106 resultados para Plants in winter


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Chemical studies of the plant family Annonaceae have intensified in the last several decades due to the discovery of annonaceous molecules with medicinal potential (e.g., benzylisoquinoline alkaloids and acetogenins). Approximately 500 alkaloids have been identified in 138 Annonaceae species in 43 genera. In addition, until 2004, 593 annonaceous acetogenins (ACGs) had been identified, from 51 species in 13 genera.This suggests that plants from this family allocate important resources to the biosynthesis of these compounds. Despite the diversity of these molecules, their biological roles, including their physiological and/or ecological functions, are not well understood. In this study, it was provided new data describing the variety and distribution of certain alkaloids and ACGs in annonaceous plants in distinct stages of development. The potential relationships among some of these compounds and the seasonally climatic changes occurring in the plant habitat are also discussed. These data will improve our understanding of the secondary metabolism of these pharmacologically important molecules and their expression patterns during development, which will help to determine the optimal growth conditions and harvest times for their production.


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Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) is one of the most important viruses infecting fruit trees. This study aimed at the molecular characterization of ASGV infecting apple (Malus domestica) plants in Santa Catarina (SC). RNA extracted from plants infected with isolate UV01 was used as a template for RT-PCR using specific primers. An amplified DNA fragment of 755 bp was sequenced. The coat protein gene of ASGV isolate UV01 contains 714 nucleotides, coding for a protein of 237 amino acids with a predicted Mr of approximately 27 kDa. The nucleotide and the deduced amino acid sequences of the coat protein gene showed identities of 90.9% and 97.9%, respectively, with a Japanese isolate of ASGV. Very high amino acid homologies (98.7%) were also found with Citrus tatter leaf capillovirus (CTLV), a very close relative of ASGV. These results indicate low coat protein gene variability among Capillovirus isolates from distinct regions. In a restricted survey, mother stocks in orchards and plants introduced into the country for large scale fruit production were indexed and shown to be infected by ASGV (20%), usually in a complex with other (latent) apple viruses (80%).


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The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the sunhemp (Crotalaria juncea) host species on the protective ability of two mild strains of Passion fruit woodiness virus (PWV), named F-101 and F-144, which had failed to protect passion flowers (Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa) in previous experiments. The nucleotide sequences of the capsid protein (CP) gene and the 3'-non-translated region (3'-NTR) of these mild strains and the severe strain of PWV-SP were compared to confirm their relationship. The results of two protective tests with sunhemp plants in the greenhouse and one test under field conditions showed that all plants infected with either mild strain were protected against infection and/or symptom expression of the severe strain of PWV-SP. Evaluation of the relative concentration of the mild strains in sun hemp leaves showed an apparent uniformity in virus distribution in the leaf tissues, different than that which was previously reported for these mild strains in passion flower leaves. These results agree with previous studies that showed the effect of the concentration of the protective strains and the host species in the protection process.


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Gerbera (Gerbera jamesonii) is one of the most popular ornamental plants in the world, used as cut or vase flower. The experiment aimed to evaluate the effect of milk in natura to control powdery mildew (Erysiphe cichoracearum) on gerbera. The treatments tested were: two concentrations of cow's milk in natura (8 and 16%), with and without adjuvant (vegetal oil), three fungicides (fenarimol -6 g a.i.100 L-1 H2O, chlorothalonil -150 g a.i.100 L-1 H2O and azoxystrobin + mineral oil - 10 g a.i.100 L-1 H2O) and control treatment. The area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) was calculated for each plot based on disease severity. Milk in natura applied with adjuvant controlled the disease and did not allow the infection and development of pathogen. The addition of adjuvant improves the efficiency of milk in natura, but it requires subsequent washing of plants with H2O + detergent. The fungicide fenarimol promoted the best control and also the best gerbera visual aspect. The fungicide azoxystrobin + mineral oil and the chlorothalonil were phytotoxic to gerbera plants, affecting the aspect of leaves and flowers.


