116 resultados para Partido da Social Democracia Brasileira (PSDB)


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Esta pesquisa identifica e analisa a representação social sobre a morte construída por médicos intensivistas, buscando compará-la aos resultados obtidos entre os médicos docentes da Clínica Médica. Realizaram-se entrevistas semiestruturadas com 27 médicos atuantes nas UTIs de um hospital universitário ligado a uma instituição de ensino superior federal do Brasil. Trabalhou-se com o conceito de Representação Social e a metodologia qualiquantitativa do discurso do sujeito coletivo (DSC). Os resultados mostraram que o contexto da UTI promove esforços de objetivação e naturalização da morte, mas não neutraliza os sentimentos vividos pelos médicos intensivistas. Estes reconhecem seu despreparo para lidar com situações que envolvem a morte e reivindicam o apoio de psicólogos e psicanalistas. Defendem, também, a UTI como espaço privilegiado para o contato e elaboração de atitudes pessoais e profissionais em relação à morte ao longo da graduação médica. Conclui-se que, pela especificidade do contexto da UTI, médicos e estudantes de Medicina podem testemunhar alcances e limites da atuação médica frente à inexorabilidade da morte humana e melhor elaborar suas percepções em relação a esse tema.


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Este ensaio apresenta a trajetória da participação da sociedade civil brasileira nas conquistas do setor de saúde no período da redemocratização política no País. Autores como Carvalho², Fleury³ Paim7 e Gerschman6 auxiliam a compreensão desse caminho. Pretende-se demonstrar a importância dos movimentos sociais da saúde e suas diferentes relações com o Estado brasileiro com vista à institucionalização dos Conselhos de Saúde. Como alternativa fundamental para a concretização da democracia participativa, os avanços práticos dos mecanismos de controle social desses colegiados ainda são bastante limitados. Os autores concluem que há um verdadeiro esvaziamento político na maioria dos Conselhos de Saúde, com práticas ainda marcadas pelo passado de legitimação do poder dominante. O papel exercido outrora pelos movimentos sociais e populares de formação de conselheiros encontra-se cada vez mais distante da população, institucionalizado na representação de um controle social ainda aparentemente "figurativo". Diante da realidade vivenciada neste e em outros estudos, questiona-se a atuação dos Conselhos de Saúde como espaço público democrático.


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Este artigo apresenta um histórico da trajetória da lei que cria a Empresa Brasileira de Serviços Hospitalares (EBSERH) em 2011, contextualiza essa criação nas conjunturas internacional e nacional, e apresenta e discute as principais mudanças nela contidas. Essa trajetória é problematizada a partir das mudanças ocorridas no Congresso Nacional desde a Medida Provisória 520. O contexto é analisado com base nas justificativas da criação da EBSERH à luz do cenário de crise econômica internacional. Nacionalmente, o texto insere a empresa na perspectiva da reforma do Estado iniciada em 1995. Esta é apresentada em duas gerações, com base na bibliografia consultada, sendo a EBSERH própria de uma segunda geração de reformas ditas institucionais. Na saúde, a separação entre o financiamento e a prestação dentro do Estado e a competição entre prestadores públicos e privados são tomadas como norte para a análise. Apresentam-se e discutem-se as principais mudanças da lei que cria a EBSERH, especialmente quanto a financiamento, relacionamento com as universidades, relações de trabalho e controle social. São apresentados possíveis impactos sobre o ensino médico.


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RESUMO A medicina atua com a prevenção e a cura das doenças humanas num sentido amplo. Uma formação com enfoque em problemas permite ao estudante um poder de análise dos componentes das situações de saúde. O Programa de Integração em Saúde da Comunidade (Pisco) prevê levar estudantes e professores para a vivência da prática voltada à integralidade das ações, valorizando a prevenção e a promoção à saúde. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar as vivências dos estudantes de Medicina no processo de avaliação das atividades do Pisco do primeiro ao quarto ano do curso e a sua relação com o projeto pedagógico do curso. Foi realizado um estudo descritivo quali-quantitativo. Foram produzidos registros escritos pelos estudantes ao final de cada encontro, de março de 2008 a dezembro de 2011, posteriormente analisados por meio do Discurso do Sujeito e pelo software QualiQuantiSoft®. Os resultados mostram diminuição do número de registros a partir da quinta etapa, pois a partir dela os alunos iniciam vivências em ambientes diferentes de prática médica e, assim, passam a desvalorizar as atividades no Programa de Saúde da Família.


