144 resultados para Underflow diameter
A description of Biomphalaria obstructa (Morelet, 1849), based on specimens collected at its type locality - isla del carmen, state of Campeche, Mexico - is presented. The Shell is small, 13 mm in diameter, 3.5 mm in width and with 5.75 whorls in the largest specimen, thin, moderately lustrous and translucent, horn-colored. Whorls increasing regularly (neither slowly nor rapidly) in diameter, rounded on the periphery side, bluntly angular on the left. Suture well-marked, deeper on the left. Right side widely concave, with first whorl deeply situated and partly hidden by the next. Left side shallower than right one, largely flattened, with first whorl plaintly visible. Aperture roundly heart-shaped, usually in the same plane as the body whorl but somewhat deflected to the left (less frequently to the right) in some specimens. Peristome sharp, seldom blunt; a distinct callus on the parietal wall. A number of young shells develop one set (seldom more) of apertural lamellae which tend to be resorbed as the shell grows. Absence of renal ridge. Ovotestis with about 70 mostly unbrached diverticula. Seminal vesicle beset with well-developed knoblike to fingerlike diverticula. Vaginal pouch more or less developed. Spermatheca club-shaped when empty, egg-shaped when full, and with intermediate forms between those extremes. Spermathecal body usually somewhat longer than the duct. Prostate with 7 to 20 (mean 12.06 ± 2.51) usually short diverticula which give off plumpish branches spreading out in a fan shape and overlapping to some extent their immediate neighbors. Foremost prostatic diverticulum nearly always partially or completely inserted between the spermathecal body and the uterine wall. Penial sheath consistently narrower and shorter than the prepuce. Muscular coat of the penis consisting of an inner longitudinal and an outer circular layers. Ratios between organ lengths: caudal to cephalic parts of female duct = 0.55 to 1.37 (mean 0.85 +- 0.17); cephalic parte of female duct to penial complex = 1.36 to 2.81 ((mean 1.90 +- 0.33); penial sheath to prepuce = 042 to 0.96 (mean 0.67 +- 0.13). Comparison with Morelets type specimens of Planorbis orbiculus and P. retusus points to the identity of those nominal species with B. obstructa.
Culture forms of four strains of Endotrypanum (E. schaudinni and E. monterogeii) were processed for transmission electron microscopy and analyzed at the ultrastructural level. Quantitative data about some cytoplasmic organelles were obeined by stereology. All culture forms were promastigotes. In their cytoplasm four different organelles could be found: lipid inclusions (0,2-0,4 µm in diameter), mebrane-bounded vacuoles (0.10-0,28 µm in diameter), glycosomes (0,2-0,3 µm in diameter), and the mitochondrion. The kenetoplast appears as a thin band, except for the strain IM201, which possesses a broader structure, and possibly is not a member of this genus. Clusters of virus-like particles were seen in the cytoplasm of the strain LV88. The data obtained show that all strains have the typical morphological feature of the trypanosomatids. Only strain IM201 could be differentiated from the others, due to its larger kenetoplast-DNA network and its large mitochondrial and glycosomal relative volume. The morphometrical data did not allow the differentiation between E. schaudinni (strains IM217 and M6226) and E. monterogeii (strain LV88).
To note the effect of temperature on survival, growth and fecundity, newly hatched (zero day old) snails Indoplanorbis exustus were cultured at 10 degrees, 15 degrees, 20 degrees, 25 degrees, 30 degrees and 35 degreescentigrades constant temperatures and room temperature (17.5 degrees - 32.5 degrees centigrades). Individuals exposed to 10 degrees centigrades died within 3 days while those reared at 15 degrees, 20 degrees, 25 degrees, 30 degrees, 35 degrees centigrades and room temperature survived for a period of 6, 27, 18, 16, 12 and 17 weeks respectively. An individual added on an average 0.21 mm and 0.45 mg, 0.35 mm and 7.94 mg, 0.63 mm and 15.5 mg, 0.81 mm and 27.18 mg, 1.07 mm and 41.48 mg and 0.78 mm and 31.2 mg to the shell diameter and body weight respectively at those temperatures per week. The snails cultured at 15 degrees centigrades died prior to attainment of sexual maturity. On an average, an individual produced 31.9 and 582.77, 54.86 and 902.18, 56.01 and 968.45, 49.32 and 798.68 and 62.34 and 1143.97 capsules and eggs respectively at 20 degrees, 25 degrees, 30 degrees, 35 degrees centigrades and room temperature (17.5 degrees - 32.5 degrees centigrades).
