148 resultados para Alimentos irradiados


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This paper describes the use of pesticides in agriculture. Research has shown that significant quantities of pesticide residues have been found in many types of foods. Thus, an overview is given of pesticide residue determinations in fruits and vegetables, with special attention to apples. The toxicity and the adverse effects possibly caused by the exposure of these compounds are alerting the scientific community to develop studies about the validation of analytical methods for multiresidue pesticide determination in these samples. This review shows that pesticide-residue determination in apples is becoming a very important and challenging issue.


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This review attempts to provide an updated overview of the Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Ruged and Safe (QuEChERS) multiresidue extraction method, that involves initial extraction in acetonitrile, an extraction/partition step after the addition of salt, and a cleanup step utilizing dispersive solid phase extraction. QuEChERS method is nowadays the most applied extraction method for the determination of pesticide residues in food samples, providing acceptable recoveries for acidic, neutral and basic pesticides. Several applications for various food matrices (fruits, vegetables, cereals and others) in combination with chromatographic mass spectrometry analysis were presented.


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The energies involved in the combustion, under atmosphere of oxygen, of breakfast cereals and dehydrate powdered whole milk samples, were determined by combustion calorimetry. This practical work, in the field of human nutrition, involved the characterization of the nutritional composition and the combustion of samples of the two foods that are part of the alimentary diet, namely, at breakfast. The obtained results allowed to assess the energy value printed in the foods labels and discuss the way those values are estimated.


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ε-Caprolactam (CAP) is a monomer of nylon 6 used as food packaging for bologna sausage, turkey blanquettes, fowl breast, pâtés and ham luncheon meat. After polymerization a part of the monomer can remain in the packaging and migrate into the food. The aim of this work was develop and validate a single laboratory method to determine CAP in ethanol 95% that simulates fatty food characteristics. Thus, linear range was 2 to 32 mg/L of CAP, detection and quantification limits were 0.83 and 1.63 mg/L, respectively. Repeatability showed Hor Rat values lower than 2 while recovery range was 97.5 to 106.5%. The method was considered adequate for purpose.


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This paper presents a practical and rapid method which was validated for simultaneous quantification and confirmation of 29 pesticides in fruits and vegetables using ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). The samples were extracted following the method known as QuEChERS. Using the developed chromatographic conditions, the pesticides can be separated in less than 9 min. Two multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) assays were used for each pesticide. Four representative matrices (lettuce, tomato, apple and grapes) were selected to investigate the effect in recoveries and precision. Typical recoveries ranged from 70-120%, with relative standard deviation (RSDs) lower than 20%.


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The analysis of fatty acid (FA) esters by gas chromatography and flame ionization detector (FID) normally uses the normalization method. However, if one FA is wrongly estimated, the results could be greatly affected. In this study, methodologies using internal standards and correction factors for the FID response are described. The results show that by using theoretical correction factors associated to the internal standardization, the quantitative analyses of the FAs are expressed in mass, increasing the accuracy and facilitating the interpretation and comparison of the results for foods and biodiesels.


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This is an overview of LC-MS techniques applied for macrolide determination in food, including sample preparation and method validation, as well as the policies adopted by international agencies regarding their presence in food. Techniques for the analysis of macrolides in food normally include solid phase or liquid-liquid extraction followed by HPLC. UHPLC presents advantages in running time, detectability and solvent consumption. Triple-quadrupoles are the most common analyzers in instruments used for the determination of contaminants in food, but time-of-flight and ion-trap spectrometers have been successfully applied for analyses focusing on the investigation of structural formula or the presence of degradation products.


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The determination of veterinary drug residues in foods of animal origin is an important issue because of the risk these compounds pose to human health in addition to their persistence and tendency to bioaccumulate. In recent years, significant progress has been made in the area and this review presents the state of the art in sample preparation procedures associated with chromatographic techniques coupled to mass spectrometry for multiresidue determination of veterinary drugs in food of animal origin at concentration levels suitable for the control of residues and contaminants in food.


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This study evaluated the level of the metals Pb mg kg-1 and Cd mg kg-1 found in plant species and the contribution of the levels detected in contaminated soils located in the urban area of the city of Santo Amaro, Bahia. Levels were determined by graphite furnace and flame atomic absorption spectrometry. The results showed the presence of Pb and Cd in plant species at levels ranging from 0.18 to 118.2 mg kg-1 and 0.04 to 7.29 mg kg-1, respectively. The concentration values obtained varied according to the plant species and were not strongly influenced by the concentration values detected in the soil.