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RESUMO A promoção de saúde requer um trabalho com abordagens preventivas, educacionais, curativas e de controle da saúde pelo próprio indivíduo, sendo a motivação e a transformação social por meio da conscientização as únicas propostas viáveis para a diminuição das doenças bucais. O objetivo deste programa foi promover a saúde de forma ampla, atingindo vários atores sociais, e trabalhar a autonomia e a modificação de hábitos essenciais para alterações no fenômeno saúde-doença. Foi desenvolvido na rede pública de ensino do município de Patos (PB), com a participação de três eixos – a família, os educadores e as crianças –, tendo como ações as práticas de promoção e educação em saúde, análise do nível de conhecimento em saúde bucal, realização de tratamento restaurador atraumático, além de cursos de capacitação em saúde bucal para educadores e agentes comunitários de saúde. O projeto teve aceitação por todos os eixos assistidos e alcançou como resultado a melhoria nos níveis de saúde bucal e a criação de agentes multiplicadores de saúde, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento da autonomia e integralidade em saúde.


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Este trabalho trata da importância do setor florestal para o desenvolvimento socioeconômico brasileiro por meio dos modelos econômicos de equilíbrio geral multissetoriais, através das análises das matrizes de insumo-produto (MIP) e de contabilidade social (MCS). As principais fontes dos dados foram as Tabelas de Insumo-Produto (TIP) do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), além de informações obtidas no Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES), no Banco Central (BACEN) e na Secretaria da Receita Federal (SRF), referentes ao ano de 1995. Observou-se que tão importante quanto contribuir para a geração e formação do PIB, de emprego, impostos, salários e balança comercial é o poder que um setor produtivo tem a mais que o outro de multiplicar estes indicadores quando uma unidade monetária é gasta a mais pelos consumidores finais na demanda por produtos deste determinado setor. Os resultados indicaram que o setor florestal é um dos setores da economia brasileira que apresentou os maiores efeitos multiplicadores para os indicadores socioeconômicos, sendo superiores aos de outros como o da indústria automobilística, de equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos, de máquinas e equipamentos e de produtos químicos e petróleo.


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The adoption of a proper traceability system is being incorporated into meat production practices as a method of gaining consumer confidence. The various partners operating in the chain of meat production can be considered a social network, and they have the common goal of generating a communication process that can ensure each characteristic of the product, including safety. This study aimed to select the most appropriate meat traceability system “from farm to fork” that could be applied to Brazilian beef and pork production for international trade. The research was done in three steps. The first used the analytical hierarchy process (AHP) for selecting the best on-farm livestock traceability. In the second step, the actors in the meat production chain were identified to build a framework and defined each role in the network. In the third step, the selection of the traceability system was done. Results indicated that with an electronic traceability system, it is possible to acquire better connections between the links in the chain and to provide the means for managing uncertainties by creating structures that facilitate information flow more efficiently.


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We investigated the association of eye color with the dominant-subordinate relationship in the fish Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Eye color pattern was also examined in relation to the intensity of attacks. We paired 20 size-matched fish (intruder: 73.69 ± 11.49 g; resident: 75.42 ± 8.83 g) and evaluated eye color and fights. These fish were isolated in individual aquaria for 10 days and then their eye color was measured 5 min before pairing (basal values). Twenty minutes after pairing, eye color and fights were quantified for 10 min. Clear establishment of social hierarchy was observed in 7 of 10 pairs of fish. Number of attacks ranged from 1 to 168 among pairs. The quartile was calculated for these data and the pairs were then divided into two classes: low-attack (1 to 111 attacks - 2 lower quartiles) or high-attack (112 to 168 attacks - 2 higher quartiles). Dominance decreased the eye-darkening patterns of the fish after pairing, while subordinance increased darkening compared to dominance. Subordinate fish in low-attack confrontations presented a darker eye compared to dominant fish and to the basal condition. We also observed a paler eye pattern in dominants that shared low-attack interactions after pairing compared to the subordinates and within the group. However, we found no differences in the darkening pattern between dominants and subordinates from the high-attack groups. We conclude that eye color is associated with social rank in this species. Moreover, the association between eye color and social rank in the low-attack pairs may function to reduce aggression.