This study aims to analyze the age of a population of Biomphalaria occidentalis on a pound of Riachuelo river basin, wich is one of the three most important Middle Paraná river affluents in Corrientes province. Samples were drawn from three stations, were spatial and temporal numerical variations of the snail, as well as its relation with different environmental parameters, mainly temperature, rainfall, pH and conductivity, were analyzed. Snail abundance is given in number of individuals/hour. The differences between the three sampling stations, estimated by nonparametric tests, was nonsignificant. A relative scale to the greatest shell diameter was employed to build the age pyramids. Temporal fluctuations of snail abundance correlated negatively with the highest monthly accumulated temperatures (P < 0.05). Although different floristic compositions were observed at the three stations, no significant numerical variations were detected in B. occidentalis spatial distribution. Reproductive activity took place between March-April and November with overlapping cohort system. During summer (December-Febuary) mortality increased along with temperature and reproductive activity was not evident.
Mosquito cell cultures infected with human sera from dengue-1 and dengue-2 outbreaks, started in Rio de Janeiro by 1986 and 1990 respectively, were examined by electron microscopy at different times post the infection of cell cultures. More information was obtained about cell penetration of virus particles in the presence or not of antibodies, their pathway inside the cells, replication mode and exit. Infectiveness of the virus at those different stages can only be attributed to the particles appearing inside the trans-Golgi vesicles; most of all newly formed virus particles remain inside the RER-derived cell vesicles or inside lysosomes, even during cell lysis. Groups of larges particles, 65-75 nm in diameter at dengue-2 infections, persist during cell passage. The large amounts of smooth membrane structures, as vesicles or tabules inside the RER are attributed to a cell response to viral infection.
A population dynamics study of D. maximus was caried out under laboratory condictions (28-C e 65% ñ 5% U.R.) and the methodology was the same that have been used for hearing this insects. In order to evaluate the population growth rate of this species, during a 24 months period, five colonies started with a couple recently emerged were observed. Each couple (a male and a female) was mantained in a glass container measuring 20 cm of diameter and 20 cm in height with filter paper on the botton. The insects were monthly feeding with normal mice blood, and at this day the number of eggs, nymphal stages and adults was registered. All graphical representations of the populations growth rate showed the same shape. It was found that the average of nymphal stage represented 64.31% of the hole population whereas the oviposition curved showed to be inverse to this one (28.57%) a small percentage of adults was found: males 3.85% and females 3.12%. In this study observations on the biologycal cycle, longevity and fertility rates were also carried out.
Ultrasonography can reveal most of the manifestations of portal hypertension complicating hepatosplenic, schistosomiasis. However, direct demonstration of gastroesophageal varices by ultrasonography is still very difficult. An attempt was done to correlate sonographic features of portal hypertension with the degree of fibrosis to screen patients having varices and predicting their chance of bleeding. The results obtained were found to be consistent with the esophagogastric endoscopy and with history of hematemesis. Four parameters were used, size of spleen, degree of periportal fibrosis, presence of collaterals and portal vein diameter. A pilot field survey was also done adopting the same principle.
Conventional ultrasonography highly contributes to a non invasive diagnosis of HS schistosomiasis (Cerri et al., 1984). The introduction of Dopple allowed new advances in the knowledge of the portal dinamics of this disease (Taylor et al., 1985; Moriyasu et al., 1986). The aim of this paper was to analize the hemodinamic behavior of the portal vessels, considering caliper, maximum flow speed, direction of flow and preferential disposition of the collateral vessels. Thirty two patients with schistosomiasis mansoni with confirmed hepatosplenic form (HSSM), were analyzed. Fourteen patients with the intestinal form, have been analyzed as a control group. The results demonstrated that the maximum speed of the portal vein in the two groups has not been significantly diferent. Nevertheless, the diameter of the PV in the hepatosplenic group has been larger. The splenic vein presented speed and caliper larger than the superior mesenteric vein. The hepatic artery has been detectly in only 40% of the cases. The hepatic veins presented normal caliper and spectral pattern. The duplex proved to be an useful technich complementar and non-invasive, in the study of the HSSM.
In heavily infected young patients, there is a "non-congestive" phase of the disease with splenomegaly which can improve after chemoterapy. A strong correlation between hepatosplenic form and worm burden in young patients has been repeatedly shown. The pattern of vascular intrhepatic lesions seems to depend on two mechanisms: (a) egg embolization, with a partial blocking of the portal vasculature; (b) the appearance of small portal collaterals along the intrahepatic portal sistem. The role played by hepatitis B virus (HBV) and C virus infections in the pathogenesis of liver lesions is variably considered. Selective arteriography shows a reduced diameter of hepatic artery with thin and arched branches outlining vascular gaps. A rich arterial network , as described in autopsy cases, is usually not seen in vivo, except after splenectomy or shunt surgery. An augmented hepatic arterial flow was demonstrated in infected animals. These facts suggest that the poor intrahepatic arterial vascularization demonstrated by selective arteriography in humans is due to a "functional deviation"of arterial blood to the splenic territory. The best results obtained in treatment of portal hypertension were: esophagogastric desvascularization and splenectomy (EGDS), although risk of rebleeding persists; classical (proximal) splenorenal shunt (SRS) should be abandoned; distal splenorenal shunt may complicate with hepatic encephalopaty, although later and in a lower percentage than in SRS. Propranolol is currently under investigation. In our Department, schistosomotic patients with esophageal varices bleeding are treated by EGDS and, if rebleeding occurs, by sclerosis of the varices.
