102 resultados para Agua-Derechos-México
Las estadísticas oficiales informaron que en 2008 se cultivaron 264 944 ha con valor de la producción de $ 14 741 millones de pesos, en 20 frutales de clima templado; mientras que, en 35 tropicales y subtropicales fue de 1 822748 ha con valor de $ 43 463 millones de pesos. De los 55 frutales, sólo naranjo (Citrus sinensis), mango (Mangifera indica), Aguacate (Persea americana), limón mexicano (C. aurantifolia), banano (Musa acuminata), lima persa (C. latifolia) y manzano (Malus domestica) se cultivan más de 50 000 ha, lo que explica porque es limitada la oferta de frutas en las grandes ciudades (Distrito Federal, Monterrey, Guadalajara, Puebla, Veracruz, entre otras). Considerando que el 79,27% de la superficie plantada con frutales tropicales y subtropicales es de temporal, las densidades de plantación son bajas, la propagación de plantas no se hace en viveros certificados (sólo cítricos), los rendimientos son bajos en comparación con otros países productores. Por otra parte, debido a la falta de técnicos capacitados, en los últimos 28 años la demanda de fruta se ha solucionado incrementando la superficie plantada, pero los rendimientos han disminuido. La presencia de nuevas enfermedades; Huanglongbing, Meleira, Sunblotch, plantean nuevos retos y también posibilidades si utilizamos los avances tecnológicos. La fruticultura es una alternativa viable pero deben utilizar altas densidades, árboles de porte bajo, plantas de origen genético conocido y calidad fitosanitaria probada que permitan tener mayores rendimientos y con ello competitividad.
La importancia económica de las especies de la familia Annonaceae en México es diversa y no se restringe a las especies comestibles, pues además incluye especies con propiedades aromáticas para la extracción de aceites esenciales, medicinales, insecticidas y tóxicos a peces. En general esta familia no se ha formalizado agronómica ni económicamente, sin embargo, presenta grandes perspectivas dentro de programas de mejoramiento genético, en el uso como portainjertos o bien como cultivos alternativos. Las principales plagas asociadas al género Annona son: Bephratelloides cubensis Ashmead, Cerconota anonella Sepp., Corythuca gossypii Fab., Planococcus citri, Chrysobotris sp., Talponia batesi Heinrich., Acantocephala femorata Fab.. Las principales enfermedades de las anonáceas reportadas son: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz, Rhizopusstolonifer Ehr., Phyllosticta sp., Pestalotia sp., Macrophoma sp., Fusarium sp y Phytopthora sp.. Siendo la primera la principal enfermedad de mayor importancia en el cultivo del guanábano dado que disminuye el rendimiento y calidad de los frutos. En chirimoyo y guanábano es muy poca la información bibliográfica existente sobre plagas y enfermedades, y en las demás especies de Annona es nula. No se han realizado evaluaciones de las pérdidas que ocasionan las plagas y enfermedades en las Anonáceas, ocasionando un desconocimiento pleno sobre los daños ocasionados por este factor biótico.
El estado de Veracruz tiene una superficie de 71' 227 km². Cuenta con una zona potencialmente apta para el cultivo del guanábano de 18' 440 ha, (0.21%), una zona medianamente propicia de 3' 645 324 ha (51.30%) y una zona no apropiada de 3' 458 862 ha, (48.44%). Existen 20 municipios productores de guanábano en el estado de Veracruz. Actualmente la demanda por este producto ha permitido su incremento en superficie estimándose en 800 ha, en estos últimos años. Con un rendimiento aproximado de 5.0 ton/ha, por debajo de la media nacional que es de 6.5 ton/ha, esto refleja la poco tecnología empleada en el manejo del cultivo. Lamentablemente el desarrollo de este frutal en Veracruz se ha realizado de una manera desordenada. Todo ello, sin ninguna planeación y sin un estudio sobre un ordenamiento agroecológico a fin de detectar áreas potencialmente aptas para este cultivo. A pesar de toda esta complejidad se ha llegado a considerar como un frutal digno de atención por las posibilidades agroindustriales que representa. En general son tres los principales puntos prioritarios a tomar en cuenta para esta estrategia de desarrollo: Primero las características genéticas del material de propagación. Segundo las condiciones de sanidad de las plantas, principal factor que podría ser limitativo para el desarrollo del guanábano. Tercero la tecnología de producción. Existe desconocimiento en la lámina e intervalo riego, época; dosis y fuente de fertilización; época y tipo de poda. Existe una gran fortaleza en su aprovechamiento integral de este frutal: comercial, industrial, medicinal, farmacéutico, fitotóxico, alimenticio, entre otras propiedades.