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Studies of behavior, endocrinology and physiology have described experiments in which animals housed in groups or in isolation were normally tested individually. The isolation of the animal from its group for testing is perhaps the most common situation used today in experimental procedures, i.e., there is no consideration of the acute stress which occurs when the animal is submitted to a situation different from that it is normally accustomed to, i.e., group living. In the present study, we used 90 male 120-day-old rats (Rattus norvegicus) divided into 5 groups of 18 animals, which were housed 3 per cage, in a total of 6 cages. The animals were tested individually or with their groups for exploratory behavior. Hormones were determined by radioimmunoassay using specific kits. The results showed statistically significant differences between testing conditions in terms of behavior and of adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH: from 116.8 ± 15.27 to 88.77 ± 18.74 when in group and to 159.6 ± 11.53 pg/ml when isolated), corticosterone (from 561.01 ± 77.04 to 1036.47 ± 79.81 when in group and to 784.71 ± 55.88 ng/ml when isolated), luteinizing hormone (from 0.84 ± 0.09 to 0.58 ± 0.05 when in group and to 0.52 ± 0.06 ng/ml when isolated) and prolactin (from 5.18 ± 0.33 to 9.37 ± 0.96 when in group and to 10.18 ± 1.23 ng/ml when isolated) secretion, but not in terms of follicle-stimulating hormone or testosterone secretion. The most important feature observed was that in each cage there was one animal with higher ACTH levels than the other two; furthermore, the exploratory behavior of this animal was different, indicating the occurrence of almost constant higher vigilance in this animal (latency to leave the den in group: 99.17 ± 34.95 and isolated: 675.3 ± 145.3 s). The data indicate that in each group there is an animal in a peculiar situation and its behavior can be detected by ACTH determination in addition to behavioral performance.


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The diagnosis of avoidant disorder was deleted from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental disorders - fourth edition (DSM-IV) based on a `committee decision' suggesting that avoidant disorder is part of the social phobia spectrum. The objective of the present study was to examine the nature of this clinical association in a referred sample of Brazilian children and adolescents. We assessed a referred sample of 375 youths using semi-structured diagnostic interview methodology. Demographic (age at admission to the study and sex) and clinical (level of impairment, age at onset of symptoms and pattern of comorbidity) data were assessed in subsamples of children with avoidant disorder (N = 7), social phobia (N = 26), and comorbidity between both disorders (N = 24). Although a significant difference in the male/female ratio was detected among groups (P = 0.03), none of the other clinical variables differed significantly among subjects that presented each condition separately or in combination. Most of the children with avoidant disorder fulfilled criteria for social phobia. Thus, our findings support the validity of the conceptualization of avoidant disorder as part of the social phobia spectrum in a clinical sample.


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The strategy described in the present paper offers details about the possibility for Brazil to play a more substantial role in the gene revolution. If successfully applied, the powerful science-based technology currently available in Brazil can contribute to extend the benefits of the gene revolution to the poorest countries, very much like the Green Revolution did in the past, thereby reducing the hunger syndrome which claimed the lives of millions of people in some Asian countries, particularly Pakistan and India, decades ago. In his visit to Brazil in February 2004, Norman Borlaug had the opportunity to witness the success of Brazilian agriculture. At a Conference held at ESALQ - Superior School of Agriculture Luiz de Queiroz in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, he stated that the 21st century revolution will come from Brazil in the area of agriculture. He also said that reducing hunger is essential for the world to achieve socioeconomic stability. A central question remains unanswered: who will fund this revolution? The FAO 2003-2004 Annual Report listed the barriers preventing the gene revolution from reaching the poorest countries: inadequate regulatory procedures - Intellectual Property Rights and Biosafety, poorly functioning seed delivering systems and weak domestic plant breeding capacity; all are discussed in this paper.


