30 resultados para 1995_12171540 MOC-9

em Scielo Saúde Pública - SP


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Na adoção de novas tecnologias, o problema nem sempre é a disponibilidade de recursos, mas sim a possibilidade de acesso à informação adequada e à capacidade de utilizar novos quadros de referência analíticos. Quando se empregam Sistemas Geográficos de Informação no tratamento de endereços para o Database Marketing, é preciso passar a enxergar os endereços como as entidades autônomas que realmente são, em vez de considerá-los como meros atributos dos clientes. Essaestratégia reduz, consideravelmente, o esforço de geodecodificação.


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Behaviour comparisons of Aedes scapularis and Ae. serratus are presented. Results were obtained by sampling Aedes adult mosquitoes at several places in the rural anthropic environment in the Ribeira Valley region of S. Paulo State, Brazil. Aedes dominance was shared by those two species, but Ae. scapularis Sshowed a clear tendency to frequent the modified environment, while Ae. serratus was to be found in the more preserved ones, here represented by the vestigial patchy forests. Regarding the open cultivated land and the dwelling environments, Ae. scapularis preponderates. Considering the regional developmental phases, this mosquito showed a remarkable increase in the modified environment differently from Ae. serratus that underwent a considerable decrease in migrating from the forest to the anthropic environment. As a consequence of these results it is reasonable to conclude that Ae. scapularis may be considered as an epidemiologically efficient vector and that it quite probably played this role in the Rocio encephalitis and other arbovirus epidemics.


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OBJECTIVE To analyze the factors associated with stiffness of the great arteries in prepubertal children.METHODS This study with convenience sample of 231 schoolchildren aged 9-10 years enrolled in public and private schools in Vitória, ES, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010-2011. Anthropometric and hemodynamic data, blood pressure, and pulse wave velocity in the carotid-femoral segment were obtained. Data on current and previous health conditions were obtained by questionnaire and notes on the child’s health card. Multiple linear regression was applied to identify the partial and total contribution of the factors in determining the pulse wave velocity values.RESULTS Among the students, 50.2% were female and 55.4% were 10 years old. Among those classified in the last tertile of pulse wave velocity, 60.0% were overweight, with higher mean blood pressure, waist circumference, and waist-to-height ratio. Birth weight was not associated with pulse wave velocity. After multiple linear regression analysis, body mass index (BMI) and diastolic blood pressure remained in the model.CONCLUSIONS BMI was the most important factor in determining arterial stiffness in children aged 9-10 years.


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Derivatives of acridine (9-Acridanone-hydrazones) were tested in Cebus monkeys experimentally infected with Schistosoma mansoni, at the dosages of 50, 25, and 12.5 mg/kg (p.o., single dose). At least, four compounds seemed to be very promising, promoting alterations in the oogram and reducing the worm burden drastically, even at the lowest dose (12.5 mg/kg). No side effects could be detected after drug administration.


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Este trabalho apresenta aspectos epidemiológicos da leishmaniose tegumentar nos municípios de Pedro de Toledo e Miracatu, região do Vale do Ribeira, estado de São Paulo, referente ao período 1973-1984. Foi feita uma análise retrospectiva de 108 e 65 casos humanos, respectivamente, para os dois municípios acima. Outro estudo prospectivo foi realizado através do exame clínico e testes de Montenegro, imunofluorescência indireta (IF) e hemaglutinação passiva (HA). Duzentos e setenta e três pessoas foram examinadas, sendo que 22 tinham leishmaniose clínica; 10,2 e 12,8% foram soropositivos à IF e HA, respectivamente. O teste de Montenegro foi aplicado em 154 indivíduos residentes em Pedra do Largo, com prevalência de 25,5% de infecção humana. Destes, 5,8% eram crianças com idade entre 0 e 9 anos. A morbidade mostrou-se variável no tempo, manifestada sob a forma de surtos epidêmicos explosivos e sugerindo feição cíclica ainda mal definida. Notou-se tendência para incidência nula em período subseqüente a cada surto. O aspecto epidemiológico geral mostra uma leishmaniose tegumentar com baixa endemicidade. O padrão de transmissão pareceu não depender do contato do homem com a floresta e a infecção humana sem distinção entre crianças e adultos


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An extensive and severe actinomycetoma by Nocardia asteroides, a rare etiologic agent of this infection in Brazil, observed during a 9 year follow-up is reported. Unsuitable social and financial conditions led to amputation as the only possible solution for this case, no signs of infection relapse having been observed in three years after his surgery.


