500 resultados para Citrus - Fungicides
A mosca-negra-dos-citros, Aleurocanthus woglumi, apresenta elevada capacidade de dispersão e adaptação a diversas condições climáticas, além de grande potencial reprodutivo. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a flutuação populacional e caracterizar o padrão de dependência espacial de A. woglumi em um pomar de lima- ácida Tahiti (Citrus latifolia, Tanaka), no município de São José de Ribamar, Estado do Maranhão. Um sistema de posicionamento global (GPS) e um sistema de informação geográfica (SIG) foram usados para localizar os pontos das amostras, caracterizar o padrão de distribuição, calcular a área de agregação e elaborar mapas de distribuição dos adultos de mosca-negra-dos-citros dentro do pomar. O número médio total de moscas negras foi maior durante a estação chuvosa e observaram-se correlações significativas entre as variáveis precipitação pluvial, umidade relativa do ar e número total de adultos. A distribuição espacial A. woglumi no pomar é agregada, ajustando-se os variogramas calculados ao modelo esférico nas estações seca e chuvosa. Os insetos mostraram uma área de agregação média de 162.092 m² na estação chuvosa e de 9.615 m² na estação seca. Para se obter uma estimativa confiável de populações de mosca-negra-dos-citros, pelo menos uma armadilha deve ser usada a cada 17 hectares na estação chuvosa e uma armadilha por hectare na estação seca.
The aim of this work was to evaluate antioxidant activity of lemon seeds added to soybean oil, submitted to accelerated incubator-storage test and to determine its synergistic effect with the synthetic antioxidant TBHQ. The treatments Control, TBHQ (50 mg/kg), LSE (2,400 mg/kg Lemon Seed Extract), Mixture 1 (LSE + 50 mg/kg TBHQ) and Mixture 2 (LSE + 25 mg/kg TBHQ) were prepared and subjected to the accelerated incubator-storage test at 60 ºC for 12 days; samples were taken every 3 days and analyzed regarding peroxide value and conjugated dienes. The results showed that antioxidant activity of the tested treatments were: TBHQ = Mixture 1 = Mixture 2 > LSE > Control.
This paper describes the chemical composition and acetylcholinesterase inhibition of an active chromatographic fraction of the EtOAc extract of Citrus limon leaves. The composition of the active fraction presented a mixture of two coumarins, 5,8-dimethoxy-psoralen and 5,7- dimethoxycoumarin, identified by ¹H and ¹³C NMR data analysis, including DEPT, COSY, HMBC and HSQC experiments. It was also demonstrated that this mixture presents qualitative and quantitative AChE inhibition. In vitro studies indicated a CE50 value of 340 µg/mL with 95% of confidence. In vivo studies (10 and 25 mg/kg) revealed inhibition of 30.09 and 30.06% of AChE activity in relation to neostigmine, respectively.
Polyketides and non-ribosomal peptides are natural products widely found in bacteria, fungi and plants. The biological activities associated with these metabolites have attracted special attention in biopharmaceutical studies. Polyketide synthases act similarly to fatty acids synthetases and the whole multi-enzymatic set coordinating precursor and extending unit selection and reduction levels during chain growth. Acting in a similarly orchestrated model, non-ribosomal peptide synthetases biosynthesize NRPs. PKSs-I and NRPSs enzymatic modules and domains are collinearly organized with the parent gene sequence. This arrangement allows the use of degenerated PCR primers to amplify targeted regions in the genes corresponding to specific enzymatic domains such as ketosynthases and acyltransferases in PKSs and adenilation domains in NRPSs. Careful analysis of these short regions allows the classifying of a set of organisms according to their potential to biosynthesize PKs and NRPs. In this work, the biosynthetic potential of a set of 13 endophytic actinobacteria from Citrus reticulata for producing PKs and NRP metabolites was evaluated. The biosynthetic profile was compared to antimicrobial activity. Based on the inhibition promoted, 4 strains were considered for cluster analysis. A PKS/NRPS phylogeny was generated in order to classify some of the representative sequences throughout comparison with homologous genes. Using this approach, a molecular fingerprint was generated to help guide future studies on the most promising strains.