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Asian soybean rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, was reported at epidemic levels in 2003/2004 and is the main soybean disease in Brazil. The aim of this study was to investigate the spread of Asian soybean rust and to quantify airborne urediniospores in the region of Campo Mourão, Paraná State, Brazil. Three experiments were conducted under field conditions during the 2007/08 and 2008/09 crop seasons. Using the disease gradient method, provided by the application of increasing levels of the fungicide tebuconazole, four Asian soybean rust epidemics at different intensities were obtained in each experiment. To quantify the urediniospores, weathercock-type spore collectors were installed during and between the two crop seasons. Disease progress curves were plotted for each epidemic, and maximum severity was estimated. The curves were fit to the logistic model, which provided higher coefficients of determination and more randomly distributed residuals plotted over time. Analyses of the area under the disease progress curve showed that the largest epidemics occurred in the 2007/2008 crop season and that the progress rates were higher for severity, even among plants protected with the fungicide. The number of urediniospores collected in the air was related to the presence of soybean plants in the cultivated crops. The quantity of urediniospores was also positively correlated to the disease severity and incidence, as well as to cumulative rainfall and favorable days for P. Pachyrhizi infection.


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Rust, caused by Puccinia psidii, is one of the most important diseases affecting eucalyptus in Brazil. This pathogen causes disease in mini-clonal garden and in young plants in the field, especially in leaves and juvenile shoots. Favorable climate conditions for infection by this pathogen in eucalyptus include temperature between 18 and 25 ºC, together with at least 6-hour leaf wetness periods, for 5 to 7 consecutive days. Considering the interaction between the environment and the pathogen, this study aimed to evaluate the potential impact of global climate changes on the spatial distribution of areas of risk for the occurrence of eucalyptus rust in Brazil. Thus, monthly maps of the areas of risk for the occurrence of this disease were elaborated, considering the current climate conditions, based on a historic series between 1961 and 1990, and the future scenarios A2 and B2, predicted by IPCC. The climate conditions were classified into three categories, according to the potential risk for the disease occurrence, considering temperature (T) and air relative humidity (RH): i) high risk (18 < T < 25 ºC and RH > 90%); ii) medium risk (18 < T < 25 ºC and RH < 90%; T< 18 or T > 25 ºC and RH > 90%); and iii) low risk (T < 18 or T > 25 ºC and RH < 90%). Data about the future climate scenarios were supplied by GCM Change Fields. In this study, the simulation model Hadley Centers for Climate Prediction and Research (HadCm3) was adopted, using the software Idrisi 32. The obtained results led to the conclusion that there will be a reduction in the area favorable to eucalyptus rust occurrence, and such a reduction will be gradual for the decades of 2020, 2050 and 2080 but more marked in scenario A2 than in B2. However, it is important to point out that extensive areas will still be favorable to the disease development, especially in the coldest months of the year, i.e., June and July. Therefore, the zoning of areas and periods of higher occurrence risk, considering the global climate changes, becomes important knowledge for the elaboration of predicting models and an alert for the integrated management of this disease.


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Water uptake and use by plants are essentially energy processes that can be largely modified by percentage of soil cover, plant type; foliage area and its distribution; phenological stage and several environmental factors. Coffee trees (Coffea arabica - cv. Obatã IAC 1669-20) in Agrforestry System (AFS) spaced 3.4x0.9m apart, were planted inside and along rows of 12- year-old rubber trees (Hevea spp.) in Piracicaba-SP, Brazil (22 42'30" S, 47 38'00" W - altitude: 546m). Sap flow of one-year-old coffee plants exposed to 35; 45; 80; 95 and 100% of total solar radiation was estimated by the heat balance technique (Dynamax Inc.). Coffee plants under shade showed greater water loss per unit of incident irradiance. On the other hand, plants in monocrop (full sun) had the least water loss per unit of incident irradiance. For the evaluated positions average water use was (gH2O.m-2Leaf area.MJ-1): 64.71; 67.75; 25.89; 33.54; 27.11 in Dec./2002 and 97.14; 72.50; 40.70; 32.78; 26.13 in Feb./2003. This fact may be attributed to the higher stomata sensitivity of the coffee plants under more illuminated conditions, thus plants under full sun presented the highest water use efficiency. Express transpiration by leaf mass can be a means to access plant adaptation to the various environments, which is inaccessible when the approach is made by leaf area.


