.21 mmHg for diastolic pressure. CONCLUSION: The Dixtal DX2710 device was approved according to the international recommendations.
The potentialities and applications of the Multiple Pulse Amperometric detection (MPA) coupled with Flow Injection Analysis (FIA) are evaluated. Important aspects as cleaning and activation of electrode surface, indirect and simultaneous analysis of electroactive compounds and the use of the internal standard method for quantifications utilizing FIA-MPA are presented. The main parameters concerning the detection of electroactive analytes by multiple pulse amperometric detection in flowing solutions were also discussed. In addition, aspects such as flow rate, sample volume, application time of the potential pulses and instrumentation necessary for implementing of the method were also addressed.
OBJECTIVE: To determine health care costs and economic burden of epidemiological changes in diseases related to tobacco consumption. METHODS: A time-series analysis in Mexico (1994-2005) was carried out on seven health interventions: chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, lung cancer with and without surgical intervention, asthma in smokers and non-smokers, full treatment course with nicotine gum, and full treatment course with nicotine patch. According with Box-Jenkins methodology, probabilistic models were developed to forecast the expected changes in the epidemiologic profile and the expected changes in health care services required for selected interventions. Health care costs were estimated following the instrumentation methods and validated with consensus technique. RESULTS: A comparison of the economic impact in 2006 vs. 2008 showed 20-90% increase in expected cases depending on the disease (p<0.05), and 25-93% increase in financial requirements (p<0.01). The study data suggest that changes in the demand for health services for patients with respiratory diseases related to tobacco consumption will continue showing an increasing trend. CONCLUSIONS: In economic terms, the growing number of cases expected during the study period indicates a process of internal competition and adds an element of intrinsic competition in the management of preventive and curative interventions. The study results support the assumption that if preventive programs remain unchanged, the increasing demands for curative health care may cause great financial and management challenges to the health care system of middle-income countries like Mexico.
OBJECTIVE: To assess factors associated with the establishment of permanent vascular access for patients with end-stage renal disease. METHODS: Cross-sectional study conducted in a nationally representative sample of Brazilian end-stage renal disease patients in dialysis and transplant centers during 2007. The sample comprised only patients who received hemodialysis as a primary therapy modality and reported the type of vascular access for their primary hemodialysis treatment (N=2,276). Data were from the TRS Project - "Economic and Epidemiologic Evaluation of Modalities of Renal Replacement Therapy in Brazil". Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to assess factors associated with the establishment of permanent vascular access in these patients. RESULTS: About 30% of the patients studied had an arteriovenous vascular access. The following factors were associated with a lower likelihood of having an arteriovenous vascular access as a primary type of access: time of hemodialysis start since the diagnosis of chronic renal failure < 1 year; shorter dialysis therapy; having no private health insurance; living in the central-western, northeastern and southeastern regions of Brazil; and living in the northern region plus having no private health insurance. In the final model there was found a positive association between the outcome and pre-dialysis care and no were association with socioeconomic and comorbidity variables. CONCLUSIONS: The study results showed that the focus should on pre-dialysis care to increase the establishment of an arteriovenous vascular access before starting hemodialysis in Brazil.
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o monitor OMRON 705-CP de medida de pressão arterial em adolescentes e adultos jovens. MÉTODOS: De acordo com o protocolo da British Hypertension Society e da Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation, realizamos a validação do aparelho em 60 adolescentes. O monitor foi conectado em Y com a coluna de mercúrio e foram realizadas 4 medidas consecutivas e simultâneas, analisadas as independentes e calculadas as diferenças médias entre as pressões e o desvio padrão dessas diferenças. Os resultados foram analisados de acordo com o sistema de grau do protocolo utilizado. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliadas 240 medidas. A idade média dos pacientes foi 16,3 anos. Quando comparada a medida realizada pela coluna de mercúrio com o aparelho houve uma diferença < 15 mmHg em 97,9% das medidas sistólicas e 98,8% das diastólicas; uma diferença < 10 mmHg em 86,3% das medidas sistólicas e 90,4% das diastólicas, classificada como grau A; uma diferença < 5 mmHg em 59,1% das medidas sistólicas e 67% das medidas diastólicas, considerada pela classificação entre A/B. A diferença média e o desvio padrão dessa diferença na pressão sistólica foi de 2,91±6,42 mmHg e para a diastólica de 1,16±5,79 mmHg. CONCLUSÃO: O monitor OMRON 705-CP mostrou-se válido para medidas de pressão arterial de adolescentes segundo o protocolo empregado.