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Eight patients with leptospirosis were studied with colloidal gold 1 9 8 Au. The radiocolloidal hepatic distribution was altered, presenting a non-homogeneous tiver concentration in seven cases, and a minute to moderate splenic visualization in five. Two patients presented doubtful splenic image, and one seemed to be normal. Liver scanning with colloidal gold 1 9 8 Au is demonstra ted to be a good liver function test.


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INTRODUCTION: The clinical importance of preoperative serum levels of CA 72-4, carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), CA 19-9, and alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) was prospectively evaluated in 44 patients with gastric cancer. METHOD: The serum tumor marker levels were determined by commercial radioimmunoassay kits. Positivity for CA 72-4 (>4 U/mL), CEA (>5 ng/mL), CA 19-9 (>37 U/mL), and AFP (>10 ng/mL) were correlated according to the stage, histology, and lymph node metastasis. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: CA 72-4 showed a higher positivity rate for gastric cancer (47.7%) than CEA (25%), CA 19-9 (25%), and AFP (0%). The combination of CA 72-4 with CEA and CA 19-9 increased the sensitivity to 61.4%. The positivity rates of CA 72-4 in patients at stages I and II (initial disease) and in patients at stages III and IV (advanced disease) were 9% and 60.6%, respectively (P < 0.005). No correlation was found between CEA and CA 19-9 levels and the stage of gastric cancer. There was a tendency of positivity for CA 72-4 to suggest lymph node involvement, but it was not significant (P = 0.075). Serum levels of tumor markers did not show a correlation with the histological types of gastric cancer. CONCLUSION: Preoperative serum levels of CA 72-4 provided a predictive value in indicating advanced gastric cancer.


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OBJECTIVE: To verify the results after the performance of primary coronary angioplasty in Brazil in the last 4 years. METHODS: During the first 24 hours of acute myocardial infarction onset, 9,434 (12.2%) patients underwent primary PTCA. We analyzed the success and occurrence of major in-hospital events, comparing them over the 4-year period. RESULTS: Primary PTCA use increased compared with that of all percutaneous interventions (1996=10.6% vs. 2000=13.1%; p<0.001). Coronary stent implantation increased (1996=20% vs. 2000=71.9%; p<0.001). Success was greater (1998=89.5% vs. 1999=92.5%; p<0.001). Reinfarction decreased (1998=3.9% vs. 99=2.4% vs. 2000=1.5%; p<0.001) as did emergency bypass surgery (1996=0.5% vs. 2000=0.2%; p=0.01). In-hospital deaths remained unchanged (1996=5.7% vs. 2000=5.1%, p=0.53). Balloon PTCA was one of the independent predictors of a higher rate of unsuccessful procedures (odds ratio 12.01 [CI=95%] 1.58-22.94), and stent implantation of lower mortality rates (odds ratio 4.62 [CI=95%] 3.19-6.08). CONCLUSION: The success rate has become progressively higher with a significant reduction in reinfarction and urgent bypass surgery, but in-hospital death remains nearly unchanged. Coronary stenting was a predictor of a lower death rate, and balloon PTCA was associated with greater procedural failure.


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OBJETIVO: Análise comparativa dos resultados hospitalares em pacientes infartados reperfundidos por meio de uma intervenção coronariana percutânea de resgate ou primária. MÉTODOS: Selecionados pacientes consecutivos, submetidos a uma intervenção percutânea no infarto do miocárdio (< 24h), entre 1997 e 2000, incluídos no registro nacional multicêntrico CENIC, comparando os resultados hospitalares, entre aqueles submetidos ao procedimento de resgate (n=840) ou primário (n=8.531). RESULTADOS: Os pacientes que realizaram intervenção de resgate eram significativamente mais jovens, com infarto anterior, associado à presença de disfunção ventricular, porém com menor porcentual de doença coronariana multiarterial, comparados aos primários. As taxas de implante de stents foram similares (56,9% vs. 54,9%; p=0,283), mas o sucesso do procedimento foi menor nos casos de resgate (88,1% vs. 91,2%; p<0,001), cursando com maior mortalidade (7,4% vs. 5,6%; p=0,034), comparado à intervenção primária; nova revascularização (< 0,5%), cirurgia de emergência (< 0,3%) e reinfarto (< 2,6%) foram similares. A análise multivariada identificou o procedimento de resgate como preditor de mortalidade ao final da fase hospitalar [RC (IC=95%) = 1,60 (1,17-2,19); p=0,003]. CONCLUSÃO: Neste registro nacional, a intervenção de resgate apresentou uma maior mortalidade hospitalar, comparada ao procedimento primário.


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