Mayaro virus was grown in BHK-21 cells and purified by centrifugation in a potassium-tartrate gradient (5-50%). The electron microscopy analyses of the purified virus showed an homogeneous population of enveloped particles with 69 ñ 2.3 nm in diameter. Three structural virus proteins were identified and designated pl, p2 and p3. Their average molecular weight were p1, 54 KDa; p2, 50 KDa and p3, 34 KDa. In Mayaro virus infected. Aedes albopictus cells and in BHK-21 infected cells we detected six viral proteins, in wich three of them are the structural virus proteins and the other three were products from processing of precursors of viral proteins, whose molecular weights are 62 KDa, 64 KDa and 110 KDa. The 34 KDa protein was the first viral protein sinthesized at 5 hours post-infection in both cell lines studied.
An aggregation pheromone found in the faeces of 5th instar nymphs and adults of Triatoma mazzottii Usinger, Triatoma longipennis Usinger, Triatoma pallidipennis (Stal), Triatoma barberi Usinger and Rhodnius prolixus (Stal) was studied under laboratory conditions. Bioassays were performed using a 30 cm-diameter arena and wind tunnel. T. longipennis nymphs showed a stronger response than the other triatomine nymphs tested. There were no significant differences in faecal attractiveness to nymphs, but the faeces of T. longipennis and T. pallidipennis were most active. The responses of all species to male and female faeces of T. mazzottii was significantly different, but there was no significant difference in the responses of the development stages to male and female faeces of T. mazzottii. However, male faeces were more active than female faeces. The feeding status of nymphs did not affect the response.
Ferromagnetic dacron is proposed as an alternative solid-phase for magnetic enzyme immunoassays. Human serum albumin (HSA) was covalentlyimmobilized onto ferromagnetic dacron and as enzyme immunoassay was developed using anti-HSA rabbit sera. Peroxidase, o-phenylenediamine (OPD) and hydrogen peroxide were used anti-HSA rabbit sera. Peroxidase, o-phenylenediamine (OPD) and hydrogen peroxide were used as the enzymatic label and substrates, respectively. Best results were observed when particles of 63-100 µm (diameter) and 10 µg of immobilized antigen were used. Positive reactions were detected until dilutions of1:51200 of immune sera. Its reproducibility was similar to standard ELISA. Disruption of the immunocomplexes formed and recuperation of the immobilized antigen in other immunoassays also proved to be reliable.
Various types of "nuages" and "lamellae anulata" can be found during Dermatobia hominis spermatogenesis. In spermatogonia, the "nuages" occur as granules juxtaposed to the cytoplasmic face of the nuclear envelope or as cytoplasmic granules similar to glycogen granules. In spermatocytes, in addition to the "nuages", dense spherical bodies of approximately 1.0 µm in diameter are also observed. In the spermatids the "nuages" can be of the following types: perinuclear granules, spherical granules with diameters varying in length from 0.5 to 1.0 µm, granules similar to glycogen granules, granules with variable diameters which accumulate at the flagellum base forming the centriole adjunct, or remain in the cytoplasm. "Nuages" can also be observed in these cellular types as dense masses, without a definite outline and are common to animal germinal cells in general. The "lamellae anulata" on the other hand, are observed only in spermatocytes I and in early spermatids, being always immersed in electron-dense material of indefinite outline. In spermatids, the "lamellae anulata" are close to the nuclear envelope suggesting, in spite of opposing opinions, that these cells are envolved in the synthesis and transport of material from the nucleus to the cytoplasm.
Blood erythrocytes of Brazilian tree-frogs, Phrynohyas venulosa were found to frequently contain single, small, densely staining inclusions. Electron microscopy showed these to be icosahedral viral particles which measured from 250-280 nm in diameter; they were devoid of an envelope, and thus differed from previously described viruses of frog erythrocytes. The infected erythrocytes lacked a crystalline body.
A description is given of the shell, head-foot, pulmonary wall, reproductive system and radula of Biomphalaria subprona (Martens, 1899). A diagnosis between it and two other congeneric species under 10 mm in shell diameter occurring in Middle America (Biomphalaria helophila and B. schrammi) is presented.