218 resultados para protocol identification
The proteins of adults worms (male and female) of two isolates (BH and RJ) of Shistosoma mansoni were extracted using Triton X-114 phase separation. The SDS-polyacrilamide gel electrophoresis profiles of the three phases (detergent, aqueous and insoluble proteins) obtained were compared after Coomassie blue and silver staining, surface radioiodination and Western blotting. No major differences were detected between the 2 isolates. Of the 25 or more proteins which partitioned into the detergent phase, only about 8 proteins could be surface radiodinated on live adult worms. A comparison was also made between the profiles of mael and females worms, isolated from bisexually infected mice. Two major female-specific and one male-specific band were detected by silver and/or Coomassie staining. The female bands, 32 KDa and 18 KDa, partitioned into the detergent and aqueous phase, respectively. The male-specific band of 42 KDa remained in the insoluble phase. Antigenic differences between male and females protins were detected by Western vlotting using a sera from infected Nectomys squamipes.
Cercarial shedding tests do not provide species identification of the shistosomes concerned and cannot detect prepatent schistosomal infections. We have demonstrated that both immunodetection by ELISA of schistosomal antigens in snail hemophlymph, and dot hybridization of snail extracts by DNA probe representing highly repeated sequences, proved suitable for detecting infected snails during prepatnecy as well as patency. A group-specific monoclonal antibody was found to be suitable for detecting Schistosoma mansoni infection in Biomphalaria sp., but not for positive identification of S. haematobium in Blulinus sp. Comparative evaluation of the diagnostic qualities, and technical aspects and cost of these tests, point to the superiority of the immunodetection approach for large scale detection of snails prepatently infected with S. mansoni. This approach is potentially useful for providing extended information on schistosome-snail epidemiology that may facilitate rapid evaluation of the danger of post-control reinfection, and help make decisions on the time and place of supplementary control measures. In this context the potential usefulness of the immunodetection or DNA probing approach for facilitating catalytic model representation of schistosome-snail epidemiology warrants further evaluation. Specific identification of S. haematobium in Bulinus by either of these approaches may be possible depending on the development of suitable antibodies or DNA probes.
The CIPA programme is a collaborative project including two entomologists from France and seven South and Central America countries. Its objective is the development of an expert system for computer aided identification of phlebotomine sandflies from the Americas. It also includes the formation of data bases for bibliographic, taxonomic and biogeographic data. Participant consensus on taxonomic prerequisites, standardization in bibliographic data collections and selection of descriptive variables for the final programme has been established through continous communication among participants and annual meetings. The adopted check-list of American sandflies presented here includes 386 specific taxa, ordered into genera and 28 sub-genera or species groups.
The objectives of the present study were to optimize the protocol of mouse immunization with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis antigens (Rifkind's protocol) and to test the modulation effect of cyclophosphamide (Cy) on the delayed hypersensitivity response (DHR) of immunized animals. Experiments were carried out using one to four immunizing doses of either crude particulate P. brasiliensis antigen or yeast-cell antigen, followed by DHR test four or seven days after the last immunizing dose. The data demonstrated that an immunizing dose already elicited response; higher DHR indices were obtained with two or three immunizing doses; there were no differences between DHR indices of animals challenged four or seven days after the last dose. Overall the inoculation of two or three doses of the yeast-cell antigen, which is easier to prepare, and DHR test at day 4 simplify the original Rifkind's immunization protocol and shorten the duration of the experiments. The modulation effect of Cy on DHR was assayed with administration of 2.5, 20 and 100 mg/kg weight at seven day intervals starting from day 4 prior to the first immunizing dose. Only the treatment with 2.5 mg Cy increased the DHR indices. Treatment with 100 mg Cy inhibited the DHR, whereas 20 mg Cy did not affect the DHR indices. Results suggest an immunostimulating effect of low dose of Cy on the DHR of mice immunized with P. brasiliensis antigens.
We have initiated a gene discovery program in Schistosoma mansoni based on the technique of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), i.e. partial sequences of cDNAs obtained from single passes in automatic DNA sequencers. ESTs can be used to identify genese onf the basis of their homology whith sequences from other species deposited in DNA or protein databases. Trasncripts with sequences without matches in teh databases may represent novel parasite-specific genes. This approach has shown to be very efficient and in less than two years a broad range of novel genes has already been ascertained, more than doubling the number of known S. mansoni genes.
Two sibling species of Biomphalaria, B. tenagophila and B. occidentalis were identified using isozyme patterns obtained by horizontal gel electrophoresis. Six diagnostic enzymatic loci were identified in digestive gland homogenates. The results enable us to distinguish the species, calculate the Nei's coefficient of genetic similarity, and provide a basis for making inferences about the pattern of these two planorbid species colonization and distribution.
A morphological study was made of a population of Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) rondoni (Neiva and Pinto) from northern Mato Grosso, Brazil. This population usually lacked the primary key character of a dark basal band on hindtarsomere 3, i.e., hindtarsomere 3 was all white as in most other members of the subgenus. It was determined that this species can be recognized instead by the presence of a dark spot on the thorax made up of a large dark prescutellar space that is contiguous with a concolorous central area on the scutellum. A secondary character of a dark area on the costa created by the fusion of the humeral dark, presector dark and sector dark proximal spots is also usually reliable. Regression analyses comparing the lengths and ratios of the dark bands on hindtarsomeres 2 to those on 3 describe a straight line relationship. This suggests that the "atypical" population is at one end of a character gradient. We propose that in the subgenus Nyssorhynchus individuals that have a long basal band on hindtarsomere 2 are more likely to also have a basal band on hindtarsomere 3. The pupal stage of this species has not been previously described. Reared-associated specimens from this study show that the pupa can be easily differentiated from all other Nyssorhynchus by the relatively stout, usually 2 or 3 branched (1-5), setae 1 and 5 on segments IV-VII.
