132 resultados para Sm antibody


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We tested sera from 286 agricultural workers and 322 rodents in the department of Córdoba, northeastern Colombia, for antibodies against two hantaviruses. The sera were analysed by indirect ELISA using the lysate of Vero E6 cells infected with Maciel virus (MACV) or the N protein of Araraquara virus (ARAV) as antigens for the detection of antibodies against hantaviruses. Twenty-four human sera were IgG positive using one or both antigens. We detected anti-MACV IgG antibodies in 10 sera (3.5%) and anti-ARAV antibodies in 21 sera (7.34%). Of the 10 samples that were positive for MACV, seven (70%) were cross-reactive with ARAV; seven of the 21 ARAV-positive samples were cross-reactive with MACV. Using an ARAV IgM ELISA, two of the 24 human sera (8.4%) were positive. We captured 322 rodents, including 210 Cricetidae (181 Zygodontomys brevicauda, 28 Oligoryzomys fulvescens and 1 Oecomys trinitatis), six Heteromys anomalus (Heteromyidae), one Proechimys sp. (Echimyidae) and 105 Muridae (34 Rattus rattus and 71 Mus musculus). All rodent sera were negative for both antigens. The 8.4% detection rate of hantavirus antibodies in humans is much higher than previously found in serosurveys in North America, suggesting that rural agricultural workers in northeastern Colombia are frequently exposed to hantaviruses. Our results also indicate that tests conducted with South American hantavirus antigens could have predictive value and could represent a useful alternative for the diagnosis of hantavirus infection in Colombia.


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Anti-glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) antibodies (Abs) may reflect and mediate, at least partially, anti-disease immunity in malaria by neutralising the toxic effect of parasitic GPI. Thus, we assessed the anti-GPI Ab response in asymptomatic individuals living in an area of the Brazilian Amazon that has a high level of malaria transmission. For comparative purposes, we also investigated the Ab response to a crude extract prepared from Plasmodium falciparum, the merozoite surface protein (MSP)3 antigen of P. falciparum and the MSP 1 antigen of Plasmodium vivax (PvMSP1-19) in these individuals and in Angolan patients with acute malaria. Our data suggest that the Ab response against P. falciparum GPI is not associated with P. falciparum asymptomatic infection in individuals who have been chronically exposed to malaria in the Brazilian Amazon. However, this Ab response could be related to ongoing parasitaemia (as was previously shown) in the Angolan patients. In addition, our data show that PvMSP1-19may be a good marker antigen to reflect previous exposure to Plasmodium in areas that have a high transmission rate of P. vivax.


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In the Amazon Region, there is a virtual absence of severe malaria and few fatal cases of naturally occurring Plasmodium falciparum infections; this presents an intriguing and underexplored area of research. In addition to the rapid access of infected persons to effective treatment, one cause of this phenomenon might be the recognition of cytoadherent variant proteins on the infected red blood cell (IRBC) surface, including the var gene encoded P. falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1. In order to establish a link between cytoadherence, IRBC surface antibody recognition and the presence or absence of malaria symptoms, we phenotype-selected four Amazonian P. falciparum isolates and the laboratory strain 3D7 for their cytoadherence to CD36 and ICAM1 expressed on CHO cells. We then mapped the dominantly expressed var transcripts and tested whether antibodies from symptomatic or asymptomatic infections showed a differential recognition of the IRBC surface. As controls, the 3D7 lineages expressing severe disease-associated phenotypes were used. We showed that there was no profound difference between the frequency and intensity of antibody recognition of the IRBC-exposed P. falciparum proteins in symptomatic vs. asymptomatic infections. The 3D7 lineages, which expressed severe malaria-associated phenotypes, were strongly recognised by most, but not all plasmas, meaning that the recognition of these phenotypes is frequent in asymptomatic carriers, but is not necessarily a prerequisite to staying free of symptoms.