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This study analyzed the reproductive system and the pollen dispersion pattern of Qualea grandiflora progenies. This is a typical species from the Brazilian Cerrado about which there are not too many studies from the genetics point of view. The study was conducted in an area of 2.2 hectares located in the Conservation Unit managed by the Forest Institute of the state of São Paulo, Brazil (Assis State Forest). Total genomic DNA of 300 seeds from 25 plants (12 seeds from each plant) was extracted and amplified using specific primers to obtain microsatellite markers. Results showed that selfing is frequent among adults and progenies, and the species reproduces by outcrossing between related and unrelated individuals (0.913). The single-locus outcrossing rate was 0.632, which indicates that mating between unrelated individuals is more frequent than between related plants. The selfing rate was low (0.087), that is, the species is allogamous and self-fertilization is reduced. About 35% of the plants in the progenies were full-sibs, and about 57%, half-sibs. Besides, about 8% of the progenies were selfing siblings. The genetic differentiation coefficient within progenies was 0.139, whereas the fixation rate was about 27%. The estimate of the effective size revealed that the genetic representativeness of descent was lower than expected in random mating progenies: The analyzed samples corresponded to only 13.2 individuals of an ideal panmictic population. In environmental recovery programs, seeds, preferably from different fruits, should be collected from 95 trees to preserve the genetic diversity of the species.


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ABSTRACTSchizolobium parahyba pv. amazonicum (Huber ex Ducke) Barneby (paricá) occurs naturally in the Amazon and is significant commercial importance due to its rapid growth and excellent performance on cropping systems. The aim of this paper was to evaluate a microbial inoculants such as arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) and Rhizobium sp. that promote plant growth. The inocula was 10 g of root colonized and spores of Glomus clarum and/or 1 mL of cell suspension (107 CFU/mL) of Rhizobium sp. and/or 100 g of chemical fertilizer NPK 20-05-20 per planting hole. The experimental design was complete randomized blocks with five replications and eight treatments (n = 800). Plant height, stem diameter and plant survival were measured. The results were tested for normality and homogeneity of variances and analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). Rhizobium sp and AM fungi showed no effect on plant growth. Environmental factors probably influenced the effectiveness of symbiosis of both microorganisms and plant growth. The chemical fertilizer increased S. parahyba growth. During the first 120 days plants suffered with drought and frost, and at 180 days plants inoculated with microorganism plus chemical fertilizer showed higher survival when compared with control. The results showed that the microbial inoculants used showed an important role on plant survival after high stress conditions, but not in plant growth. Also was concluded that the planting time should be between November to December to avoid the presence of young plants during winter time that is dry and cold.


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ABSTRACT The objectives of this study were to morphologically characterize fruits of the babassu palm tree (Attalea vitrivir) and to estimate their productivity in the north of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Twenty mature fruits were collected from 10 plants in three different areas in Januária, Minas Gerais. Eighteen biometric parameters of the fruits were measured, the oil contents of the seeds was determined, the adherence to normal distribution was evaluated, distribution frequencies were evaluated and the effects of individuals and areas on the variables and the correlations between them were analyzed. The production of fruit bunches per plant and the number of fruits per bunch from 10 plants were quantified in three areas and the potential production under both natural harvesting and cultivation conditions were estimated. Significant differences were found among all of the biometric parameters examined between the different individuals and the different areas, which shows wide morphological variability in the fruits. The average oil content was 45.7%, but with significant differences among individuals. The observed variability favors the selection of productive individuals in genetic improvement programs. The potential productivity of endocarps and oil based on a density of 400/plants per hectare would be respectively 6.4 and 1.2 tons/ha, which indicates the possibility of using A. vitrivir for producing charcoal, bio fuels, and for carbon fixation.


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The experiment was conducted in an orchard located in University of Florida (Citrus Research and Education Center), Lake Alfred, Polk County, Florida, USA. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of water stress in root distribution of 'Valencia' orange tree on 'Swingle' citrumelo rootstock. Three treatments were imposed on the trees: 1) normal irrigation with microsprinklers, 2) no irrigation in winter (November through mid-March) and 3) rainfall exclusion by placing a water repelling fabric (Tyvek) under the trees. Trees in treatments 1 and 2 received normal rainfall during the winter, but treatment 3 received no rain. Normal irrigation was resumed on all treatments in mid March. Soil was collected using root auger head (0.09 m diameter and height 0.25 m) in two opposing quadrants (West and East at 3 horizontal distances from tree trunk (1, 2 and 3 m) and 4 depths (0.0-0.15; 0.15-0.30; 0.30-0.60 and 0.60-0.90 m). The results from root sampling showed that there was a significant difference in root distribution between irrigated treatment and non irrigated/non rainfall.