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Mood disorders cause many social problems, often involving family relationships. Few studies are available in the literature comparing patients with bipolar, unipolar, dysthymic, and double depressive disorders concerning these aspects. In the present study, demographic and disease data were collected using a specifically prepared questionnaire. Social adjustment was assessed using the Disability Adjustment Scale and family relationships were evaluated using the Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale. One hundred patients under treatment for at least 6 months were evaluated at the Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic of the Botucatu School of Medicine, UNESP. Most patients were women (82%) more than 50 (49%) years old with at least two years of follow-up, with little schooling (62% had less than 4 years), and of low socioeconomic level. Logistic regression analysis showed that a diagnosis of unipolar disorder (P = 0.003, OR = 0.075, CI = 0.014-0.403) and dysthymia (P = 0.001, OR = 0.040, CI = 0.006-0.275) as well as family relationships (P = 0.002, OR = 0.953, CI = 0914-0.992) played a significant role in social adjustment. Unipolar and dysthymic patients presented better social adjustment than bipolar and double depressive patients (P < 0.001), results that were not due to social class. These patients, treated at a teaching hospital, may represent the severest mood disorder cases. Evaluations were made knowing the diagnosis of the patients, which might also have influenced some of the results. Social disabilities among mood disorder patients are very frequent and intensive.


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The purpose of the present study was to examine the factor structure and psychometric properties of the Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C), an instrument developed in the United States and applied to a sample of Brazilian schoolchildren. The process included the translation of the original material from English into Portuguese by two bilingual psychiatrists and a back translation by a bilingual physician. Both the front and back translations were revised by a bilingual child psychiatrist. The study was performed using a cross-sectional design and the Portuguese version of the SPAI-C was applied to a sample of 1954 children enrolled in 3rd to 8th grade attending 2 private and 11 public schools. Eighty-one subjects were excluded due to an incomplete questionnaire and 2 children refused to participate. The final sample consisted of 1871 children, 938 girls (50.1%) and 933 boys (49.8%), ranging in age from 9 to 14 years. The majority of the students were Caucasian (89.0%) and the remainder were African-Brazilian (11.0%). The Pearson product-moment correlation showed that the two-week test-retest reliability coefficient was r = 0.780 and Cronbach's alpha was 0.946. The factor structure was almost similar to that reported in previous studies. The results regarding the internal consistency, the test-retest reliability and the factor structure were similar to the findings obtained in studies performed on English speaking children. The present study showed that the Portuguese language version of SPAI-C is a reliable and valid measure of social anxiety for Brazilian children.


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Dominance status among female marmosets is reflected in agonistic behavior and ovarian function. Socially dominant females receive submissive behavior from subordinates, while exhibiting normal ovulatory function. Subordinate females, however, receive agonistic behavior from dominants, while exhibiting reduced or absent ovulatory function. Such disparity in female fertility is not absolute, and groups with two breeding females have been described. The data reported here were obtained from 8 female-female pairs of captive female marmosets, each housed with a single unrelated male. Pairs were classified into two groups: "uncontested" dominance (UD) and "contested" dominance (CD), with 4 pairs each. Dominant females in UD pairs showed significantly higher frequencies (4.1) of agonism (piloerection, attack and chasing) than their subordinates (0.36), and agonistic behaviors were overall more frequently displayed by CD than by UD pairs. Subordinates in CD pairs exhibited more agonistic behavior (2.9) than subordinates in UD pairs (0.36), which displayed significantly more submissive (6.97) behaviors than their dominants (0.35). The data suggest that there is more than one kind of dominance relationship between female common marmosets. Assessment of progesterone levels showed that while subordinates in UD pairs appeared to be anovulatory, the degree of ovulatory disruption in subordinates of CD pairs was more varied and less complete. We suggest that such variation in female-female social dominance relationships and the associated variation in the degree and reliability of fertility suppression may explain variations of the reproductive condition of free-living groups of common marmosets.