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An increasing amount of research has been conducted on immunoglobulin Y (IgY) because the use of IgY offers several advantages with respect to diagnostic testing, including its easy accessibility, low cost and translatability to large-scale production, in addition to the fact that it can be ethically produced. In a previous work, immunoglobulin was produced and purified from egg yolks (IgY) reactive to hepatitis A virus (HAV) antigens. In the present work, this anti-HAV-specific IgY was used in an indirect immunofluorescence assay to detect viral antigens in liver biopsies that were obtained from experimentally infected cynomolgus monkeys. Fields that were positive for HAV antigen were detected in liver sections using confocal microscopy. In conclusion, egg yolks from immunised hens may be a reliable source for antibody production, which can be employed for immunological studies.


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Turnera subulata Sm., known as "Chanana" or "flor-do-Guarujá" in Brazilian folklore, is a plant species belonging to the subfamily Turneroideae of family Passifloraceae, which is used for various medicinal purposes in Brazil. The phytochemical study conducted here led to the isolation and identification of ten compounds present in T. subulata: two mixtures of steroids, sitosterol and stigmasterol (nonglycosylated and glycosylated); a mixture of flavonoids, 5,7,4′-trihidroxiflavona-8-C-α-glucopyranoside and 5,7,3′,4′-tetrahidroxiflavona-8-C-α-glucopyranosidel; and four phaeophytins, phaeophytin purpurin-18-phytyl ester, a rare natural product, phaeophytin a , 13²-hydroxy-(13²-S)-phaeophytin a , and phaeophytin b Phaeophytin b exhibited electrochemical activity similar to that of phthalocyanines.


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O estudo da higroscopicidade é indispensável para o entendimento da trabalhabilidade, estabilidade dimensional, resistência mecânica e durabilidade natural da madeira. Neste trabalho objetivou-se a avaliação do teor de equilíbrio higroscópico para diversas condições de umidade relativa do ar, bem como da retratibilidade linear e volumétrica e da densidade básica da madeira de Eucalyptus saligna Sm. A madeira utilizada foi proveniente de árvores com 16 anos de idade, procedentes de talhões experimentais da EMBRAPA Florestas de Colombo, Paraná. Amostras com dimensões de 1,0x2,0x3,0 cm, sendo a última na direção longitudinal, foram colocadas em uma câmara fechada, sob ventilação, próximas de recipientes com soluções salinas supersaturadas, a fim de atingir determinada condição preestabelecida de teor de equilíbrio higroscópico. Após o equilíbrio da umidade da madeira nas distintas condições de umidade relativa, as amostras foram secas em estufa, para posterior avaliação. Os dados relativos à umidade de equilíbrio ajustaram-se muito bem às condições de umidade relativa adotadas neste estudo, tendo sido possível estimar com grande precisão o teor de equilíbrio higroscópico, para a faixa de aproximadamente 20 até 100% de umidade relativa. A madeira em estudo apresentou dados de retratibilidade bastante elevados, se comparados aos de outras da mesma faixa de densidade. Apesar dos elevados coeficientes de contração, o fator anisotrópico ou relação T/R mostrou-se próximo daquele encontrado na grande maioria das madeiras comerciais brasileiras. Verificaram-se ainda coeficientes de contrações mais suaves nos teores de umidade abaixo de 17%.


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A ultra-estrutura e a composição química da madeira, bem como suas propriedades físicas e mecânicas, variam significativamente entre espécies, entre árvores de uma mesma espécie e, mesmo, entre diferentes partes de uma mesma árvore. Com este trabalho objetivou-se o estudo dos parâmetros de retratibilidade e de densidade básica da madeira Eucalyptus saligna, com idade de 16 anos, proveniente de talhões experimentais da EMBRAPA Florestas, de Colombo, Paraná. As amostras foram retiradas à altura do DAP de quatro posições eqüidistantes a partir da medula em direção à periferia, correspondendo a 0, 33, 66 e 100%, com dimensões nominais de 1,0 x 2,0 x 3,0 cm, sendo a última dimensão no sentido longitudinal. Elas foram mantidas em câmara fechada com ventilação, próximo de soluções salinas supersaturadas, com o objetivo de proporcionar diferentes condições de umidade relativa. Uma vez atingidas as distintas condições de umidade de equilíbrio, as amostras foram secas em estufa a 105 ºC e obtidos os dados de retratibilidade e densidade básica da madeira nas posições mencionadas. Constataram-se valores de contração volumétrica mais baixos na região medular, apresentando um acréscimo para as demais posições. Comportamento semelhante foi observado para os coeficientes das contrações lineares nas direções tangencial e radial. O fator anisotrópico foi consideravelmente mais elevado na região medular, decrescendo substancialmente em direção ao alburno. A densidade básica não mostrou sinais efetivos de estabilidade, apesar de mostrar tendência de aumento em direção à periferia do tronco.