FUNDAMENTO: O hipotireoidismo manifesto está associado com elevação da pressão arterial diastólica; entretanto, a associação entre o hipotireoidismo subclínico (HS) e alteração da pressão arterial (PA) é desconhecida. OBJETIVO: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a monitorização ambulatorial da pressão arterial (MAPA) por 24 horas em pacientes normotensos com HS em comparação a indivíduos normotensos eutireóideos (EU). MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com 50 participantes (HS = 30 e EU = 20) que não apresentavam diferenças em relação a fatores de risco para hipertensão. A monitorização ambulatorial de pressão arterial foi realizada com um monitor Dynamapa®, utilizando-se um método oscilométrico validado pela AAMI (Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation) e pela BHS (British Hypertension Society). RESULTADOS: Os níveis séricos médios de TSH e T4 livre foram respectivamente 6,9 ± 2,2 µUI/ml e 1,1 ± 0,2 ng/dl em pacientes com HS. Apesar de não haver diferença em relação à média da pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica entre os dois grupos, houve uma correlação positiva entre os níveis de pressão arterial diastólica média (PADM) e os valores séricos de TSH em pacientes com HS (r:0,477; p = 0,004). Essa correlação foi detectada por medidas diurnas (r:0,498; p = 0,002) e noturnas (r:0,322; p = 0,032). CONCLUSÃO: A pressão arterial não diferiu entre pacientes com ou sem HS; contudo, os resultados sugerem que a progressão de hipotireoidismo subclínico para níveis mais elevados de TSH pode aumentar o risco cardiovascular através do aumento da pressão arterial diastólica.
The least limiting water range (LLWR) has been used as an indicator of soil physical quality as it represents, in a single parameter, the soil physical properties directly linked to plant growth, with the exception of temperature. The usual procedure for obtaining the LLWR involves determination of the water retention curve (WRC) and the soil resistance to penetration curve (SRC) in soil samples with undisturbed structure in the laboratory. Determination of the WRC and SRC using field measurements (in situ ) is preferable, but requires appropriate instrumentation. The objective of this study was to determine the LLWR from the data collected for determination of WRC and SRC in situ using portable electronic instruments, and to compare those determinations with the ones made in the laboratory. Samples were taken from the 0.0-0.1 m layer of a Latossolo Vermelho distrófico (Oxisol). Two methods were used for quantification of the LLWR: the traditional, with measurements made in soil samples with undisturbed structure; and in situ , with measurements of water content (θ), soil water potential (Ψ), and soil resistance to penetration (SR) through the use of sensors. The in situ measurements of θ, Ψ and SR were taken over a period of four days of soil drying. At the same time, samples with undisturbed structure were collected for determination of bulk density (BD). Due to the limitations of measurement of Ψ by tensiometer, additional determinations of θ were made with a psychrometer (in the laboratory) at the Ψ of -1500 kPa. The results show that it is possible to determine the LLWR by the θ, Ψ and SR measurements using the suggested approach and instrumentation. The quality of fit of the SRC was similar in both strategies. In contrast, the θ and Ψ in situ measurements, associated with those measured with a psychrometer, produced a better WRC description. The estimates of the LLWR were similar in both methodological strategies. The quantification of LLWR in situ can be achieved in 10 % of the time required for the traditional method.