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Chloropropanols are a well-known group of food processing contaminants. They are formed through the reaction between lipids and chlorides when submitted to thermal treatment, and can be found in free and bound form. Although free chloropropanols were identified around 30 years ago, the occurrence of bound forms, especially 3-MCPD, and glycidyl fatty acid esters, has only recently been reported in several food products. Dietary exposure to these ester-bound compounds has been considered a priority food safety issue since free forms can be potentially released through the action of gut lipases, representing a major toxicological concern.


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Microemulsions (MEs) are thermodynamically stable systems consisting of nanosized droplets dispersed in a solvent continuous medium (known as pseudo-phase), which is immiscible with the dispersed phase. These systems consist of water, a hydrophobic solvent called "oil," an amphiphile and often, a co-surfactant that is normally a medium chain alcohol. A large number of publications describe the importance of MEs in many branches of chemistry, and there is an intensive search for new applications. In addition, MEs have been applied in many areas, including oil extraction, removal of environmental pollutants from soils and effluents, dissolution of additives in lubricants and cutting oils, cleaning processes, dyeing and textile finishing, as nanoreactors to obtain nanoparticles of metals, semiconductors, superconductors, magnetic and photographic materials, and latex. However, only some studies indicate the potential applications of MEs in food and even fewer evaluate their chemical behavior. Potential applications of MEs in food comprise dissolution of lipophilic additives, stabilization of nutrients and biologically active compounds, using as an antimicrobial agent and to maximize the efficiency of food preservatives. This work consists of a literature review focusing on composition and physical and chemical characteristics of microemulsions. Despite the small number of studies on the subject reported in the literature, we demonstrate some potential applications of MEs in food chemistry.


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Os métodos atualmente utilizados para realização de análise sensorial têm deixado muito a desejar por não traduzir satisfatoriamente os resultados. Diante deste problema, analisou-se a possibilidade de introdução de um fator que medisse o índice de concordância dos provadores sobre determinado aspecto analisado. Para validação deste coeficiente, foi avaliada a concordância entre julgadores na análise sensorial para três diferentes amostras de suco de pinha (Annona squamosa L.): uma constituída apenas do suco de pinha sem leite e duas com diferentes concentrações pinha/leite. Utilizou-se a Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP) e também a nova metodologia proposta pelos autores, com base na definição do desvio-padrão, aplicada às frequências absolutas das notas dos julgadores, para cada propriedade sensorial estudada. Com esta metodologia, definiu-se uma relação para o cálculo de uma medida de concordância entre os julgadores, denominada de coeficiente de concordância, a qual pode assumir valores de 0 a 100% e também permite comparações que não são possíveis, utilizando-se da ACP. Por fim, concluiu-se que tal metodologia é mais indicada que a ACP, na avaliação da concordância entre os julgadores na análise sensorial.


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Vibrio vulnificus é uma bactéria Gram-negativa que habita águas marinhas. É patogênica para o homem e a doença está associada ao consumo de frutos do mar, com aproximadamente 60% dos casos sendo fatais em pacientes imunocomprometidos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi estudar a ocorrência de V. vulnificus em amostras de alguns alimentos de origem marinha. As amostras de ostras, mariscos e camarões foram coletadas nos períodos de abril-agosto de 1993, maio-setembro de 1994 e fevereiro de 1995. De 55 amostras de ostras, 36 (65%) foram positivas para V. vulnificus; das 19 amostras de mariscos, 8 (42,1%) foram positivas e das 7 amostras de camarão, 1 (4,3%) foi positiva para esta bactéria. Os resultados permitiram-nos concluir que a bactéria foi recuperada durante todos os meses de análise, demonstrando que estes alimentos, principalmente quando consumidos crus, são potencialmente perigosos para os seres humanos na faixa de risco.


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São apresentadas algumas aplicações de um sistema "Home-Made" para Extração com Fluido Supercrítico (EFS) na análise de resíduos de pesticidas e de óleos essenciais em alimentos. Foram desenvolvidos diversos estudos com os parâmetros: temperatura, pressão, escolha e concentração de modificadores. Os resultados são apresentados para amostras de maracujá (resíduos de pesticidas organofosforados e piretróides), mel (resíduos de pesticidas organoclorados) e laranja (óleo essencial).