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AB STRACT This study aimed at evaluating the natural durability of Eucalyptus dunnii, Eucalyptus robusta, Eucalyptus tereticornis and Hovenia dulcis woods submitted to a deterioration test in two environments, field and forest. The test samples were buried until half of their length (150 mm). Evaluations were carried out each 45 days, totalizing a 405-day period, with three-repetition withdrawal of each species for environment, totalizing nine samples from each environment, making up 24 test samples for evaluation. After percentage calculations of mass loss and resistance degree classification, the deterioration index was adopted for decomposition evaluation and fungal decay potential determination of test samples. The study has been carried out in completely randomized design (CRD), evaluated through analysis of variance (ANOVA) with subsequent comparison of means by Turkey' s test, in a 5%-level of probability of error, along with regression analysis. Eucalyptus tereticornis wood presented lesser mass loss in both environments. Hovenia dulcis presented lesser deterioration probability in both environments. Forest environment test samples presented greater mass loss percentages and lesser deterioration index.


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The study determined the sensitivity and specificity of the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and modified agglutination test (MAT) for anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody detection by analyzing sera from 46 experimentally infected pigs. Values for sensitivity were 95.7% (confidence interval 95%: 84.0-99.2%) and for specificity 97.8% (confidence interval 95%: 87.0-99.9%) in both tests. There was an optimum agreement of results between IFAT and MAT evidenced by a Kappa test of 0.86. These results validate these tests for the detection of T. gondii infection in pigs. IFAT and MAT despite methodologies with different characteristics and readings have similar accuracy in pig serum samples.


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Babesiosis is one of the most important diseases affecting livestock agriculture worldwide. Animals from the subspecies Bos taurus indicus are more resistant to babesiosis than those from Bos taurus taurus. The genera Babesia and Plasmodium are Apicomplexa hemoparasites and share features such as invasion of red blood cells (RBC). The glycoprotein Duffy is the only human erythrocyte receptor for Pasmodium vivax and a mutation which abolishes expression of this glycoprotein on erythrocyte surfaces is responsible for making the majority of people originating from the indigenous populations of West Africa resistant to P. vivax. The current work detected and quantified the Duffy antigen on Bos taurus indicus and Bos taurus taurus erythrocyte surfaces using a polyclonal antibody in order to investigate if differences in susceptibility to Babesia are due to different levels of Duffy antigen expression on the RBCs of these animals, as is known to be the case in human beings for interactions of Plasmodium vivax-Duffy antigen. ELISA tests showed that the antibody that was raised against Duffy antigens detected the presence of Duffy antigen in both subspecies and that the amount of this antigen on those erythrocyte membranes was similar. These results indicate that the greater resistance of B. taurus indicus to babesiosis cannot be explained by the absence or lower expression of Duffy antigen on RBC surfaces.


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O presente trabalho apresenta um tratamento taxonômico para as 14 espécies de Lellingeria (L. apiculata (Kunze ex Klotzsch) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. brasiliensis (Rosenst.) Labiak, L. brevistipes (Mett. ex Kuhn) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. depressa (C. Chr.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. hirsuta A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. itatimensis (C. Chr.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. limula (Christ) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. myosuroides (Sw.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. organensis (Gardner) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. pumila Labiak, L. schenckii (Hieron.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. suspensa (L.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran, L. tamandarei (Rosenst.) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran e L. wittigiana (Fée) A.R. Sm. & R.C. Moran) que ocorrem no Brasil. São apresentados uma análise crítica sobre cada espécie e seus sinônimos, considerações acerca da classificação, morfologia e distribuição geográfica das espécies, bem como chave para identificação, comentários sobre as espécies mais semelhantes e ilustrações.