The kernel of the cutia nut (castanha-de-cutia, Couepia edulis (Prance) Prance) of the western Amazon, which is consumed by the local population, has traditionally been extracted from the nut with a machete, a dangerous procedure that only produces kernels cut in half. A shelling off machine prototype, which produces whole kernels without serious risks to its operator, is described and tested. The machine makes a circular cut in the central part of the fruit shell, perpendicular to its main axis. Three ways of conditioning the fruits before cutting were compared: (1) control; (2) oven drying immediately prior to cutting; (3) oven drying, followed by a 24-hour interval before cutting. The time needed to extract and separate the kernel from the endocarp and testa was measured. Treatment 3 produced the highest output: 63 kernels per hour, the highest percentage of whole kernels (90%), and the best kernel taste. Kernel extraction with treatment 3 required 50% less time than treatment 1, while treatment 2 needed 38% less time than treatment 1. The proportion of kernels attached to the testa was 93%, 47%, and 8% for treatments 1, 2, and 3, respectively, and was the main reason for extraction time differences.
Objective: The present study was aimed at evaluating the viability of replacing 18F with 99mTc in dose calibrator linearity testing. Materials and Methods: The test was performed with sources of 99mTc (62 GBq) and 18F (12 GBq) whose activities were measured up to values lower than 1 MBq. Ratios and deviations between experimental and theoretical 99mTc and 18F sources activities were calculated and subsequently compared. Results: Mean deviations between experimental and theoretical 99mTc and 18F sources activities were 0.56 (± 1.79)% and 0.92 (± 1.19)%, respectively. The mean ratio between activities indicated by the device for the 99mTc source as measured with the equipment pre-calibrated to measure 99mTc and 18F was 3.42 (± 0.06), and for the 18F source this ratio was 3.39 (± 0.05), values considered constant over the measurement time. Conclusion: The results of the linearity test using 99mTc were compatible with those obtained with the 18F source, indicating the viability of utilizing both radioisotopes in dose calibrator linearity testing. Such information in association with the high potential of radiation exposure and costs involved in 18F acquisition suggest 99mTc as the element of choice to perform dose calibrator linearity tests in centers that use 18F, without any detriment to the procedure as well as to the quality of the nuclear medicine service.
This paper describes some aspects of multichannel spectrophotometry, principles of photodiode arrays and their applications in Analytical Chemistry.
The Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA) is described with emphasis on ultramicroelectrode applications with a laboratory developed computer based instrumentation. The technique potentialities as compared with the voltammetric approach are pointed out based on the current literature. Some results of trace metals analysis including zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in vinegar and canned food samples are presented. The mainly advantage found in our laboratory was the technique capability to analyse natural samples with minimum matrix interference and the low level of noise found in our determinations.
This work describes the techniques of construction and several applications of ultramicroelectrodes in electrochemistry and electroanalytical chemistry. Disc shaped UME are produced by embedding metal wires on insulating materials such as glass or epoxy resin. In the field of electrochemistry, UME have been applied in studies of the hydrogen evolution reaction and the electrocrystallization of metals. The negligible values of sensibility for ohmic drop and the enhanced mass transport rate by spherical diffusion are the main advantages of UME in these applications. New important conclusions regarding the phenomena under study were drawn from the experimental results. The applications in electroanalytical chemistry involved the determination of contaminants such as heavy metals and nitrites in natural waters and food products. The use of UME requires little sample manipulation and, in general, no need for oxygen removal or the addition of supporting electrolytes.
A didactic description of the frequency-domain fluorometry is presented. Its fundamental aspects, the instrumentation and what one can expect from the technique are discussed.
Under the chromatographic point of view, the physico-chemical properties of a supercritical fluid are intermediate to those of the gases and liquids. Many times they approach the best features of each one, as for example, the solubilization power of liquids and low viscosity of gases. The thermodynamic definitions and main physico-chemical features of a supercritical fluid will be presented in this article. The use of supercritical fluids in analytical chemistry has been extremely modest in Brazil, even considering the enormous potential of their applications, and their use in several techniques, such as chromatography (SFC) and supercritical fluid extration (SFE). This article series is intended to discuss the historical evolution, instrumentation features and potential and limitations of the supercritical fluid use in analytical chemistry. A special focus will be centered on chromatography and extration techniques using supercritical fluids.