Seedlings of 41 different citrus species and varieties were massively colonized with the citrus brown aphid Toxoptera citricidus, obtained from Pêra sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) trees, presenting symptoms of the "Capão Bonito" complex of the Citrus tristeza virus (CTV). The objective was to evaluate resistance or tolerance of the varieties to that virus complex, but even after eight months of inoculation no stem pitting was observed in the plants. Otherwise, the presence of galls similar to those induced by the vein enation-woody gall disease was observed in 73% of the plants of Volkamer Palermo (Citrus volkameriana), 60% of the Volkamer Catania 2, 2% of the Rangpur Lime D.22.30 (Citrus limonia), 13% of the Volkamer Australian Red, the Rangpur Lime hybrid, the Orlando tangelo (Citrus reticulata x Citrus paradisi) and the Florida Rough lemon (C. jambhiri), and 7% of the Carrizo citrange (Poncirus trifoliata x Citrus sinensis). The highest incidence and the largest gall size were observed in the Palermo Volkamer showing that this clone would be the most suitable to be used as an indicator plant in biological indexing tests for the disease. There are no previous reports in the literature about the occurrence of woody galls in Orlando tangelo and Carrizo citrange.
A tristeza causada pelo vírus da tristeza dos citros (Citrus tristeza virus, CTV) é uma das principais viroses dos citros (Citrus spp.) no Brasil. Alguns autores têm utilizado a intensidade de caneluras produzidas nos ramos para selecionar plantas com resistência ao vírus. Neste trabalho foi avaliada a reação de porta-enxertos híbridos, provenientes do programa de melhoramento genético de citros da Embrapa Mandioca e Fruticultura ao CTV e elaboradas duas escalas, uma fotográfica e outra diagramática, para quantificação de resistência ao CTV. Entre os porta-enxertos avaliados, a maioria apresentou poucas caneluras, sendo portanto considerados resistentes à tristeza. Verificou-se a manutenção da resistência ao vírus nos híbridos produzidos a partir de progenitores que possuíam algum nível de resistência.
The spatial dynamics of Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC) was studied in a five-year old commercial orchard of 'Valencia' sweet orange (Citrus sp.) trees, located in the northern region of the state of São Paulo, Brazil. One thousand trees were assessed in 25 rows of 40 trees, planted at 8 x 5 m spacing. Disease incidence data were taken beginning in March 1994 and ending in January 1996, at intervals of four to five months. Disease aggregation was observed through the dispersion index analysis (Ib), which was calculated by dividing the area into quadrants. CVC spatial dynamics was examined using semivariogram analysis, which revealed that the disease was aggregated in the field forming foci of 10 to 14 m. For each well-fitted model, a kriging map was created to better visualize the distribution of the disease. The spherical model was the best fit for the data in this study. Kriging maps also revealed that the incidence of CVC increased in periods during which the trees underwent vegetative growth, coinciding with greater expected occurrence of insect vectors of the bacterium in the field.
Nove isolados de Phytophthora obtidos da rizosfera de laranjeiras (Citrus sinensis) infetadas, em Alagoas, foram caracterizados com base na morfologia da colônia, morfologia e morfometria das estruturas reprodutivas, e no crescimento em diferentes temperaturas. Todas as culturas apresentaram-se heterotálicas; esporângios papilados, ovóides ou subesféricos, medindo 24,6 - 78,7 µm de comprimento (média=49,1µm) x 16,4 - 49,2 µm de largura (média=33,3 µm), com uma relação comprimento/largura de 1,1 - 2,3 (média=1,5); clamidósporos principalmente terminais, apresentando 13,1 - 45,9 µm de diâmetro (média=27,3 µm). Oogônios globosos, com 14,8 - 34,4 µm de diâmetro (média=26,4 µm) contendo oósporos apleuróticos, medindo 11,5 - 29,5 µm de diâmetro (média=22,7 µm). Anterídios em posição anfígena, medindo 6,6 - 16,7 µm de comprimento (média= 10,6 µm) e 8,2 - 16,7 µm de largura (média=12,0 µm). O maior crescimento micelial ocorreu entre 25 e 30 ºC em meio de cenoura-ágar modificado. Todos os isolados cresceram a 35 ºC e foram patogênicos às mudas de limão (Citrus limonia) 'Cravo' e aos frutos de laranja 'Pêra'. Todos os isolados foram identificados como P. nicotianae (= P. parasitica), pertencentes ao tipo compatível A1.