Se presenta un análisis sobre la conservación y el uso de los recursos genéticos de especies frutales de la familia Annonaceae en México. El diagnóstico realizado en 2010 por la Red de Anonáceas (REMA) del Sistema Nacional de Recursos Fitogenéticos (SINAREFI) sirvió para tal fin y fue complementado por estudios recientes. Partimos de una revisión de registros de herbarios de la Red Mundial de Información sobre Biodiversidad (REMIB) además de recoger información con productores de comunidades rurales y recorridos de campo en estados del país donde las anonáceas se distribuyen. En México se encuentran 14 géneros y 63 especies de Annonaceae distribuidas principalmente en regiones tropicales del Sureste de México. La conservación in situ es esporádica, se está dando en huertos de traspatio para la guanábana (Annona muricata), chirimoya (A. cherimola), chincuya (A. purpurea) y saramuyo (A. squamosa) principalmente. La anona (A. reticulata), ilama (A. diversifolia) y chincuya (A. purpurea) son fomentadas pero no multiplicadas. La conservación ex situ se mantiene en bancos de germoplasma in vivo o colecciones de trabajo para guanábana (30 colectas), chirimoya (70 colectas) e ilama (100 colectas) solamente. Las semillas de estas especies no son ortodoxas y su conservación a mediano y largo plazo no está resuelta en México. El potencial de cultivo para este grupo de frutales es alto pero problemas de falta de variedades, fitosanidad, falta de tecnología y mercados reducidos limitan el cultivo comercial.
Thermospray flame furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) was used for the total determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in fresh water and seawater samples at µg L-1 levels, and in marine sediment samples at µg g-1 levels. Using a sample loop of 50 µL and a peristaltic pump the samples were transported into the metallic tube placed over an air/acetylene flame, through a ceramic capillary (o.d. = 3.2 mm) containing two parallel internal orifices (i.d = 0.5 mm). The detection limits determined for Cd, Pb and Zn using a synthetic water matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2) were 0.32 µg L-1; 2.6 µg L-1 and 0.21 µg L-1 respectively. The methodology by TS-FF-AAS was validated by determination of Cd, Pb and Zn in certified reference materials of water and marine sediment, and the t-test for differences between means was applied. No statistically significant differences were established in fresh water and seawater (p>0.05), whereas differences became apparent in marine sediment (p<0.03).
The thermodynamics of molal partitioning of ketoprofen (KTP) was studied in cyclohexane/buffer (CH/W), octanol/buffer (ROH/W), and dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC), dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (DPPC), and egg lecithin (EGG/W) liposome systems. In all cases the partition coefficients (Kmo/w)were greater than unity; therefore the standard free energies of transfer were negative indicating affinity of KTP for organic media. The Kmo/w values were approximately seventy-fold higher in the ROH/W system compared with the CH/W system. On the other hand, the Kmo/w values were approximately ten or fifty-fold higher in the liposomes compared with the ROH/W system. In all cases, the standard enthalpies and entropies of transfer of KTP were positive indicating some degree of participation of the hydrophobic hydration on partitioning processes.
The deviations observed in the solubility of ibuprofen (IBP) and naproxen (NAP) in propylene glycol (PG) + water (W) cosolvent mixtures with respect to the logarithmic-linear model proposed by Yalkowsky have been analyzed at 25.00 ± 0.05 ºC. Negative deviations were obtained in all cosolvent compositions for both drugs; they were greater for IBP. Another treatment, based on Gibbs free energy relationships, was also employed showing an apparent hydrophobicity chameleonic effect, because at low PG proportions NAP is more hydrophobic, whereas at high PG proportions IBP is more hydrophobic. The results are discussed in terms of solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions.