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Uma nova espécie de Pitcairnia oriunda da costa leste do Brasil é descrita e ilustrada. P. azouryi, pode ser diferenciada das demais espécies brasileiras do gênero por apresentar flores muito desenvolvidas (10-18 cm compr.) e reflexas após a fecundação, lâmina decídua por zona de abscisão 4-6,5 cm acima da bainha, aculeada somente na porção marcescente. Também é apresentada a descrição e ilustração de P. encholirioides L.B.Sm., espécie endêmica do Rio de Janeiro e até então conhecida apenas pela coleção-tipo e por sua diagnose, que não contemplava todos os caracteres relevantes para definir a espécie e são aqui descritos.


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The human anti-rabies pre-exposure treatment currently used in Brazil, employing a 1-ml dose of suckling mouse brain vaccine (SMBV) administered on days 0, 2, 4 and 28, was compared to an alternative treatment with two 1 ml-doses on day 0, and one 1 ml-dose injected on days 7 and 21. The latter induced higher virus-neutralizing antibody (VNA) titers on day 21. Both Brazilian rabies vaccines produced with PV or CVS rabies virus strains were tested. Two additional volunteer vaccinee groups, receiving the pre-exposure and the abbreviated post-exposure schedules recommended by the WHO using cell-culture vaccine (CCV) produced with PM rabies virus strain, were included as reference. The VNA were measured against both PV and CVS strains on days 21, 42 and 180 by the cell-culture neutralization microtest. The PV-SMBV elicited higher seroconversion rates and VNA by day 21 than the CVS-SMBV. Both, however, failed to induce a long-term immunity, since VNA titers were <0.5 IU/ml on day 180, regardless of the schedule used. Cell-culture vaccine always elicited very high VNA on all days of collection. When serum samples from people receiving mouse brain tissue were titrated against the PV and CVS strains, the VNA obtained were similar, regardless of the vaccinal strain and the virus used in the neutralization test. These results contrast with those obtained with sera from people receiving PM-CCV, whose VNA were significantly higher when tested against the CVS strain.


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The induction of systemic (IgG) and mucosal (IgA) antibody responses against the colonization factor I antigen (CFA/I) of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) was evaluated in mice primed with an intramuscularly delivered CFA/I-encoding DNA vaccine followed by two oral immunizations with a live recombinant Salmonella typhimurium vaccine strain expressing the ETEC antigen. The booster effect induced by the oral immunization was detected two weeks and one year after the administration of the DNA vaccine. The DNA-primed/Salmonella-boosted vaccination regime showed a synergistic effect on the induced CFA/I-specific systemic and secreted antibody levels which could not be attained by either immunization strategy alone. These results suggest that the combined use of DNA vaccines and recombinant Salmonella vaccine strains can be a useful immunization strategy against enteric pathogens.


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An anti-carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) monoclonal antibody (mAb 6D1.1) was evaluated in vitro and in vivo to determine its suitability as a tracer for immunoscintigraphy of colorectal carcinomas. Determination of mAb affinity for CEA showed a constant of association of 0.63 ± 0.11 x 109 M-1. Binding of technetium-99m (99mTc)-6D1.1, labeled by a direct method, to human cultured lineages was highly specific. Binding to only CEA-positive LS-174T cells resulted in a saturable curve inhibited by pre-incubation with unlabeled mAb. No binding at all was observed for the human lineages MeWo (melanoma) or ZR75-30 (breast carcinoma), neither of them expressing CEA cells. Intravenous injection of 99mTc-6D1.1 into nude mice xenografted with human LS-174T tumors resulted in planar images of excellent quality. Localization of an irrelevant mAb labeled with either 99mTc or iodine-125 was never observed in tumor masses. Biodistribution studies on excised tumoral tissue showed retention of 28.48% of the injected dose per gram of LS-174T tumor. The tumor-to-blood ratio was 3.46. The same analysis performed on the other three human xenografted tumors studied demonstrated that only the CEA-producing HT-29 (colorectal adenocarcinoma) retained 99mTc-6D1.1 while the other two (ZR75-30 and MeWo) did not. These data demonstrate that this mAb is an adequate tool for targeting CEA-expressing tumors in experimental models.