After the introduction of citrus leafminer in São Paulo State, an increase in the number of new plants infected with citrus canker has been observed. The interaction between these two organisms is known, but there is no information about how the leafminer damage intensifies citrus canker incidence and severity. The objectives of this paper were to evaluate the effects of leafminer damage in citrus canker infection and its influence on the monocyclic components of the disease on Citrus limonia. Higher incidence of diseased plants, AUDPC (area under the disease progress curve), disease severity and shorter incubation periods were observed in plants inoculated after insect infestation. These factors explain the association found between the higher citrus canker intensity and the damage caused by the insect and show, albeit partially, the consequences of these changes in the spread of the pathogen under natural conditions of infection.
Viroids, non-protein-coding small (246-401 nt) circular single-stranded RNAs with autonomous replication, are currently classified into two families. Within the family Pospiviroidae, Citrus exocortis viroid (CEVd) belongs to the genus Pospiviroid while Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) is the single member of the genus Hostuviroid. These pathogens are distributed worldwide and infect a large number of hosts. In Brazil, isolates of CEVd and HSVd have been detected in both citrus and grapevine. To characterize and study the genetic variability of these viroids, total RNA from leaves of grapevine Vitis vinifera 'Cabernet Sauvignon' and V. labrusca 'Niagara Rosada' from Bento Gonçalves, RS, was used as a template for RT-PCR amplification with specific primers for the five viroids described infecting grapevines [HSVd, CEVd, Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 1 (GYSVd-1), Grapevine yellow speckle viroid 2 (GYSVd-2) and Australian grapevine viroid (AGVd)]. Leaf samples of Citrus medica infected with CEVd from São Paulo were also analyzed. The resulting products were separated by agarose gel electrophoresis and DNA fragments of the expected size were eluted, cloned and sequenced. The grapevine samples analyzed were doubly infected by CEVd and HSVd. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the Brazilian grapevine HSVd variants clustered with other grapevine HSVd variants, forming a specific group separated from citrus variants, whereas the Brazilian CEVd variants clustered with other citrus and grapevine variants.
Realizou-se estudo para caracterização e verificação da diversidade genética de Phytophthora parasitica, agente causador da gomose dos citros. Quatorze isolados de Phytophthora parasitica, provenientes do Estado de São Paulo, foram seqüenciados a partir das regiões internas transcritas (ITS1 e ITS2) do gene 5.8S. Obtiveram-se seqüências de 812 pb a 860 pb que foram comparadas com seqüências de outras espécies de Phytophthora spp depositadas no NCBI. Foram feitos estudos filogenéticos, utilizando-se o método "neighbor-joining" com 1000 "bootstrap" e construído o dendrograma mais representativo. Obtiveram-se os resultados de 98,88% a 100% de similaridade genética entre os 14 isolados paulistas, e 99,5% a 98,8% entre estes e a seqüência de P. nicotianae (gi| 8927482) obtida do GenBank NCBI.
Citrus leprosis is considered the main viral disease for the Brazilian citrus production, particularly for the State of São Paulo, due to the high costs spent for the chemical control of its vector, the tenuipalpid mite Brevipalpus phoenicis. In addition, its global importance has significantly increased in the last years, with the dissemination of the virus to new countries in South and Central America. In Brazil, despite its economical importance and occurrence for more than seven decades, the most significant advances towards understanding the pathosystem interactions have been obtained only in the last ten years. This review focuses on various aspects of the disease, beginning with a historical view, its main characteristics, alternatives for its control, its increasing economical importance in Brazil and abroad, and the new data on the search for understanding the interactions amongst the mite vector, the virus, and the plant host.