The dissolution enthalpy (ΔH0soln) of sodium sulfacetamide in water was determined by means of isoperibolic solution calorimetry. It was found that ΔH0soln diminishes as the drug concentration increases. Otherwise, the calorimetric values obtained as a function of the drug concentration were significantly different than those predicted by the van't Hoff method. It was demonstrated that the later is not a fully reliable method for the determination of ΔH0soln values in the specific case of highly soluble sodium salts. The observed phenomenon could be explained by the presence of strong solute-solute interactions at high salt concentrations, in addition to solute-solvent and solvent-solvent interactions.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is a monomer used in epoxy resin and polycarbonate manufacture. This molecule is considered as an endocrine disruptor that causes different diseases. The human exposition to this non biodegrable substance is increasing in the time; in particular, water is contaminated by industrial remainder flow. In this article heterogeneous photo degradation of a solution of BPA in water solution using a catalytic photo reactor with UV light and titanium dioxide (TiO2) was evaluated. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to analyze the photo degradation of BPA solutions. The influence of titanium dioxide amount, BPA concentration, reaction temperature and the catalyst state like suspension and immobilized were also determinated. The highest elimination of BPA was 83.2%, in 240 min, beginning with 0.05 mM of BPA and 100 mg/L of TiO2 in suspension.
Extended Hildebrand Solubility Approach (EHSA) developed by Martin et al. was applied to evaluate the solubility of ketoprofen (KTP) in ethanol + water cosolvent mixtures at 298.15 K. Calculated values of molar volume and solubility parameter for KTP were used. A good predictive capacity of EHSA was found by using a regular polynomial model in order five to correlate the W interaction parameter and the solubility parameters of cosolvent mixtures (δmix). Nevertheless, the deviations obtained in the estimated solubilities with respect to the experimental solubilities were on the same order like those obtained directly by means of an empiric regression of the logarithmic experimental solubilities as a function of δmix values.
Stochastic exploration of the potential energy surface of (ethanol)4-water heteropentamers through simulated annealing calculations was used to find probable structures of these clusters. Subsequent geometry optimization with the B3LYP/6-31+G(d) approach of these initial structures led to 13 stable heteropentamers. The strength of the hydrogen bonds of the type O"H-O (primary) and their spatial arrangements seem to be responsible for the geometric preferences and the high stability of these heteropentamers. This result is a consequence of the presence of the cooperative effects among such interactions. There is no significant influence of the secondary hydrogen bonds (C"H-O) on the stability of the heteropentamers.
A flow injection on-line pre-concentration system coupled to thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) for cadmium determination at sub μg L-1 levels in seawater samples was developed. The on-line system was evaluated by analysing cadmium containing in a synthetic seawater matrix (2.5% m/v NaCl, 0.5% m/v MgCl2 and 0.8% m/v CaCl2). A sample volume of 2 mL allows determining Cd with a detection limits of 30 ng L-1 (3* σblank/slope), pre-concentration factor of 34 and repeatability of 1,8% (calculated as RSD, N=8 and containing 200 ng L-1 of Cd ).
The use of fatty acids (FAs) as amphiphiles is very important because they have a behaving similar to surfactants. The formulation for the preferential partition of these species was studied by varying the amount of salt at constant acid concentration. As the salt concentration increases, a Winsor I→III→II transition is observed for all the systems studied. Furthermore, the electrolyte concentration required to obtain the optimum formulation varies inversely with the chain length of the acid. The partition coefficient of the surfactant allows one to obtain thermodynamic information on the acid transfer process between the phases of the system.
This paper reports the synthesis of nanostructured hydrogels of acrylamide by a two-step polymerisation process. The first step is performed by inverse microemulsion polymerization (water-in-oil) of N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPA), with these particles then added to aqueous solutions of acrylamide (AM), adding a crosslinking agent. The polymerization reaction is then initiated, thereby producing nanostructured hydrogels. We determined the capacity to absorb water, water and / or ethanol when nanostructured hydrogels were immersed in aqueous solutions with different concentrations of ethanol. It was found that the hydrogels were selective in absorbing water in all cases increasing with the ethanol concentration of the solutions.
The phase behavior of an alcohol polyethoxylated surfactant with decane and dodecane oil phase varying the water proportion from 5 to 90% to determine compositions in which the formation of liquid crystals and microemulsions ocurred was investigated. Pseudoternary phase diagrams were built to represent the regions of liquid crystals, biphases and microemulsions. Polarized light optical microscopy was used for the analysis and characterization of the separate phases. The micrographs obtained showed characteristics of hexagonal and lamellar phases of liquid crystal, isotropic phases, microemulsions and vesicles. This study is important to propose hypothesis regarding the factors determining the formation and stability of phases composed by surfactant/oil/water systems.