Species-specific Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA-Polymerase chain Reaction (RAPD-PCR) markers were used to identify four species related to Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) albitarsis Lynch-Arribàlzaga from 12 sites in Brazil and 4 in Venezuela. In a previous study (Wilkerson et al. 1995), which included sites in Paraguay and Argentina, these four species were designated "A", "B", "C" and "D". It was hypothesized that species A is An. (Nys.) albitarsis, species B is undescribed, species C is An. (Nys) marajoara Galvão and Damasceno and species D is An. (Nys.) deaneorum Rosa-Freitas. Species D, previously characterized by RAPD-PCR from a small sample from northern Argentina and southern Brazil, is reported here from the type locality of An. (Nys.) deaneorum, Guajará-Mirim, state of Rondônia, Brazil. Species C and D were found by RAPD-PCR to be sympatric at Costa Marques, state of Rondônia, Brazil. Species A and C have yet to be encountered at the same locality. The RAPD markers for species C were found to be conserved over 4,620 km; from Iguape, state of São Paulo, Brazil to rio Socuavo, state of Zulia, Venezuela. RAPD-PCR was determined to be an effective means for the identification of unknown species within this species complex.
Monoclonal antibodies specific for selected species complexes of Leishmania have been employed for the characterization of several representative strains of Leishmania isolated from different hosts and localities in the Americas. In the past 15 years, data have been accumulated concerning (i) the specificities of a number of these monoclonal antibodies and (ii) the antigenic variation (level of the expressed antigenic determinants) occurring among New World Leishmania species or strain variants as recognized by the monoclonal antibodies. This report is an attempt to summarize in brief the data accumulated to date on these points and to indicate the directions for future applications of these specific monoclonal antibodies for identification of leishmanial isolates.
The low stringency-polymerase chain reaction (LS-PCR) with a pair of specific primers for the amplification of the 18S rRNA gene was evaluated as a means of differentiating between the two Schistosoma mansoni intermediate host species in Brazil: Biomphalaria glabrata and B. tenagophila. Individual snails obtained from different states of Brazil were used and the amplification patterns obtained showed a high degree of genetic variability in these species. Nevertheless, 4 and 3 clearly defined specific diagnostic bands was observed in individuals from B. glabrata and B. tenagophila respectively. The detection of snail specific diagnostic bands suggests the possibility of reliable species differentiation at the DNA level using LS-PCR.
Although Biomphalaria occidentalis and B. tenagophila are indistinguishable on the basis of shell morphology and the majority of their genital organs, only the latter is susceptible to infection with Schistosoma mansoni. Thus, the identification of these species is fundamental to epidemiological studies of schistosomiasis. Here we describe a simple and rapid method for differentiating B. tenagophila from B. occidentalis based on low stringency polymerase chain reaction and using a pair of primers specific for the amplification of the 18S rRNA gene. Analysis of the low stringency product profiles of populations of these snails from different geographical regions confirmed this approach as being applicable to the identification of B. tenagophila and B. occidentalis in cases where classical morphology is inconclusive
Different molecular-genetic methods were used to identify a cohort of Leishmania strains from natural foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis located in Central Asia, on the former USSR territory. The results obtained using isoenzymes, PCR, restriction fragment length polymorphisms of kDNA and molecular hybridization techniques are discussed in terms of their applicability, discrimination power and feasibility for answering questions related to molecular epidemiological research and for detecting mixed Leishmania infections
We show here a simplified reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) for identification of dengue type 2 virus. Three dengue type 2 virus strains, isolated from Brazilian patients, and yellow fever vaccine 17DD, as a negative control, were used in this study. C6/36 cells were infected with the virus, and tissue culture fluids were collected after 7 days of infection period. The RT-PCR, a combination of RT and PCR done after a single addition of reagents in a single reaction vessel was carried out following a digestion of virus with 1% Nonidet P-40. The 50ml assay reaction mixture included 50 pmol of a dengue type 2 specific primer pair amplifying a 210 base pair sequence of the envelope protein gene, 0.1 mM of the four deoxynucleoside triphosphates, 7.5U of reverse transcriptase, and 1U of thermostable Taq DNA polymerase. The reagent mixture was incubated for 15 min at 37oC for RT followed by a variable amount of cycles of two-step PCR amplification (92oC for 60 sec, 53oC for 60 sec) with slow temperature increment. The PCR products were subjected to 1.7% agarose gel electrophoresis and visualized with UV light after gel incubation in ethidium bromide solution. DNA bands were observed after 25 and 30 cycles of PCR. Virus amount as low as 102.8 TCID50/ml was detected by RT-PCR. Specific DNA amplification was observed with the three dengue type 2 strains. This assay has advantages compared to other RT-PCRs: it avoids laborious extraction of virus RNA; the combination of RT and PCR reduces assay time, facilitates the performance and reduces risk of contamination; the two-step PCR cycle produces a clear DNA amplification, saves assay time and simplifies the technique
Random single pass sequencing of cDNA fragments, also known as generation of Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs), has been highly successful in the study of the gene content of higher organisms, and forms an integral part of most genome projects, with the objective to identify new genes and targets for disease control and prevention and to generate mapping probes. In the Trypanosoma cruzi genome project, EST sequencing has also been a starting point, and here we report data on the first 797 sequences obtained, partly from a CL Brener epimastigote non-normalized library, partly on a normalized library. Only around 30% of the sequences obtained showed similarity with Genbank and dbEST databases, half of which with sequences already reported for T. cruzi.