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ABSTRACT This study aimed to identify wavelengths based on leaf reflectance (400-1050 nm) to estimate white mold severity in common beans at different seasons. Two experiments were carried out, one during fall and another in winter. Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was used to establish a set of wavelengths that better estimates the disease severity at a specific date. Therefore, observations were previously divided in two sub-groups. The first one (calibration) was used for model building and the second subgroup for model testing. Error measurements and correlation between measured and predicted values of disease severity index were employed to provide the best wavelengths in both seasons. The average indexes of each experiment were of 5.8% and 7.4%, which is considered low. Spectral bands ranged between blue and green, green and red, and red and infrared, being most sensitive for disease estimation. Beyond the transition ranges, other spectral regions also presented wavelengths with potential to determine the disease severity, such as red, green, and near infrared.


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ABSTRACT The quality of seedling is critical to obtain vigorous plants in the field. The present study aimed to assess biomasses and biometric relations of soursop seedlings. We used different substrates in protected environments. The experiment was performed at the Universidade Estadual do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS) (State University of Mato Grosso do Sul). Five farming environments were developed in greenhouses: one covered with low-density polyethylene film (LDPE), another with with polyethylene and heat-reflective cloth under film under 50% shading in aluminized color, monofilament cloth under 50% shading in black, thermo-reflective cloth under 50% shading in aluminized color, and an environment covered with bacuri coconut straw. Substrates were made of manure, humus, cassava branches and vermiculite at different proportions. Each of them varying from 25%, 33.3%, 50% and 75% in mixture combination. Each environment was considered an experiment. A completely randomized design was adopted and later a joint analysis of them. Agricultural greenhouse covered with LDPE and thermo-reflective cloths under 50% of shading, proportionated seedlings with greater biomass. Substrates containing manure are the most suitable for soursop seedlings. High percentages of earthworm humus produce low quality soursop seedlings. Soursop seedlings had a Dickson’s quality index around 0.335. The greenhouse covered only with LDPE film did not produce high quality seedlings.


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In many engineering applications, compliant piping systems conveying liquids are subjected to inelastic deformations due to severe pressure surges such as plastic tubes in modern water supply transmission lines and metallic pipings in nuclear power plants. In these cases the design of such systems may require an adequate modeling of the interactions between the fluid dynamics and the inelastic structural pipe motions. The reliability of the prediction of fluid-pipe behavior depends mainly on the adequacy of the constitutive equations employed in the analysis. In this paper it is proposed a systematic and general approach to consistently incorporate different kinds of inelastic behaviors of the pipe material in a fluid-structure interaction analysis. The main feature of the constitutive equations considered in this work is that a very simple numerical technique can be used for solving the coupled equations describing the dynamics of the fluid and pipe wall. Numerical examples concerning the analysis of polyethylene and stainless steel pipe networks are presented to illustrate the versatility of the proposed approach.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate characteristics associated with the photosynthetic activity of cassava plants in competition with weeds or not. The trial was performed on open environment conditions, with experimental units consisting of fiber glass vases with 150 dm³ filled with Red Yellow Latosol, previously fertilized. Treatments consisted in the cultivation of cassava plants isolated and associated to three weed species (Bidens pilosa, Commelina benghalensis and Brachiaria plantaginea). After cassava shooting, 15 days after planting, a removal of the weeds excess was performed, sown at the time of cassava planting, leaving six plants m-2 of B. pilosa and four plants m-2 of C. benghalensis and B. plantaginea. At 60 days after emergence (DAE), stomatal conductance (Gs), vapor pressure in the substomatal cavity (Ean), temperature gradient between leaf and air (ΔT), transpiration rate (E) and water use efficiency (WUE) were evaluated. B. pilosa showed greater capacity to affect growth of cassava plants. B. plantaginea is very efficient in using water, especially by presenting C4 metabolism, and remains competitive with cassava even under temporarily low water status. C. benghalensis, in turn, is not a good competitor for light and apparently is not the primary cause of water depletion in the soil. The effects of weeds, in this case, were more associated with the competition. However, they were found between moderate to low. This implies that the competition established at experimental level was low.